Chu Yi didn't change his face, and threw the man who was crying bitterly with his wrists hugged casually.

"As I said, silence is golden."

Chu Yi raised his eyes to look at the crowd, but everyone dared not make a sound, they could only look at Chu Yi silently, wanting to see what tricks Chu Yi could come up with.

But what surprised them was that Chu Yi and this Chen Dan suddenly lost the smell of gunpowder. Instead, the two were drinking and having fun, and they seemed to be talking and laughing happily, as if there was no conflict at all.

But Chu Yi was a little absent-minded, and his eyes kept scanning the crowd.


An extremely thin steel needle flew across the air against Chu Yi's cheek, and a line of blood appeared on Chu Yi's face immediately.

That Chen Dan was also surprised, he naturally saw Chu Yi's skill, and now he is also a loser.

This shows that the comer is not good!

"Is it possible that there are other experts in this hall, so am I saved?"

"Sure enough, there are masters. It seems that you can't be careless."

The two of them had their own ghosts in their hearts, they were both searching for the position of the expert, but they remained expressionless, they were still clinking glasses and drinking, feeling very comfortable.

Chu Yi silently calculated the path of the steel needle, trying to determine the killer's location.

But he also understood that the killer must not be so stupid, he must have changed his position long ago.

"Why, are you panicking too?"

Chen Dan said with interest, but it made Chu Yi frown.

Could it be, what does Chen Dan know?

What Chu Yi thought in his heart was wrong.

He also pretended to be calm and said: "Isn't he a killer, I won't let him walk out of this door."

Killing intent suddenly appeared in Chu Yi's eyes, then he put the goblet heavily on the table and walked straight towards the crowd.

"Chu Yi!"

Lin Muxue saw the bloodline on Chu Yi's cheek, and couldn't help but let out a low cry.

Chu Yi grinned, turned around and walked to Lin Muxue's side.

"I am fine."

He then grabbed Lin Muxue's jade hand and patted it lightly.

"your face"

"It's just a small matter. Now, you leave this place immediately. This place is dangerous, so leave it to me."

Chu Yi closed his eyes and kissed Lin Muxue's forehead, causing everyone present to boo.

That Chen Dan gritted his teeth with hatred.

"This kid, you are dying now, and you still want to pretend to be aggressive, so I'll let you pretend!"

Chu Yi turned his head and walked into the crowd, and everyone in the hall automatically parted ways, avoiding Chu Yi as if avoiding the plague god, which made Chu Yi unhappy for a while.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a man with sunglasses lowering his head, looking out of place in the crowd.

What's more, his heartbeat speeded up quietly, this situation shocked him suddenly, this must be that master!

"You! Stand still."

Chu Yi stretched out his hand and pointed, and everyone looked in the direction of Chu Yi's finger, and then quickly cleared the area around the man in the sunglasses, freeing up a space for Chu Yi.

The man stood there silently, turning a deaf ear to Chu Yi's words, but Chu Yi was very cautious.

"Sky eyes! Open!"

Chu Yi thought inwardly, and then opened his eyes, he wanted to see the real appearance of this man.

The man under the sunglasses had a pair of peach blossom eyes and a shocking scar on his face, but what surprised Chu Yi most was the man's determination.

It is really rare to be able to be so calm in the face of danger.

"This man looks so mysterious. Who does it belong to? Young Master Chen's?"

"No, I haven't seen this person before, and he's also wearing sunglasses. What kind of sunglasses do you wear indoors? He's really a pretender."

"Who says it's not? Look at this man, from head to toe, there's an air of indecision."

"There's a good show to watch."


The enthusiasm of the melon-eating crowd rose instantly, but they were all yelling and cursing in a low voice. They thought that Chu Yi was tall enough to pretend, but unexpectedly, a cold master came.

And it seems like they didn't even notice this guy in the first place.

Even Chu Yi was secretly startled.

"When did this person come? I didn't notice it at first."

A trace of panic flashed across Chu Yi's eyes, but he couldn't be sure whether this man was an enemy or a friend.

He knew that he couldn't dodge the steel needle in time, and it was still scratched to the skin. This man's actions just now clearly had the intention of killing people.

And Chu also knew that if they fought now, they would probably hurt innocent people.

This was the last thing he wanted to see.

After all, this is Dongzhou.

"Are you talking to me?"

A hoarse voice came out of the man's mouth, making people frown.

This is not the sound of a normal person at all, and it would be too exaggerated if it was a smoky voice.

Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, and was a little surprised. This sexy voice was indeed very attractive, but the man's voice had a sense of horror.

"That's right, it's you, take off your sunglasses, can't you see the light?"

Chu Yi's words made the man in the sunglasses smile slightly, and then reached out to touch the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

As the sunglasses were slowly taken off, everyone finally saw the man's face clearly.


There was another sound of breaking through the sky, this time, it was the sunglasses flying straight towards Chu Yi, and two extremely sharp blades appeared on the temples of the glasses instantly.

But Chu Yi was extremely prepared this time.

He dodged the blow with only a slight sideways movement.

The man's pupils shrank, and he understood that the matter was not simple.

He glanced sideways, and there was a beautiful female employee watching a play beside him, then he stretched out his hand suddenly and threw the female employee towards Chu Yi!


"I'll go! Make a miracle with all your strength! It's so fast, I didn't even realize it!"

"This is not a small thing like a stone, but a living person, who was thrown up as an object"

Everyone was astonished, and Chu Yi was also flustered for a while, and then reached out to catch the woman in the air.

However, another soft feeling came from Chu Yi's palm, Chu Yi looked down, and the woman's face was already flushed.

The man in the sunglasses sneered, unexpectedly, Chu Yi turned out to be a kind person!

And Chu Yi just hugged this woman in full view, not even intending to let go.

"Thank you"

Before the woman finished speaking, she felt pressure coming from her.

as predicted.

"whispering sound--"

The bursts of sighs made Chu Yi also immediately stop the movement of his hands, put the woman on the ground, and he said coldly: "Since you have offended me, then don't even think about walking out of this door!"

"Try it!"

The man in the sunglasses slowly spat out the four words, and the two of them were on the verge of breaking out, and a fight was imminent!

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