"Oh, it's really pitiful."

Chu Yi still misses the touch just now, even through the clothes, it still feels good.

"Very resilient."

Chu Yi couldn't help saying.

"What? What elasticity?"

Chu Yiyin laughed, and immediately slapped the girl on the back again.

"I say this, very flexible, sexual."

The girl's face darkened in an instant, and it was not difficult for Chu Yi to guess with the help of the weak light.

It's up to you!

"You're in trouble!"

The woman immediately took a step forward, trying to subdue Chu Yi.

But Chu Yi dodged backwards to defuse the offensive.

The woman obviously did not expect that her attack would be resolved by Chu Yi.

"You'd better go back with me honestly, maybe, just educate you, and you can leave."

"Why? Didn't you ask me to do it?" Chu Yi looked harmless to humans and animals.

"Did I let you pat my ass?"

The woman's voice became smaller and smaller, and she didn't even realize it, but at this moment, she felt that the two slaps just now were just like in a dream.

"Be more open, this is the era of openness, and, you are wearing such thick clothes, I can't touch anything." Chu Yi said with a smile on his face.


The woman pointed at Chu Yi, but then shook her head.

"Rogue, since you participated in the search and rescue, I won't care about you."

"Isn't that right? Anyway, you will experience this kind of thing in the future."

The girl heard Chu Yi's words getting more and more out of line, and immediately became unhappy.

"Forget it, I won't chat with you anymore, I'm leaving, why? Together?"


The girl looked around, all the collectors were evacuating, and she followed Chu Yi quickly.

Only investigators and firefighters were left at the scene.

But now that the fire is weak, there will be no secondary explosion.

"What's your name?" the woman asked first.

"Chu Yi."

"Well, that's a good name."

"how about you?"

"Liu Rushi."

Chu Yi stared at Liu Rushi's chest, but began to salivate.

According to his visual inspection, it is not small!


Liu Rushi punched Chu Yi, but he never thought that it hit Chu Yi's wound.

Chu Yi only felt a burst of pain, and immediately grinned.

"Isn't it? You're a big man? You can't take a punch from my woman?"

Chu Yibai glanced at Liu Rushi, and immediately opened his clothes.

"What are you doing!"

Liu Rushi immediately turned her head away, her face blushing.

"Let's see, you hit the wound of a wounded man."

Liu Rushi looked back and was stunned.

Because there were several wounds on Chu Yi's arms, and they were all wrapped in gauze.

"What kind of injury is this? Could it be that you were beaten by someone playing a hooligan?" Liu Rushi said innocently.

"Gunshot wound."

Chu Yi replied with a smile.

"Gunshot wound?" Liu Rushi instantly became vigilant.

"That's right, I am the one who goes up the mountain of swords and goes down to the sea of ​​fire."

"Oh? I see you, you are a poor talker, and you look like you have been beaten by someone. Don't be embarrassed to admit it, I can see it."

Liu Rushi immediately turned his head away and ignored Chu Yi.

"What a beating!"

Chu Yi stretched out his hand again and squeezed Liu Rushi's buttocks.

"Do you really want to go to prison for a few days?" Liu Rushi really watched Chu Yi participate in the search and rescue. Normally, Chu Yi might have been torn apart thousands of times by her hands.

"Where is it, I just want to give you some care."

This time it was Liu Rushi's turn to be confused, what is recuperation?Obviously it's hooliganism!

"I see that you have insufficient energy and blood, and you are also overly tired. You don't pay attention to your diet on weekdays, so I use my folk remedies for you." Chu Yi said nonsense.

"Oh? I think what you said is right. Tell me, what's your idea?"

Liu Rushi faked a smile.

Chu Yi looked a little creepy.

"No, I really just want to treat your illness. On weekdays, don't exercise too much and pay attention to your posture, otherwise, you will be left with hidden diseases."

Chu Yi's words bluffed her.

"What are you talking about?" Liu Rushi quickened her pace, not wanting to be entangled with Chu Yi.

She felt that Chu Yi was like a psychopath.

Although the points she said were indeed correct, they made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Leave a contact information, I think, you will let me help."

Chu Yi smiled slightly.

"There's nothing we can do about you, but we won't see each other again."

Liu Rushi read out a series of numbers, and Chu Yi took out his elderly phone and saved the number.

Then Liu Rushi looked at Chu Yi's phone, and was even more taken aback.

"Unexpectedly, you still have such feelings."

"That's natural."

Chu Yi took off his airport overalls, revealing the suit inside.


"I work here, nothing more than to experience life."

Chu also pointed to the supercar not far away.

"Oh, so it's another son." Liu Rushi's attitude changed immediately.

"Presumably, you have some misunderstanding about Young Master. Will Young Master leave you with gunshot wounds and knife wounds all over? In fact, in a sense, the nature of your work and mine are similar."

"Oh? Are you also a public servant of the people?"

"Well, I work in a special department."

"Special Department"

Liu Rushi's complexion changed.

Chu Yi secretly said in his heart: "Does this little girl know about the special department? I didn't even say what department it is."

"Are you really from that special department?"

"That can be fake, but I don't know if you and I are talking about the same department."

"The only department that dares to call it a special department." Liu Rushi's attitude towards Chu Yi immediately improved.

"That document is not a will, is it? And you are not an airport worker, are you?"

Liu Rushi smiled triumphantly, because she guessed right.

"so smart."

Chu Yi reached out and touched Liu Rushi's head, but she froze in place.

This man is really bold.

"See you by fate." Chu Yi waved his hand, stepped into the sports car, and galloped away.

He was going to travel, after all, there was Lin Muxue there.

As soon as she entered Lin Muxue's office, Lin Muxue immediately sullenly said: "Why did you leave without saying a word, I didn't even know you would leave at that time."

"Li Xin didn't tell you?"


Lin Muxue stepped forward and hugged Chu Yi.

Chu Yi slowly pushed Lin Muxue away.

"Mu Xue, I may, if I stay for a while, I will leave forever."


"Because I have more important things to do."

Chu Yi also felt a little unbearable, this is the evil fate caused by him, if it wasn't for that night

"I understand."

Lin Muxue's expression dimmed a bit.

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