"I'm not sure about this, but I just mentioned it casually, so don't take it to heart, by the way, be careful, curiosity killed the cat."

Zhang Yuru looked at Chu Yi and said heavily.

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person looking for trouble for nothing, don't worry."

Chu Yi smiled, but Zhang Yuru didn't say much.

After drinking and eating, Chu Yi walked out of the restaurant with a full belch.

"Come on, go home and have a look."

Chu Yi still misses the ancient statue, because he knows that something that glows out of thin air, and it is still an old thing, is definitely not a simple thing.

"Why, are you thinking about taking this treasure of mine?"

Zhang Yuru joked.

"It's nothing, I just want to solve this matter for you as soon as possible, otherwise, the longer it drags on, the worse it will be."

Chu Yi leaned close to Zhang Yuru's ear and spoke in a gloomy tone, which made her hair stand on end.

"It's broad daylight, don't scare me!"

"Hey hey hey."

When the two returned to the room, Chu Yi rested for a while, and then opened his eyes.

For some reason, Chu Yi now felt a tingling sensation in his eyes.

Without thinking too much, he simply stood in front of the statue and watched intently.

"Look slowly first, I'll see what you can see, and I'll make you some tea." Zhang Yuru turned around and walked into the kitchen with a smile.

The moment Zhang Yuru's back disappeared, the statue changed!

It's glowing!

Chu Yi was horrified immediately, and took a few steps back again and again.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yuru's voice came from the kitchen.

"it's okay no problem."

Chu Yi tried his best to calm down his mood, because what he saw just now was a scene that could not be wrong.

"Glowing Again"

Chu Yi looked at the ancient statue, and seemed to have an idea in his heart, wanting to reach out towards the statue.

He stretched out his right hand out of nowhere, and slowly touched the statue.


The statue exuded a faint blue light, and even trembled slightly.

Chu Yi was stunned. As soon as his hand touched the statue, his mind went blank for an instant.

The burning pain in his eyes made him close them involuntarily.


Chu Yi snorted softly, then hurriedly stepped back a few steps, but unexpectedly bumped into the sofa.

"Chu Yi!"

Zhang Yuru was startled, and hurried out, only to see Chu Yi covering his eyes, as if he was in great pain.

"Chu Yi! Are you okay!"

Zhang Yuru quickly put down the teapot in his hand, supported Chu Yi, and pulled him to the sofa to sit down.

"I'm fine give me a glass of water"

"Ah Water! Wait! Now!"

Zhang Yuru hurriedly poured Chu Yi a glass of boiled water, and Chu Yi took the glass and drank it down in one gulp!

He only felt extremely hot inside his body, especially his eyes. He felt that if he continued like this, he would definitely go blind.

"What the hell is this Gou Ri statue? Could it be something evil! Absolutely impossible!"

Chu Yi kept roaring in his heart. Now that his veins were exposed, it really scared Zhang Yuru a lot.

Zhang Yuru looked at Chu Yi in horror, unable to say a word.

And Chu Yi was leaning on the sofa, and slowly became silent.

"Chu Yi! Chu Yi! Chu Yi! Don't scare me!"

Zhang Yuru was so frightened that she was about to cry.

And Chu Yi had fainted, and it took some time before he woke up groggy.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Zhang Yuru sitting beside him with tears in his eyes.

"Why, are you afraid that I will die?"

Chu Yi smiled wryly, and said weakly.

"Chu Yi! You're awake! You scared me to death!"

Zhang Yuru's tears flowed down uncontrollably.

She felt very guilty, if she hadn't begged Chu Yi to handle the matter, this situation would not have happened.

She didn't know how to face Chu Yi.

"It's okay, I can't die."

At this time, Chu Yi didn't feel any discomfort in his body. Instead, he felt that his eyes were a little clearer.

He looked down, sure enough.

The black silk wrapped around Zhang Yuru's legs can be clearly seen!


Chu couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhang Yuru got up quickly and said, "I'll pour you a glass of water!"

Zhang Yuru reached for the cup on the table, while a picture flashed before Chu Yi's eyes.

That was the picture of Zhang Yuru holding the cup, accidentally dropping the cup to the ground, and then falling down in panic.


Chu Yi immediately stretched out his hand, and he held the cup firmly in his hand.

And Zhang Yuru backed away again and again in fright, and just sat in Chu Yi's arms all of a sudden.

Before Chu Yi had time to doubt, he felt as if his hand had touched something.

He squeezed, hey!It's quite soft.

But Zhang Yuru blushed.

Because Chu Yi's hands were under her hips.

Chu Yi only felt a warm feeling. Looking at Zhang Yuru in his arms, and then at the cup in his hand, a strange feeling arose spontaneously.

"How do I feel that I can see"

Chu Yi didn't think much, but Zhang Yuru tapped Chu Yi's chest lightly.


Zhang Yuru said coquettishly, then stood up quickly and tidied up her clothes.

"You listen to my explanation."

Chu Yi was so embarrassed that he actually took advantage of waking up.

"I'll pour you some water."

Zhang Yuru ran away quickly, and Chu Yi stared at the air in front of him, dazed.

"I seem to be able to see the scene when the danger happened, and it was still a second or two later"

Chu Yi was a little incoherent, and he instantly understood that his celestial eyes had been strengthened!

The eye of the sky is so miraculously strengthened!

Everyone is a little excited.

Chu Yi quickly whispered in his heart: "The eyes of the sky! Open!"

Tianyan turned on the see-through function, and then he shook his head in disappointment.

There is no difference from the previous see-through function. You can still see Zhang Yuru through the wall, and you can also see through clothing and skin, but other than that, there seems to be nothing special about it.

Chu Yi murmured blankly: "Sky Eye! Forecast!"


A picture appeared in front of Chu Yi's eyes again, but there was no difference. It was just that the second hand of the clock hanging on the wall moved faster by one second, but all of this was a kind of faint shadow.

Although Chu could see it clearly, he could clearly tell that the scene was unreal.


Chu Yi had a black question mark face on his face, and he didn't know why he said such a sentence.

"It actually succeeded?"

"Eye of the sky! Forecast!"

A phantom appeared before Chu Yi's eyes again, and this time, Zhang Yuru was holding water.

A second later, the real scene slowly merged with the illusion.

Zhang Yuru came out with water.


Chu Yi suddenly realized, and immediately let out an exclamation.

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