"The Matrix 3: Matrix Revolutions" is the next tier, with a global box office of just over one billion dollars.It is less than the first one, but it still barely reaches one billion, entering the billion dollar club.

The original version of this movie has a global box office of more than 4 million.Relying on his fame, Wu Long forced the film to reach one billion.It shows how valuable Wu Long's fame is.

The first part of the "Matrix Series" is amazing and amazing.

The second part is tense, exciting, action fights and car chases are classics.However, there are more philosophies and thinking, which makes some people feel unsatisfied.

Waiting until the third part, in order to fulfill this idea, and also to appear more philosophical and thoughtful, the film became less understandable to the audience.

Movie reviews:

""The Matrix 3: Matrix Revolution" makes people feel that they need to think too much in order to fill in the pits. In other words, it is complicated.

The fighting is too monotonous and repetitive, not as amazing as the second one, and even worse than the first one.The tension and thrilling scenes that the audience wanted did not appear.

In other words, the tension created is too mediocre, and other movies have it.Not as unique as the first two.

The battle in Zion is more like playing a computer game.And the loophole is too big, I am embarrassed to say.As far as the ammunition box is concerned, with such a big bullet, how many rounds can it hold?

With so many mechanical octopuses, if you just keep pulling the trigger like this, the bullets will probably run out in less than 2 minutes.

Then, the trolley went to deliver and load the bullets, facing countless mechanical octopuses, how could it be delivered in time?

If you ask me, it is impossible to send it over.

Therefore, the Zion defense battle was too fake!


"The Matrix Revolutions was a failure!

The Zion War was played too fake, as if watching someone else play a game.

It was too fake for Wu Long to go to the Machinery City. It felt a little deliberately arranged, and he deliberately blinded Wu Long.

Cui Ni actually died, deliberately tragic for the sake of literature and art?

Originally, from the first part, there was a suspense that attracted the audience to watch.But the third part uncovered the suspense, but did not satisfy the audience.


"The Matrix Revolutions proves that Wu Long is finally beginning to fail!

I feel that many things have not been fully developed in the third part.

Wu Long is just an action star. There are many pits dug in the first and second movies, but the third movie didn't give an explanation.Give the audience a feeling of avoiding the important and taking the light, flashy.

Especially the duel between Wu Long and Shi Yanluo was not good at all.

This proves that Wu Long's imagination has finally come to an end.He can no longer innovate, and there is no innovation in action fighting.

The third one was just a bad movie made because of the IP of The Matrix.


fan comments

"Why does Cui Ni have to die? Why! Such a beautiful heroine, Wu Long, why are you willing to let her die?"

"The duel between Wu Long and Shi Yanluo was nothing new. It lost the mystery of oriental martial arts, and also lost the unique flavor of the Matrix."

"There are so many people who don't understand why Brother Long is making such a film?"

"About Trini's death, it was actually expected. The prophet said it, and the designer of the matrix also said it. Wu Long thought he could save Trini, but in fact he couldn't."

"It's all fake! Zion is fake! Reality is also fake!

On the boat, Shi Yanluo fought Wu Long, what did Shi Yanluo say?He has said many times that this scene is very familiar and seems to have happened before!

In the end, Shi Yanluo confronted Wu Long. Shi Yanluo said that this scene was very familiar and had happened before.

What does it mean?

It shows that the duel between Wu Long and Shi Yanluo happened before.Battles on board have happened before.

But boats are reality!

Reality is impossible to repeat!

It can only show that the real world is also a virtual world!This makes sense why Wu Long can deal with the mechanical octopus empty-handed in the real world. "

The film reviews of the entire "Matrix" and the discussion among fans reached their peak after the three films were released.

Regarding the "Matrix" series, a lot of interpretations have been triggered.These interpretations and discussions are more and more extensive than the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, which has a higher box office.


And because the box office of "The Matrix 3: Matrix Revolution" barely reached one billion, it did not surpass the second and first movies.And if it wasn't because everyone wanted to see the ending, they wouldn't buy tickets to watch the third part.Everyone gave the third part a generally low rating, leading many to conclude that Wu Long has finally started to go downhill.

Regarding Wu Long's career curve, some people have been singing the bad news, and some people have been predicting that his next film will hit the street.

But Wu Long always smacked those who bad-mouthed him with box office hits.

Now, finally, many people have reached a consensus that Wu Long's imagination has been exhausted.

Of course, Wu Long's fans disagree.

One billion box office is still said to hit the street, so how can other films survive?

