I'm not just an action star

Chapter 578 The official shooting, the glass on the cup holder

During the daytime of the next day, when the local team in Gunma County and the foreign challenge team were not practicing, Wu Long and Ross' team started to practice.

Practice the formation first, and the formation is practiced by Ross leading his team.According to Wu Long's request, he does not pursue speed, but only pursues beauty.

Both uphill and downhill.In the specific movie, whether or not the scene of going down the mountain is needed, we will talk about it after shooting.

This "Fast and Furious 3" is different from other films made by Wu Long.Other movies are redeemed from the system, so you can just shoot as you like, and you don’t need to shoot extra shots.You don’t need to take a lot of shots like you usually do when you make a movie, and many of them will be discarded in the end.

Like in "Interstellar", the filming team was blown away by big waves in front of the cabin door.When filming, there was a shot of the stand-in being pulled upside down, but this shot did not appear when the movie was shown.

Because this is a continuous timeline, after filming the heroine and the robot coming to the door, the remaining astronauts were washed away by the big waves before they could get up in time.

At this time, it is necessary to close the hatch immediately.If you cut the screen to show the audience the shot of the astronaut being rushed away, it looks thrilling and sad, but the whole process loses the sense of tension.

Because I switched back to closing the hatch, from the perspective of viewing time, it was too slow.

It must be that the heroine saw being washed away and wanted to save people, but the hero had already closed the hatch and the sea water poured in.

When the hatch closed, the hostess felt sad and regretful facing the closing of the hatch.

That's how compact it looks.

There was no need for the shot of the astronaut being thrown upside down by the waves.Just by disappearing from the hatch, the audience can imagine the horror of the big wave.

Just the closing of the hatch can add a heavier and thicker sadness.

Wu Long watched the formation of the team on the monitor, where adjustments were needed and where it could be more perfect.He knew that this shot would definitely not be a one-time success, and it would take several more shots.

It would be best if this lens can be shot to the end or is a pseudo long lens.

There was a game tonight, and Wu Long didn't plan to come to watch it.He planned to start filming after the race was over, so the crew and Ross and his car stunt team didn't watch, but slept to refresh themselves.

Having seen these guys practice, I already know their level.At such a level, the people in Ross's car stunt team don't think much of it, and it doesn't matter whether they see it or not.

The shooting at night mainly focused on Wu Long, and once when the motorcade went up.If there is still time, I will continue to shoot the team.

The convoy from Qunma County came to the mountain, but they did not see Wu Long's convoy.

"What about the ae86 foreigner convoy, they didn't come to watch?"

"Didn't see them."

"They're really weird, like they're here to make a movie."

"Make a movie? A racing movie? I think only the "Fast and Furious" series is good-looking and real. The other racing movies are so fake!"

"The "Fast and Furious" series is an advertisement movie!"

"So what about advertising movies? Just look good. Besides, it's an advertisement for our country's cars, which needs support."

"Could it be that "Fast and Furious 3" is being filmed here? I heard that "Fast and Furious 3" is going to be filmed, and this time Mazhida Motors has entered."

"How is it possible, the "Fast and Furious" series were all filmed in Merrican Country."

"Besides, we didn't see Brother Long either."

"But the female foreigner sitting in ae86 is really beautiful."

"I think she looks familiar, maybe a star?"

Winslet lost weight, so her overall image is a bit different from the female villain in "True Lies".Besides, she didn't wear movie makeup, so the image in the movie is naturally a little different from the reality.She has just debuted not long ago, and only "True Lies" let fans all over the world know her.It's normal not to recognize fans who are not very familiar.

When the challenge team arrived, they began to prepare for the racing competition.

As a result of the game, the challenge team won [-]-[-].This frustrates the Gunma team.

Qianye Xiangsui listened to Wu Long's orders, and had already contacted people here through relationships to block Qiu Mingshan.These people waited until the race was over and the team that came to challenge from other places left, they informed Wu Long to get up and get ready, and then they started to go up the mountain to let irrelevant people leave.

When we reached the mountain, the team from Gunma County hadn't left yet. After losing the game, they sat on the ground one by one, as if it was the end of the world.

"Hey, the game is over, you can go."

The head of the convoy knew one of the people who came up to chase people away.

"What's the matter? Why did you drive people away?"

"The higher-ups ordered Fengshan to wait for you to finish the competition. You should go down the mountain, and it's useless to stay here. Practice hard, get off the car and win back."

