I'm not just an action star

Chapter 496 The Unfavorable Team of Two

I knew you would be like this, Wu Long secretly smiled.

"That's right, the production cost is [-] US dollars. As for why it is so little, you will know after reading the script."

Although Wen Zhiren and Werner still don't believe it, there are movies in this world that can be shot and released for $[-].

However, they still opened the script and watched it honestly.

This is a movie about a young couple.They moved into a big house in the suburbs.However, there seems to be a terrifying presence in the house.Whenever they were asleep or half asleep, they could always hear inexplicable noises.

And in the dark night, such a noise can make people frightened.

In order to find out the truth, they decided to take a video of themselves sleeping soundly to see what was there.

Then, something terrible happened, and everything was irreparable.

Not many actors are needed for the whole movie, and it can even be said that they don't even need group performances.

And the scenes of the whole movie are basically indoors.

No effect.

In other words, you only need to rent a house to shoot.

As for actors, there is no need to invite famous actors, let alone invite famous actors.

Wen Zhiren and Werner have already seen that this is another pseudo-documentary.If the pseudo-documentary wants to be real, it cannot be a famous actor.

Is it difficult to want actors with good acting skills and low prices?It is not difficult to say, easy is not easy.It may be difficult for a famous director to find an actor with good acting skills and low salary, but it is definitely easy to find people like Wen Zhiren and Werner who have been at the bottom.

After they finished reading the script, Wu Long asked them.

"How, can it be shot for [-] US dollars?"

The two were embarrassed.Wen Zhiren still replied: "Yes."

You don't need to shoot exteriors and find extras like "Blair the Witch". Everything can be shot as simple as possible, of course.

Moreover, the house can't be too good.If the house is too rich to live in, the audience's sense of substitution will not be strong.

It should be the kind that many people can generally live in.

"So, now that you've read the script, do you have any questions? What do you think of the script?"

"Brother Long, is this a pseudo-documentary?" Werner saw that it was actually a bit different from a pseudo-documentary.

"It is." Wu Long replied.

"Brother Long, is this movie going to run?" Werner asked again.

"It doesn't need to be too special. You can start a topic of interest secretly. For example, what happened in the room after we went to bed, so that interested netizens can film the situation in the room after we go to bed at night. This is a It’s a very interesting thing, someone should take part in it, shoot and upload it. It’s more likely that someone will make a fake video for traffic. However, these have nothing to do with you. Even, your filming should be done after this topic starts on the Internet.”

Wen Zhiren and Werner understood that they had to separate themselves here.But at the same time, it is also to urge them to shoot it as soon as possible to avoid being preempted by others.

"Brother Long, do you have anything else to say? I think I still need your advice." Wen Zhiren said.

Wu Long thought for a while and said:

"Since it is a pseudo-documentary, it must look like a privately installed camera, not like a movie. Therefore, the lighting should be careful not to be photographed or reflective effects. Although ordinary audiences are not professionals, it is not easy Discovery. But it must look different from reality, so the sense of substitution will be different.”

Wen Zhiren and Werner nodded, indeed.This is different from the outdoor shooting of "Blair Witch".

There are many reflective light sources indoors, which are easy to wear.If there are too many lights, the perception will look different because of the small reflection and diffuse response in the interior space.

"You don't have to follow the script and the lines completely. If you have creative inspiration, you can modify it according to the scene shooting situation."

Wen Zhiren and Werner nodded again.However, the two of them just nodded and didn't think they could modify Wu Long's script.

They have not only filmed Wu Long's "The Witch Blair", but also watched other films made by Wu Long's script.Like "Reaper" and other movies.They believed that those directors would not dare to change Wu Long's script.

Filming according to Wu Long's script can guarantee success.

Changed Wu Long's script, it's okay to say it succeeded, but who is responsible for the failure?

Wen Zhiren and Werner failed once themselves, and it is even more impossible to change Wu Long's script.

"Brother Long, do you have any suggestions for choosing a character?" Wen Zhiren asked.

"What do you think?" Wu Long questioned him.

"I think it's best for the male and female protagonists to be lovers in reality, so that the acting will be natural. We are a pseudo-documentary, and the male and female protagonists of the movie are lovers, so the actors in reality should also be lovers."

Wu Long nodded in approval.

"Yes, that's what it means. You see, you are actually capable. Moreover, these two actors are not just lovers, they should be lovers for many years. There are few disputes in life. The best actor has that little Machismo is similar to the personality of the hero."

