Yue Yao was stunned, and only then did she realize how big a mistake she had made...

It turned out that Feng Qian... was forced to do so!

But now it's too late to understand.

"You, you let go of me."

She said in a low voice with a stiff face, but what answered her was Chu Yi's wry smile.

"I can't help you."

One Feng Qian was enough for him, but in the end, another Yue Yao came. The two people's tactile sensations were completely opposite, the former was elastic and firm, while the latter was like cotton.

This stimulus is so great that no cadre can stand it!

The little deer in Yue Yao's heart rattled wildly, as if she was running for a concussion.

She never thought that the first time she had such a "communication" with a man would be under such circumstances.

The two of them were embarrassed and said nothing, and the atmosphere became a little strange.

But to be honest, Chu Yi is really in pain and happy...

But in the eyes of Ji Dong and the others, they were furious.

Is it not enough for you to harm one!Why is there a second one!

It's not over, is it!To piss us off on purpose?

At this moment, Yue Yao's savior came.

"Sister Yue Yao, give you a blanket!"

As the same 'victim', Feng Qian found a towel blanket and handed it over.

Yue Yao suddenly felt amnesty, took the blanket and stuffed it into Chu Yi's arms.

"You let go!"

Well, I can't be in pain and be happy.

Chu Yi sighed regretfully, took the towel blanket, and covered himself when Yue Yao got up.

Seeing this situation, Ji Dong and the others immediately understood what was going on.

They are all people who have experienced great storms, how can they not know this?

But after knowing it, their anger grew even higher.

Co-authoring two beauties sitting on you, is this the case? !

Then you are too much!

In the eyes of the crowd who were so angry that they were about to spit fire, Chu Yi coughed lightly and stood up, and then, amidst the shouts of surprise, turned over and jumped into the sea.

"Come down and play! It's rare to go to sea, so I have to go for a swim."

In order to cover up the embarrassment, Chu Yi also went all out...

Li Xin giggled when he saw it, it was rare to see Chu Yi in such an embarrassing situation!

But then, she jumped off the boat like she was having fun.


After she jumped into the sea, she didn't come up for a long time. After a long time, a small head was paid in the blue water.

"Don't be dazed, come down!"

When the delicate voice came, Han Lingyue and the others on the boat immediately moved their hearts.

Then, they jumped down one by one like dumplings.

Silver bell-like laughter echoed on the sea, but the faces of the people on the boat were livid.

"Brother Dong, what should we do? They all jumped down to swim, and the boat can't drive."

Ji Dong's lungs were about to explode.

You are sincerely making things difficult for me!

But when he thought about the millions of dollars he had already spent, and the figures of those beauties in the sea, he suppressed his anger again.

"Stop the boat and wait! I don't believe it anymore, can I still take them down?"

This is crazy, right?

Several friends looked at each other in blank dismay, but in the end they couldn't say anything, and silently obeyed Ji Dong's arrangement.

The yacht was floating on the sea. Amidst the restless music, Chu Yi and Han Lingyue had fun in the water, making the people on the boat envious.

But without Ji Dong speaking, they didn't dare to jump down.

After waiting for a long time, Ji Dong also came to his senses, how could he just be here and watch them play together?

You have to get involved!

In the water, maybe you can... Hehehe...

"I'm coming too!"

Ji Dong yelled and jumped into the sea.

He already has a picture in his mind, the blue waves are rippling, playing with beautiful women, and then taking advantage of the ups and downs of the waves, he accidentally comes into intimate contact...

Wouldn't it be nice to use the one-second unlocking skill that I have practiced hard for more than ten years?

Thinking of this, Ji Dong felt a burst of excitement, and hurriedly got out of the water.

"Who wants to..."

Just said two words, the words stopped abruptly,

Ji Dong looked around with a stiff face. On the empty sea, he was the only one floating around...

What about people? !

He looked around, and saw at the stern of the boat, Chu Yi was holding a towel, and was diligently wiping the girls.

"I am Cao!"

Ji Dong slapped the sea angrily, and suddenly felt that the clown was me.

I'm in the water, and you're in the boat, are you looking down on me?

Just as his anger was rushing upwards, Chu Yi suddenly turned to look at him and smiled.

"Play slowly, let's eat something first."

After finishing speaking, they talked and laughed and went towards the roof of the boat.

Ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped past Ji Dong's heart...

When he boarded the boat, he immediately called the captain and told him, "Go to the open sea as quickly as possible!"

The captain nodded understandingly, and not long after, the yacht began to speed up.

The sea breeze became stronger and stronger, Chu Yi and the others came down from the rooftop one after another, sat down in the restaurant and began to feast.

Lobster, crab, abalone, foie gras, salad...

Fan Gang was almost exhausted, and the hands holding the plate were trembling.

After finally putting everything on the table, I heard Chu Yi say, "What about boiled fish? What about spicy chicken? Why are they all Western food?"

The corner of Fan Gang's mouth twitched, wanting to lift the table and yell.

Do you think I'm a superman?

However, just when he couldn't hold back, Ji Dong glared at him: "Go."

After speaking, he made another mouth shape.

'A small leak will sink a great ship! '

Fan Gang took a deep breath, glanced at Feng Qian's curvy figure, and finally gritted his teeth and got into the kitchen again.

Chu Yi laughed in his heart, since you are so tolerant, if you don't order you around, I will be sorry for your patience.

"Who is that, grill the shrimp for me, and pour me some wine."

Feng Yuan, who was called by name, was taken aback for a moment, looked left and right, and then pointed to his nose and asked, "Are you talking to me?"

"Nonsense, is there anyone else next to you? Hurry up and cook well. I don't eat spoiled shrimp."

Feng Yuan was stunned at that moment.

Ever since I was a child, when have I served others!Now you want me to grill shrimp for you?

who do you think You Are!

But just when he was about to get angry, Ji Dong's eyes drifted over.

"I'm a guest from afar, isn't it just grilling shrimp, how about grilling a few?"

Feng Yuan looked at Ji Dong in disbelief.

Brother Dong, I'm your loyal little brother, how could you say such a thing!

However, Ji Dong turned a deaf ear to his gaze, and tilted his head impatiently, Feng Yuan had no choice but to grit his teeth and start grilling the shrimp.

"Beauty, don't be idle, come here and rub my shoulders, and the shrimp meat will be cooked later, let's eat together."

Three beauties in bikinis were taking pictures. Upon hearing this, his reaction immediately became similar to that of Feng Yuan.

They unconsciously looked at Ji Dong, and saw his face was livid.

"Why are you standing there? I'm a guest from afar! Come here, rub!"

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