I'm not just an action star

Chapter 523 Brother Long, I'm Not That Kind of Woman

The morning sun shines on Beverly Hills.Known as "the most noble residential area in the world", it is regarded as the representative and symbol of wealth, fame and fortune.

A ray of sunlight shines through the gap between the curtains in the bedroom of a mansion.

The two woke up separately on the bed, but did not get up.

"Brother Long, I'm leaving after watching the premiere. But I feel like I haven't learned how to write yet, what should I do?"

"You told me that you want to write a story about magic, and the magic you think should not only be ice magic like Princess Elsa. The magic you imagine should use a magic wand and wear a magic robe. Then, Why don't you write a story like this yourself? Isn't it your dream?"

"However, in my mind now, there is either the shadow of "Frozen", or the shadow of "Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit."

Wu Long redeemed "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone".

"You can write it like this. There is a boy in modern society. On his 11th birthday, he received a mysterious letter and was invited to a place he had never heard of, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."


Lorraine rested her chin on Wu Long's chest.

"Modern society? Magic school? Brother Long, this sounds very interesting. I really want to write a magic story in modern society. How did you guess it?"

"Hey baby, you forgot? You told me that."

Lorraine smiled.

"and then?"

"You think for yourself. As I said, it's not a story you wrote. I can only inspire you."

"But it has become my habit for you to read my writing. Brother Long, tell me?" Lorraine acted like a baby.

"I ask you, what would happen to a normal person who received such a letter at the age of 11?"

"I definitely don't believe it, I think it's a prank."


After listening to Wu Long roughly finishing "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", Lorraine felt her mind was suddenly opened.

"Muggles? Haha, this statement is very interesting." She kissed Wu Long. "Brother Long, can I also sign this book?"

"The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit", Wu Long is the first author, and Lorraine is the second author.

"Just sign your name, don't sign mine. There is only one author for this one, and that is you."



"Brother Long, you are so kind. Is this my repayment? How should I repay you..."


When Lorraine was brushing her teeth, she suddenly understood.She didn't even wipe the foam from her mouth, so she ran to ask Wu Long.

"Brother Long, you actually want me to go back to China to write?"

Wu Long nodded.

Lorraine's complexion changed, and she went back to brush her teeth in a stupid way.

Should have known why she was the only author.If she continues to stay with Wu Long, how can book fans believe that she is the author of this book?

Everyone in the world will definitely think that like "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit", Wu Long dictates and she ghostwrites.

But in fact, Wu Long just provided an outline.

Whatever you do, there is a price to pay.When she followed Su Fei to find Wu Long, she understood this very clearly.

However, this time, she became an independent author at the price of leaving Wu Long.

Thinking of Fu Yuanyao, Wu Long's former rumored girlfriend, Su Fei and Yin Lian, Luo Lin seemed to understand.

I can only cherish every day with him.

Hearing Lorraine's wish to have fun with her in Merikan for a few days before the release of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", Wu Long agreed.

Since Lorraine wrote a book with him, they have also been to Merikan and Haolaihu together.It's just that he has to be busy with making movies and doesn't have time to travel around with her.

One of the cities you must visit when you come to Merican Country is New York City.

New York City is the largest city and largest port in the country of Merrickan, and its metropolitan area is one of the largest in the world.

It is also the top international metropolis in the world.

This city can directly affect the global economy, finance, media, politics, education, entertainment and fashion.

Famous Times Square and Broadway, known as "the crossroads of the world".

It's not enough to go shopping here during the day, and you can't stop playing at night.

Taking Lorraine out at night, Wu Long wasn't worried about security issues.For one thing, whether it's Chinatown or other places, those old Wu Long know each other.

Especially after Frank, the biggest underground boss in New York City, was uprooted by Fox, who would dare not know Wu Long and be disrespectful to Wu Long?

Although, there is no evidence to prove that it is related to Wulong.

Besides, Wu Long has the skill of Tmall Nine Lives and can perceive danger.So Wu Long took Lorraine to wander around New York City at night with confidence.

The two were walking like lovers, when suddenly there was a whistle in front of them.Then, there was a molesting voice.

"Hey, beauty, do you want to play together?"

"Going out to play alone at night, isn't it lonely?"

Wu Long looked over and saw that it was two men trying to tease a woman.That woman has a great figure.Wearing a black tight sports vest with jeans, a pair of headlights have a moving texture.Under the lights at night, men are even more tempted.

Lorraine looked at Wu Long worriedly.Although those two hooligans were not teasing her, she was also a little scared.Moreover, she also hoped that Wu Long could save that woman, but she was not qualified to speak.