"Can't you tell me something?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't know, let's go. We can still talk now."

People from the Gunma County team drove down the mountain.Soon, Qiu Mingshan had no more people left.

The people responsible for sealing off the mountain, such as the mountain, the foot of the mountain, and the mountainside, are discussing from time to time.

"Who the hell wants to come to our famous autumn mountain?"

"do not know."

"Is our Qiuming Mountain so famous?"

"Who knows? Maybe."

"I don't know who it is."

"I heard it's an old man from Jiang Hu's side."

Soon, Wu Long's motorcade and crew arrived.Two ae86s, one with multiple cameras installed on the body, according to what Wu Long said, took shots of passing by the guardrail.

The other is a spare.

The crew, photographers, and drone operators began to install and debug various equipment.

Ross and his convoy began to line up, and those who closed the mountain were surprised to see such a formation.

"So imposing!"

"It's much more aggressive than the teams that won the previous challenge."

"Start shooting!"

Ross took the lead, driving the car and leading the convoy up the hill.

Wu Long looked at the monitor.In the dark night, the mountains are dark, the road is dark, and the car lights cut through the darkness like long snakes shining.

The sound of screeching tires rubbing against the ground continued to sound, and the convoy drifted up the hill one by one.

Looking down on the convoy, there is a sense of mystery.It seems to be a light with hope, breaking through the limitations of darkness.

Some drifted and turned, and the UAV lowered its height, just above the height of more than three meters above the roof, and photographed one car after another drifting past, and then accelerated and drove away.

When all the convoys go up the mountain, they stop and rest on the mountain.

I started to shoot Wu Long driving the ae86 up the mountain.Wu Long specially installed a camera in China to take pictures of the transparent glass placed on the cup holder.There was milk in the glass so it was easier to see if it had been spilled.If it is clear water, it is not easy to see the splash.

"Is the tofu ready?"

"All right."

"Put tofu on the trunk of ae86."

The staff put the tofu on.

"I said, won't these tofu be crushed when they are drifting and cornering?" Someone asked a question.

"No. Did you see the milk I put on the cup holder? As long as the milk doesn't splash out when drifting around the corner, the tofu won't break. Besides, going uphill is not going downhill, and the speed uphill is not so fast, so don't worry too much .”

"What? Drift around a corner without the milk spilling out of the glass?"

"It's impossible!"

"Although the cup is not full, even so, it will definitely spill."

Wu Long smiled and pointed to the camera in the car.

"See, there is a camera. You can see if it will splash out then."

Everyone looked at each other.

It is also a drone overlooking and following.

At the beginning, I took a high-altitude aerial shot, so that I could take pictures of Qiuming Mountain and its mountain road under the night. AE86 enters the mountain, two headlights illuminate the front.

Then on the straight road, the drone descended and took a picture just above the roof.Just like the No.1 car racing game, the lights of ae86 shine forward and gallop forward.

Under the light of the car, I saw the guardrail turning.

The corner is here!

It is at this height, this close-up shooting, Wu Long drove the ae86 to adjust the beautiful drifting up the mountain.

Accelerate on the straight ahead.

The UAV rises to a certain height and can take a panoramic view of the next curve drifting and cornering.

In this panorama, you can see that the front of the car is tightly built near the edge of the inner road.

For this shoot, Wu Long used the ae86 without a camera outside the body.After shooting this long shot with one shot to the end, he will use another ae86 with a camera on the outside of the car to drive it again.

Detail of the corner edge of the car passing a few centimeters from the guardrail will be projected in the picture-in-picture.

When we went up the mountain, some photographers took pictures of Wu Long carrying out the tofu.This will also be used in movies to show the superb driving skills, and the tofu will not be broken when drifting and cornering.

Wait until the filming is over.

Someone asked.

"Brother Long, did you also use drift to go up the mountain just now?"


"However, the biggest characteristic of drifting is tail flicking. Why don't you shatter your tofu when it is thrown at the rear of the car?"

As soon as this question came out, others were also surprised.No one thought of this before, but now that it is brought up, there is indeed a big problem.

Wu Long once again pointed to the book of milk on the cup holder in the car.

"Did you see the milk on the cup holder? As long as the milk in the cup doesn't splash out when you drift around the corner, the tofu won't be damaged."

Everyone scrambled to check and found that there was no milk splashed around the cup holder.

