Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 256 Killing Cheng Yaojin Halfway

Chu Yi took a hard look, and it turned out to be a handsome man.

Lin Qingying was also taken aback, she never expected that such a young man would dare to speak to this kidnapper like this.

"Why are you here? Go back to the house quickly."

Zhang Guaizi looked a little ugly, and quickly raised his crutches.

"Oh? Lame Zhang, who is this? In this family, someone dares to treat you like this?" Lin Qingying joked quickly, watching the excitement.

"I have seen everyone in Qingcang Mountain."

The man was young and had a lot of manners, which made Lin Qingying a little dazed.

You know, at this age, you are still very immature, and the person in front of you can actually have such a posture, it is really not to be underestimated.

Lin Qingying took a step forward, and Chu Yi also stood up with difficulty. At this time, his face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were completely black.

Lin Qingying couldn't help frowning, she didn't know what the Zhang family had done to Chu Yi, but she knew that she must seek justice for Chu Yi.

"Who let you out!"

Zhang Guaizi's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately cursed angrily.

"What? I'm starting to regret it now?"

Lin Qingying was at a loss, and had no idea what these people were talking about.

"Don't be so mysterious, you two, are you singing oboe here?"

Lin Qingying couldn't help it anymore, she looked like a fool if she went on like this, she didn't want to spend too much time entangled with this family.

Because she found that none of the Zhang family seemed to be normal.

Although the name of Qingcang Mountain is very big, the Zhang family should not be underestimated.

The Zhang family is not an ordinary family, but a sect handed down from ancient times.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingying quickly said in a cold voice: "Cripple Zhang, the matter of my apprentice should be settled."

"I've made it clear, the Zhang family, I don't owe you Qingcangshan. If you want to fight, then go ahead. Do you think that I will be as afraid of you as those gangsters?"

Zhang Kuizi swayed, and took a few steps forward leaning on his crutches.

That young man made Lin Qingying fall into deep thought.

What is the identity of Cheng Yaojin who suddenly appeared.

Why would Zhang Guaizi avoid this matter so much?

She was a little puzzled.

"Why don't you introduce me? Who is this kid?" Lin Qingying sneered and asked directly.

"It's just the Zhang family's family affairs, it's not your turn to worry about it as an outsider!"

Zhang Guaizi scolded sharply.

"I'm Zhang Feng."

"You bastard, get the hell out of here!"

Zhang Guaizi was emotional, while Zhang Feng looked at Zhang Guaizi coldly.

"Why don't we make a deal?"

Zhang Feng looked at Lin Qingying.

"You said."

Lin Qingying was quite curious.

"I can help you, and the Zhang family will definitely fail miserably, but you must give me one thing I want, and this thing is on your beloved disciple."

Zhang Feng's words made Zhang Guaizi dumbfounded.

"Get out of here!"

Zhang Guaizi growled.

"What? Are you scared?" Zhang Feng was a little dismissive.

"Why should I trust you?"

"Just because I am the Suzerain of the Zhang Family!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, this kid is really mentally ill. I didn't want to believe it before, but this time I saw it, it really is like this."

"You are the suzerain, if you are the suzerain, then I am too!"

"Look at how the old man will execute him. I thought that Zhang Feng was a little stimulated by going out to perform a mission. I didn't expect that he was so stupid."


Facing the ridicule of everyone, Zhang Feng did not panic at all.

Instead, he smiled charmingly, and this smile was quite creepy for everyone to see.

"You Zhang Family, it's over."

Zhang Feng's words made everyone angry.

Zhang Guaizi was already in a state of desperation, and he suddenly realized that he had made the most wrong choice not to kill Zhang Feng.

"The Zhang family seems to have a lot of secrets." Lin Qingying smiled slightly, looking at Zhang Guaizi's face with curiosity.

"Heh, even if there is, it's not something you Qingcang Mountain can defile!"


At this moment, thunder suddenly broke out, and everyone held their breaths, for fear that someone would strike first.

But as a result, not only did no one make a move, even Zhang Guaizi fell silent.

"Boss Lin, why do we have to fight each other? Your disciple also killed members of my Zhang family, and he was punished. Why don't we sit down and have a peaceful talk?"

"With you? Can you be calm?"

Lin Qingying said disdainfully.

Seeing that Lin Qingying was still the same as before, Zhang Guaizi couldn't help being very sullen.

"Boss Lin, you know, once you and I fight, it will be of no benefit to anyone, what do you think?"

"Well, I think so too."

"Then isn't this something everyone is happy about? How about you rest for a night first?"

Lin Qingying nodded silently.

But who knows, that Zhang Feng is not a good material either, so he immediately yelled angrily.


"Are you looking for death!"

Someone couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed up immediately, trying to subdue Zhang Feng.


With just one punch, Zhang Feng knocked the man down.

"Zhang Feng! Don't go too far!"

Zhang Guaizi said coldly, but he also avoided Zhang Feng's sharp edge.

At this point, Lin Qingying was a little puzzled.

She knows Zhang Guaizi's strength, but Zhang Feng, is it also amazing?Zhang Guaizi actually didn't want to provoke this person.

"It's too much, so what?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Guaizi rushed up and directly gave Zhang Feng a grappling technique.

On the other hand, Zhang Feng had a sneer on his face, as if he was not afraid of this kidnapper's capture at all.

"Today I must let you be more honest!"

Zhang Feng slammed on the ground and jumped up with Zhang Guaizi, everyone was shocked.

Zhang Feng's eyes were like stars at this time, making people dare not look directly at him.

Zhang Guaizi, on the other hand, was a little taken aback.

In just a few seconds, Zhang Feng had already pulled out a poisonous needle.


Someone in the crowd exclaimed, but Zhang Feng had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he had already stuck the poisonous needle into Zhang Guaizi's arm.

Zhang Guaizi suffered a sudden pain, and then burst out with all his strength.

He couldn't take it anymore.

Zhang Guaizi resorted to all the moves in his body, and Zhang Feng was also struggling to support himself.

But obviously, Zhang Guaizi had the upper hand.

Lin Qingying watched in amazement that Zhang Feng was able to fight back and forth with Zhang Guaizi.


Zhang Feng spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

"Drag me back to the prison, let him reflect on himself!"

Zhang Guaizi clapped his hands and smiled at Lin Qingying.

Lin Qingying frowned frequently at being so disgusted.

"Okay, let's go to rest early, and you will stay at my Zhang's house first, and you will be wronged for a night!"

Chu Yi's senior sisters immediately supported Chu Yi and followed the Zhang family's arrangement to a room.

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