I'm not just an action star

Chapter 527 Dihua and Greed

There are no impervious walls in the world.

Even if the crew signed a contract to keep it secret, it couldn't stop the move of mobilizing so many Mineta cars to film.

If Mineta Group invests in film production, it can also be interpreted as trying to make money in the film and television entertainment industry.

Now it is worth discussing if only Mineta brand cars are used to make a movie.

The gossip media immediately reported upon receiving the news, "The vehicles used in the filming of Wu Long's new film are all Mineta cars!" ".

The business media also reported, "Is Wu Long making another advertising film?" ".

Wall Street marketing guru Heiger made a long article on the Internet.

"I was surprised to hear that Wu Long used a lot of Mineta cars in his filming. According to relevant sources, all the vehicles Wu Long used in this filming were all Mineta brands.

This has to make people think that in order to promote his ice cream brand, Wu Long didn't know how to spend huge sums of money to shoot two animated films.

Wu Long's behavior of using movies to advertise has become a phenomenon of Wu Long.

This phenomenon actually requires vigilance.

It is very likely that Wu Long has become blindly confident in himself because of his many successes.He became no longer willing to listen to the opinions of others, nor was he willing to listen to the guidance of professionals, thinking that he was omnipotent and invincible.

Maybe he thought he was a world superstar, with the largest number of fans in the world.The compliments from those fans made him think that he really became a god.

How about a movie full of Mineta cars?

Can you see it?

There is no Frozen ice cream in "Frozen" either!

When the audience sees that the movie is full of Mineta cars and there is no other brand of car, they will definitely think it is fake.If it feels fake, how can it be substituted into a movie to watch a movie?

Viewers are sure to hate such films.

Wu Long's use of movies to advertise Fengtian Company will only lead to the opposite effect.Let the audience hate Mineta cars!

I advise Wu Long to stop in time and not to continue on the wrong path.

It's still too late to change it now.

Otherwise, when the movie hits the street, Wu Long, you will be spurned by thousands of people!

Even more stepped on by your fans, not letting you stand up!

No one will invest in your movies anymore, and no audience will watch your movies anymore!


Soon, various reports and comments on the Internet were overwhelming.

"From the scrapped vehicle dump, the cars pulled from the filming site to the dump are all Mineta brand cars. Wu Long really wants to make big news!"

"Wu Long is also in the devil's way, using his fame to harvest fans' money. First, he filmed commercials for the Amazon rainforest and Caribbean travel, and then made commercials for his ice cream shop to promote his ice cream. Now, he still wants to Use this trick to trick people into buying Mineta cars. We don't accept it!"

"Resolutely boycott Mineta Motors! Don't let such unconscionable practices tarnish the pure film art!"

"A movie full of Mineta cars? Wow, that sounds pretty cool too."

"It's just watching a movie, what kind of movie art is it? It's still pure movie art, it's better to talk about Nando Valley!"

"Everything is just speculation, it's someone with a heart who wants to bring down Brother Long!"

"I wonder if Brother Long will succeed and create a miracle?"

Bentian Company, because they got the exact information, confirmed that Wu Long was cooperating with Fengtian Company to help Fengtian Group shoot an advertising film, and immediately held a board meeting nervously.

Mizuta Hideo, who was discharged from the hospital, also came to participate.

"It has been confirmed that Mineta Zangnan went to Chiba Huasui, and Chiba Huasui took him to the imperial capital to find Wu Long."

"So, Wu Long is indeed filming a commercial for Mineta."

"Damn it, how much shares did Fengtian give Wu Long?"

"We can only find out after Mineta's report comes out."

"Actually, you don't have to worry. Have you checked the public opinion on the Internet? Things may not be developing as we imagined."

"Yes, we should be thankful that we did not succeed in cooperating with Wu Long. At the beginning, we were confused by Wu Long's success. In fact, it was impossible to make a car advertising film."

"Yeah, no one thought that if only one brand of car is used in a movie, the audience would not accept it."

"In Chinese, Wu Long is lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot."

"Pay close attention to Mineta's car sales to see if it goes up or down. If it goes down, Mineta will be miserable this year!"

"Mineta is too ambitious. Fortunately, he won the second place in the world's car sales and is not satisfied. He still wants to fight for the first place? Huh, let them fall down, just as we step on them to rise up!"

Other car companies in the country, as well as global car companies, including the car company in Merrican, are also paying close attention to this matter and the sales of Mineta Motors.

Yao Fukuhara watched the comments on the Internet and the media, worried for a few days, and finally couldn't help but contact Mineta Kurao.She didn't dare to tell Wu Long, for fear that Wu Long would be angry if he found out.

