Wu Long's new film is the 3D animation "Frozen Story". With the official announcement, it has attracted widespread attention from all over the world.

At this time, it was still before the release of "The Matrix 3".Use this news to drive the popularity of "The Matrix 3".

"Brother Long is finally going to make a cartoon!"

"It's still the 3D animation with the highest start!"

"My kids can finally watch Wu Long movies!"

"I want to say, Brother Long, you are my idol, and you finally made a movie for us children!"

"Brother Long can make action movies and horror movies, I agree. Can he make cartoons?"

"Looking at the name of the movie, it should be a romance movie."

"Animated romance movies? Wait until it hits the street."

"Maybe a fantasy movie."

"Even if it's a fantasy movie, the name is far from "Pirates of the Caribbean."

"Wu Long can't escape the law of great directors. Every great director wants to finish making various types of films and then rush to the street."

"Wu Long has been popular for so long, so he should fail once."

"It's normal to have ups and downs, just like the stock market and life. Wu Long has risen for so long, it's time to fall back."

Online, print media, entertainment circles, film critics, fans, fans, and even the business world are all commenting on Wu Long's new movie.

Some people don't understand why Wu Long wants to make cartoons.

Some people think that Wu Long's transformation must fail, and this is a law.

After a heated discussion on the Internet for a while, someone broke the news.The 3D animation "Frozen" was filmed this time, just like "Pirates of the Caribbean", with promotional purposes.

The translation of "Frozen" and "Frozen" is one word different, but the English is the same.The English word "Ice and Snow" can actually mean "Frozen".

According to internal information, part of the funds for the production of "Frozen" came from the ice cream brand "Frozen"!

News came from China that Bingxueyuan ice cream brand entered the Chinese market.

"Frozen" will be the same as "Pirates of the Caribbean", which is a commercial movie through and through!

These news were actually released by Wu Long in a plan.

Once the news is released, the impact will appear immediately.The popularity of Bingxueyuan has increased rapidly.It used to be a little famous in the country of Merrickan, but now this ice cream brand is known all over the world.

In Merrican Country, sales of Frozen Edge are starting to pick up.Many movie fans and fans of Wu Long came here especially, some for fresh pictures, and some purely to support Wu Long.

Bingxueyuan's move has finally attracted the attention of Bingdas and other ice cream brands.

"What is Wu Long doing?"

"It's okay for him to mess with the global tourism market, but he wants to put his hand into the ice cream market?"

"The tourism market is so big, how can the ice cream market compare with the tourism market? Why does Wu Long intervene in such a small market?"

"It's all the fault of Bingxueyuan's confident shareholders. If they didn't want to take away Alex's shares, Alex would not have thought of cooperating with Wu Long."

"If I knew it earlier, we should first find Wu Long to cooperate."

"We are a world-renowned ice cream brand, and it is a luxury in the ice cream industry in China. If we cooperate with Wu Long, it will be the best match. One plus one is definitely greater than two!"

"It's too late to say this now, we must find a way to deal with it!"

Immediately, the Internet, the media, business commentators, and marketing experts commented on Wu Long and Bingxueyuan's cooperation in making a 3D animation movie.

A well-known business magazine has an article devoted to this matter.

"In terms of business, "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Frozen" are definitely not the same thing. If Wu Long really figured out this cartoon and achieved the same results as traveling in the Caribbean, it is absolutely impossible.

Tourism in the Caribbean is not the same as ice cream brands, but tourism in the Caribbean is the same as the ice cream industry.

If "Frozen" succeeds in increasing sales, it can only increase the sales of all ice cream brands, not just one brand of Frozen.

Bingxueyuan's move will only make others cheaper and other ice cream brands cheaper.Among them, the one who has benefited the most is most likely the world-renowned ice cream brand Bingdas..."

"Wu Long thinks he can copy it successfully, but it's a pity that it's not easy. Because neither the fans nor the audience will be fooled again. No one wants to be a fool and buy a ticket to watch a commercial that lasts more than one and a half hours!

The audience will also be rebellious.The more Wu Long used the audience's trust in him in this way, the less the audience would buy it.At that time, not only will you not buy a ticket to see it, but you will not eat ice cream from Bingxueyuan! "

"Wu Long should reflect on whether this is worthy of the audience's expectations of him? Does he want to become a box office poison if he overdraws the audience's trust in him? If Bingxueyuan goes bankrupt because of this, will he be responsible?"

