I'm not just an action star

Chapter 90 Transformation

Qian Youli nodded secretly.

"That's right, the bandit you played is very fierce. But later, this bandit will join the Railway Heroes. There will be a change here. It's too fierce."

Wu Long immediately added "Correct evil and return to righteousness in the later stage" after the bandit role he replaced.

As a result, Wu Long's eyes flickered a little more fiercely, revealing some confusion in the flickering.

"Not bad, that's it. This is a process of transformation." Qian Youli praised: "You don't need too exaggerated facial performance, you can express this transformation with just your eyes. Your acting skills are indeed at the forefront."

Sign the contract and start filming tomorrow.

Wu Long posted on Weibo:

"Join the crew of "Railway Heroes" urgently, looking forward to it!"

Wu Long deliberately didn't say who he was playing, which made many people guess.

"It must be playing a traitor!"

"I think it should be the villain."

"Brother Long, stop playing the villain!"

"Brother Long, please, be a good person."

I read the script at night and did not enter the actual training space.Such a supporting role is not difficult.He has the heretical series, coupled with Wuxiang Gong, he is completely capable of performing the role of Sitting Tiger.

In the script, the character of Zuoshanhu is a bald head, well, even shaving his head is saved.No wonder when Guo Hao and Qian Youli mentioned Wu Long, Qian Youli would leave the role to Wu Long to audition, and did not find another person.

Guo Hao also told Wu Long, and recommended Qian Youli to watch his live video to confirm that he has acting skills.

In today's Internet age, it is no longer as closed as it used to be.In the past, if the director wanted to see your acting skills, he had to have acted before.So even if an actor has acting skills, it is difficult for the director to know.

Now, if you want to show off your acting skills, you can do it live or online.

Early the next morning, Wu Long went to make up.

According to the director, Wu Long is too handsome, so try to make him look less handsome when applying makeup.More wrinkles, more vicissitudes.

How can a bandit be more handsome than the protagonist.

After the makeup is done, the director is very satisfied with it.

According to the development of the plot, there is a plot of riding a mountain tiger and flying to pick up a train, and then joining the Railway Heroes team later.In the past, picking up trains and sitting on mountain tigers were rewarding.Even if there is no harvest, you can escape smoothly.

But this time, Zuo Shanhu was set up in an ambush by devils and lost half of his brothers.If the Railway Heroes hadn't rescued him, he might be the only one who could escape.

Regarding the train scene, there are many scenes that don't need to be shot on a real train or a moving train.

The shots that needed to be shot with real trains were shot last.

Literary dramas are filmed first, and war scenes are filmed last.

Wu Long's first scene was across the mountain with Liu Hong, the captain of the protagonist Railway Heroes.

"Start shooting!"

Wu Long wiped the sweat from his forehead, his face was covered with dirt, and he looked embarrassed.He looked at the people on the opposite mountainside, and one of them was tall and majestic.

"Master Tiger, who are they? Why did they save us?" His subordinates also looked at the opposite mountainside.

"I don't know." Wu Long was thoughtful. "Maybe, they are the legendary Railway Heroes!"

"Railway Heroes!" the men exclaimed.

Wu Long's eyes gradually changed.If it wasn't for the other party's rescue today, I'm afraid his brothers would all be lost in the devil's ambush.

The camera is showing a close-up of Wu Long's face, and the director can see from the camera that Wu Long's thinking has begun to change.There are worries about the future and confusion about the future.The self-confidence of the original local bandit leader is slowly weakening.

Wu Long clasped his fists at the people on the opposite mountainside, and the people on the opposite mountainside also clasped their fists at him.Afterwards, Wu Long turned around resolutely, and walked towards the mountain with his men.


"Not bad!" The director praised Wu Long.

In the second scene, Wu Long led his men to escape from the enemy's ambush.According to the development of the plot, in fact, this scene should be before facing Liu Hong across the mountain.

In the distance of the camera, Wu Long flees with his men.

"Quick, this way!"