Mineta Kuro was also under a lot of pressure.Unexpectedly, the anti-Mineta public opinion on the Internet really affected the sales of Mineta cars all over the world.

In particular, there were people organized in Merikan to protest in front of the Mineta Automobile brand store.

Mineta Zangnan guessed that these should be the ghosts of other car companies.In particular, Bentian Company is the most suspected.

After all, it was Bentian Company that first approached Wu Long to cooperate. As a result, Wu Long did not cooperate with Bentian Company, but cooperated with Mineta Company.There must be reasons for doing so.

Fuyuan Yao contacted Mineta Zangnan, and Mineta Zangnan also wanted to ask Wu Long what he thought.As a result, Fu Yuanyao said that she dared not ask Wu Long, after all, she was not qualified enough.

Mineta Zangao didn't blame Fukuhara Yao, but approved of Fukuhara Yao's doing so.This shows that Yao Fukuhara knows her identity and will not overstep.

Only such a woman can gain the trust of a man.

Moreover, Fuyuan Yao is really not qualified to ask Wu Long.Even if Fuyuan Yao is the contact person representing Fengtian Group and Wu Long.However, the so-called contact person was just Wu Long thinking about how Fengtian Group would cooperate, and she was in charge of spreading the word.

Mineta Zangnan couldn't help but find Wu Long.

"Brother Long, you worked hard filming." Mineta Zangao said politely.

Wu Long saw through Mineta Zangnan's intentions, but he didn't say anything.Until Mineta Zangao couldn't help asking:

"Brother Long, I don't know if you have noticed that there are about you on the Internet, as well as the movies you made, and the public opinion trend of Mineta Company?"

"I was so busy making movies that I didn't pay much attention. Tell me?"

Mineta Zangnan had no choice but to express the public opinion on the Internet.

"According to the reported statistics, the sales of Mineta cars all over the world have experienced a significant decline. It seems that the impact is great. What should we do? Do we need to add some other brands of cars to the filming?"

Wu Long also expected such a situation.Especially after Bentian Company can't cooperate with him, it is very likely to make trouble.

This kind of thought that you will not let me have a good time, and I will not make you have a good time, will occur anytime and anywhere.

"Don't worry, I've expected this to happen."

"Huh? Brother Long expected it?"

"Of course. If you cooperate with me, other competitors will definitely be shocked. My reputation is here, and my success is in front of everyone. How dare your competitors ignore such achievements? If you are in a different place, you will choose to ignore, will you Do you choose to stand still?"

Kuro Mineta shook his head.

"No. In particular, Bentian Company originally cooperated with you and Long Ge, and now they are robbed of cooperation by us. They must not be reconciled. In fact, the company's think tank has also made these analyzes. It's just that things really came, and I was under pressure If it is too big, it will inevitably lose its validity.”

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. Those who should watch movies will watch movies, and movies won't hit the street. As for the sales will drop, I think it's just a coincidence. There won't be too many people choosing to buy a car, because I want to shoot Advertise the movie instead of buying the Mineta brand. The factor of choice does not depend on making a movie.”

Mineta Zangnan didn't believe Wu Long's coincidence.But when Wu Long said that, he couldn't refute it.As the Chinese saying goes, there is no arrow to turn back when you open the bow, so Mineta Zangnan can only lead the Mineta Group and Wu Long to the dark.

After saying goodbye and leaving, he suddenly felt regretful.If he hadn't been blinded by Wu Long's success at the beginning, maybe he would have thought calmly and wouldn't have had such a cooperation with Wu Long.

They are all Bentian companies!

If they don't look for Wu Long, get his attention...

Suddenly, Mineta Kuro froze on the spot.

He thought of a terrible possibility, this is completely Ben Tian's conspiracy!

Ben Tian Company deliberately came to Wu Long to cooperate, but they never thought of really cooperating with Wu Long!

They made such a gesture and found an excuse to hide that Wu Long would not cooperate with them.Then the news spread, and other car companies thought they had an opportunity to cooperate with Wu Long.

It's a pity that Mizuya Taxiu himself didn't expect Chiba Kasui to be so ruthless, and directly broke his leg.

But other car companies obviously saw through Bentian's conspiracy and were not fooled.

Only he, because he took over the Mineta Group, wants to make achievements to prove himself.In the end, he was fooled and got into the trap set by Bentian Company for his competitors!

Sorry for the first time!

Mineta Zangao returned to his home country and sincerely apologized to his father and family fathers.

"What? You said this might be a conspiracy by Bentian Company?" Mineta Cano's father said in surprise.

Some of the other parents pondered, and some nodded in agreement with this statement.

"If it wasn't for the decline in sales, it was indeed just speculation. But the decline in sales now shows that it is most likely a conspiracy by Bentian Company."