"One of the difficulties of this movie is the selection of actors and actresses. If the actors and actresses are well selected, the film is half successful. Therefore, you must control the casting. You would rather spend time choosing actors than reluctantly."

Werner seemed to be enlightened by Wu Long's words, saying:

"I understand a little bit. Is this the case? We only give the audition actors a general idea of ​​the character, not specific. But during the interview, let the actor expand some background stories of the character based on the general description. If it is in line with what we want If the actors match, we cast them."

Wu Long praised:

"This is a good idea, you can try it."

"However, don't let the actors have too much freedom to improvise. For example, don't use the other party's name too much, otherwise it will weaken the sense of reality and the audience's sense of substitution. And don't make forced explanations."

Wen Zhiren and Werner thought for a while and nodded in understanding.

But use the other person's name more often, and speak directly when talking to each other.In this way, without the hindrance of the name, the audience feels like they are talking to themselves.In real life, mutual dialogue does not say the other party's name too much.

It's easy to understand without compulsive explanations.It seems to be explaining to the audience, for fear that the audience will not understand.In this way, it is easy to see that it is a trace of filming, which hinders the realism of the pseudo-documentary.

"Sound effects and scenery, also reflect the effect of naturalism. For example, you can use a monotonous hum in the room, and then add a very low-decibel rumble to it to form a sound that sounds like a person. He was speaking in a low, but inaudible voice."

Wu Long's point, in fact, in the script attached to him, there are detailed operations, even including the lighting method.In this way, they can achieve the shooting that is most in line with the original movie as soon as possible. Anyway, it is provided by the system, so Wu Long doesn't need to worry about it.

With Wu Long's guidance, Wen Zhiren and Werner gained some confidence.Otherwise, they really don't have the confidence to make a movie with a production cost of only [-] dollars.

After returning to Haolaihu, the two began to study.Although Wu Long gave detailed instructions, there are also many specific operations after the script.But there are some things that need to be resolved by the two of them.

For example, as Wu Long said, first secretly stir up the topic on the Internet, and let netizens spontaneously shoot videos of themselves sleeping in the room at night.

After this story gets out, maybe someone will get inspired to make a movie like this too.

And they need to wait for this topic to be initiated on the Internet before they can recruit actors.

Actors are very important, Wu Long especially emphasized.But if you want to find the right actors, it takes time to cast roles.During this period of time, I was afraid of being taken advantage of by others and took the first shot.

The shooting cycle of this movie is not long, and it will definitely be made in less than a month.But preparatory work still takes time.Casting takes time, house layout takes time, sound testing takes time.Basically, these can only be done by the two of them themselves.

Because, with a production cost of $[-], they couldn't afford to hire too many people.

Lighting, scene recording, photography, and even prop artists are all part-time jobs for them, which can save a lot of money.

As he planned, Werner exclaimed:

"I understand why the production cost is so low. Brother Long deliberately doesn't let us hire professionals to do it."

When Wen Zhiren heard what Werner said, he immediately understood what Werner meant.

"You mean, don't invite professionals to do it. We who are somewhat professional and unprofessional can guarantee a certain level, but there will be deficiencies. Only the deficiencies can make the audience feel real, yes ?"

Werner raised his hand to give Wen Zhiren a high-five, and the two clapped.

"We are the best partners. You know me too well. This is the case. How can ordinary people be so professional? If you are not professional, it looks real. If it is too professional, the audience will feel like watching a movie."

"Brother Long is amazing. Just by reducing the production cost, there are so many truths in it. If we hadn't made this movie, we wouldn't have learned the secrets of it!"

"Filming with Brother Long is really the most correct choice!"

The two consulted with each other and spent a few days planning.

First determine the general decoration, and then test the sound effects and lighting sets, so that you can know it.Ensure that the shooting process does not need to be discussed again.Also make some props in advance.

They simulated it many times, and after confirming that there was no problem, they began to stir up topics secretly on the Internet.

In fact, I have taken videos of my own room when I sleep at night, and I have done it before.It's just that many videos have no content and are boring.

And this time, they didn't start posting on the weird website, but made suggestions on other website forums.Suggestions also start with simply photographing the room where you sleep at night, adding a gimmick.

Just use something like a Ouija board, or other channeling ritual before bed, and then photograph the room you sleep in that night.

