"Do you want to see a doctor?" Zhang Yuru's concern made Chu Yi feel a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, this little problem, I know my own body."

Chu Yi quickly waved his hand, if he went to see a doctor for such a trivial matter, then he would still be in trouble.

Zhang Yuru still looked worried.

Although Chu Yi also thought it was strange, it would be strange if the doctor could see this situation, and there was a high probability that it was a misdiagnosis.

"Alright then, pay more attention to yourself and drink more hot water."

Chu Yi has black lines all over his head. Could it be that girls only comfort others like this?

"Okay, pack it up, we'll set off later."

After Chu Yi sent Zhang Yuru away, he was in a mess.

Because he didn't know if there was a problem with his eyes because he touched the statue.

But one thing he can be sure of now is that he is definitely not all right.

As for the black line in the eyeball, he was not sure.

An hour later, they were on their way.

Hurrying towards the direction Zhang Yuru said, Zhang Yuru himself was not sure whether the Zhang family had moved to another place or not. They could only try their luck on this trip.

Fortunately, they got it right.

A few days later, the two finally came to a small town.

"There is a lake in front of it, not far away, only a few hundred kilometers away, but surrounded by mountains on three sides, it is probably impossible to drive."

"What? You call hundreds of kilometers not far away"

Chu Yi opened his mouth wide and looked at Zhang Yuru in a daze.

"Don't interrupt, one of the Zhang family's settlements is in this mountain, but the place is beautiful, and the scale is quite large, like a villa area."

"Oh? That's interesting."

Chu is also quite interested.

He is not interested in the villa area, but in the location of this house.

What kind of aristocratic family is this? It is possible to move anytime and anywhere, and the place chosen is still a place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

He is confused.

The two rested for the night, but the black lines in Chu Yi's eyeballs became more and more obvious.

In the past few days, his mental state is obviously not as good as before.

As a woman, Zhang Yuru was naturally keenly aware, but she didn't make a sound, because Chu Yi didn't say much, and if she cared too much, she would be bored instead.

After much difficulty, the two finally came to the "villa area" that Zhang Yuru called.

Chu Yi was completely dumbfounded. What kind of villa area is this? It is obviously just a small village.

The greening of this village is pretty good, it is almost hidden by the big trees that block out the sky and the sun.

"It seems that they haven't moved away."

Before the two could walk down the mountain, one of them came out and stopped them.

"Stop, it's charged."


Chu Yi was completely confused this time.

Why still charge?

Is this a five-a-level scenic spot?

"That's right, the ticket price is one hundred per person."

"Good guy, are you regular?"

As soon as Chu Yi finished speaking, the man took out a business license.

Chu Yi was speechless now.

But when the man's eyes swept over Zhang Yuru, he was stunned.

"Yu Yuru?"

The man asked in disbelief.

Zhang Yuru had a cold expression on his face, and Chu had already seen that Zhang Yuru had indeed broken up with their family.

"Fuck! Yuru, it's really you. After all these years, once you left, there was no news!"

The man was excited, and Chu Yi also took a good look at the man in front of him. He was dressed in a fashionable style, leather jacket and leather pants.

"Why, you Zhang family, do you still miss me?"

"Go! Look at what you said. What is your Zhang family? It's our Zhang family. I'll report it now"

"No need, old man, he won't want to see me."

"How come, Mr. Zhang has been thinking about you all the time these years, no, he finally brought you back."

The man in the leather jacket ran away immediately, even forgetting about charging.

Zhang Yuru still stood there calmly, unmoved.

Chu also saw that Zhang Yuru was in a bad mood, so he didn't ask any more questions, but just stood there with Zhang Yuru, quietly waiting for the man's return.

Not long after, the man in leather came back excitedly.

"Hurry up, what are you doing standing up, come with me."

The man gave Chu Yi a wink, and Chu Yi immediately understood, pulled Zhang Yuru and walked forward.

He looked around the villa area, it was not bad, it looked quite modern, and most importantly, there were various plaques, it really looked like a group of manors.

The two of them followed the man in leather to a villa. This was a real villa. It looked expensive, but from the outside, it was indeed a bit shabby.

"Come in quickly."

The leather-clothed man was extremely enthusiastic, Zhang Yuru eased his expression, and strode in.


"Missy is back! My God, he is not with"

"Shh! Shut up, don't you see that the eldest lady's expression is wrong?"

"Yes, yes, I just didn't expect that the eldest lady would come back, and she also brought a man with her."

"Could it be her boyfriend?"


Chu Yi also frowned when he heard the discussions of the people around him.

Zhang Yuru turned out to be a young lady?

This point, he absolutely did not expect.

"Yuru, you're back."

The old man sitting on a grand teacher's chair spoke slowly, and Chu Yi looked at him. This old man still had a sense of immortality, with a long gray beard, and he was very energetic.

"What? Are you not welcome?"

Chu Yi didn't expect that Zhang Yuru's state after returning home would be completely different from before.

So domineering and cold?

Chu Yi was also taken aback in his heart. After cutting off contact with his family for so many years, he can still speak like this after returning.

"Look at what you said. Come on, come on, sit down, tell me about you, but you haven't heard from me for so many years."

The old man also sighed, and quickly gave Zhang Yuru a seat.

Chu Yi also sat down resentfully, because the old man didn't seem to care about himself.

Even he himself felt that the old man didn't seem to take him seriously.

But he didn't say anything, just sat beside Zhang Yuru lightly.

"I came back this time just to ask one thing clearly."

"Oh? It seems that you have encountered difficulties."

"You don't have to tease me like that. I'm living a prosperous life outside, and it's fun. Do you think I've encountered difficulties?"

Zhang Yuru's words made everyone present hold their breath.

Because Zhang Yuru seemed to be the only one who dared to talk to this old man like that.

That's right, this old man is her grandfather.

Zhang Yuru's parents died in an accident a few years ago.

Her attitude towards the old man also upset many people present.

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