I'm not just an action star

Chapter 531 "The God of Death 4" is released

"The Fast and the Furious" was released, and the global box office was counted, and many people lost their glasses.

More than 8000 million US dollars!


Those who hated Wulong were the first to express their disbelief.

The production cost was only 4000 million U.S. dollars. With such a box office, doesn't it mean that the return on investment has reached 7!

This is already a hit!


"I do not believe!"

"In order to save Wu Long's face, Weiner Films falsified the box office results!"

Some people say that this false report is meaningless.Because of taxes.The more you file, the more taxes you have to pay.

As a result, those people just didn't believe it.

"In order to maintain his status, why is it strange that Wu Long pays taxes with money?"

When the results were reported to Wu Long, Wu Long was still a little surprised.The global box office of the original version was only more than 2 million US dollars, but this version has nearly 8000 million US dollars more!

"Is it true that the global box office is more than 8000 million US dollars?" Mineta Kurao asked Fukuhara Yao.

"Return to the president, it's true."

"Didn't you fake it?"

Fukuhara shook his head. "No."

Kuro Mineta suddenly felt a strange feeling.If it wasn't for Wu Long's shares in Fengtian Group, even if Wu Long shared it equally with this investment, it would still make a profit?

Marketing professionals on Wall Street expressed their views one after another.

"The Fast and the Furious hit the box office, and many people don't understand it.

In fact, from the marketing professional analysis, this is inevitable.


The gimmick + Wu Long's fame + being hacked is enough to arouse the curiosity of many people.

It can be said that without those people looking down on Wu Long and "Fast and Furious", I don't think the box office will be so good.

It is these people who keep talking about Mineta Motors and constantly reminding people that this is a Mineta Motors commercial movie, which makes people who didn't want to watch it arouse curiosity and want to see what such a movie will be like.

Now I finally understand why Wu Long has not come out to explain, nor let people from Mineta Company come out to explain.

If they explain, the audience and movie fans may not necessarily be on Wu Long's side, and they will not be too curious to watch the movie.

If Wu Long and Mineta's staff didn't explain, the curiosity of the audience and movie fans was aroused, and they finally bought tickets to watch "The Fast and the Furious".

Therefore, the global box office of "Fast and Furious" is so good, and half of the credit is due to those people from Hei Wulong and Hei Mineta.

Because those people are doing promotion for Wu Long and Mineta Company, as well as "Fast and Furious" for free.

Positive publicity is publicity, and negative publicity is also publicity.

If you want to determine whether it is negative publicity, the best way is to buy a ticket and go to the cinema to watch it.

Wu Long's marketing plan of filming "Fast and Furious" to advertise Mineta Motors is now half successful!

That is to say, the movie was a success.

It depends on the sales of Mineta Motors.At present, it is slowly rising, which should be related to this movie.

Read the annual report.If the annual report of Mineta Corporation has a substantial increase, the ranking in the annual ranking of global automobile brands can be further improved.

Then Wu Long's marketing plan this time was a complete success.

Even if Mineta Company can't go further in the rankings, as long as it is not worse than the previous year, the sales will remain the same.For Wu Long, this marketing plan was considered a success.

Because, earned the box office.

This is another typical case of Wu Long's movie marketing, which is worth learning for many marketers. "

The film originally belonged to the entertainment industry, but the marketing industry took the lead in commenting on it. The entertainment media quickly followed up and praised Wu Long and "Fast and Furious".

Those who black Wulong and "Fast and Furious" are so popular that they can't argue. In the face of the facts, they can only say repeatedly that the box office results are unreal and inflated.

Because the global box office came out, it proved that the box office of "Fast and Furious" was a big hit.Such news has actually stimulated many people to choose to buy a car.

Since the box office of the movie is good, why not buy a Mineta car?

Mineta Motors being able to cast such a movie shows that they have vision, and it also shows that they are lucky.These two, no matter which one they are, are what ordinary people want very much.

Even if you get lucky with the movie.

Under such a psychological effect, choosing to buy a Mineta car is the choice of many people.

Some people saw that others changed their minds to buy Mineta cars, and the herd mentality made other hesitant people change their minds and buy Mineta cars.

The sales of Mineta Motors actually began to rise after the release of "Fast and Furious", which surprised Mineta Kuro and Mineta Group.

Also surprisingly, there are other car companies.

The box office explosion of "The Fast and the Furious" was already an accident. I didn't expect the sales of Mineta Motors to rise!

Dazhong Automobile, which ranked first last year, hurriedly checked its sales report.There is no decline, and the trend is similar to last year.