"From the fact that "Frozen" promotes the ice cream brand Frozen, it is not difficult to guess what kind of story "Frozen" tells.

In order to fasten the brand of Frozen and prevent other ice cream brands from benefiting, Wu Long must have talked about one or more types of ice cream under the banner of magic in the movie "Frozen".Because of these ice creams, the story of a pair of young people who fell in love with each other.Maybe the two had a relationship crisis in the middle, and it was the magic ice cream that saved the love between them.

This is a very clichéd story.And Wu Long didn't know that magic ice cream had been popular a long time ago.Now this concept of ice cream has withdrawn from the trend stage.

Wu Longqi saves magic ice cream like he saved pirate movies, and his plan is doomed to fail.Because, without the character image of Captain Jack, "Pirates of the Caribbean" would not have such brilliant box office results.

So how is it possible for "Frozen" to have another character similar to Captain Jack?

A Captain Jack, has become the swan song.There can be no second…”

The voices of opposition are mostly sailors invited by Bingdas.

It's a pity that although such opposition is huge, it can't stop people's enthusiasm for Bingxueyuan.Similarly, it failed to fan audiences and movie fans against Wu Long.

Speaking of advertising movies, anyone who has watched the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series knows that the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series is not an advertising film at all!

If it was an advertising video, how many people would watch it?Will it explode at the box office?

Are the audience all idiots?

However, although "Pirates of the Caribbean" is not an advertising film, it has the effect of advertising.

The audience and movie fans shouted, if the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series is a promotional film, then please those film companies and directors to make more such promotional films.

Why no one took pictures?

Because they are not as good as Wu Long!

Similarly, "Frozen" will definitely not be an advertising film, because Wu Long will not do that!

Opposing voices and comments not only failed to reduce the sales of Bingxueyuan, but instead attracted more people to buy and eat.

After eating this, I found that the taste is good, not worse than that of Bingdas.So many people started to eat Bingxueyuan's ice cream for Wu Long's reasons.

And all over the world, there are always businessmen with a keen sense of smell, aware of the business opportunities inside, and come to Bingxueyuan for negotiation, hoping that Bingxueyuan can authorize them to make money by opening Bingxueyuan in their countries and localities.

Wu Long has invested in Bingxueyuan in his own country. It can be seen that Bingxueyuan will be very profitable, and even beat Bingdas to become the No.1 ice cream brand in the world.

Alex arranged the training in the land of China, and immediately returned to China to start the development of global layout.Businessmen from all over the world, too many people have found and want to cooperate.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to develop, even if the movie fails to promote the brand, entering the global market can win the bet.

Several shareholders of Bingxueyuan have already panicked at this time. The production of "Frozen" just started, and the sales of "Frozen" have skyrocketed. No matter how you look at it, it is foreseeable that they will lose.

Some people even started to take action, secretly trying to negotiate with Wu Long and sell the shares to Wu Long at a higher price.The idea is that Wu Long may not necessarily win in the end.But Wu Long bought his shares now, so Wu Long has a greater hope of winning in the future.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find Wu Long, so he had to go to Alex.Alex did not agree, and if he wanted to sell it, he would sell it at the price stipulated in the contract.

When he wins, he has to sell it.

The creation of the original "Frozen", the design and creation of characters such as Anna, Elsa, and Christopher, went through several revisions, and 600 people participated in it. It took two and a half years to create a character image that satisfies everyone.

What about Wu Long?There is no need to spend these hours at all.He is just a porter, and the truth is plagiarism.

Before the production of the original version, in order to create a real and real ice and snow world, the crew and creators came to Wyoming and Norway.They went to the natural ice and snow world to collect light, water flow, rocks, and the texture of various sounds.

They observe various ancient buildings in Norwegian cities and towns, and extract the aesthetic elements of the buildings.The shape and details of the ship, the style and characteristics of the building are all used as materials.

Even what ice looks like when it freezes on a tree, and how many shapes it has, must be used as material reference.

When the snowflakes are flying, what kind of situation is what kind of state.What kind of wind will blow snowflakes and what will become of them.

What should it be like when the blizzard comes.

