"Okay, okay, if that's the case, then I'll tidy it up for you, but I can't guarantee that it will be useful, and what's more, you have to be careful with this person." Chu Yi didn't take Li Xin's words seriously.

He also has a way of judging people.

"Okay, okay, let's go."

Chu Yi waved his hand, turned around and left.

Leaving Li Xin alone in place.

Chu Yi now has an idea, that is to recruit this Linghu Feng under his own name.

He always felt that this Linghu Feng was unfathomable.

He's not just a history buff.

Ordinary history lovers, no matter whether they are interested in official history or unofficial history, cannot reach this level.

There are only two kinds of people who can have such a deep understanding of this never-before-seen history.

One is people who make up nonsense and run the train with their mouths full of words.

The second is that I have really understood it in depth, and a bold conjecture appeared in Chu Yi's mind.

However, he quickly overturned this conjecture, because he himself felt that it was absurd, and such a thing was simply impossible.

A few days passed by in a hurry, and the ancient tomb was being dug normally without any surprising discoveries.

The huge building has gradually revealed its true face.

is a statue.

Other than that, the ancient corpse and the ancient sword were not unusual either.

Chu Yi's guess was wrong. The facial features of the ancient corpse did not change after that day.

This point made him a little confused.

His guess turned out to be wrong.


Chu Yi sat on the chair, talking to himself.

"Chu Yi!"

Li Xin opened the curtain and walked in.

"What, is there anything new?"

"No, it's the reporters who called names and asked you to apologize."


Chu Yi was taken aback, what kind of apology did he say?

"That's right, it's because of your nonsense that many people in the media began to criticize you. Now you are on the cusp of the storm."

Li Xin's words made Chu Yi smile slightly.

"Oh? It seems that I'm still famous?"

"Chu Yi, can you look at this matter squarely?"

Li Xin looked helpless, he was on the cusp of the storm, why was he still so calm?

"It's okay, let them talk, and their jobs will soon be lost."

Chu Yi said coldly, this is the second time he has bothered him. Although the incident is only three, the reporter is an exception.

Chu Yi put on his clothes and walked out directly.

From a distance, I saw a group of people, all in the dark, carrying long guns and short cannons.

Chu Yi didn't wrinkle, and took out his mobile phone. He was ready to kill these people's jobs at any time.

"Look! The legendary Chu Yi has come out!"

"Excuse me, what progress has been made in the excavation of this ancient tomb after you have done it?"

"Excuse me, why hasn't there been any progress in the excavation of the ancient tomb for so long?"

"Excuse me, how do you feel about this situation? You are now on the cusp of the storm. What do you want to say in the face of people's doubts?"


Chu Yi walked up step by step, and everyone wanted to put the microphone into Chu Yi's mouth.

"I have nothing to say."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"How can there be nothing to say? You must be responsible for your words and deeds!"

"Yes, since you have become such a person, you must be cautious in your words and deeds!"

"At first glance, this person has no one to take revenge. Look at this posture, where is there any leadership posture?"

"That's right, I can't even speak in an official accent."


Chu Yi smiled lightly, but did not answer these people's questions.

"You're going to be out of a job soon."

"What do you mean?"

The reporters were taken aback.

Chu Yi's words really made them confused.

"It literally means that your jobs are about to be lost, and the jobs of everyone present are about to be lost."

This sentence was more lethal than the words just now, and the crowd was instantly noisy.

The live broadcast was not started this time. Their original purpose was to conduct malicious editing, and their purpose was to bring Chu Yi down.

As media people, they naturally want to win everyone's attention.

"You kid, it's a fantasy to say such a thing!"

"Hahaha, no matter what we say, we are older than you. Even if you are the person in charge of excavating this ancient tomb, you should at least give us respect, right? You have no education at all."

Chu Yi sneered, could it be that he didn't respect them?

He picked up his cell phone and dialed Han Liguo.

"Xiao Chu? What's the matter?"

"Uncle Han, is it difficult to let some reporters lose their jobs?"

"Why did you ask this suddenly?" Han Liguo was also a little surprised, not knowing what Chu Yi meant.

"Just say, is it difficult?"

"It's not difficult. It's just some reporters. They can be easily removed from the stage. Oh, I remembered. Your tone of voice is not very good recently. It seems that you are on the cusp of public opinion."

"That's right, let the journalists who went out to the suburbs today to report lose their jobs."

"Is that all?"

"Well, that's all."

"Okay, I'll satisfy you in 10 minutes."

Han Liguo hung up the phone, and Chu Yi sneered.

The reporters were blown away.

"Cups, huh? And put us out of work, who do you think you are?"

"Hahaha, the last person who uttered wild words is already so cold."

"The current era is not the era of 'my father is Li Gang'!"

"I just watched you fill the cup quietly"

Chu Yi looked at the time silently, without saying a word, and let the flashlight point at him.

He wants these reporters to know that not everything can be reported casually.

Not everyone can be smeared by them casually.

Today, he wants to seek justice for those who have been wronged by reporters.

"Jingle Bell"

Among the reporters, someone's cell phone rang.

The man picked up the phone, and his face darkened instantly.

But no one paid attention to it.

"Jingle Bell"

"Jingle Bell"

"Jingle Bell"


The cell phone rang continuously.

"Fuck! I'm really fired!"

"What? You got fired too! I got fired too!"

"Me too. I have been working hard for so many years, but I was dismissed with one sentence, and this month's salary was deducted!"

"Oh my God!"


Everyone was astonished, and then looked at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi shrugged, and immediately said coldly: "I said earlier, you will be fired, why don't you believe it?"

"Fuck, it's really you"

"How dare you do that, don't you know?"

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