"I have a photo of your ancient sword in my hand, have you forgotten?" Li Xin's words were without a trace of emotion, and sounded extremely serious, not like a joke.

This time, it was Chu Yi's turn to be silent.

He didn't know what Li Xin meant.

Could it be that his ancient sword is a fake?

"You mean, this ancient sword is fake? You kid, you are really brave"

"Listen to me." Li Xin drank his saliva and said slowly, "Someone is injured."


Chu Yi was stunned, was someone injured?

Could it be that in this ancient tomb, there are still big zongzi like those shown in TV dramas?

Chu Yi was a little dazed. He really didn't know much about this aspect.

It can be said that they do not know at all.

"It was the ancient sword that hurt someone."


Chu Yi couldn't hold back, and laughed.

"The ancient sword hurts people? Are you kidding me? An ancient sword, how could it hurt people? Please, my good sister, make up jokes and be serious."

Li Xin shrugged helplessly, and continued in a low voice: "It's true. I didn't lie to you, Gu Jian. I did hurt someone. I can guarantee this."

Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, the tone, could it be true?

"How to shoot and hurt people."

"It flew straight up and pierced through the chest."


Chu Yi even felt a little weird. He had never encountered such a situation before, it was too outrageous.

"Do you think it's a little outrageous? Even we think it's outrageous. We wouldn't believe it if it wasn't for the videos and photos of the scene."

Li Xin sighed.

"I'll go back as soon as I can."

"Well, there are indeed some problems with this matter. Where is your ancient sword now?"

"In the car."

Chu Yi was shocked suddenly, he actually forgot such a treasure that he carried with him.

The vehicle was still left at the foot of the mountain.


"Forget it, I won't explain it to you. Anyway, the current situation is not very optimistic."

"Need support?"

"Heh, you come here, and you are also the masters who are sending you to death. I have fallen, but I still fell into the hands of some stinky fish and rotten shrimps."

Chu Yi was a little unwilling, but he could only accept his fate.

"Okay, come back as soon as possible."

"Will do."

Chu Yi hung up the phone, thinking about Gu Jian's attack and wounding people.

He remembered what Boss KM said again.

"time is limited!"

Chu Yi murmured and frowned.

And at this moment, Zhang Yuru knocked on the door and walked in.

"Didn't bother you?"

"Where will it be, why, do you have something to do with me?"

Chu Yi stared at Zhang Yuru, making her a little embarrassed.

Because Zhang Yuru took off the black silk, although her beautiful legs were not set off by the black silk, they were still very white and straight.

It made Chu Yi look a little excited.

"Sit down."

After Zhang Yuru heard it, she sat beside Chu Yi and lowered her head.

"what happened?"

Chu Yi looked at Zhang Yuru's face, very puzzled.


Zhang Yuru sobbed softly.

"It's okay, it's a big deal, and I don't blame you. This trip is completely self-inflicted, and you don't tell me, your Zhang family is so strong."

Chu also joked.

Zhang Yuru never looked up, her face full of guilt.

In fact, Chu Yi didn't feel any better.

From the top, I was beaten into the bottom all of a sudden.

"I'm fine, my master is here, they won't do anything to me."

Chu Yi held Zhang Yuru in his arms and patted Zhang Yuru's shoulder lightly.

Bursts of fragrance floated into Chu Yi's nose, but Chu Yi felt a little strange.

This scent is not like a perfume, but like a herb.

He seemed to have smelled it on Qingcang Mountain.

But he didn't make a sound, but took advantage of Zhang Yuru himself.

Zhang Yuru did not resist, but sobbed softly in Chu Yi's arms.

"I will not interfere with your relationship with the family. You can decide this matter yourself. After all, you are not a child anymore."

Zhang Yuru nodded slightly, then raised her red and swollen eyes and asked, "Chu Yi, have you ever been tempted?"

Chu Yi was stunned for a moment.

What does it mean to be moved by yourself.

Seeing Chu Yi's expression, Zhang Yuru immediately understood something.

Chu also knew that Zhang Yuru was a relatively introverted girl. Although she was very cheerful when she sold the house, it was all forced and helpless, not her true self.

"How should I answer this? I seem to have been attracted to many women."

Zhang Yuru chuckled, isn't this the straight man of steel?

"Yuru, you know, I just like to take advantage."

"Just kidding you."

Zhang Yuru looked a little disappointed, but Chu didn't see it.

"I am a person who attracts bees and attracts butterflies, attracts flowers and teases grass, and is just a philandering radish. Sometimes, don't take it to heart."

Chu also let go of Zhang Yuru.

He provoked too many girls.

"Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you." Zhang Yuru nodded, then got up and left silently.

Chu Yi looked at Zhang Yuru's back, and for a moment, he wanted to slap himself two big mouths.

What is my answer!

After a sleepless night, Lin Qingying finally reached an agreement with the Zhang family the next day.

The Zhang family agreed to let Chu Yi go, and Lin Qingying, who was not a master to mess with, also took a lot of benefits.

The Zhang family was forced to have no choice but to give the antidote to Chu Yi, and Chu Yi also learned a lot about the statue.

He is very curious about the legend of the Zhang family.

But that kidnapper kept his mouth shut, no matter what Lin Qingying said, he didn't reveal any information.

This made Chu Yi quite helpless.

Everyone left Zhang's house. To Chu Yi's surprise, Zhang Yuru was not with him.

She stayed in the Zhang family.

"Perhaps this is the best home."

Holding the torn stack of parchment in his hand, Chu Yi couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

Although I have suffered a lot of grievances these days, as long as I get something useful, it will be worth it.

"Chu Yi, where are you going?"

"I'm going back to Binhai."

Chu Yi immediately made a decision.

Lin Qingying nodded, and then said: "There are a lot of masters recently, don't cause trouble for me everywhere, this time, I can protect you, but next time, it may not be so, now, I know what the real strength is Bar?"

Chu Yi was taken aback, his master actually made fun of him.

"Don't worry, I will take revenge for these grudges."

Chu Yi clenched his fists tightly. He also knew how important it was to improve his own strength.

"Okay, just leave it alone."

Lin Qingying got into another car, and Chu Yi drove away alone.

This time, he wants to find out what the secret of this ancient sword is, as well as the weird incident of the ancient sword wounding people.

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