Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 252 Mr. Zhang's Strategies

"Are you sure you want to humiliate me like this?"

Chu Yixie smiled charmingly, but Zhang Yuru felt a little bad, which didn't seem to be a good signal!

"Humiliate you? Hmph, do people like you still need to be respected by others?"

"That's right, it's not about humiliating you, it's about demolishing your dignity!"


Chu Yi didn't want to make a move at first, but he didn't expect that Mr. Zhang didn't show the slightest sign. He just sat on the chair and watched all this happen silently.

"Really, it is unreasonable and there is no cure."

Chu was also relieved.

Since everyone in this family has such virtues, then I don't need to worry about Zhang Yuru's face and feelings.

He looked at Zhang Yuru, who kept pursing his lips and didn't say a word.

"What? Are you scared? Want to eat soft rice? Let me tell you, it's useless to beg our eldest lady now!"

"Hahaha, you really don't look like a man at all. If I live like you, I will be ashamed!"


Chu Yi slowly raised his hand, and the steel needle in his hand stabbed out at once.


Another familiar recipe.

Chu Yi unexpectedly discovered that this kind of hidden weapon is much more fun than ordinary weapons.

He is actually a little obsessed with this feeling now.

He didn't kill him, but this person will never be able to speak for the rest of his life.

There was a muffled sound in the hall.

One of them was covering his neck, his face was terrified, his mouth was wide open, and he didn't say a word.

Everyone didn't see clearly what happened, even Mr. Zhang was shocked.

"You! What the hell did you do to him? How dare you make a surprise attack? Brothers, do it to me!"

"Did I fight with you!"

Several people immediately became angry, killing people in the Zhang family, this is not an ordinary courage.


Mr. Zhang spoke.

Chu Yi sneered, and continued: "This is my gift to your Zhang family."

A group of people gritted their teeth with hatred, but they didn't dare to act rashly without Mr. Zhang's words.

"What do you mean, lad?"

Chu also knew that this old man was asking his teacher for his crimes. After all, mutilating his family members in front of him is not something ordinary people can do.

But Chu also dared.

"What do you mean? It's just a small punishment for them. It's not bad if he didn't kill him."

Chu Yi clapped his hands and looked sideways at the group of people.

If eyes could kill, Chu Yi would have been killed thousands of times by now.

A series of gazes pierced Chu Yi's chest like sharp arrows.

But whoever is Chu is born immune to these things.

"You are so brave."

"Isn't it just a small Zhang family? What's so scary about me?"

Chu also dismissed it.

Zhang Yuru's expression also changed at the moment, and she quickly pulled the corner of La Chuyi's clothes.

"Little Zhang family? Dare to ask, what mountain did you come from?"

"You don't deserve to know my master's name."

Chu Yi stretched out a finger and shook it.

"I'll kill you!"

One person couldn't help it, and immediately flew forward, and Chu Yi was also shocked, because accompanied by a gust of wind and this swearing, a fist the size of a sandbag had already hit his face.

But Chu Yi had already opened his eyes.


With just one punch, the man flew out and hit the wall with a terrified expression on his face.

Everyone panicked now, because the man's speed was extremely fast just now, almost in half a second, the whole movement was smooth and smooth, without any delay, but Chu Yi shot directly as he could have expected, faster than that man!

They are messy.

They are the Zhang family!

He has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his martial arts skills are superb.

Mr. Zhang also looked cold and his eyes were fixed.

He could clearly see Chu Yi's movements, but he never expected that Chu Yi at such a young age could have such skill.

"What? Do you want to die so much? I won't hold back the next person."

Chu Yi's words were extremely arrogant.

But he has arrogant capital!

"Okay, it's really rare to have such abilities at such a young age, but you have to know that your skills are only average."


Chu Yi was shocked, this old man, he really couldn't see through it.

But generally this evaluation.

Is it too low

Chu Yi thought that his skills were not bad, at least in the general sect family, he could rank high.

But the old man in front of him actually gave himself a general evaluation.

"If you beat my people, you will have to pay the price. Our Zhang family is not a place where you can come and leave as soon as you say it!"

"Then what do you want?"

Chu also said provocatively.

Mr. Zhang was not angry, but calmly said again: "Where did you learn from?"

"I told you, you don't deserve to know."

"In this case, your eyes are useless."

Chu Yi was shocked physically and mentally!

Eyes are useless.

What does it mean?

Could this old man see something strange in his eyes?

"Abandoned? What do you mean?"

"People who have this disease have no other choice but to get the antidote from our Zhang family. Do you understand what I mean?"

Mr. Zhang also gave a sinister smile, and Chu Yi suddenly realized that he was still too young.

First, he shot and hurt others, but now, he threatened himself with this incident.

"Ginger is still old and spicy!"

Chu Yi sighed in his heart.

"You don't have to play tricks here, it's useless."

Zhang Yuru spoke.

"Yuru, I didn't lie to this friend of yours. You can see that there are black lines in his eyes. This kind of thing is not Gu poison, but a terminal illness!"

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yi was taken aback.

Terminally ill!

This is not a joke.

Chu Yi wants to cry but has no tears. Why is he always so unlucky? In such a few days, he has been bombed and poisoned, and now, he has another terminal illness!

"Do you think I can only rely on you? If that's the case, why should I mess with your Zhang family?"

"Young man, you are still too young."

Mr. Zhang smiled contemptuously, as if everything was under control.

"This terminal illness can only be cured by my Zhang family. Moreover, the medicine will cure the disease."

"Okay, it's all nonsense to say so much. Since I have already shot someone and hurt someone, then I must not talk about this matter, let's do it."

Chu also used a provocative method, trying to get some words out.

"You are very smart, but I just need to know where you learned from."

"Qingcang Mountain!"

Chu Yi uttered three big characters word by word.

He saw that the old man's face changed.

However, he quickly regained his composure.

"No wonder, but, this name can overwhelm ordinary aristocratic families, and it is not a threat to our Zhang family at all!"

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