Chu Yi looked at Lin Muxue's charming eyes, and couldn't help being confused for a while.

He felt like his brain was not awake.

"No, this is me"

Chu Yi shook his head. After all, he has always been in the wild flowers without a single leaf touching his body. How could he be messed up at this time!

He didn't know if it was the passion from that night that was still warm, or Lin Muxue's eyes made him not know where to start.

But he really didn't want to hurt Lin Muxue.

He doesn't want to hurt any girl.

"Chu Yi, you know, there is no result between us, but you shouldn't run away. I took the initiative that night, do you understand?"

Lin Muxue's eyes dimmed a bit, but Chu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

He stepped forward and rubbed Lin Muxue's head.

"Don't say such things, I just don't want to disappoint you and others, do you understand what I mean?"


After Lin Muxue said this, she was relieved, there was something in Chu Yi's words, how could Lin Muxue not hear it.

There must be no shortage of women around Chu Yi, Lin Muxue knows this very well.

And she knew her position better, but what surprised Lin Muxue was that Chu Yi didn't seem to care about it.

"Mu Xue, you are a good girl, but you understand me."

Chu Yi pulled Lin Muxue into his arms, feeling the softness.

Lin Muxue was already stupid at this time, she didn't know why Chu Yi acted this way.

"With me here, no one can hurt you. If you want to leave here with me, then we will leave together."

Lin Muxue only felt that her buttocks were awkward for a while, and when she touched it, she touched Chu Yi's hands.

Her face flushed instantly.

This Chu Yi is too bold!

"You know, with so many sisters around me, maybe you guys get along very well."

Lin Muxue smiled slightly. It's not that she hasn't thought about these things, but she can't let them go.

For her, Dongzhou City has too many things to tolerate.

Chu Yi's movements intensified, Lin Muxue felt hot all over, but her heart became tense. Could it be that today is going to be like that night again.

The breathing of the two became heavier, but Lin Muxue's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Jingle Bell"

Chu Yi's face changed, what kind of person is this? He doesn't fight early or late, and he just disturbs people's interest at this time!

"I'll take a call."

Lin Muxue lowered her head and fumbled for her phone, then ran away as if fleeing.


"Manager, come quickly, something serious has happened!"

The panicked voice at the front desk came from the phone.

Chu Yi was also moved, what's going on, could it be something about KM?

He followed Lin Muxue down to the first floor, but saw that the hall was full of people.

"Is this the manager Lin? It looks really good, no wonder the young master can take a fancy to this girl, she is so upright!"

"The young master's vision must be high, but the most important thing is that someone has offended the young master, and this person is very close to Manager Lin."

"Who on earth has such courage?"

"Look, Manager Lin's cheeks are slightly red, and she even looks very shy. There is a man behind her, shouldn't it be?"

"Damn it! This is big news, shhh—keep your voice down, don't let the young master hear it, or we won't be able to eat and walk away."


The discussion among the people has never stopped since the two came in, but Chu Yi felt that something was wrong.

"When did I offend someone again?"

"Master? No matter what kind of master you are, you have to be honest with me."

"Mu Xue's face is ruddy, these little brats actually noticed this."

Chu Yi kept talking to himself, but Lin Muxue became even more shy when he heard it.

"This is a company, not a place where you gather. If there is something important, I'm sorry, we have long stopped bidding or cooperating with others. If you want to make trouble, I can call the police."

Lin Muxue said coldly, but everyone in the audience did not respond at all.

Chu Yi smiled, he had expected this situation a long time ago.

After all, since these people are the subordinates of the young master, there are many shameless ones, and even Chu Yi feels a little ashamed.

After all, this group of people actually regarded this company as their home.

There are people who eat, drink and have fun, and there are people who close their eyes and rest their minds. It can be said that there are all kinds of states in the world!

"Manager Lin, in a few minutes, you will know the purpose of our visit!"

"Yes! Our young master will definitely pamper you!"

"Hahaha, with our young master, you have enjoyed the blessings of eight lifetimes! You should have fun!"

"By the way, Manager Lin, how old are you this year?"

Those subordinates still joked, but in Chu Yi's ears, these words had a different meaning.

"Clean your mouths." Chu Yi scolded in a cold voice.

Unexpectedly, this action ignited the anger of these dudes.

"Who are you, dare to challenge us!"

"I think you're just a toad who wants to eat swan meat. By the way, when you see the young master later, kneel down and kowtow a few times, you can let it go!"

"No, the young master can't tolerate sand in his eyes, or if we get rid of him, that would be a good choice."

"Proceed with caution, although I also think this person is unhappy, it's too pretentious."

Chu Yi took a step forward, and everyone wanted to rush up and tear Chu Yi's hands apart, but one person pushed aside the crowd and walked out slowly.

"Shut up!"

"Master Chen!"

"Chen Shao!"


Everyone said respectfully, Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, the Lord is here!

"Who are you, dare to challenge my Chen family."

"Who am I, and I still have to tell you? What are you?"

No one expected that the smell of gunpowder on Chu Yi's body was even stronger!

"There's a good show to watch!"

"Hahaha, Young Master Chen is notoriously short-tempered. I didn't expect that there would be someone more explosive than him!"

"I see, this person is just tired of living. You see, this person will die a miserable death."

"how do I say this?"

"You don't know that, Mr. Chen is the son of the Lian family!"

"I see!"


Chu Yi smiled slightly, is he still Lian Jiazi?

Sure enough, Chen Shao's expression darkened immediately, he took a step forward, and yelled at Chu Yi: "Stay away from Lin Muxue, otherwise, you will die a miserable death."

"Actually, except for your stinky mouth, you can compare with me in other places. Although you can't compare, at least you have room for comparison. Are you right?"

What a big breath!


"Actually, Mu Xue and I, the two of us have already done a lot of things, so you shouldn't come here, it's not appropriate."

Chu Yi's humble expression made everyone grit their teeth with hatred, there really are such people in the world!

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