Wen Zhiren also deliberately gave a scientific theory, saying that doing so can make people feel scared subconsciously.Dreams during sleep are the manifestation of the subconscious mind. The psychic ritual before going to bed can stimulate the subconscious mind, and there is a high probability that people will have nightmares.

Therefore, the theme of this type of video is "Challenge the Nightmare Night, Do You Dare?" ".

This theme has attracted some people who like to challenge or like to show their boldness, so people began to set up the camera and take selfies after the psychic ceremony and sleep.

Put the video online the next day.Because it was not edited, it was played in full, and it was deliberately divided into many consecutive small segments for uploading.And propaganda, nothing, everything is a lie.

Soon, some people shared the account of Exploring the Weird Website, and even the accounts of the good people @文之仁和沃纳, asking them to make a movie about this theme.

Siluke Siluke

Seeing this, Wen Zhiren and Werner laughed out loud.

"Oh my god, it's so funny, even the reason is handed to us, what reason is there for us not to make this film?"

"Brother Long's design is wonderful, he must have expected such a result. After a little manipulation, someone put the reason in front of us. This time, not only will we not be rejected, but we will also attract movie fans to watch!"

The two were happy and quickly started the shooting plan.

Find a suitable house for shooting and choose actors.From more than 100 actors, they found the actor they wanted.

Start shooting, and it will be over soon.

Time passed day by day, before Wu Long's "Frozen" was screened, "Spirituality: Ghost Story" has already started to negotiate with the distribution company on the release schedule.

"What? Are you sure you're not mistaken? The production cost of $[-]? Is it really not a random number for gimmicks?"

"The production cost of [-] U.S. dollars? How much is the publicity fee? No?"

"What do you think? The production cost of "Blair the Witch" was 800 dollars, and it was shot like that. What do you want to make with [-] dollars? "Blare the Witch" still has a thousand dollars. [-] million marketing expenses, you don't even have marketing expenses for this shitty film!"

"I really don't know what you guys are thinking. Before the release of "Blair Witch", there was some kind of marketing promotion. You don't have a penny of operating expenses, so who would dare to release your movie?"

"Wen Zhiren, Werner, do you two think that movie theaters are fools? If there is no marketing fee, who would give you the screen? Showing your movies just doesn't make money for you, and it means losing money for movie theaters if they don't make money! Because theaters could have shown other movies to make money!"

"Wake up, you two, your word of mouth is too bad. Now you still have a movie with a production cost of [-] U.S. dollars, so at least you should fill in more than [-] U.S. dollars."

"Take your film away, how can you shoot it with a production cost of [-]? The salary is not enough. Is this treating us as fools!"

Except for Lion Films and Weiner Films, all other film distribution companies with distribution capabilities rejected Wen Zhiren and Werner.

Their reputation in "Deadly Doll" completely fell to the floor in the film industry.It would be nice to make another film worth tens of millions, even a few million dollars.But the two of them took out a movie with a production cost of [-] US dollars, who would care about them?

Don't even give them a chance to explain, just drive them away.

The production cost of [-] U.S. dollars is so cute!

Wen Zhiren and Werner would like to say that they have already done operation, free of charge.But no one listened.Even if they shouted out when they were driven away, no one would believe it.

"How to do?"

"Try Lion Films or Wiener Films?"

"But didn't Brother Long say that?"

"That's why other distribution companies don't find Lion Films or Weina Films if they are willing to release it. Isn't there no way now? Besides, when Lion Films or Weina Films is willing to release, this film will make money. , Those publishing companies that rejected us will regret it, and will never dare to underestimate us in the future. At that time, we can go to them to issue again, and we can get the best conditions."


As a result, even Lion Pictures and Weiner Pictures, seeing the production cost of only [-] US dollars, rejected it without even watching it, and they also refused to listen to their explanations.Operating for free, when they are gullible audiences?

After Wen Zhiren and Werner's "Deadly Doll" failed at the box office, no one believed them anymore.I don't believe they have the ability to make movies. How good can "Blare the Witch" be made with a production cost of [-] dollars, how good can it be made for [-] dollars?Worse than home video.

As for Wen Zhiren and Werner's explanation, no one listened to them. The marketing of "Blair Witch" is deception, who will believe them?

They all subconsciously believed that "Blair Witch" lied to the audience, and this "Spirituality: Ghost Story" is to lie to them.

"Should we have to publish it ourselves, like "Blair the Witch"?"

"Looks like that's all it takes."

The two sighed.

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