"That makes sense. I wondered why Bentian made such a childish mistake and offended Wu Long and Chiba Huasui? It seems that they deliberately failed to cooperate with Wu Long so that other car companies could see it." I thought it was an opportunity.”

"Yeah, but we couldn't wait to find Wu Long in order to seize the opportunity."

"Zang Nan, you have a great responsibility for this matter!"

"Yes, in order to make up for it as soon as possible, you must resign with guilt!"

"How could it be possible that Tibetan men are all in charge? This was passed at the family meeting. Tibetan men are responsible, and we are equally responsible!"

"I didn't agree, I'm not responsible!"

"Now it's not a question of accountability, even if Zangnan resigns. Who will take office? What will happen after taking office? Could it be that the shares given to Wu Long are taken back?"

"Wu Long's film has not been finished yet, and the shares have not been actually delivered, so they can be taken back!"

"Hehe, what about the reputation of the Mineta family? Who will trust us in the future?"

"Even if you don't care about the reputation of the family, do you think that lunatic Chiba Huasui is a paper tiger and only scares people? He is just like those crazy 88 lunatics, he can really kill people. When the time comes, who of you wants to die?"

"Wu Long is too cunning. Even if the movie can't improve Mineta Motor's sales in the contract, he won't be responsible. How can this work? Isn't he taking our shares for nothing?"

A bunch of people are complaining, but there is nothing good to do.

And Wu Long specifically explained that he should not make any statement on this, otherwise he would be tricked by other car companies.

As long as Fengtian company does not respond, Wu Long will not respond.Other car companies unilaterally engage in trouble, and such public opinion on the Internet will soon pass.And netizens will also sympathize with Mineta Company and Wu Long, thinking that someone deliberately hacked.

The web is like that, a gust of wind blows.As long as there is new news, the old news is quickly drowned out and forgotten.

In less than three months, Wu Long has finished shooting "Fast and Furious".Next comes post-production, which also takes a lot of time.If it is a new film, it will take a long time for editing and post-production special effects processing.

But Wu Long has the ability to learn from others, so it doesn't take so long to do it.

And the scenes he shoots rarely waste shots.Because he knows which shots will be used in the end and which shots will not be used in the end.That way, he never takes shots that he doesn't need.

This not only makes his shooting cycle shorter than others, but more importantly, he can spend less time on editing and post-processing.

Wen Zhiren and Werner told him that "Latent 2" is expected to be released after "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring".

And "Reaper 4" will be later, because it is a 3D movie, and it will take longer in post-production.

Even "Fast and Furious" may be released earlier than "Reaper 4".

Regarding the sales of Mineta Motors, it has also returned to the original level.This made Mineta Kuro and the Mineta family breathe a sigh of relief.

The schedule for "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" is drawing to a close.A lot of movies try not to be released at the same time as this blockbuster.There are only some food delivery videos, and other schedules cannot be competed, so they can only be used as cannon fodder in this schedule.

Even if there are films that stagger the peak with "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring".For example, when it was released a week or three weeks later, it was still impacted by this powerful film, and the box office was not ideal.

It wasn't that bad at the box office until this movie, which came out later in its schedule.

However, because movie fans knew that "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" was about to be released, some movie fans actually bought tickets to watch again because they felt reluctant.As a result, the box office of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" unexpectedly rose against the trend as the end of the schedule approached.

In the end, "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" went down, and the global box office totaled more than one billion, reaching more than 12 billion U.S. dollars.

This result surprised Wu Long.The total global box office of the original version in the previous life was only more than 800 million US dollars. I didn't expect his version in this life to be [-]/[-] more!

You must know that the production cost of the original version was only more than 9000 million U.S. dollars for each part, and the three parts cost more than 8000 million U.S. dollars.The total global box office of the trilogy reached more than 29 billion US dollars, and the return on investment exceeded 10!

In this life, Wu Long's production cost has seriously exceeded the original version.The production cost of his one is worth the production cost of the original three.

But among the actors in the original version, no one has a superstar like Wu Long.

Moreover, in good conscience, although Shi Lei's film special effects company charged more money, the production must be several times better than the original computer special effects.

The dwarf palace, the Balrog, those monsters, the section where the Balrog chased them across the bridge, and those statues as tall as mountains, etc., are exquisitely crafted and fake ones.

There are also fighting scenes, which are more exciting and thrilling than the original version.

Wu Long is satisfied, Weiner Films and Lion Films are fine, and the other six major film distribution companies are not very comfortable.

Their expectation should be $15 billion.

The current return on investment can reach 4, which is barely a pass, not a rush.But the profits were divided in the end, and each family didn't make much money.

Looking at what Weiner Pictures and Lion Pictures have earned from Wu Long before, they are very unbalanced.

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