Chu was also awakened by shaking.

Opening his eyes and looking... Chu Yi couldn't tell for a while whether this was reality or not.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Li Xin.

When Li Xin saw Chu Yi's gaze, he immediately became furious.

"You rascal, you actually look at other people's place as soon as you wake up, don't forget what we are here for!"

"Of course I haven't forgotten, but the beautiful scenery is right in front of me, I can't let me be wronged!"

Chu Yi's fallacies one after another, made Li Xin helpless for a while.

This is completely the beauty delivered to your door, would you still refuse?

In this case, everyone will see it!

Chu Yi sat up straight and looked out the window, it was pitch black.

"It's late at night, you wake me up, what's the matter?"

Although Chu Yi didn't feel sleepy, he definitely didn't want to investigate this matter at night.

"I overheard something."

"Eavesdropping?" Chu Yi was taken aback.

"If we want to do it, let's do it openly, don't do it secretly, let people know, it's shameful!"

Li Xin nodded quickly and said: "Isn't this a special situation, I can only do it secretly!"

After only a few seconds, Li Xin felt his face was hot, and then realized that Chu Yi's words were not quite right!

"Tell me, what did you hear?"

Chu Yi asked in a low voice. He felt that what Li Xin heard might be the key.

"I heard that Lin Muxue was secretly on the phone with someone."


To be honest, Chu Yi still has a good impression of that Lin Muxue, after all, he still took advantage of him.

"Really, don't be deceived just because she is good-looking, I heard it with my own ears." Li Xin looked serious.

"Okay, let's talk about the content."

"I just heard something and I drank it, and there was no reaction, scared stuff."

Li Xin never thought about it, Chu Yi immediately stood up.

"What are you doing, such a violent reaction!"

"We found a breakthrough."

Chu Yi smiled slightly, and then walked towards Lin Muxue's office.

In fact, Chu also found that there were still a lot of people in the building. After all, the lights were brightly lit, and there was no sign of anyone leaving the building.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Please come in."

Chu Yi pushed open the door and walked in, seeing Lin Muxue looking for some information, seeing that it was Chu Yi coming in, he couldn't help being taken aback, and then panicked.

"Go for a drink?"

Lin Muxue swallowed, not knowing what Chu Yi meant.

"You are so beautiful, don't you want to reward yourself?"

Chu Yi smiled slightly, but Lin Muxue heaved a sigh of relief, it's a date.

"Then let's go, where are we going?"


Chu Yi walked in front, Lin Muxue followed behind, the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

"Look, isn't this the new master?"

"That's right, they're still so close to Manager Lin, don't these two want to have an affair?"

"It feels like, I think, this man is not a master at all, he is clearly a cover-up!"

"I didn't expect that our big beauty Lin would be insulted by such words!"


Chu Yi has black hair. The people in these companies are really good at gossip.

"Master is here to save you." Chu Yi turned his head and said calmly.

"whispering sound--"

The crowd booed disdainfully.

When the two came to the bar, Chu Yi picked a seat and sat down.

In fact, he wanted to make a deal, what exactly was Lin Muxue hiding from him.

After all, a girl can't drink too much, and she is quite sure that she might be able to make a statement tonight.

"What to drink? I invite you." Lin Muxue said slowly.

"How can I let you come, I'll come." Chu Yi touched his pocket, but found that he didn't bring any cash at all.

"You are the guest, I am the host, I will come, next time you come." Lin Muxue seemed to notice Chu Yi's embarrassment, and hurriedly said.

"Next time for sure, next time for sure"

The two of them just drank one mouthful after another, and couldn't help but start to reveal their feelings, and Chu Yi's words became more and more.

"Fortunately, it won't collapse. With me here, you can rest assured!" Chu Yi began to talk big.

"That's naturally the best thing, but I don't have any thoughts at all right now." Lin Muxue shook the red wine in her hand, but saw a group of people not far away staring at her.

She turned away in disgust, never thinking that this movement would make those people boil.

"With this figure and face, it's perfect!"

"It's not just a top match, it's simply the best. Even if you let me die under the peony flower, I'll be a ghost!"

"Knock on your prospects!"

"Brother Long, why don't you give it a try? Let the brothers eat meat tonight!"


The man called Brother Long immediately picked up his wine glass and walked towards the two of them.

"Beauty, can I show you my face?"

"Not interested in."

Lin Muxue resolutely refused, and when Chu Yi heard it, he burst into laughter.

"You bastard, what are you laughing at?"

"I laughed at you, you're too useless." Chu Yi drank the sake in his hand.

"What! I think you are tired of your life. In my territory, you are the first one who dares to behave wildly!"

"Oh? What are the consequences?"

"If you want to keep two arms, or if you can never go out, you choose one!"

Brother Long seemed to be very confident, and even pouted at his little brother.

Lin Muxue didn't want to cause trouble, so she hurriedly said, "Chu Yi, let's forget it, let's go."

"Hey! Wait, you can't leave. What tricks are there?" Brother Long hurriedly stopped him.

"It seems that you are toasting instead of eating fine wine!" Chu Yi snorted coldly, but in fact he didn't want to do anything today.

"Brother Long, fuck him!"

"Yes, let the brothers eat meat!"

Chu Yi was disgusted for a while, how could these people be more rascal than himself.

"Let's go." Chu Yi immediately hugged Lin Muxue in his arms, and walked around Lin Muxue's body with his hands.

When Brother Long saw it, he was furious, and immediately picked up the wine bottle and threw it at Chu Yi.


Chu Yiyun lightly waved his palm, and the wine bottle was shattered, while Brother Long was beaten and flew out.

"Brother Long!"

"Kill him to death for me!"

But his younger brothers hesitated, they had already seen Chu Yi's skills.

"Calling people! You can't beat calling people, why are you so dazed!"

Chu Yi suddenly became more interested and said, "Interesting, then I'll wait for you here."

Chu Yi strutted into the private room and took advantage of Lin Muxue before entering.

"Damn it! The bastard!"

Brother Long cursed angrily, and immediately made a phone call.

But Lin Muxue was very surprised that Chu Yi's skills were so fierce!

"Are you practicing family?"

"Small idea!" Chu Yi smiled slightly, and clinked glasses with Lin Muxue.

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