Everything should be based on the physical performance of the real world and integrated into the animation to make the animation more realistic and immersive.

Not only the ice and snow storm must be in line with nature, but even the flowers, patterns, various shapes in the building and interior, and even the decoration on the sofa all come from the real scene.

Even the harsh details on the clothes and the ceiling are all related to reality.If you have been to a small town in Norway, you will find many elements in the movie there.

In order to make the picture full of beauty, those sprayed snowflakes and those ice creams are all inspired by flowers.

3d animation is different from 2d animation.

For example, snowdrifts, thick snow, a large pile of snow, snow piled up like a mountain, these various snow, 2D plane only needs to be drawn, but 3D has a three-dimensional effect, and it must be the same as reality to be real.If it is too fake, the audience will definitely not accept it.

In 3D, you have to model and give skin materials.

Modeling, how can it be like a snowdrift?After stepping on it, how to express the footprints left after walking, the snow brought up, etc.?

2D plane, draw shadows, light and shade, and it can be expressed.

3d has to show the details one by one.

Look at those cheap 3D snow scenes, if you step on it, it will be a pit.But in reality this is not the case.The snow brought out by the soles of the feet, the edges of the boots collide with the snow and are missing.Or the feeling of potholes is definitely not something that can be expressed by a simple pit.

Snow, in fact, has changes, and it can even be said to be fluid.

Therefore, the creators of the crew need to study how the snow moves in the snow, what it should look like after stepping on it, and what it looks like when it sticks to the body.

Rolling in the snow, what kind of traces will the snow leave, and how the snow carried by the body will follow the movement.

What if the snow freezes.

Walking in the snow in a skirt, what will the skirt look like, and how will the snow interact with the skirt.All of these require the creators to wear skirts and walk in the snow. Through observation and recording, they can be referenced and incorporated into the animation.

However, these are not the most difficult, because these can be seen and captured through observation.

The most difficult thing is Elsa's breathtakingly beautiful ice and snow palace.This is also one of the highlights of the movie. "Frozen" was able to enter the one billion box office club, and this ice palace that amazed the audience is also one of the contributors.

No one has ever seen the ice palace in reality.There is no reference, only your own imagination.

Without enough brains and imagination, it is impossible to build an admirable ice palace, and it is impossible for every woman to see this ice palace and fantasize that she is the owner of the ice palace.

Diamonds are shiny.

The ice palace is also shiny.

No woman can refuse the temptation of Shining.The woman's eyes see the Ice Palace, like seeing a diamond, and want to be its owner.

In order to design such an ice palace, the creators racked their brains and finally started with nature.Since it is ice and snow, use snowflakes as the source.

Ice and snow, only ice, uu reading lacks enough variation.And snowflakes show the magical beauty of nature.

That being the case, let snowflakes be the theme of the ice palace, which is designed around snowflakes.

The inspiration of snowflakes made Aisha use snowflakes as elements when she built the ice palace. In the changes of snowflakes, she added the process of crystallization and the dancing of snowflakes to create a beautiful ice palace beyond people's imagination. .

And the ice lantern in the Ice Palace is the shape change of snowflakes.

The only purpose of spending so much time and effort is to make the audience feel immersive.

This is also one of the reasons why the original version can rake in more than 12 billion US dollars at the global box office and become the best-selling animated film.

If Wu Long's production of "Frozen" has to be the same as the original version, this film cannot be completed quickly.

But Wu Long exchanged it through the system, and many things are ready-made.Show it to Shi Lei and the others, oh, it’s like this, okay, okay, let’s study, copycat.

Making 3D animation is not the same as computer special effects.Computer special effects strive to be realistic and seamlessly blend with reality.

3D animation should retain the characteristics of animation under the premise of retaining reality.To make it obvious at first glance, it's real, but it's animation, and it's animation.

These are a shortcoming of Shi Lei and the others.Wu Long's production of "Frozen 3D Animation" just gave them a chance to learn, attract, and become their own technology.

For character modeling and scene modeling, the creators of the original version needed many revisions and discussions before finalizing it.

Shi Lei is not used here, Wu Long directly gave a sample.

After the filming was confirmed, Wu Long and Shi Lei created together.After negotiating with those people from all over the world, Alex brought people to the land of China to build a store with Qiuya and train employees and technicians.

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