Chu Yi went directly to Chen's house, but was stopped outside.

It's the security guard.

"You don't know me anymore?"

"Young Master Chu, I'm sorry, the Chen family doesn't allow anyone to come in or out, so please understand." The security guard was also a little embarrassed, seeing that it was Chu Yi, he couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

"Call Chen Dan out, and you go report it." Chu Yi said lightly.

The security guard looked at Chu Yi, but he was scared.

"I'll go right away, just wait a moment."

He didn't dare to be negligent, you must know that Chu Yi was regarded as the guest of the Chen family, but he was a distinguished guest.

But this is the recent rule of the Chen family. As a security guard, he can only do this.

After a while, the security guard ran out in a hurry.

"Young Master Chu, please go back. It's not that Young Master Chen doesn't want to see you, but the recent rules of the Chen family. I can't help it."

Chu Yi asked with a question mark, what kind of bullshit rules are these.

"Oh? Why, I just got rid of the disaster for the Chen family, and you treated me like this?" Chu Yi's face was a little ugly, and the security guard naturally understood it, and immediately said such a sentence to Chu Yi secretly again .

"The Chen family seems to have changed a lot. I have found some abnormalities. Even Young Master Chen is like this. After returning from country m, he was out of his mind."

Chu Yi frowned, what is the situation.

Could it be that he was possessed by an evil spirit?

He felt that his idea was a bit ridiculous.

What is bewitched, it's just that I don't want to see myself.

"Oh, you go and tell the Chen family, and you will bear the consequences."

Seeing what Chu Yi said, the security guard nodded emphatically. In fact, he had nothing to do, but he also learned from the gossip that Chu Yi had contributed a lot to keeping the Chen family.

This time, it took the security guard more than ten minutes to rush over.

"Master Chu, please come in."

Chu Yi snorted, patted the security guard's shoulder and said slowly: "Do it well."

"Yes Yes Yes"

Chu Yi walked directly towards the hall. He wanted to see what kind of tricks this Chen family was playing.

But as soon as he entered the door, he was stunned. The Chen family was holding a family meeting.

The whole family, young and old, were all present.

At the table, only the people in charge of the Chen family were sitting, and even Chen Dan could only sit behind with a small stool.

Everyone was immediately attracted by Chu Yi's appearance, and most of them were puzzled.

"Who! How could you be allowed in this kind of place!"

"Get out of here immediately! Where are the security guards! How could you let this person in!"

"You dare to break into the secret meeting of the Chen family? I think you don't want to live anymore!"

Chu Yi had never even met the people who were yelling and scolding, and these people didn't know Chu Yi's identity.

And Chu Yi also looked puzzled, didn't the security guard say anything?


Chen Guoqiang slapped the table and stood up angrily.

Those who don't know why don't know what's going on.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Uncle, you shouldn't be so angry because of an outsider, right? Does this person have any background?"

"That's right, the Chen family is under martial law now, and no one is allowed to enter or leave. Do you want to break the rules!"

"Uncle, who is this man?"


Everyone was puzzled, but Chen Dan kept his head down, then slowly raised his head and looked at Chu Yi.

The four eyes met, which was very embarrassing.

"Xiao Chu, come, come here."

Although Chen Guoqiang looked a little ugly, he let Chu Yi sit beside him.

Those people were even more puzzled when they saw that Chen Guoqiang let Chu Yi sit beside him.

"What's the situation, this kid actually sat beside the Patriarch?"

"Is there anyone who understands, explain to me!"

"Could it be an illegitimate child?"

"Shh - you don't want to live anymore?"

"You guys shut up, if it weren't for Young Master Chu, you would have already been turned into ashes." Someone in the Chen family who knew Chu Yi quickly explained.

"Hahaha, you're kidding me. This joke is not funny at all."

"Get out!"

Chen Guoqiang immediately cursed angrily.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall was extremely awkward.

"Uncle Chen, forget it."

Chu also spoke.

Unexpectedly, this sentence made those people speak even more wild words.

"This kid, what a big-tailed wolf!"

"That's right, to return Uncle Chen, Uncle Chen, I can see that he has no good intentions."


"If it wasn't for Xiao Chu, you guys would still be able to enjoy yourself here?"

Chen Guoqiang asked with a straight face.

"If it wasn't for Xiao Chu's narrow escape, you people would have died thousands of times, and you still dare to speak rudely now. I think you are the end of your life."

Chen Guoqiang's words, every single word, left those people speechless.

They didn't know what happened. Although they knew about KM, they never thought that it was Chu Yi who came forward to solve it.

"Uncle Chen, what's going on? Are you still behind closed doors?" Chu Yi asked jokingly, and then looked at Chen Dan.

"Xiao Chu, it's a long story."

Chen Guoqiang clenched his hands and looked down at the table.

"We have some grievances with the Han family."

Chen Guoqiang said this.

Chu Yi frowned, the Han family?Isn't that Han Liguo?


Chu Yi's attitude made many people upset, but the members of the Chen family didn't say much.

Because most of them know that Chu Yi has such a temper.

"You work for Han Liguo. Now it can be said that there are ups and downs, and we really don't want to have anything to do with you. Let's put it bluntly. There are people from abroad who want us to win you over and get rid of Han Liguo. Home."

Chen Guoqiang clarified his words, but Chu Yi was taken aback.

Is it because of this that Chen Dan has been out of his mind since he came back from country m?

"You know, this is impossible."

"Well, I know that there is a deep relationship between Han Liguo and you, so naturally we can't handle it. This matter is related to the fate of our Chen family, Xiao Chu, let me tell you this, we The background of the Chen family is not as simple as what you see. The relationship between Beijing and me is extraordinary."

"The capital city" Chu Yi murmured, but then he understood something. Chen Dan was able to give himself a black card, which already explained this point.

And it shouldn't be a coincidence that the Chen family was able to get the invitation letter for the auction easily.

"Hahaha, are you afraid? As soon as the capital takes action, the Han family will have to finish the game. We don't want you to get involved in this muddy water. The Patriarch doesn't want to have close contact with you. Unexpectedly, he doesn't know good people."

"That's right, it seems that you feel that you are destined to die."

"In my opinion, Patriarch, get rid of him directly, so as to save trouble!"

Chu Yi couldn't bear it anymore, these people were too noisy.


It was another throwing knife, and the man fell backward heavily, covering his neck with his hands, with a hideous face!

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