"Forget it, let's go." Wen Ya blushed slightly, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like she is playing hooligans.

Chu Yi turned around, and finally said: "After I recover from my injury, I will come to accompany you to do some strenuous exercise."

"What?" Wen Ya said something without hearing clearly, and Chu Yi had already left the ward at this time.

For several days in a row, Chu Yi had nothing to do, but Chen Dan kept avoiding him.

Chu Yi felt that it was strange, and Xiao Mu also left under the pretext of having something to do. It seemed that he had changed a lot since he came back from Country M.

Chu Yi didn't have the time to think about these things, he took medicine on time every day, checked on time, and went to Han Lingyue's school when he had nothing to do.

"Isn't this the big brother next to Han Lingyue? Why haven't I seen you for so long, and now he's so handsome?"

"Don't you understand this? People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. This kid, the clothes have obviously changed!"

"No wonder, no wonder, don't tell me, what this big brother did before is really amazing, I even admire him a little bit."

"Don't worship those who don't. This buddy looks like a mobile hotspot. Hurry up and take a photo and post it on the forum. It's another traffic!"


A group of people pointed at Chu Yi, but Chu Yi ignored them, whistling leisurely while walking.

Life is comfortable.

However, he always felt that it was a little less fun.

The news of Chu Yi has been spread all over the forums on campus. This post instantly made many gangsters tremble with fear, for fear that they would offend this Buddha.

They engraved Chu Yi's face deeply in their minds, so as not to mess with the wrong person if they didn't have eyes.

Han Lingyue resumed the days of following Chu Yi's buttocks again, and the smile that had disappeared before hung on Han Lingyue's face again.

One day, Han Liguo called Chu Yi.

"Uncle Han, what? Eat? No problem, just the two of us?"

Chu Yi was a little confused, so Han Liguo asked him to have dinner.

It seems that there is something difficult again?

Finally, at night, Chu Yi finally saw Han Liguo.

"Xiao Chu, I haven't seen you for such a long time. I have heard nothing about you."

"Where is it, Uncle Han, you have won the prize. Besides, I am still helping others. Besides, I should say sorry to you. I have not taken care of Lingyue for such a long time." Chu Yi was a little displeased I'm sorry, after all, Han Lingyue is always in danger after being away for so long.

"I came to you because there is something I want your help with. I think you should be able to guess what I mean."

Sure enough, as Chu Yi expected, Han Liguo was looking for him for something.

"Uncle Han, you are welcome, just say it. As long as I, Chu Yi, can do it, I will make arrangements for you."

"Xingyun Group, you should be familiar with it."

Chu Yi smiled slightly. He had lived in the Xingyun Building for a long time, so of course there was nothing strange about it.

"That's natural. Why, Uncle Han, why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"There are actually some festivals between me and Xingyun."


"That's right, I was also hesitant to tell you about this matter, but in the end I still think it's better to tell you. This matter happened a long time ago."

Han Liguo spoke eloquently, and Chu also understood that it was the previous executive president who kept tripping up Han Liguo. Although he clearly couldn't beat Han Liguo, but they were behind the dark tricks. No less use.

"So that's it, is that all?"

Han Liguo nodded in surprise.

Chu Yi spread his hands, what is this, it's just chatting.

However, he soon became a little bit astonished. Xingyun had a feud with Han Liguo, so what about the Chen family?

"Uncle Han, there is a Chen family in Dongzhou, you should know that, right?"

"The Chen family, there is something to do with it. I didn't cheat them a lot before, hahaha." Han Liguo's smile made Chu Yi a little nervous.

However, among the relationships I know, they are more or less related to Han Liguo.

He didn't dare to continue asking, because he couldn't decide whether it was a coincidence, or if it was really what he thought.

"I hope, I was thinking too much," Chu Yi murmured to himself.

"What did you say?"

"Uncle Han, it's nothing." Chu Yi laughed, and the dinner ended happily.

The next day, Zhong Hua actually came to the door on his own initiative.

"A rare visitor." Chu Yi joked.

"Stop teasing me, tell me, Chu Yi, what do you think about evil things?"

Zhong Hua's words made Chu Yi stop pouring water for a second.

"What can you think? Now it's clear that km is acting as a hindrance. Although it seems that km is the mastermind behind all this, there may be greater forces behind all of this, and they are just using evil things There is no way to fully control it, and km is actually not our focus."

Chu Yi's words made Zhong Hua nod frequently, but what he didn't know was that Chu Yi had already made up his mind.

"Then how do you think km did it?"

"I'm not sure about this, or, even the CEO of km has a little knowledge of evil things, not much better than us." Chu Yi shrugged helplessly, and took a sip of tea.

"I mean, how did they create these incidents?" Zhong Hua's brows never relaxed, because Li Xin's report made him a little distressed.

He was hesitant, so he came to ask Chu Yi for his opinion.

Because Li Xin still has some doubts, km does not have such a big force to control the evil, she thinks, this evil is not a conspiracy theory, nor is it a ghost, but caused by a virus developed by km himself

Although this conjecture is bold, it is also the most ideal conclusion.

But Zhong Hua didn't believe it.

"For the matter of luck, it has been confirmed that km will carry this evil thing. Uh, let's take the 'virus' as an example, km will spread the water source with this virus to the transportation company, and then this will happen to the transportation company. incident."

Zhong Hua nodded, and it was similar to what Li Xin said.

"However, why they can control it, and they don't seem to have any serious problems, I think, this is all caused by technology, and this virus invades the human body, there should be conditions. In other words, these are all KM's plans."

"Then what was their purpose?"

Chu Yi drank a few sips of water, not knowing whether to say it or not.

"President KM, you want me to join them, and why this happened in Xingyun, I dare not make a conclusion on this point!"

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