Facing the salty pig's hand stretched out, the woman stretched out her hand to grab the opponent's hand, and twisted the opponent's arm back to the opponent's back like grabbing a prisoner.Grab the opponent's other hand and twist it behind the opponent's back together.

"Ah!" the hooligan screamed. "Let go, it hurts me!"

The woman puts the hooligan she catches in front of another hooligan.

"Don't come here, or I'll wring his hand off!"

"Smelly cousin, let him go!"

The woman twists hard.

"Ah!" The captured hooligan screamed. "Let go of me, or I won't spare you!"

The woman pushed harder, her expression gritted her teeth.

"Ah, let me go, you go!"

"Let go of him, you go. Otherwise, you won't be able to get out of this block!"

"You promise not to trouble me?"


The woman pushes each other away.


The hooligan was pushed and stumbled a few steps, but he took out a yellow knife and turned to face the woman.


The blade pops out.

The hooligan waved the yellow knife twice.

"Smelly cousin, dare to do it! Tonight, I will fuck you until you beg for mercy!"

Another hooligan also took out a butterfly knife, played a few times with the knife in his hand, and approached the woman from the other side.

"You guys come out to mess around, don't you talk about credibility?"

"For women, we must talk about sexual desire."


The hooligan had a knife in his hand, and another two men besieged him.The woman hid twice, her waist was bruised and bleeding.

"Ah!" Lorraine cried out in fright when she saw the blood.

The rogue looked over.

"Go away, mind your own business, if you want to stay, let me have fun!"

"There are two of us, just missing one!" Another hooligan smiled at Lorraine. "Not bad looking."

Wu Long walked over.

The hooligan didn't recognize Wu Long, but when he saw that Wu Long dared to meddle in his own business, he cursed "Fake" and immediately pointed his knife at Wu Long and stabbed him.

"Be careful!" the woman exclaimed.

Wu Long kicked it out, and the gangster flew upside down six meters before landing, just like in a movie.After landing, it rolled many times on the ground, and it was several meters away before stopping, motionless.

Before the other hooligan could react, Wu Long also kicked him flying, and rolled to his companion, motionless.

It was the first time that Luo Lin saw Wu Long actually hit someone, she was so shocked that she covered her mouth with her hand.

It was so shocking, it was like acting in a movie.No wonder Wu Long was so violent, tossing people so weakly.

The rescued young woman was also restrained by Wu Long's two feet, and looked at the two hooligans lying motionless on the ground.

"He won't die, will he?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"will not."

When the two hooligans woke up, they only felt a little pain, and there seemed to be nothing serious about them.

However, if you do not receive the correct treatment, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, hidden diseases will occur.In Wu Long's opinion, the other party would definitely not know to go to Chinese medicine for treatment.Western medicine can't find the problem at all.No X-ray, CT, or MRI can detect it.

Of course, hooligans don't think there is any problem at the beginning, and after half a year, the body will gradually appear various problems.

There is no need for Wu Long to say these things.

Only now did the woman see Wu Long's appearance clearly.

She recognized Wu Long!


She pointed at Wu Long and covered her mouth with one hand.


"You are Wu..."

Wu Long nodded and smiled.He saw some muscles on the woman's arm, and she was a woman who regularly exercised.

With Wu Long's confirmation, the woman covered her mouth with both hands.

"Where do you live? We'll take you home."

"I'll go over there."

Lorraine secretly glanced back and forth between Wu Long and the other party.

"Brother Long, do you know? I'm your fan."

Lorraine complained in her heart, every woman said so when she met Wu Long.

"Really? That's so flattering, I stepped in to help my fans defeat the villains."

"I'm Michelle? Rodriguez, Brother Long, can you sign me?"


Seeing Mi Xieer take out the lipstick and hand it to Wu Long, pointing to the clothes on her chest, she said:

"Just write it here."

Wu Long held the lipstick, feeling a little embarrassed.

Lorraine laughed, but secretly scolded the other party for being a female cousin.

"Just write it, I don't care. Actually, I am...the one in "The Devil"..."

Michelle raised her arms and made a muscle-bright movement.

"So you are..." Lorraine was surprised, the other party turned out to be a 404 lesbian.

"Yes. I don't mind people knowing."

Wu Long used lipstick to sign at the place designated by Michelle.

"Haha, I want to treasure this dress and accompany me into the coffin." Michelle took back the lipstick and put it away.

The three of them walked together, with Lorraine and Michelle standing on either side of Wu Long.

"Michelle, do you exercise regularly, have you practiced self-defense or something?"

