I'm not just an action star

Chapter 88 I Actually Want to Play a Role

Seeing that Wu Long was going to cut his head bald, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room.


"Why did Brother Long cut his head bald?"

"Is this a preparation for playing Fa Hai?"

"It must be. Brother Long sacrificed three thousand hairs for acting."

Male fans don't think there's anything wrong with it, but female fans are divided into two factions.One group thinks that Wu Long's bald head is not good-looking.Some of them even think that a bald head is a monk, and their male god cannot become a monk.

Some female fans think that Wu Long's bald head may be more masculine.

It's not like before, when bald heads were a label for reform-through-labour prisoners.In the past, people with a bald head would be said to be reform-through-labour prisoners.

It's different now, Ricoh's head is normal.

The noise in the live broadcast room did not prevent Wu Long from starting to cut his own hair.

"After careful research, I decided to start cutting from the front of the right ear. I hold the electric clippers in my right hand, which is more convenient. The front ends on the right side, the front and back of the head. Then switch to the left hand to cut the left side, and finally the top of the head."

"At the back of the hair, you can use the electric clipper to shave in reverse, so that you can cut shorter and thinner hair."

Everyone saw that Wu Long was holding an electric clipper and actually cutting the hair on the side of the face in front of the ears.


"Good guy, Brother Long is serious!"

"I thought it was just talking, and then the barber came out to cut it, but Brother Long really did it."

"Oh, I'm so scared, I dare not look at it."

In the live broadcast room, Wu Long was seriously shaving his head.Outside the live broadcast room, there are already screenshots of him shaving his head on the Internet.

"Shock: The Kung Fu King cut off his own hair as soon as he was cruel!" "

"What made this once invincible Kung Fu King cut off his three thousand love threads by himself? "

"The Most Arrogant Kung Fu King Cuts His Hair, Is It Moral Loss or Human Nature Distortion?" "

With these people helping to promote it on the Internet, the popularity in the live broadcast room quickly surpassed last night's 8000 million.

Even Wu Long didn't expect this to happen.

He thought tonight's live broadcast was nothing special and would not be so popular.In the end, I cut my hair, which actually attracted so many people to watch.


"Got it, let's go buy electric clippers!"

"Finally, I don't have to wait in line for a haircut."

"Your own head should be in your own hands."

"I don't like being touched on the head. Every time I go to have my hair cut, I feel very uncomfortable. Thanks to Brother Long for teaching me how to do it."

"I touched my hair and decided to learn from Brother Long!"

"I feel sorry for my baby dragon, so I want to cut my head bald."

"It used to be Brother Long, but he cut his bald head to look like Master Long!"

"Brother Long, do you want to add a green dragon and white tiger tattoo?"

After finishing his haircut, Wu Long cleaned the broken hair by himself, and then went to wash his hair after tidying it up.

Back in front of the camera, countless female fans immediately poured out presents.

"My dragon is so handsome!"

"What a handsome little monk!"

"Master Long, I really want you to bless me."

"I really want to touch Brother Long's bald head."

Wu Long began to change costumes.

"Since I got my head shaved, it happens that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has a boss character, a monk. I will play this monk tonight."

"As I said, there are five wonders in the world, evil in the east and poison in the west, the emperor in the south and the beggar in the north, and the supernatural powers in the middle. Among them, the emperor in the south is a monk with the name of Master Yideng."

"A monk, why is he called Nandi?"

"This has a history."

"Master Yideng's name is Duan Zhixing, he belongs to the Duan family of Dali Kingdom, he was the emperor of Dali Kingdom, so he is called Southern Emperor."

"The Duan family in Dali has two world-famous martial arts, one of which appeared in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and is called 'Yi Yang Zhi'."

"This 'Yiyang Finger' is not ordinary. Even Wang Chongyang, who won the first place in the world and won the "Nine Yin Manual", has to learn from Master Yideng."

"Why did Wang Chongyang learn the one-yang finger? Because only the one-yang finger can restrain the Western poison Ouyang Feng's toad kung fu."