Don't worry, what Mineta is grabbing is the share of other car companies.

Although relieved, there are still worries.If other car companies can't stand up and resist, then even if Mineta Motors grabs the shares of other car companies, the sales volume may surpass Dazhong Motors and become the top global car brand sales this year.

What to do, still need to think about countermeasures.

At the headquarters of Bentian Motors, a group of directors looked at each other in blank dismay.

The development of things did not go as expected before, "Fast and Furious" did not hit the street, but exploded.Mineta car sales did not decline, but rose.

And their sales of Bentian began to decline!

"Can anyone tell me why?"

"No reason." Shui Yetaxiu replied calmly. "The public opinion on the Internet at the beginning was just the usual method used by those who blacked Wulong. Moreover, our company also spent money to let some sailors do that. I said at the beginning, to give Wulong shares and cooperate with Wulong. Yes If you don’t listen, you will cause me to have my legs broken.”

"Okay, you don't have to complain anymore. Now is not the time to complain, now is the time to find a solution."

"I'm afraid there is nothing to do this year, it's better next year." Shui Yetaxiu thought of a way.

"next year?"

"Next year, the second part of "Fast and Furious" will be filmed by our Bentian investment. Now talk to Wu Long immediately, and we will also give Wu Long shares." Shui Yetaixiu said the way.

"This method is feasible." Someone agreed, and it was too beautiful to look at the water. "Go talk to Wu Long again."

Shui Yetaixiu shook his head.

"I can't. Chiba Huasui won't talk to me at all. If you want to talk, you have to change people."

He thought to himself, is it possible to send a second leg to Chiba frame ear to interrupt?

Although Mizuya Taxiu said such a method, he knew that the possibility of cooperation was not high.His own leg was broken, and he had to send another person to have his leg broken.

"Also, if you decide to cooperate, go there as soon as possible." Shui Yetaxiu added.

Someone objected.

"I think it's too much to worry about. It's just a movie, and it's impossible for people to change their minds. It's not as simple as eating ice cream. After eating it, it's over. Cars are an industry, and driving is a long-term thing. Mineta's sales The rise is just an illusion. It will fall back soon. Their performance is just an early release of subsequent sales."

"Release early?" Someone understood and nodded in agreement. "I understand. You mean that because of Wu Long's "Fast and Furious", consumers who originally wanted to buy Mineta cars bought them in advance."

This possibility is still very large.For example, when buying a house, buying an air conditioner, refrigerator, etc., you already have a willingness to buy, and you also have a favorite brand, but you haven’t bought it for some reason.

When seeing the ad, it triggers the intention to buy in advance.

"However, you have to think clearly. When Mineta's car sales increase, other car companies will also seek cooperation from Wu Long. Then the competition will be fierce and they will pay more." Shui Yetaxiu reminded.

The opposing director laughed:

"However, if Fengtian's car sales have not increased, we have cooperated with Wulong early. Then, Bentian will become the second car company to be laughed at."

Mizuya Taxiu made an expression of "Okay, you can do whatever you want".

What will the 3D "Death Comes" look like?

Will it be super exciting?

"Fast and Furious" will be released soon, and "Reaper 4" will be released in 3D soon.

As a movie with a return on investment of 4 to 5, "Death Comes" is easy for the studio to continue shooting.

The "Death Comes" series, which has played three parts, has attracted many horror fans to become fans of this series.

When they first heard that "Reaper 4" will be filmed with 3D technology, many horror fans went on a carnival on the Internet.

Think about those death scenes appearing in front of you in 3D form. The realistic plasma scene will definitely make people's blood boil and adrenaline rise.

And to watch this kind of film in 3D, you have to watch it in a movie theater to be more realistic.You watch DVDs, even if you wear 3D glasses, because the screen is not big enough, you don’t have that immersive feeling.

When flooding into the cinema, the audience was still guessing, what was the opening disaster?

Could it be a subway or train accident, as some people predicted?

Before the third part was released, many people predicted it would be a train or a subway, but it turned out not to be.

Before the fourth film was released, many people also predicted that it would be a train or a subway.The proof is the accident at the end of Part Three.

And most of the people who predicted this way were those who predicted the third part.

The third part is not, the fourth part should be.

Very typical gambler psychology.

The lights in the movie theater went dark, and the audience finally saw the opening disaster.



What catastrophe can a racing car have?

There was an accident in the racing car, and it was the driver who died.

As a result, the audience saw a shocking scene.

