The situation, which had been fairly stable at first, suddenly took a turn for the worse, so fast that Ji Dong and the others didn't have time to react.

It wasn't until Wei Mei stomped on the anesthesia gun that they were shocked.

"You, don't move!"

Ji Dong pointed the stun gun at Wei Mei, his confidence was seriously lacking, and his voice trembled a little.

He had considered that Wei Mei should be a bodyguard or something, and he could tell from her figure, ordinary women were not as burly as her.

But he never imagined that this bodyguard would be so powerful that he could knock Fan Gang down in an instant.

Killing a pig is not so fast!

Such a terrifying ability made him feel insecure even if he held a stun gun.

Even he is like this, let alone others.

Pairs of horrified eyes fell on Wei Mei, afraid that she would kill herself.

At this moment, Han Lingyue and the others also came back to their senses, looked at Chu Yi one after another, and asked knowingly, "Brother Chu, did you know that they were plotting something wrong?"

No wonder you treat them like servants...

If I had known this earlier, I would have ordered them around!

It's a pity for Han Lingyue and the others.

Only Yue Yao put on a serious face, and stared over angrily: "Chu Yi! You know that they have no good intentions, and you let Lingyue put herself in danger?"

Thinking of this, Yue Yao became furious.

I asked you to come to protect Lingyue from danger, how could I take her to jump into the fire pit together!

"Don't panic, I know it!"

With Chu Yi's words, the angry Yue Yao's chest rose and fell, and he couldn't help wondering whether that thin swimsuit could bear such a heavy burden...

At this time, Wei Mei seemed to have not seen the stun gun in Ji Dong's hand, picked up a silver table knife and twirled it in her hand, and asked lightly, "Chu Yi, what should we do with these people?"

As soon as these words came out, Ji Dong and the others were all taken aback.

Isn't this Han Lingyue's bodyguard?Why are you still listening to this guy?

Is he the real master?Can't!No matter how you look at him, he looks like a follower licking a dog or something.

Just when they were confused, Chu Yi tilted his head and looked at them with a smile that was not a smile, and said lightly: "Didn't they just say that this is the open sea, and no one will find anything if they throw it in?"

What? !He wants us to sink into the sea? !

As soon as this idea popped up, Ji Dong and the others felt their hearts tighten and their heads buzzed.

impossible!They must be scaring us, they are not a criminal gang, how could they do it if they want to kill someone.

But when they were still lucky, the burly woman nodded!


In response, Wei Mei strode directly towards Ji Dong.

It is not just Chu Yi who is talking about martial arts. Almost all existing martial arts practitioners have a certain degree of deficiency in legal awareness.

I do not practice martial arts to build a harmonious society...

But the way of throwing people into the open sea was also the first time for Wei Mei, so she was a little excited.

Seeing that she was serious, Ji Dong couldn't hold back anymore.

"Why don't you come here!"

Wei Mei cursed in horror, as if she hadn't heard it, so he subconsciously pulled the trigger.

It was only a few meters away, and it should have been a surefire hit, but the moment his fingers moved, Wei Mei threw the table knife in his hand.


A cold light flashed, blood color appeared, and a scream followed.

The stun gun fell out of his hand, and Ji Dong clutched his left palm pierced by the table knife, screaming like a pig.

Feng Yuan and the others shuddered when they saw this scene.

This is what they do to other people before, but when they themselves become victims, they realize how terrible it feels.

At this moment, Wei Mei passed by Ji Dong and walked towards them slowly.

Seeing her getting closer, Feng Yuan's hand holding the wine bottle trembled a little...

After gritting his teeth and struggling for two seconds, he suddenly turned grim.

I'm going all out!

With a plop, he knelt down on the ground and threw the broken wine bottle aside.

"Hero, spare your life! I know I was wrong!"

This sudden scene made Wei Mei pause in her footsteps.

Chu Yi even laughed out loud.

Scared the kids...

Looking at the other people, their reactions were similar to Feng Yuan's, but they seemed so frightened that they couldn't even kneel down.

Chu Yi laughed and shook his head, opened his mouth to stop Wei Mei, and then waved, asking Feng Yuan and the others to sit in a row on the other side of the dining table.

"For the sake of realizing your mistakes, I will give you a chance. After all, I am not a devil!"

As he said that, he called Li Xin over and asked her to reluctantly pick up the video camera.

"Come on, I'll give you a chance to fight for leniency, and explain all the shitty things you did before! Anyone who hides something, jump into the sea by yourself!"

Ji Dong and the others' complexions suddenly turned pale.

If those dirty things I did in the past are revealed...the result seems to be no better than Shen Hai!

At this time, Chu Yi raised his hand and pointed Ji Dong: "You come first! If other people hear something from you and point it out, they will get a chance to avoid punishment, how about it?"

Ji Dong was taken aback.

Turning his head, he saw Feng Yuan and the others were struggling.

Obviously, they are really thinking about it carefully.

Husband and wife can fly separately in the face of adversity, let alone a group of them.

If stepping on you can get me out of the quagmire, it seems like a good choice...

"Cao! A bunch of traitors!"

He glared at Feng Yuan and the others viciously. Ji Dong originally wanted to threaten them not to say what they shouldn't say, but he never expected it to have the opposite effect.

What the hell, we were slaves for a day for you, and now you still threaten me?

Do you really think we have no temper!

Feng Yuan slapped the table with a bang: "You try to stare at me again!"

"Feng Yuan, you want to rebel?!"

Ji Dong glared at Feng Yuan as if he was about to kill someone.

"You can't escape anyway, so why should I listen to you?" Feng Yuan said confidently, then looked flatteringly at Chu Yi: "Don't worry, I know a lot about his mess, I promise to supervise him Shake it all out!"

Chu Yi tapped his fingers on the table, watching the dog bite the dog between the two of them amusedly.

To be honest, this feeling of being a judge is really good!

Especially the trial of these unscrupulous people is very interesting.

Every cause must bear fruit, and your retribution is me...

"Okay, as long as you supervise well, I will let you go."

Chu Yi said indifferently. As soon as the words fell, the others rushed to stand up.

"I can also supervise! Some things Feng Yuan doesn't even know."

"Yes, yes, I know a lot too!"

"Absolutely let him confess everything!"


Seeing the way his little friends stepped on him desperately, Ji Dong's face was full of despair.


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