Zhong Hua's elder brother with a serious face reluctantly chose to transfer money.

"Thank you for your patronage, welcome to take care of my little brother's business next time."

When Chu Yi saw the SMS reminder of the bank's arrival, his face immediately beamed with joy.

When he was about to leave, Zhong Hua suddenly stopped him: "Wait a minute! Our equipment is not a gift."

"Is a big family short of these things?"

Chu Yi pouted, these things are quite valuable!

Especially the individual computer on the wrist, it looks really good.

such a pity.

Reluctantly unloading the equipment, he walked outside with the disappointment of not being able to take advantage.

"I send you."

Li Xin followed, pretending to be nonchalant.

"It's still packaged and delivered, let's go."

Chu Yi readily agreed, and when he was following Li Xin to find a car, suddenly, a loud noise came from the station.

Everyone was startled, and looked into the station one after another, and then they were all frightened by the scene in front of them.

In the night, a tornado-like black column of air surged into the sky, straight into the sky, almost connecting the sky and the earth together.

Ruoyouwu's nonsense resounded in everyone's hearts, making people upset.

Even Chu is an exception.

"What is this?"

He frowned and murmured.

At this moment, a burst of exclamation sounded.

"Old Liu! Why are you going!"

"Come back quickly! Don't go there!"

"What's wrong with you?! What are you crazy about!"


Chu Yi looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a commotion among the soldiers.

Some fighters seemed to be bewitched by the vague babbling, and they walked towards the station in a daze like walking dead.

Even if they were blocked by their comrades desperately, they remained indifferent, as if something was attracting them.

"No need to send it, you can go."

Chu Yi sighed.

With such a big commotion, all those who can be useful must not be idle.

Sure enough, Li Xin hummed, and hurried to the command tent to make bricks and move them wherever needed.

Chu Yi looked at the gradually dissipating black air column, and suddenly felt a little lucky in his heart.

"Master's words can't be offended, I'm afraid it's the thing that made this noise."

Fortunately, I didn't meet him. This ghost is just like Master. They are all about science, they are about science fiction...

"Forget it, there is a tall one to support it."

Chu Yi shook his head, and walked outside with his hands behind his back.

Faintly, a burst of loud scolding could be heard.

"Send the helicopter out immediately, no matter where those people are, pick them up for me immediately!"

"The coordinates of the artillery have been adjusted, and the missile base is ready!"

"Air Force ready!"

"The scope of martial law is expanded! All civilians within a radius of five kilometers are evacuated!"


The whole camp was fried into a pot of porridge, and everyone was busy.

After Chu Yi left, an expected phone call came.

"Master, miss me?"

"Looking for a fight, right! Have you gone to Zhong Hua's place?"

Lin Qingying's voice sounded like a silver bell, mixed with a hint of worry.

Chu Yi chuckled: "I've been there, and there was a big commotion when I was about to leave. Isn't it dangerous?"

"Then what do you think, if Zhong Hua looks for you again, he can go anywhere except the train station, understand?"

"Roger that!"

Chu Yi hung up the phone and walked for more than an hour before he walked out of the martial law area and stopped a taxi.

It's just that he didn't go to Han Lingyue's house.

"You still know how to come back?"

As soon as she returned to her home and opened the door, Feng Qian's drunken voice came over.

Chu Yi poked his head to look, and couldn't help smacking his tongue secretly.

Is this girl probably reincarnated from alcohol?It's amazing that I can drink myself like this.

"Can't you drink less?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Chu Yi walked over and helped Feng Qian who was sitting on the ground leaning on the sofa to get up.

"Let go of me! I don't need your help!"

Feng Qian's two white thighs kicked wildly, struggling like a rabbit on an eagle, she saw it without knowing it, and thought that Chu Yi was going to do something to her.

But Chu Yi is enjoying it.

Feng Qian was wearing a light nightdress, which was already thin, and it seemed to be nothing when she hugged it.

Forget it, after she struggled like this, her whole body fell downwards, and her knee-length nightgown immediately rose to her waist, and under her navel, a cartoon cutie was exposed in Chu Yi's sight.

"Sin, sin, how embarrassing it is."

Chu Yi secretly thought, but his eyes were staring straight at the eyes.

At this time, Feng Qian also seemed to realize that she seemed to be giving benefits, and her struggle became more intense.

"Let go of me!"

"Okay, okay, calm down first, let me let you go, okay?"

Chu Yi was talking, when suddenly, there was a piercing sound of cloth being torn, and he froze for a moment.

The nightgown on Feng Qian's body was turned into two halves. What a coincidence... She seemed to see that she was at home, so she didn't wear anything else inside.

"Um...that's too polite."

Chu Yi swallowed, feeling that this was a consolation prize for himself, to soothe the irritation caused by the corpse and the evil thing before.

Nice guy!

Just as she was feeling emotional, Feng Qian looked down at herself with blurred eyes, and then looked up at Chu Yi.

After a few seconds of silence, she suddenly screamed, clutching her chest and crawling back to the bedroom.

To be honest, Chu Yi really had the urge to catch up, but as soon as he got up, he pushed him back.

The little gangster is happy, the big gangster is breaking the law!

The police uncle can't help me, but the master is much better than the police uncle...

"Let's have a supper."

After cleaning up the crayfish, octopus and scallops on the table, Chu Yi burped and went back to his room.

A moment after the sound of closing the door, the master bedroom was gently opened. Feng Qian, who had changed into her pajamas and pajamas, poked her head out quietly. After listening carefully for a while, she tiptoed towards the living room and shone the light on the coffee table with her mobile phone. Her expression suddenly changed. stiff.

It cost me more than 200 yuan for seafood supper!

Not to mention being taken advantage of, the food is gone!


The next day, Chu Yi was woken up by Yue Yao's call urging her to go to work, and after a quick wash, she was ready to go out.

When putting on the shoes, he paused, then slowly bent down, picked up the shoes and shook them lightly, and the shells of a few crayfish fell out.

Just eat something for you, as for it!

Shaking his head dumbfounded, Chu Yi shook off his shoes before putting them on and going to work.

"Brother Chu, when will you be on time once?"

When they arrived, Han Lingyue said helplessly.

Even Wei Mei looked helpless.

"Next time! Be on time next time!"

Chu Yi let out a haha ​​with ease, leaned over and got into the new nanny's car.

At this moment, a text message came from an unfamiliar number.

"Don't say I didn't remind you. It's better for you to keep a low profile recently. The parents of those five scattered people are getting angry right now."

Chu Yi frowned.

This is dead young to old?

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