Wei Mei was stunned for a moment, she did not expect Chu Yi to come back suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, she couldn't help but glanced at the bathroom. There was a large area of ​​white flowers, and she couldn't even run away!

Thinking of this, Wei Mei immediately pulled the door back.

But as soon as she made a move, Chu Yi pressed down on the door with one hand, no matter how hard she tried, the door remained motionless.

"Sister Mei, why don't you welcome me back!"

Chu Yi looked injured, and opened the door while talking.

Wei Mei's expression was full of astonishment.

She knew that there must be a gap between her own strength and Chu Yi's. After all, she came from the famous Qingcang Mountain, and it was not incomprehensible that she was not an opponent.

But she never thought that the gap would be so big!

I tried my best, but I couldn't pull him with the strength of one hand!

Wei Mei watched the door get wider and wider, and finally realized that she couldn't stop it.


"Chu Yi! You're back!"

She let go suddenly, followed by an exaggerated yell, which stunned Chu Yi.

Why are you calling so loudly?Could it be...

He looked into the room and suddenly thought of something.

"Heaven's eyes, open!"

Immediately, the line of sight passes through the wall, and the scene in the bathroom suddenly fills the field of vision...

I... damn it!

Chu Yi was stunned on the spot.

This is too generous!I feel ashamed!

Hearing Wei Mei's yelling reminder, there were four girls chatting and laughing in the bathtub, and they suddenly became a mess.

Looking for bath towels, trembling,...

In a trance, Chu Yi felt that his nose was a little swollen, and a stream of heat almost gushed out of his nose.

sin sin!

Knowing why Wei Mei wanted to block the door, Chu Yi also had an evil and good idea.

"Rush in now and block the bathroom door..."

That scene must be wonderful.

But as soon as this thought came up, Chu Yi suppressed it.

No, no, the risk of attracting people's dislike is too great, it's okay to flirt with her once in a while, so blatantly refusing to step down, isn't it forcing a girl to bite someone?

"The water flows long and thin, the green hills are kept so that there is no fear of no firewood to sweep, the leeks have to be cut one by one, and the wool can't catch a sheep..."

Countless famous aphorisms flashed through his mind, and Chu Yi made a decision.

He let go of his hand, turned his head and walked away: "Hey! Something was left in the lobby, I'll go and pick it up, and I'll be back in 10 minutes."

Wei Mei couldn't help being stunned.

really gone?

Did he notice something?

In doubt, she turned her head to look at the four of Han Lingyue who were in a mess in the bathroom, and said, "Don't worry, Chu Yi is gone."

Han Lingyue and the others were taken aback: "Really?"

"Well, I watched him go downstairs and said he would be back in 10 minutes."

Wei Mei closed the door after she said that, but she didn't know that at the corner of the corridor, Chu Yi was "facing the wall and thinking about the past"...

Han Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief, covered her chest and said, "I was scared to death, I thought Brother Chu would barge in."

Feng Qian immediately remembered the scenes of being taken advantage of when she was at home, and said with a slightly flushed face: "He is capable of doing such a thing!"

"I don't think it's strange that that guy did anything, hurry up and get dressed!"

Yue Yao picked up the bath towel and wiped it off, then surrounded herself and went out to get dressed. By the way, she also reminded: "Put on more! Who knows if he will mess around at night, wrap yourself up tightly."

The corner of Chu Yi's mouth twitched.

Well you Yue Yao, if I'm not here, just arrange me like this!

OK, you wait for me to go back!

When Chu Yi was full of resentment, Han Lingyue and the others nodded approvingly, and under Yue Yao's demonstration, they really wrapped themselves up tightly.

Not to mention the thighs, even the arms are not exposed.

"You have changed, you are not as generous as you were during the day..."

Chu Yi shook his head and sighed. After seeing that the time was almost up, he went back and knocked on the door.

"I'm home."

Wei Mei didn't stop him this time. After Chu Yi entered the room, she saw four girls sitting around on the big round bed playing poker.

"Brother Chu, do you want to play?"

"Is there a lottery?"


Chu Yi curled his lips: "What's the point of that? If you want to play, be bold, and the loser will take off a piece of clothing!"


The four scolded in unison.


There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, Chu Yi was awakened by a doorbell.

Rubbing his eyes and sitting up from the sofa, he subconsciously looked at the big round bed.

The four beauties snuggled together, looking delicious... It's a pity that the meal was not completed.

Chu Yi tried several times last night but didn't get any advantage, until he was sleepy and fell asleep...

Try again tonight!

"I still can't believe that there will never be a chance."

After talking to himself, Chu Yi yawned and opened the door a little.


As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the door was suddenly pulled outside.

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, and his lazy look disappeared in an instant. After letting the people outside pull the door open, he took a closer look, and saw a dozen people blocking the door, all of them wearing masks and sunglasses, obviously the visitors bad.

Yes, in broad daylight, the sky is bright, and he came here to do bad things.

Chu Yi leaned against the door frame, looked at the people outside with a half-smile, hugged his shoulders and said, "What are you doing?"

They were not in a hurry to speak, but took out their mobile phones, looked at the photos on it, and then at Chu Yi. After confirming, the leader sneered.

"Chu Yi, right? Come with me."

After saying that, the two reached out their hands to take Chu Yi away.



With two muffled sounds, the two people flew out backwards and smashed into the crowd.

The people outside were shocked, they didn't even see clearly how the man flew out!

Looking at the two unlucky ghosts who bumped into several people, and looking at Chu Yi who seemed to have never moved inside the door, their expressions suddenly became much uglier.

"Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine! If you resist again, it won't do you any good!"

Chu Yi chuckled: "I'm sorry, I'm allergic to alcohol, so I don't want toast or punishment."

Everyone outside looked at each other, and finally several people pulled out electric batons from their pockets.

"Since you don't cooperate, don't blame us for being rude."


The few closest people pressed the switch, and the electric baton made a sharp crackling sound, and stabbed it straight.

Chu Yi glanced casually, then kicked out, took off his shoes and stepped on one's wrist, causing the electric baton in his hand to hit his companion.

"Uh uh uh……"

The unlucky ghost immediately broke danced, and in just two seconds, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, spitting bubbles like a crab.

The power of this electric baton is not small.

Chu Yi raised his brows, grabbed it with his hands, and then pushed it on someone with great interest.

"Uh uh uh……"

Seeing him twitching and falling down, Chu Yi became excited.

This thing is fun!

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