"Brother Chu, don't be dumbfounded. Let's go in and talk. The Chen family is hosting a banquet today. If you don't mind, let's have dinner here before leaving!"

Chen Dan was very enthusiastic, and he was completely different from the rioter in the shipping hall before.

"It's hard to turn down the hospitality, so it's okay to have a meal."

Chu Yi actually wanted to know who that young lady was, and his main purpose was to borrow money. !

"Brother Chu, please come inside."

The two servants watched the two leave with trepidation, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They hate it!

Chu Yi looks like a passer-by, his clothes are not even as beautiful as theirs, and he looks rustic, why does he have such a big status and background!

"Could it be that rich people like to dress like this?"

"What do you know, this is low-key"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Chu Yi smiled and shook his head.

"Chen Dan, that woman just now is the eldest daughter of your Chen family? I've never heard that the Chen family has an eldest daughter."

"Well, that's my sister. She has a very violent temper. Almost no one at home dares to provoke her. Moreover, she is abroad all year round. It is normal for people not to mention it."

Chen Dan introduced his sister Chen Wan'er in a hurry.

"Brother Chu, how about this, it's a dinner party today, it's not suitable for you to wear this."

"What? Dislike me?"

Chu Yi's face suddenly turned cold.

"No no I didn't mean that"

"Then you think I'm not decent?"


Chen Dan wants to cry but has no tears, so he shouldn't talk too much.

"That's it, I'm used to it."

Chu Yi rejected Chen Dan, and Chen Dan just wanted to follow him.

In the Chen Jiayan hall, everyone gathered together happily, and it was very lively, and Chen Dan opened the door of Yan Hall under the eyes of everyone.

Everyone's laughter stopped abruptly, because they saw Chen Dan, who was always rebellious, standing respectfully at the door and opening the door for a man.

This man is Chu Yi.

Under the gaze of everyone, Chu Yi walked out gracefully.

When everyone saw Chu Yi's attire, they all frowned, especially Chen Wan'er, who was even more surprised.

"Everyone stop, let me introduce you"

"No need, Chu Yi, today is just a meal."

Chu Yi's answer made Chen Guoqiang, the Patriarch of the Chen family, feel a little uncomfortable.

This was their family banquet. Over the years, this time was the most complete time, and this son of his actually brought in an outsider.

How could this make him happy.

"I said, not everyone can enter my Chen family."

Chen Guoqiang's words made everyone in the Chen family feel more confident.

Although they didn't know why Chen Dan was so respectful, this was the Chen family after all, and Chen Guoqiang had the final say on everything.

Chen Guoqiang knew his own strength, and even more so, what kind of virtue his son was.

"I see that you have gathered together today, and you don't want to spoil the fun. If you speak rudely again, I don't mind. Let's kill them."

Chu Yi's words made Chen Dan feel cold all over.

He knew that Chu Yi would do what he said, and this was no joke.

"Dad, what are you doing, you have to show me some face, brother Chu, don't be angry, my dad, you're so old-fashioned!"

Chen Dan quickly smoothed things over.

After Chen Guoqiang heard this, he was even more angry. His son actually turned to outsiders and scolded himself for being stupid. He couldn't bear this tone!


Chen Guoqiang slammed one onto the ground, turning it into pieces.

"I said, is your Chen family only so tolerant?"

Chu Yi stepped forward, and Chen Dan's heart was already in his throat.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yi sat directly beside Chen Wan'er, took a bottle of red wine as if no one was there, and poured it for Chen Wan'er.

"Honey, would you like a drink?"

Chu also raised his wine glass.

Chen Wan'er acted as if she didn't see it, she didn't even look at Chu Yi.

"Sister! What are you doing!"

Everyone was taken aback by Chen Dan's words.

"This kid, was his brain kicked by a donkey today?"

"It seems to me, why are you out of your mind, and still have such respect for this country bumpkin."

"Chen Dan is usually rebellious and domineering, what's wrong today, it's like taking the wrong medicine!"

"Yeah, I'm curious about that too."

Everyone was discussing, but Chu Yi looked indifferent.

He knows that knowing himself requires a process, but whether this process is pleasant or not depends on what the Chen family does.

"I'm in a good mood today. I don't want to be as knowledgeable as you. I hope you don't know how to flatter me."

Chu Yi's words cut across Chen Guoqiang's body, and everyone in the Chen family gritted their teeth.

This Chu Yi is so loud!

But Chen Dan's face was livid, and he didn't know how to explain all this.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to whisper in Chu Yi's ear: "Brother Chu, if you show them your skills, they will naturally understand, even if others don't, but my father will definitely understand, your skills!"

When Chu Yi heard it, it was a good idea.

Then Chen Dan walked to the table and picked up a fruit knife.

Everyone was shocked, not knowing what kind of medicine Chen Dan sold in the gourd.

Chen Guoqiang frowned.

He knew that his son was best at dancing swords!

Chen Dan passed the crowd, weighed the fruit knife, and then walked behind Chu Yi. Chu Yi drank red wine, looked at Chen Wan'er beside him, and didn't pay attention to Chen Dan at all.


The fruit knife in Chen Dan's hand was thrown out, so fast that no one could react.

And Chen Guoqiang sneered, he knew that this time, Chu Yi must fall!

But something that surprised him happened. Chu Yi's fingers gently clamped the blade of the fruit knife, and he didn't even put down the goblet on his right hand. Then he took a sip of red wine calmly.

"Good wine."

Chen Guoqiang was astonished. This kind of back knife is judged only by hearing and reaction, but Chu Yi can resolve it so easily, which is not something ordinary people can do!

"Come here, bring out the good wine I treasure!"

The big change in Chen Guoqiang's attitude made everyone in the Chen family a little bit astonished.

Chen Wan'er also stared at Chu Yi very curiously. Chu Yi in front of her had a calmness and psychological quality that should not belong to this age.She was completely taken aback.

"Brother Chu, what's the matter? It's okay for me to go out?"

Chen Dan said excitedly as if asking for credit.

"It's not bad, just shoot in the future, be quicker and more decisive, and don't shake your wrist when you shoot, there is a deviation."

Chu Yi's words were spoken in a normal tone, and Chen Guoqiang naturally heard them, and after hearing them, he was even more shocked.

"Thank you Brother Chu for calling!"

"By the way, do you know the purpose of my coming today?"


"I'm here to borrow money."

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