Inside the box.

With a smile on his face, Shangguan He waved to his daughter.

"Father, how could this man be like this? Don't be fooled by him. He didn't look like this when he was flirting with me."

Shangguan Lingyu said, she didn't believe that Chu Yi could be so serious, and he was a different person from when he ate his own tofu before.

"Lingyu, this is because you don't understand, man, this kind of thing is normal, after all, you are so beautiful, even a man wants to have you, but I asked him to marry you, but he didn't like it anymore, you know Why?" Shangguan He laughed and lit a cigarette.

"Oh, it's just that I don't feel good enough for me!" The arrogance in Shangguan Lingyu's heart still existed, and she didn't want to believe that Chu would not be delusional about herself.

Shangguan He exhaled a puff of smoke, then shook his head with a smile.

"Yu'er, you are wrong. This man is not simple. Even I can't find his information. Everything about him is top secret. This was done deliberately for the sake of safety and secrecy. , do you know what this means?"

Shangguan Lingyu shook her head, she didn't quite understand.

"Is it related to the government?"

"Not only that, the power behind this person may be so great that you and I can't even imagine it. It's not easy to have such a demeanor and posture at such a young age.

At this time, Shangguan He was talking about Chu Yi with an attitude of appreciation.

Shangguan Lingyu said disapprovingly: "It's just a pretense, maybe he's a liar."

"Don't talk nonsense, in short, if you make friends with him, it will be beneficial and harmless!"

"En." Shangguan Lingyu nodded reluctantly.

in the hall.

Chu Yi admired the figure of the dancing girl Miaoman, and couldn't help feeling a little lustful.

He really didn't release his pressure these days.

"Brother Chu, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing, just thinking about tomorrow's auction."

Chu Yi's eyes still never left the dance floor.

"Don't worry, although the Chen family is not considered a great family, they still have plenty of money." Chen Dan said confidently.

"I hope so."

The dinner party was going on normally, and it was drawing to a close as the wine toasted and raised.

And all the guests are getting acquainted one after another, starting to prepare for tomorrow's auction.

Each of them came here with their own purpose, just to make friends and make tomorrow's auction more smooth.

"Look, that kid surnamed Chu looks very calm. What exactly did he chat with the Shangguan group?"

"You don't know which pot you don't want to lift, it's all happened an hour ago."

"Why, you, a big man like you, want to curry favor with him?"

"Fawning on Shangguan? I'm overthinking it, but this kid has something interesting. To make Shangguan He so respectful, there must be some unknown secret."

"I agree with this point, but, boy, let the woman coax you."


Everyone looked at each other and smiled, but Chu Yi didn't know at this time that he was about to become the key object of attention of the guests.

"Handsome, have a drink?"

A middle-aged young woman stepped forward courteously.

"Of course." Chu Yi smiled politely and touched his glass.

"Can you leave a contact information?"

"Look at my phone, contact information, forget it"

"Handsome, can I have a dance?"

"I'm sorry, I'm born with physical incoordination, dancing is not suitable for me"

"Handsome, can you and I talk alone?"

"It's very late now, I'm afraid of doing something outrageous to you, that would be bad"


These courteous women were all rejected, but Chu Yi still sat in his seat with a calm face, as if nothing had happened.

Chen Dan clenched his teeth in hatred, why did he come with Chu Yi? Isn't this self-inflicted?

Throughout the banquet, Chen Shan was like air, being ignored by everyone. This feeling is not very good.

On the other table, Shangguan He smiled slightly: "Yu'er, did you see that, this is a person who can achieve great things, so many good people are screened for a purpose, have you noticed, he has a rule. "

"What rule?"

"Most of the nice ones were kindly accepted."

Shangguan Lingyu was speechless for a while, isn't this just making friends based on face.

"Also, he can recognize everyone's family background and background at once. There is something about this."

In fact, Chu Yi didn't know this, but it was based on his own mood. Of course, Chu Yi was willing to talk to them for those good-looking ones, but for those young women, Chu Yi also knew that such kind of things, he was definitely out of luck.

And those young women are like wolves and tigers, Chu Yeke is a little scared.

With the end of the dinner, Chu Yi also left the venue.

He gained a lot tonight. Not only did he make friends with so many people, but he also found out something about the auction.

"Brother Chu, shall I see you off?"

"No, just arrange a car for me. You have someone bring it to me. I'm here. I have something to do. You go first."

"Got it!"

Chen Dan was still obedient to Chu Yi, and he would agree to such a rude request.

After Chen Dan left, Chu Yi called Zhong Hua.

"Auction, what do you want to win?"

"I'm not too sure about this. It may be an ancient sword, or it may be a porcelain vase. However, this object must be the last one to show up. You can rest assured about this."

Zhong Hua's words made Chu Yi speechless for a while, what kind of information is this?

If there is a sudden change in the auction, wouldn't it be all over.

"You know, is there anything special about this thing?"

"It should be related to evil things, but the organizer of the auction must not know about it. You can rest assured about this."

"Do you think it's possible? They must have discovered something abnormal, and it's so strange that it's suddenly ahead of schedule, and the strictness of the auction, aren't these things questionable?" Chu Yi asked rhetorically.

"Although I have doubts, but the department will not make mistakes. Don't worry about this. By the way, can you handle money matters by yourself?"

Chu Yi glanced blankly, and then said coldly: "I knew that following you guys would never do anything good. Don't worry about the money. There shouldn't be any major problems. But if something goes wrong, don't blame me."

Zhong Hua on the other end of the phone was already smiling and agreed repeatedly. This way, he could save a lot of expenses.

Chu Yi hung up the phone with a bitter face, but heard a female voice behind him.

"Chu Yi!"

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