Chu Yi followed Li Xin and left the Lucky Building. After all, he also wanted to use his eyes to see how the survivors were different.

"Is it far?"

"10 minutes by car."

Chu Yi smiled slightly, and then called Lin Muxue.

He needs the surveillance video of the Xingyun Group that day, even a few days ago, he needs it, and he wants to see what is the purpose of Han Long coming to the Xingyun Group.

He firmly believed that Han Long would not come here for luck for no reason. After all, the relationship between the two parties was irreconcilable. If this evil incident had nothing to do with him, Chu would never believe it.

"What do you want to monitor? Didn't you say that the monitoring has stopped these days?" Li Xin was surprised and puzzled.

"What a coincidence, do you believe in coincidence?"

"Believe it, my first meeting with you was completely a coincidence."

Li Xin's words gave Chu Yi a headache, this little girl didn't answer her words at all.

"Let's not talk about it yet, do you think these signs will happen naturally?"

"It's very possible. I was also an atheist before. I firmly believed that there were no monsters, ghosts or strange things in the world. But this series of events made me believe that Zhong Hua was right." Li Xin sighed and pulled away door.

"Let's hear it, you and Zhong Hua don't get along?"

Although Chu also knew that Li Xin was Zhong Hua's subordinate, and that he was very obedient to Zhong Hua's orders, he didn't know that Li Xin had some differences with Zhong Hua, which he didn't expect.

"These are old things, so don't mention them." Li Xin smiled bitterly, trying to prevaricate.

But Chu Yi had the idea of ​​breaking the casserole and asking the end, then stared at Li Xin but remained motionless.

"All right, all right, it's okay to tell you about it." Li Xin started the car and rushed towards a hospital.

"Actually, Zhong Hua is a person who puts his career first. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to rise up in the department and take this position. However, this person's thinking is very unique. Do you believe that there are many people in the world? God?" Li Xin asked suddenly.

Chu Yi was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.

"God, it's just a myth."

It's not that he doesn't believe in it, but that there is no scientific evidence at all to show that God exists.

Science is the sole criterion for testing truth.

Chu Yi looked at Li Xin with a smile, but Li Xin felt uncomfortable all over, and that gaze came again.

Li Xin was helpless for a while. After all, she and Chu Yi hadn't been alone for a long time, but this action made her a little worried, for fear that Chu Yi would do something out of the ordinary.

"Maybe it once existed, or it never existed. All of this is fabricated by the world." Chu Yi turned his head and looked at the tall buildings around him, and his thoughts drifted to the top of the mountain.

In fact, he was a little shaken. Although his own special ability sounds very absurd, it actually happened.

Thinking of this, Chu Yi couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"Sky eyes! Open!"

Chu Yi cast his eyes on Li Xin again, and couldn't help but smile.

"I haven't looked at it for a few days, but there are still some changes." He murmured in a low voice.

"What changes?"

Li Xin asked quickly, and then saw Chu Yi staring at his chest in a daze, and swallowed involuntarily.


Li Xin's car slammed on the brakes, but he didn't have a good face.

"This Chu Yi really can't be serious for a few seconds."

"Are you there?" Chu Yi looked suspiciously at a clinic-sized hospital in front of him.

This girl, isn't she fooling herself?

"go in."

Li Xin smiled slightly, and she knew that Chu Yi would have such an expression, after all, she also had such an expression when she first found out about this matter.

The two entered the clinic, only to find that this clinic has a different future.

The whole room is not big, but it doesn't have the slightest atmosphere of a clinic, and there are even few medical equipment, but Li Xin pressed the switch in his hand.


The low voice reached Chu Yi's ears, and he instantly realized that there was a dark room!

In such a bustling metropolis, having a dark room is undoubtedly digging one's own grave, but thanks to the boundary, it is only a small clinic.

Entering the dark room, a smell of potion came to the nostrils, and Chu could not help frowning.

A huge glass curtain wall blocked Chu Yi from the outside, and inside the curtain wall lay a woman, who was a survivor of the evil incident.

The data displayed on the machine next to it is all normal, it seems that it is just sleeping.

"sit down."

A young woman said coldly.

Chu Yi was taken aback. He didn't realize that there was a young and beautiful woman sitting beside him.

But this woman is a bit haggard, probably because of overwork.

"Chu Yi." Chu Yi stretched out his hand as before.

"Su Xuan."

Su Xuan lightly shook Chu Yi's hands, but Chu Yi was a little taken aback. Su Xuan's fingers were astonishingly cold.

He quickly opened his sky eyes and looked towards Su Xuan, but his brows were furrowed.

No, this Su Xuan's body is normal, but her hands are too cold, not the characteristics of a person with a cold body.

Chu Yi looked up and down, and didn't even look at Su Xuan's figure. In his eyes, it was nothing more than intricately intertwined blood vessels and human bones.

Li Xin noticed Chu Yi's abnormality, and quickly touched Chu Yi, wanting him to pay attention.

But Chu Yi acted as if he didn't feel anything, and kept staring at Su Xuan in a daze.

"Enough is enough."

Su Xuan's voice lacked the slightest tone, it was flat, but it made Chu Yi feel a bone-chilling cold.

"Are you cold?"

Chu also asked tentatively.

Li Xin slapped his forehead and felt his head was big.

This Chu Yi, how could he ever ask someone if he was cold or not when they met for the first time.

He really is a straight man of steel!

Li Xin roared in his heart.

"If you have nothing to do, please go out and don't disturb my work."

Su Xuan's words brought Chu Yi back to his senses. He instantly realized his gaffe, and quickly apologized, turning his attention to the survivor.

His heavenly eyes opened again, and his gaze swept across the survivors inch by inch, but he didn't find anything unusual.

The human body tissue and structure are all intact, even no different from ordinary people, but why is it a vegetable

Chu also found that his head was about to explode. The amount of information in the past few days was too great, and he felt his head was in a mess.

"Doctor Su, what is the probability of her waking up?" Li Xin asked eagerly.

Su Xuan shook her head, looked at the instrument at the side, but did not answer.

"The probability is zero?"

Su Xuan shook her head again, then sighed.

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