Chu Yi looked playful, and looked at the people behind him with great interest.

There is one thing to say, but this buddy's appearance is not bad, he looks like a little wolf dog in the legend, and behind him, there are seven men and women who are not bad in appearance.

In the words of the Internet, all of them are "advanced faces".

"The old trick has started again, I really don't forget to be in heat wherever I go."

"You are just jealous that people can hook up with you wherever you go, so come if you have the ability, don't just feel bitter."

"Tch, if I have a net worth of tens of billions, why don't I just come here?"

"Just blow it."


Chu Yi moved his ears, listening to the words of those seven people.

Co-authoring this is still a habitual offender.

But I'm afraid you will be rejected today.

Needless to say, Han Lingyue's net worth of tens of billions is not enough in front of her.

As for Feng Qian, although she is not very rich, but her family is not short of money, the probability of bending her waist for five buckets of rice is very small.

When it comes to Li Xin's place... She just saw the scene of blood flowing into rivers a few days ago!

As for Wei Mei, Chu also automatically ignored it.

When Sister Mei stood there, her sturdy demeanor was enough to make people daunted.

"There's a good show to watch!"

Chu Yi was so happy, he couldn't help not being angry, instead he winked at Li Xin and the others and said, "They have a spare room, what do you say?"

Unsurprisingly, this remark got three blank eyes.

Even Ji Dong and the others despised him even more when they looked at Chu Yi.

Is there something wrong with this kid's head?I flirt with your girlfriend, but you still act as my wingman?

It was Shi Lezhi.

Ji Dong completely ignored him, glanced at him, and stretched out his hand to Han Lingyue.

He has read countless women, and he knows who should be the better one at a glance, but this person is still the type he likes, so everyone will be happier!

Thinking of this, the smile on his face couldn't help but become more enthusiastic.

"Hello beauty, my name is Ji Dong, what's your name?"

Han Lingyue didn't seem to see his outstretched hand, but nodded slightly: "My surname is Han."

Ji Dong's hand was hanging in the air, and he couldn't help curling up a few times in embarrassment.

Chu Yi almost couldn't laugh out loud when he saw the way he was shut down when he came up.

But after all, he was a person who walked among thousands of flowers, Ji Dong quickly adjusted his mentality, and put his hand back with a calm expression.

"Miss Han, don't you have enough rooms? It happens that we have reserved more rooms, so we can give you two evenly. What do you think?"

"no need."

Han Lingyue refused without thinking.

"But there are so many of you, and there is a man..." Ji Dong glanced at Chu Yi, with obvious disdain on his face: "It's inconvenient to squeeze into one room, right?"

"What's the inconvenience? Anyway, we usually live together."

Feng Qian interjected, originally she didn't want to talk, and she wasn't talking to herself.

But when she saw Ji Dong's eyes looking at Chu Yishi, she didn't know what to do, and she stood up with a hot head.

It's just that after she finished speaking, she was taken aback for a moment, and her face turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Am I crazy! Why are you talking like this!"

Han Lingyue and Li Xin looked over in amazement, and their eyes wandered between her and Chu Yi, who was smiling but not smiling.

Good guy, so you are living together!

At this time, Chu Yi touched her arm: "Be careful next time, don't tell the truth. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it when we go home."

Feng Qian was immediately annoyed, and raised her hand to grab Chu Yi's soft waist: "Shut up!"

Chu Yi pretended to be in pain, so her face looked better.

Just seeing them flirting and scolding, Ji Dong's face became much uglier.

Such a beautiful woman, why did she fall in love with this kind of person!

"Since you are living together, it's just right. The two of you share a room. Isn't it just right to give our room to Ms. Han and the others?"

"No, they often live together."

This time, Feng Qian was not used to speak, but Li Xin said something narrowly.

In an instant, Han Lingyue blushed.

When Ji Dong saw it, he knew what Li Xin said was true, otherwise how could Ms. Han have such a reaction.

It's another good cabbage being slapped by a pig!

Why is he? !

Ji Dong froze in place, suddenly doubting himself.

At this time, seeing that the situation was not right, his friends hurried over and began to show the self-cultivation of the wingmen...

"Forget it, old trick, since they have no difficulty, why do you force it?"

"That's right, let's talk about playing, who always stays in the hotel room, isn't everyone going out to play!"

"Speaking of going out to play, do you have any plans?"


When Ji Dong, who was still in a daze, heard the words 'go out and play', he was in a full mood.

Yes!I still have a chance!

Among other things, in this respect, I must be better than a guy who is lucky!

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately looked at Han Lingyue with burning eyes: "Miss Han, we just chartered a yacht and are going to go out to sea in the afternoon. Do you want to go together? It's much more fun than being at the beach."


Han Lingyue didn't take it lightly. Her family's harbor was parked in a row all year round. If she sat there too many times, it wouldn't be interesting.

However, just when she was about to refuse, Li Xin's eyes suddenly lit up: "It sounds pretty good!"

Han Lingyue immediately swallowed her refusal, thinking of Chu Yi's words in her mind-"Li Xin's girl was a little stimulated a few days ago, take her to relax together, lest she go to extremes."

Since she is so interested...

"Okay, how much is it, we are AA."

Ji Dong was overjoyed, and immediately waved his hands and said: "If you have money or not, you can come if you can. Let's exchange contact information. I will call you in the afternoon."

Just when he was full of expectations, Wei Mei strode forward and took out her mobile phone: "Do you scan me, or should I scan you?"

The joy on Ji Dong's face froze instantly.

When Chu Yi saw it, he pursed his lips and turned his head away, afraid that he would laugh out loud to dispel his enthusiasm.

Han Lingyue and the others also found it funny, but they held it back very well.

In the end, Ji Dong changed the phone number with Wei Mei with an unlucky look on his face, and watched them go to the elevator.

"Old Ji, you hunt geese all day long, this time you were pecked by geese."

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, it's rare to see you so passive."

"I think it's better to give up. It seems that the three girls are not very easy to start with."


The companions laughed happily, but Ji Dong didn't take it seriously.

"So what? When the boat goes out to sea, I don't care if they make a move."

As soon as these words came out, his companions immediately showed sudden expressions.

"what do you mean?"

"Need to talk? Anesthesia gun, anesthesia, handcuffs, etc., get ready to go!"

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