The tires whizzed towards the ground, the burning racing car smashed down from the air, the iron skin swished like a knife, the engine flew like a cannonball, the erected broken wood stabbed directly, and the cement block on the top fell down.

Even though the main character Nick leads some people off the track, a tire flies off the track and kills one of the women.

From the 3D perspective, the tire instantly grew bigger and hit the woman's head.

So exciting!

Next, it is the old routine, to see how the rest of the people die.

Watching "The Grim Reaper Is Coming" is to see how those who escaped die back one by one.

The first to die was bearded brother Carter Daniels.Because the security guard George prevented him from entering the racing track to save his wife, he thought that George had killed his wife and wanted to kill George for revenge.

As a result, Daniels himself died first, burned to death, and was blown to pieces.

The second person to die was a young mother, and her death was actually related to her two bear children.

Next up is the maintenance worker. Under the 3D vision, the audience screamed in shock when they saw the car crashing backwards.

not dead.

Viewers who have watched this series know that there will be follow-ups.

Sure enough, the gas tank flew out and hit the repairman.Knock the repairman into the fence, and the barbed wire cuts the repairman.

Feeling powerless, Nick returned to the racing track to recall, and found that his friend Coin and his girlfriend were going to die next.Because in the racetrack, the two people originally died at the same time.

Brother Coin's death is very strange.The coin that Coin Brother considered lucky fell into the swimming pool, and the water gun he placed casually turned on the drain switch.

As a result, when Brother Coin went into the water to pick up the lucky coin, he was caught by the drainage hole and could not float to the surface.

Just when the audience thought Brother Coin would be drowned, the Grim Reaper gave him a disgusting and frightening way to die.

The drainage system sucked Coin's entrails out of his ass!

Brother Coin is dead, and his girlfriend Janet is saved from death.

The security guard George didn't want to die so badly, so he wanted to commit suicide and die with dignity.In the end, I couldn't die by suicide.

Nick speculates that they saved Janet so no one else would die.The three also drank to celebrate.

The audience lamented that these three people really did not know how to live or die.To celebrate his escape?

Those celebrating in front are all dead!

Sure enough, Nick saw a person who survived a car accident on TV very familiar, and remembered that it was the cowboy sitting in front of him while watching a race car!

He quickly contacted the security guard George to go to the hospital to rescue them, and said that they might not be safe, but it was not their turn to die.

When they rushed to the hospital, they saw the cowboy was killed by the bathtub that fell from upstairs.It turned out that the bathtub upstairs was filled with water because the faucet was forgotten, and the floor could not bear the heavy weight, so it collapsed.

Nick and George came out of the hospital, and George, who was walking behind, was directly hit and killed by a car roaring past.

This method of death has happened before.As long as you don't pay attention to the car, you will be hit and killed by the car.

Nick had a premonition of death again. His girlfriend was watching a movie, but a fire and explosion broke out at the renovation site next door, damaging the screening hall.

He rushed immediately.

This time, instead of saving people directly, he went to the construction site next door to put out the fire.He was also nailed to a post while fighting the fire.Finally, find a way to trigger the fire alarm and sprinkle water to extinguish the fire.

Two weeks later, Nick went to meet his girlfriend, and his friend's girlfriend.When passing by an iron frame for outdoor decoration work, he found that the legs of the iron frame were not properly fixed, and he specifically reminded the workers.

In the store, a strange person asked Nick if he was the firefighting hero, you saved a lot of people.

Nick said he was just lucky to be in that place at that time.

The weirdo said that sometimes, you just have to have this kind of luck to happen.

The three were sitting by the window chatting. Nick turned his head and saw someone reading a magazine. The cover of the magazine turned out to be a swimming pool.

Look at another guy's magazine and it says "Love is Dying."

Nick sensed something was wrong.Because the swimming pool is where his friend died, and his friend's girlfriend should have died, sitting in front of him at this moment.

He looked at the movie on the wall again, and found that it turned out to be a racing scene.

Nick started to panic a little.Looking down again, I found "It's coming" engraved on the table.

He suddenly realized how terrifying it was for three damned and not dead people to gather together.

Just say, "What would happen if we didn't change anything?"

"If we are here now, everything is arranged?"

The ironwork that Nick pointed out at the time of his visit had collapsed, affecting a car.In order to avoid it, the car crashed into Nick's shop.

The deaths of the three were revealed in the form of skeletons under X-rays.

One bone was crushed by a wheel, one had a broken cervical vertebra, and one was smashed against a wall.

The movie ends.

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