"Someone is wondering. Since Wang Chongyang has to learn the Yang Finger to restrain the Hama Kungfu, how did Huashan Lunjian defeat Xidu Ouyang Feng and win the first place in the world?"

"Actually, it's not difficult to understand. Wang Chongyang was able to defeat Ouyang Feng because he had innate skills. Moreover, among the five masters, Dongxie, Nandi, and Beibei are all on par with Xidu. Only Wang Chongyang can defeat Ouyang Feng." .”

"It's one thing to defeat Ouyang Feng, but it's another thing to control martial arts. Using one yang finger can break the toad kung fu, but it can also make Ouyang Feng lose his kung fu for many years."

"Wang Chongyang is old, and knows that his time has come. After his death, Ouyang Feng will definitely come to grab the "Nine Yin Manual". Can restrain Ouyang Feng."

"Although Master Yideng's Yiyang Finger restrains Ha Toa, Master Yideng's skill is not strong enough to suppress Ouyang Feng."

"So Wang Chongyang came up with a way to exchange Taoist innate skills for one yang finger. Master Yideng learned innate skills, and then he can use one yang finger to restrain Ouyang Feng."

"And after Wang Chongyang learned the one-yang finger, he suspended his death first, saying that the "Nine Yin Manual" should be buried with him."

"Ouyang Feng made a plan to snatch the "Nine Yin Scriptures". He defeated the Quanzhen sect and opened Wang Chongyang's coffin. As a result, Wang Chongyang sat up from the coffin, pointed at Ouyang Feng's forehead with one yang finger, and broke the coffin. Ouyang Feng's toad kungfu has been strong for more than ten years, forcing Ouyang Feng to retreat to the Western Regions and dare not come to the Central Plains again."


"I heard Brother Long speak so wonderfully, so I asked Brother Long when the book will be published!"

"Brother Long, please publish the book quickly. I'll buy it, can't I buy it all?"

"Just listening to it like this is not enough!"

"Brother Long, be a good person and publish a book!"

Wu Long smiled when he saw the barrage.It is because of you that I can sell books and hype up the IP of "Legend of the Condor Heroes".

"Since you don't think it's enough, I'll show you Dali Duan's unique martial art 'Yiyang Finger'!"

Wu Long took out a handful of candles from under the table, and then took out a tile board, burned the bottom of the candle, and stood the candle on the board.

Ten candles stand side by side, one after the other, very close together but not touching.

"Here are ten candles, and I will light them now."

"How can I prove that my practice is a Yang finger? Just use these candles to prove it."

"There are many ways to extinguish a candle, the simplest being blowing with your mouth."

"Now I use one finger to quickly point out, and use the wind force generated by the finger movement to extinguish ten candles one at a time."



"Don't talk about using fingers, even if you use palms, there is no guarantee that all the candles will be extinguished with one palm!"

"I've really tried this. I used to read martial arts novels to practice internal skills. I used palm wind to extinguish candles, but I could only extinguish four candles at the same time."

"We played it when we were making games. There was only one candle, and I extinguished it with the palm of my hand. I didn't succeed once."

Wu Long lit the candle and reminded:

"Say important things three times. Don't imitate children, be careful of fire!"

All the candles were lit, Wu Long clenched his fist with his right hand and stretched out his index finger.With the right arm straight, the index finger is in front of the front candle flame.

After standing in his position, Wu Long received his right hand to his chest.

Concentrate on inhaling, sinking the qi into the dantian.The whole body relaxes and suddenly tenses up.At the same time, pedal the ground, and use the midline of the body as the axis to rotate and swing as a whole.At the same time, the right arm is struck out, and the index finger points in front of the first candle flame.The audience in the live broadcast room saw that an invisible wind blew straight through the ten candles and extinguished the ten candles directly.



"It's really gone!"

"Brother Long is majestic!"

"Master Long is awesome!"

"I'm going to find a candle right away."

Wu Long exchanged for the (incomplete) (entertainment) version of Yiyang Finger, but he explained:

"If you want to extinguish ten candles at a time like me, you need to practice energy and shake your gun. In the end, you need to have 20 years of skill!"

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