Zhong Hua was stunned on the other end of the phone, and then cursed softly.

Chu Yi didn't want to joke anymore, and then said lightly: "Let me say goodbye, is this the head office?"

When Zhong Hua heard that Chu Yi agreed to the matter, he couldn't help being overjoyed.

But he was taken aback for a moment, saying goodbye?

Say goodbye!

This is just to go to a foreign city to investigate, not to go to the battlefield, and it is so serious, it is like parting from life to death.

"Chu Yi, don't yell at me, what do you have to say?"

"Old Zhong, this is your fault. With so many beauties around me, shouldn't I say goodbye?"

When Zhong Hua heard it, what Chu Yi said seemed to have some truth, but Chu Yi had already hung up the phone and rushed towards the hotel.

The atmosphere in the hotel was extremely heavy, and they all knew that Chu Yi was going to do something big.

Although Chu Yi did not eat less tofu from them on weekdays, they actually found in their hearts that they were even emotionally eaten!

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!" Yue Yao shook her head, trying to get rid of these distracting thoughts.

Chu Yi stood behind the door, watching the movement in the house silently, but couldn't help being surprised.

Could it be that he really made these little girls fall in love with him at the same time?

Should not be!

Chu Yi cleared his throat, pushed the door open and entered.

"Brother Chu! You didn't leave?" Han Lingyue immediately jumped in front of Chu Yi, and Chu Yi felt his eyes were white.


Chu Yi subconsciously hugged Han Lingyue, and the two formed an extremely ambiguous posture.

Seeing this, the other three girls stared straight in their eyes!

This young lady of the Han family is really not a cover!

So lively!

Chu Yi felt the warmth and softness in his hand, and couldn't help taking advantage of it.


Chu Yi murmured, and at this time Han Lingyue had already reacted.

His cheeks flushed suddenly, and he looked very shy.

"Chu Yi!"

Yue Yao suddenly asked Chu Yi to gently put Han Lingyue on the ground.

"I came back this time just to say goodbye to you for a while."


All the girls were puzzled.

"That's right, and today, while the big guys are here, you can do it for me."


"You think beautiful!"

Li Xin also rolled her eyes. In fact, she already knew the purpose of Chu Yi's trip from Zhong Hua.

But she was also slightly upset.

This kind of task should have belonged to her, but now, Chu Yi actually got the limelight. She stayed in the house to take care of Han Lingyue. Although it was much easier, it was less fun.

Li Xin actually likes this kind of challenging work, but she has no choice but to obey Zhong Hua's orders.

"Let's go, have a good meal outside, and I'm leaving."

Just like that, Chu Yi left the hotel with four beauties of various styles and styles, each with his own merits.

"Damn it! Look, who is this man? It's too exaggerated to have four beauties beside him, all of whom are all over the world?"

"What are you thinking about? It must be the big brother with a lot of money and billions. You and I can only watch!"

"I don't know how much this man paid!"

"Wait, there is another eldest lady who seems to be from the Han family?"

"What, how is it possible, the Han family is not short of money..."

Everyone in the hotel looked sideways and talked endlessly.

Chu Yi felt more and more that it was a wise choice for him to stay by the beautiful woman's side, but unfortunately, he had to leave for a few days.


When Chu Yi's cell phone rang, he quickly picked up the cell phone and saw that it was a message from Zhonghua.

"Let Li Xin go with you, Han Lingyue, I will send someone else to protect me."

Chu Yi glanced sideways at Li Xin, and found that her expression hadn't changed at all, presumably Zhong Hua didn't notify her.

But when he saw Li Xin's extremely long legs, he readily agreed.

Such beautiful things are of course in line with Chu Yi's wishes.

Just looking at these beautiful legs, Chu Yi couldn't hold back.

Although Li Xin's temper is a little hot, but helplessly, Chu Yi is very feminine, so it's hard not to be moved.

"That's it!"

Chu Yi pointed to a Michelin-starred restaurant, and then walked in swaggeringly.

Except for Han Lingyue, everyone's expressions changed.

The things in the Michelin restaurant are not cheap!

"Boss, serve all your signature and most expensive dishes here, and also, bring me a bottle of the best red wine!"

Chu Yi yelled, and the waiter was not dissatisfied with Chu Yi's yelling at all, but found it pleasant.

The Lord is here today!

Seeing this, the four girls couldn't help being stunned. Is this Chu Yi so generous now?

Li Xin rolled her eyes and sat beside Chu Yi.

"If you have money, why not exchange your PHS."

Chu Yi slapped his thigh in a serious manner, and then rubbed it a few times: "Food is the most important thing for the people. If you change your mobile phone, can food be more important?"

But Li Xin's face was flushed, and Chu Yi couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? Are you ashamed?"

The rest of the people also asked one after another: "Sister Xin, is it hot?"

"Chu Yi...your hand!" Li Xin almost choked out these words through gritted teeth.

Chu Yi pretended to be shocked when he saw that his hand was actually on Li Xin's white thigh.

"I said, why is it so smooth and warm? It turned out to be a mistake!"

Chu Yi's words made all the girls burst out laughing, this man's level of rascal had almost reached its peak.

"Sir, this order costs 36 yuan. Is it cash or credit card?" The waiter walked over slowly with the bill. In fact, he was afraid that Chu Yi would pretend to be a big-tailed wolf and eat a king's meal.

After all, what Chu Yi wears can't be considered rich, but decent at best.

And when the waiter saw the PHS in Chu Yi's hand, he became even more anxious, for fear that Chu Yi would slip away.

However, when he saw the beauties beside Chu Yi, his eyes lit up. These are not ordinary beauties. Every one of them can make him excited in place!

"Could it be that rich people do it on purpose? Do rich people have this habit now?"

"What's the rush? Are you afraid that I won't pay the bill?" Chu Yi sneered, then looked at the waiter.

The waiter didn't expect that Chu Yi was surprisingly calm, and this look... was a difficult master to deal with.

"No sir, according to the rules in our store, the bill must be paid before the meal."

"What kind of rules is this?" Chu Yi snorted coldly, disapproving.

But a dandy on the table next to him sneered and said: "If you have no money, just get out of here. Don't get in the way of my young master's eyes. Otherwise, I will cripple your eyeballs!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

This is a deliberate provocation!

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