Indeed, those directors and actors whose box office is less than 3 million, or only over [-] million, or only over [-] million, feel that those remarks that Wu Long's "The Matrix [-]" failed are slapping them in the face.

With a production cost of 5000 million U.S. dollars, a box office of 6 billion, and a return on investment of more than [-], you say it failed?

Wu Long is really brainless.The problem is that the black Wulong is fine, can you stop stepping on their black Wulong?

Speaking of Wu Long's career has entered a trough, many people have to mention the 3D animation "Frozen" that Wu Long is currently producing.

"Wu Long had a premonition that his creative ability and imagination had fallen into a slump, so he switched to making cartoons."

"The reason why Wu Long made 3D cartoons involved areas he was not familiar with, and a large part of it was to find excuses for his failure."

"Once "Frozen" hit the market, Wu Long said that it is normal for the transformation to fail. In other words, he is not familiar with 3D animation, which will cause the box office to hit the market."

"The most amazing thing is that even if "Frozen" hits the box office, Wu Long still makes money. Because he switched to selling ice cream!"

"The movie hit the market, but he used his fame to sell ice cream and harvest fans' money. Wu Long fully revealed his conspiracy and cunning as a Chinese."

Just when many people, including many people in the industry, thought that Wu Long was going downhill and "Frozen" would hit the street, a hot search from the land of China became popular all over the world.

"The Matrix Prophecy Comes True, Are We Really Living in a Virtual World?" "

That was a video, and subsequent videos of the same sky taken by other people from different positions and angles.

If it's just a video of a person, it can be considered a computer special effect.But there are still many people who have uploaded similar videos of the same phenomenon, so it cannot be fake.

in that video.

Below, are buildings.

Above the buildings, normal clouds.

But when the normal cloud layer went up again, a strange scene appeared.

In the blue sky, a distinct line appeared.This line divides the sky into two halves.Half of it is a normal blue sky, the other half is brighter and has clouds!

It makes people feel like the sky is a colored painting painted on. Someone draws a line on the sky with a ruler, and then erases the clouds on the left of the line with an eraser.

Or two different pieces of dawn, one darker and one brighter, spliced ​​together.

Some people say that this is a special weather phenomenon. The main reason is that the cold and warm air meet to form a front, and cloud droplets are formed near the front.

This kind of scene appears in the upper floors, and the air forms a more obvious boundary, which looks like a knife cut.On the cold air side, dry and cold air, blue light with a shorter wavelength in the visible light of the sun is scattered by molecules, so the sky appears blue.It looks slightly darker.

On the warm air side, there are more large-diameter particles such as water droplets and cloud droplets in the warm and humid air, which scatter red and yellow light with longer solar wavelengths.It looks brighter, with a layer of light shining through it.

So the sky is blue on the left and red-yellow on the right.

This phenomenon is a scientific phenomenon called "half the sky" or "yin and yang sky", so there is no need to make a fuss.

If such a scientific explanation was said in the past, everyone would be willing to accept it.

But it happened that the "Matrix" series had just finished broadcasting, and everyone started to have fun.

"If you haven't seen "The Matrix", you almost believe it. Didn't everyone notice Long Ge's hint? In the first part, Wu Long found that the black cat appeared repeatedly. At the end of the third part, the black cat was refreshed, and the ground It was re-refreshed. So, this phenomenon, is it not that the computer code is wrong? The result of the freeze? "

"It's still a scientific phenomenon. Don't think I haven't seen Half the Sky. Although the clouds in Half the Sky have a boundary line, the flow direction of the clouds in the same half of the sky is the same as the boundary line. Now in this video, the direction of cloud flow and the boundary line The directions are not parallel or the same, and there is an included angle! It is even vertical! How could this be a half-sky weather phenomenon!"

"Don't try to lie, are you experts a matrix program? Anyone who has watched "The Matrix" knows that this is a bug on the earth!"

"Wrong, it's not a bug on the earth, but a bug in the matrix virtual world!"

"My God, will the Earth virtual world collapse like the Matrix virtual world?"

"No, because the savior has not yet appeared, and the virtual world virus agents have not appeared, so the virtual world on earth has not yet collapsed. I can continue to lie in the nutrition cabin, drink happy water, and continue my life."

So, as these joking remarks spread around the world, more people spread the video and photos of this kind of bug in the sky.

As a result, such jokes and tricks actually made some people wonder whether the earth we live on is really like the matrix world in "The Matrix".