"Brother Long, did you secretly wipe off the spilled milk before getting out of the car?"

"That's right. How can you drift around a corner without spilling the milk?"

"Don't talk about drifting and cornering, even if I drive straight, acceleration and deceleration may cause milk to splash."

Wu Long pointed to the camera in the car again.

"Look, there is a camera shooting it, and you can watch it then."

Everyone was shocked again.

"There are actually cameras installed in the car."

"I'll have to see if it's true."

"Brother Long's words should be trustworthy."

Ross's driver asked Ross.

"Boss, can it really be done?"

"Theoretically, this is possible. To control a driving car well, the most critical basic principle is to master the movement of the car's center of gravity."

The other drivers nodded.

"Boss is right. When we do stunts, we feel the center of gravity of the car from the steering wheel and the power the car gives us."

"Only by mastering the center of gravity can you drive sideways on two wheels."

Ross continued:

"If you want to prevent the water or milk in the water glass from splashing out while driving, you must master the fine-grained center of gravity movement control method. If the brakes, wheels, transmission, accelerator, etc. are not well coordinated, water or milk will flow out of the water glass. "

Some riders shook their heads.

"However, no matter how well coordinated, the speed change and braking will definitely have inertia. If there is inertia, water or milk will hit the wall of the cup. How can it not be splashed out?"

"Long, you should be making the rounds in the cup, right?" Ross asked Wu Long.

Wu Long nodded and took the cup from the cup holder.He shook the cup with his hand to demonstrate.

"You see, if I make a right turn and drift around a corner. When I get here, water or milk will splash out. But as long as I make my movements soft or smooth, the force formed by inertia will not be straight, but It's swirling water or milk around a glass."

With the movements of Wu Long's hands, the milk swirled in the cup.

"When exiting a corner, the principle is also the same, but the force formed by inertia is just the opposite. At this time, it should be noted that if the formed inertia force is too large, or the arc cannot be exactly opposite to the original one, one positive and one negative will form a big Shock and let the water or milk splash."

Wu Long continued to demonstrate.

"Why can you understand what you say, but can't understand the truth when you put it together?" Someone wailed.

"Actually, it's easier to understand by drawing two circles. The two circles are close together..."

Wu Long compared the thumb and forefinger of the other hand to a circle and stuck it to the mouth of the glass.

"The point where the two circles are close together is called the point of tangency. This point of tangency is the point where the force is exactly opposite. As long as the control when exiting the corner can be changed at this point of tangency, the force in the cup can be No water or milk spilled."

Wu Long demonstrated again.This time, the glass in his hand moved to the right first, and the milk in the glass swirled.He changes direction during the move, moving the cup to the left.

Because of this change, the original rotation of the milk in the cup suddenly stopped, surged, and then fell down and stopped spinning.

"Look at the route my cup takes? It's not a blunt right turn and left turn, but an S-shape. The point in the middle of this S-shape is the tangent point of the two circles."

Some people have a high comprehension ability, and they will understand after seeing Wu Long's demonstration.

"I seem to understand a little bit. The S-shape you walk with the cup in your hand as a demonstration is actually the route where the car's center of gravity changes when drifting and cornering. The moving route of the center of gravity can only be an arc and a circular arc. The change of the center of gravity can only At the point of tangency of the arc."

Wu Long nodded.


"However, every bend is different, and not all are perfect circles. Some are even U-shaped bends. How can we keep two identical circles?" Some people still don't understand.

Wu Long continued to explain.

"It has nothing to do with the size of the circle. Whether it is a large circle connected to a small circle, or a small circle connected to a large circle, they are all at the point of tangency. The magnitude of the inertial force is only related to the acceleration when we change speed."

The person who asked the question scratched his head, obviously not quite understanding.

The person who understood a little jokingly scolded:

"What an idiot, thanks to the fact that you are still the driver of our car stunt team. Didn't the boss say that when he taught us? Whether it is downshifting or upshifting, whether it is accelerating or decelerating, it must be smooth. When decelerating, six, five, four, Three, two, and one decrease, and one, two, three, four, five, and six increase when accelerating. Instead of decelerating like six, four, and one, and not adding like one, three, and six."

Ross added.

"In fact, it is uniform acceleration and uniform deceleration."

"As soon as the boss said it, I understood immediately."

"What I just said is what the boss said before, you must not remember!"

But Ross thought to himself, I will try to practice when I have time.

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