With twenty rings in his hand, Wu Long looked behind and waved his hands to make his men flee first.The last bandit escaped, saw Wu Long still looking behind, and said anxiously:

"Master Tiger, let's go, if you don't go, the devil will come after you!"

"What about the other brothers?"

"The other brothers are gone!" The bandit cried anxiously.

"It's all me who killed the brothers!"

Wu Long angrily punched the thick thigh-thick tree trunk next to him.Because of too much force, the tree was shaken.

The bandit next to him was dumbfounded and didn't join the show.

Wu Long knew that the other party was going to suffer, and sure enough, Na Tequn was scolded by the director.

After reshoots, this one finally passed.

Na Tequn was also depressed, can this be my fault?Who is not surprised to see the tree hammer shaken by a punch?He didn't dare to resent Wu Long.He knew who Wu Long was.One hit ten, three minutes to win.He can't afford to provoke such a fierce person.

At noon, Wu Long posted a photo of himself with fixed makeup.

"This is my role, the bandit sits on the mountain tiger, isn't he domineering?"

In the photo, the bald-headed Wu Long has an angry face, and he is not a good person at first glance.

The following immediately attracted countless comments.

"Brother Long is indeed a professional villain."

"Bald head, it really fits the occasion."

"Can't Brother Long play a good guy?"

"Fortunately, Brother Long didn't act as a traitor."

"I should be glad Brother Long didn't play a devil."

"Brother Long dares to play a ghost, he will definitely lose half of his fans!"

After the break at noon, he took the initiative to play against the protagonist.In the afternoon there is an important scene between him and the protagonist.

The protagonist went to his cottage, moved him with affection and reason, and persuaded him to join the Railway Heroes.

Soon, the main event will start filming.

Wu Long replaced Sitting Tiger.

With a heavy heart, he brought his men down to the gate of the cottage to meet Liu Hong, the captain of the Railway Heroes.

"Captain Liu." Zuo Shanhu cupped his fists at Liu Hong. "Thank you for your rescue that day, so that my brothers could escape with their lives."

Liu Hong also cupped his fists.

"Master Tiger, you don't have to be polite, everyone is beating devils and should help each other."

"Captain Liu, please."


Zuo Shanhu asked Liu Hong to sit down in the Juyi Hall with a sad and doubtful face.

Sorrow, half of the brothers died, and the rest were demoralized.

Confused, I don't know why Liu Hong came here today.

He personally poured tea for Liu Hong.

"Captain Liu, please have some tea."

"Thank you."

Liu Hong didn't suspect that the tea was drugged, so he just picked up the bowl and drank it.

Sitting Tiger secretly nodded.It is rare for ordinary people to come here alone and dare to drink tea from the bandit's lair.

"I don't know what is the purpose of Captain Liu coming here today?"

Liu Hong said, "I'm here to discuss an important matter with Lord Tiger."

Sitting Tiger frowned.

"What's the big deal?"

"I would like to ask Lord Tiger and your brothers to join my Railway Heroes team and fight devils together."

Zuo Shanhu froze for a moment, then looked at Liu Hong in disbelief.

"Captain Liu, are you joking?"

"No kidding."

"We are bandits with blood on our hands, how can we join your Railway Heroes team?"

Liu Hong said seriously:

"It was impossible before, but now it is possible. If you beat devils, you are a hero. Wouldn't it be great if you took this opportunity to stop being a bandit?"

Sitting Tiger shook his head:

"Will you let us go? Will the people forgive us?"

"It depends on human efforts. If you save them and help them fight devils, they will forgive you."

"Master Tiger, the devils have better weapons than us. It is difficult for us to defeat the devils alone. But if all of us who fight the devils unite, we will definitely be able to defeat the devils. Otherwise, we will be wiped out one by one by the devils."

"Besides, Master Hu should also think about your brothers. You are bandits, so your sons and grandsons have always been bandits? Think about it for yourself, whoever was a bandit in history had his son or grandson also be a bandit?"

Sitting Tiger looked outside the house and into the distance.

His eyes were flickering from time to time, and his heart was churning violently.

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