"I think Brother Long is the savior. He reminds us through the movie that we are now living in a virtual world, and we are being controlled by AI machines!"

"But, what about virus agents?" Someone sarcastically.

"Virus agents have also appeared, see "Death Comes."

"Shet, "Reaper" must be virus agents, they are chasing and killing people who should be dead but not dead, because those people found something wrong in the world! Just like those people in "The Matrix" who noticed something wrong .Wu Long is doing Mo Fei's work now, reminding us!"

"Maybe, one day when I realize something is wrong in the world, Brother Long will come to me and give me two pills. One red and one blue."

"So, Sadako in "Midnight Ring" is the twin brother in "The Matrix"?"

"So, there are no aliens at all, just bugs in the virtual world!"

"It's connected, it's connected, Wu Long's movie universe is connected! The world is so scary!"

"No, it should be said that the truth is terrible. I envy those who can't wake up."

"There is an old saying in China that it is rare to find a lake. If you don't understand it, you will be happy."

Wu Long was a little dumbfounded when he heard about these online discussions.He certainly won't explain, continuing with his Frozen production.

"The Matrix 3" is next, and "Sadako" is finally released globally.Under the banner of the sequel to Wu Long's first horror film, even if the script was not written by Wu Long himself, many people bought tickets to watch it.

Everyone wants to know what will happen next, whether the heroine and her son in "Midnight Ring" will die.

As a result, everyone saw that the heroine of the previous movie who thought she escaped the curse died!

Moreover, Sadako didn't kill it herself!

This is terrifying!

That is to say, it is similar to "The God of Death is Coming", thinking that he escaped death, but died in the second round.

Those who are familiar with the science fiction "Ring World" written by Wu Long for "Midnight Ring" found that "Sadako" was not filmed according to "Ring World".

In fact, in Wu Long's previous life.I really filmed the second part of "The Ring" based on "The Ring", "The Ring Reappearance", but the box office was not good, and the audience didn't like it.

In order to save the ip of "Midnight Ring" in time, and break away from "Ring World", according to the movie world in "Midnight Ring", the second "Sadako haunted" was urgently filmed.

Whether it is interpreted from the setting of "Death is Coming" or "The Matrix", the box office of this film, which Wu Long did not participate in and did not even write the script, has been rising all the way.

This surprised both Wu Long and Nakata and other people, but at the same time made them feel happy.

Regarding the comments on "Sadako Entangled", there are good ones and some bad ones.In any case, "Sadako" was a success at the box office.

For fans of horror movies around the world, since Wu Long made horror movies, they have started to watch good movies.There are wonderful horror film screenings every year, and the passing horror film addiction.

"Sadako's Trapping" has just been released, and "Reaper 2" will be released next.

Many people said they were afraid to watch it, and many people said they wanted to watch it very much.But fans who expressed their fear of watching still booked movie tickets.

You say you don't dare to look at it, but your body wants to look at it, so what can you do?

Cross has become a fan of "Death Comes" since watching "Death Comes".Compared to "Blair the Witch" which deceived the audience, he felt that "Death Comes" was more real.

Grim Reaper is everywhere.

After passing the bookstore, I couldn't help turning around and turning into the bookstore.

"Hey, are there any new horror books today?" Cross asked the bookstore owner.

The bookstore owner has never forgotten that he was deceived by Wen Zhiren and Werner in "The Witch Blair".Whenever you see an acquaintance, you have to speak ill of Wen Zhiren and Werner to the other party.And never get tired of it, always say it when you see it.Repeatedly, just to let others never watch the videos made by those two guys again.

"No." The bookstore owner replied: "If you want to read it, why not go to "Reaper 2", which will be released tonight."

"I've already bought the first ticket." Cross replied.

"You bought it too?" The bookstore owner nodded again, thinking about the topic of the previous chat: "You like the first part of "Death is Coming", so it's not surprising to see it. I bought it too, maybe I'll still sit with you .”

"You bought it too?" Cross felt happy when he saw that the owner of the bookstore also bought a ticket.The bookstore owner also likes to watch the movies I like to watch, which means that the hobbies and interests are the same.

"Of course. Death Comes is better than that deceitful Blair Witch. Blair Witch is fake, and Death Comes just as real."

"After watching the first part, I walk very carefully now, and change the route immediately if something goes wrong."

"I checked the hidden dangers in the bookstore owner."

"Well, don't give Death a chance."


"However, I think it's better not to sit together."

"Why? We know each other..."

"Because we are watching "Death Comes", don't let so many coincidences happen."

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