Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 101 Are You Watching a Movie?

As one of the leading big cities in China, Binhai has a very large station area.

It's just that the crowds of people in the past are like weaving, and the bustling scene is gone, replaced by a dead silence

In the entire station, all the lights failed, and it was pitch black everywhere.

The light of more than 20 strong flashlights shines everywhere, slowly exploring forward.

Chu Yi turned on the monitor on his wrist, and the map showed that they had just stepped into Zone D.

"Hurry up, please? I'm whimpering, when will it be over?"

"This is really timid."

"Don't count on them, they are all useless."


In front, the five people said contemptuously as if no one was watching.

I don't know whether to call them deadly or bold.

Chu Yi glanced at them lightly, then stopped paying attention, turned to look around, and opened his eyes.

After just a few seconds, he frowned and gave up.

"The light conditions are too poor to see clearly..."


At this moment, a sudden sound came from the front left, as if someone had knocked over the trash can.


The five scattered people in front immediately became excited, and rushed over one by one, yelling, extremely reckless.

Li Xin was so angry that he couldn't help but shouted, "Stop! Don't act without authorization!"

However, those five people turned a deaf ear to them. Seeing their light getting farther and farther away, Li Xin was so angry that she wanted to shoot them.

"Let's follow along, the team can't disperse."

Xia Ling also frowned, and said something softly, Li Xin could only helplessly agree.

So, the three of them and the twenty soldiers behind quickly caught up. The sound of dense footsteps was extremely ear-piercing in the empty station.

After a while, they heard the sound of fighting, mixed with strange screams of surprise.

Walking over to take a look, I saw that the five undisciplined people were fighting an evil thing at this time.

"What the hell is this?"

Li Xin stared and asked everyone's doubts.

The evil thing is solid, in the shape of a human, but its height is close to two meters. It is thin and bony, with sharp bone spurs piercing through the skin. Its arms are unbelievably long, and it can be kicked on the ground, but it attacks quite flexibly without any lag. .

But what is most astonishing is the fragments of clothes left on it.

After a few careful glances, a soldier couldn't help murmuring: "That, that's our combat uniform..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the soldiers were ugly.

Obviously, this monster is probably the comrade who died in the station before.

Thinking of this, raging anger rose from every soldier's heart.

The captain raised his hand angrily and ordered: "Everyone! Fire!"

The sacrifice of comrades-in-arms is inevitable, but they cannot bear the remains of comrades-in-arms to be so spoiled!

Chu Yi and the others didn't open their mouths to stop them. At this time, they can say anything, so it's better to let them vent first.

However, those five scattered people spoke.

"Fuck off! Get lost, didn't you see that we were having a good time!"

As soon as this remark came out, the soldiers exploded at that time.

Chu Yi shook his head. If these three people were not here, they would probably die now.

Where do you get the courage from?Even if he has practiced kung fu for decades, he is still a mortal body, so how dare he be so hard-headed against twenty guns.

"Calm down! We still have business to do!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Xin quickly stood in front of the soldiers to dissuade them.

The captain gritted his teeth and said, "Get out of the way!"

"No, the task is urgent!"

Li Xin said firmly.

When the two sides were in a stalemate, Chu Yi moved his ears, raised the gun suddenly, and pulled the trigger to the left.


The flames suddenly appeared, and the sudden gunshots immediately diverted everyone's attention.

They looked to the left, and saw several equally strange evil creatures flying towards the ground in the flickering flames.

The stalemate disappeared, and the soldiers raised their guns and shot.

Amid the bean-like gunshots, the four evil creatures were splashed with blood, but they seemed to be unaware, and they crossed the distance of tens of meters in a few seconds and entered into the crowd.


The screams sounded one after another, and these evil creatures were like efficient killing machines, causing the death and injury of several soldiers in an instant.

Chu Yi frowned slightly, and threw away the gun in his hand.

This thing doesn't work yet!

Just when he was about to draw his knife, suddenly, an evil creature pierced a warrior's chest with its claws, and then turned around and rushed towards Xia Ling.


Seeing its ferocious and terrifying appearance, Xia Ling couldn't help being frightened and froze in place.

"Chu Yi!"

Li Xin was haunted by evil things, she could only watch helplessly, subconsciously, she called out Chu Yi's name.

At critical moments, she still knows who she can rely on.

It's just that Chu Yi has already reacted without her saying anything.

In an instant, he jumped out, rushed straight in front of Xia Ling, stretched out his arms, and hugged her to avoid the claws of the evil thing.

The two rolled on the ground twice before stopping, and Xia Ling finally came to her senses belatedly.

"Thank you."

She thanked Chu Yi with lingering fear, but did not wait for Chu Yi's response.

Is he injured?

Xia Ling quickly turned her head to look, and saw Chu Yi lowered her head, looking at something solemnly.

Subconsciously, she followed Chu Yi's line of sight and looked down, her head buzzing.

Unknowingly, Chu Yi's hands were firmly grasping her chest, even one hand was not enough.

In her lifetime, this was the first time she had encountered such a situation.

And what she didn't expect was that Chu Yi still clenched his fists...

"Chu, Chu Yi, you..."

"Are you OK?"

Chu Yi interrupted her and asked solemnly.

"I am fine."

"It's fine."

Xia Ling was very ashamed: "Then, did you take your hand away?"

Chu Yi seemed to have just discovered it, and held it again before letting go: "Oh, I'm guilty, I'm guilty, isn't this abrupt?"

Do you still know abrupt?Then why are you holding it!

Xia Ling pursed her lips, feeling very complicated.

But the current situation is not the time to think about this.


Another scream came, and in less than a minute, only nine of the twenty fighters remained!

Chu Yi shook off the charming just now, drew his knife and rushed to the side of an evil thing, a cold light flashed, and the head of the evil thing fell to the ground with a thud.

But what is frightening is that even without its head, this evil creature is still alive and well.

No wonder I have to be afraid of bullets...

Chu Yi frowned slightly, and swiped four more knives. When the evil thing was left with only the torso, it finally lost its ability to move.

This is a bit difficult to deal with, God knows how many such evil things there are in this station!

You must know that there are many soldiers who died!

Chu Yi became serious, and when finishing off the other two monsters, Lin Xin followed suit and cut off the limbs of the last monster.

At this moment, a burst of applause rang out.

The five undisciplined people laughed and applauded, not far away, the evil thing they dealt with had already fallen to the ground.

Li Xin was furious at that moment.

"You were all watching a play there just now?"

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