Michelle talked about her own affairs.She works out regularly and has practiced fighting.She was not in New York City, but in nearby New Jersey.

Currently working at a Toys R Us to support himself.When I have time, I come to New York City to take classes and learn acting. By the way, I will see if there are any extras recruited, and try to enter the entertainment circle to make movies or TV.

"You want to be in a movie?"

"Of course, I think I should be able to act in some action scenes, even if it's a double."

Lorraine knew that Wu Long was going to shoot "The Fast and the Furious". Could it be that she just picked up a random woman on the street and let her act?

Is this because I am greedy for this honey Xieer?

Thinking about the women who have had scandals with Wu Long, it seems that there is really no one like Mi Xieer.The only one who is more similar to Michelle is Angeli.

Wu Long even wrote "The Devil" specially for Angeli, so that Angeli could win the best actress!

Michelle mentioned "The Devil" just now!

Could the chance encounter tonight be not a chance encounter, but a well-arranged encounter?

It must be!

This Mi Xieer is a conspiratorial cousin!

He also deliberately said that he is a lesbian 404 404 404, is this arousing Wu Long's other emotions?

So insidious!

Brother Long, don't be fooled!

Luo Lin felt that she had insight into Mi Xie'er's plot, but she couldn't tell Wu Long clearly, she could only secretly worry for Wu Long.

"I happen to have a movie to shoot, would you like to audition?" Wu Long issued an invitation.

Because when he saw Michelle's appearance, he felt very similar to the heroine in the original "Fast and Furious".

And it is said that the actor once came out publicly.

Seeing that Wu Long really invited Mi Xieer to make a movie, Luo Lin secretly tore Wu Long's clothes in a hurry.

Wu Long turned his head to look at her strangely, and saw Luo Lin shaking her head, mouthing "no".Wu Long smiled at her, then turned to Mi Xie'er.

Michelle frowned.

"Brother Long, I'm very happy to be invited by you. But you know, I'm not interested in men. So, if... don't blame me for being rude, there are rumors on the Internet that if you want to act in your movie, you have to... ...on...so, I can't do that."

"It's not necessary, it's all rumors. I never asked to say that I can only play my role if I have sex with me. Absolutely not, it's all rumors."

Wu Long can assure you that it is all voluntary and has nothing to do with me.I never took the initiative, nor forced.If you want to say force, it is they force, not me.


When Luo Lin heard what Wu Long said, she felt that Wu Long was shameless.Then, she blushed again.It seems that what Wu Long said is right, Wu Long never asked for it.


This time, Lorraine poked herself.

"I can act without being with you..." Michelle wanted to confirm again.

"Yes." Wu Long gave her an affirmative answer.

"Too flattering!" Michelle jumped up. "I met hooligans at first, and I said today was my unlucky day. Unexpectedly, today is my lucky day. I really don't know whether I should scold those two hooligans or thank them. Maybe without them, uuRead a book and I will pass you by."

Send Michelle to the small hotel where she lives, and leave each other's phone numbers, Wu Long and Luo Lin leave.

Back in her room in the small hotel, Mi Xieer couldn't wait to take a picture of her chest in the mirror, and then posted it on her social account online.

"Guess who I met tonight? My god, today is my lucky day!"

Without signing the contract, Mi Xieer knew not to talk about making a movie.In case Wu Long changes his mind, she will be embarrassed.

Lorraine really wronged her, what she said was the truth, she did not deceive Wu Long.The chance encounter tonight was not her design, it was a real chance encounter.

On the way, Lorraine told Wu Long her guess.Wu Long didn't take it seriously, thinking that the system was actually doing something wrong.

He was going to shoot "The Fast and the Furious" when he met Michelle Rodriguez.Maybe that's how the system affects the world.

"I believe what she said, this is just a chance encounter. Even if she designed it, it's okay. She didn't harm me."

Wu Long showed a meaningful smile to Lorraine.

Didn't Angeli also design a chance encounter?

Aren't you planning to come to see me with Su Fei?

Seeing Wu Long's expression, Lorraine felt uneasy when she thought that she was designing Su Fei and following Su Fei to meet Wu Long.

It turned out that Wu Long had already seen through everything.She actually thought that if she could fool Su Fei, she could fool Wu Long.

Think again about Wu Long's current achievements.If he was so easy to be deceived, he would have been deceived into signing a prostitution contract by those blood-sucking capitalists in Haolaihu. How could he be as free as he is now and make money for himself.

Thinking of Fu Yuanyao and Mi Xieer surrounding Wu Long one by one, Luo Lin felt again that it was God's will to let her leave Wu Long.

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