Chu Yi immediately came back to his senses and punched forward.

This fist contained great strength, and directly blasted that person far away.

Chu Yi shook his head, focused his eyes a little, and immediately saw the person coming.

The person who came was wearing a hoodie and a mask. He was undoubtedly a killer.

In a foreign country, Chu Yi never expected that they would fight so soon.

He immediately rushed forward and threw the man to the ground.

The man's skills were not covered, then he turned sideways, and then hit Chu Yi with his knee.

Chu Yi let go, but the killer broke free violently.

The man said a bird's language that Chu Yi couldn't understand, and then punched quickly.

The punching speed was beyond Chu Yi's imagination.

He instantly understood that the other party was also a master.

Chu Yi suddenly realized that this kind of person cannot be kept, otherwise, he will die tragically.

Chu Yi's speed quickly reached its peak, and during the transition, the killer's attacks frequently failed, but this gap allowed Chu Yi to find an opportunity.

Chu Yi turned his palms into fingers, and poked forward violently, stabbing the killer's eyeball forcefully.


The killer yelled suddenly, never thought that this movement woke Yue Yao up.

"What are you doing! Why don't you let people sleep well!"

Chu Yi was distracted, but the killer sneered and immediately touched his waist.

"Death to me!"

Chu Yi kicked directly, and this kick hit the killer's lifeline, and finally bought himself half a second of time.

He didn't hold back his hand, and directly locked his throat, trapping the killer, who didn't dare to move a little bit.

The duels between masters are often in the middle of a penny, but it is also because of the inability to use it here that the battle ends so quickly and hastily.

"Suffer to death."

Chu Yi was about to wipe off the killer's neck, but he never thought that the killer would force Chu Yi under his body in an instant.

"Bang bang bang!"

Another few punches!

Yue Yao rubbed her sleepy eyes and saw everything in front of her clearly.


Yue Yao screamed in fright.

"Chu Yi!"

Li Xin also woke up suddenly, and the whole room was in chaos.


Chu Yi directly hit the ground with his elbow, and the buffer caused by this blow directly made room for his left arm. Chu Yi then directly dislocated his left arm and broke free from the killer's shackles.

With a sudden force, he slammed his head forward.

This move of mine is comparable to iron head skill.

The gringo obviously didn't expect Chu Yi's tricks to come out so endlessly, but he was a little tired of coping.

"It's my turn."

Chu Yi's eyes lit up for a while, and with a flick of his right fingertip, a silver needle flew towards the killer's face.


The killer screamed in pain, and then loosened the strength in his hand.

Chu Yi was a little disappointed. The silver needle, which was only a few millimeters thick, was intended to be stuck in the man's eyes. In this way, the power would be greatly reduced.

"Chu Yi, be careful!"

Li Xin exclaimed, Chu Yi didn't panic at all, and rolled directly to the side. Although this roll did not completely break free from the killer's control, it directly freed Chu Yi's upper body.

He shook his left arm with his right hand, and the dislocated arm recovered directly, and then he cut two palms forward.

All this happened within half a second, and by the time the gringo reacted, he had already flown backwards.

Chu Yi then stepped on his right foot and went straight to meet him.

"Bang bang bang!"

With a set of chain palms, the killer has no power to fight back.

"Bang bang bang!"

Going down in a row, the killer leaned against the wall, his face swollen like a pig's head.

"Oh, is it just two tricks?"

Chu Yi slammed forward with his right knee, and this blow directly hit the killer's head.


The killer slammed the back of his head against the wall, causing cracks in the wall.


Yue Yao and Li Xin exclaimed at the same time.

What a terrifying strength this is.

Li Xin originally thought that Chu Yi's technique would be very entertaining, but it was not.

Chu Yi didn't have too much showmanship, but made deadly moves. These seemingly ordinary moves subdued a killer.

The killer's head drooped, only breathing weakly, and passed out.

"Finally solved"

Chu Yi then turned around and walked towards the two women.

"What do you want to do"

The two women instantly realized that they were still naked, with only a thin sheet covering their bodies.

"Borrow the sheets."

Chu Yi smirked, and then grabbed a corner of the bed sheet.


Yue Yao was taken aback, did she want to have sex?

It was also the first word that came to Li Xin's mind.

Chu Yi yanked, with such force as a cow, and pulled the bed sheet out from under the two women.

"Sorry to surprise you."

Chu Yi tore the bed sheet into strips, and directly tied up the killer.

The two women were terrified and covered their bodies one after another.

But it is often the head and the tail.

The disadvantage of two women sharing a thin quilt has emerged.

Chu also tied the killer tightly, he didn't want to kill anyone.

After all, he was in a foreign country, so he didn't wipe his own butt, and then he punched the killer a few times.

This is completely relieved.

This person is useless, and from then on, he is even worse than a normal person.

This is called, life is better than death.

Chu Yi gave a smirk, "If people don't offend me, I won't offend others."

As soon as Chu Yi turned his head, he saw Li Xin's white and flawless long legs exposed, while Yue Yao's tall and straight twin peaks were about to come out.

After such a battle, Chu Yi is a bit over the top.

Such a beautiful scenery, if you don't take a good look at it, you will really waste everything.

The corner of Chu Yi's mouth couldn't help grinning.

The two girls were taken aback, and Chu Yi's eyes seemed to be eating people.

"What are you thinking about?"

Yue Yao asked quickly.

"What bad thoughts can I have, I just want to appreciate it." Chu Yi smiled slightly, and sat directly beside the bed.


Li Xin felt that Chu Yi's eyes were very scary, and he always felt like he was being watched.

In fact, what she didn't know was that Chu Yi had already seen herself all over.

If Li Xin knew about Chu Yi's Sky Eye ability, he might really get mad.

"Brother Chu, are you okay!"

Chen Dan rushed in from outside the house, looked at Chu Yi with sleepy eyes, and then his eyes also stopped on the two women.


"What is this! Turn around!"

Chu Yi laughed and cursed, Chen Dan immediately followed suit, the room felt awkward, but in order to ease the embarrassment, Chen Dan walked up to the killer and rolled up the sleeve of his pajamas

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