I'm not just an action star

Chapter 487 This is the most classic car chase scene

The premiere performance of "The Matrix 2: Reloaded" ended perfectly, and the black armed men and the actors took a curtain call.

Wu Xing was also able to meet the audience and take a curtain call at the premiere, which is only possible with Wu Long's premiere.

Wu Long was born in martial arts, and he has not forgotten martial arts.Even though other martial arts people have never filmed with Wu Long or had such an opportunity, they are all proud of Wu Long and Wu Xing when they talk about this.

In the past, Wu Long's performance at the premiere and Wu Xing who took the stage can also call the curtain together at the end.It's just that there were not many martial arts that could be performed on stage before, only this time, it was the most.

And because he was wearing a black suit, it could be said that he was overwhelmingly black.They took off the mask of Wu Jing's appearance on their heads, and no longer dressed up as Shi Yanluo.

Afterwards, everyone will get a group photo and electronic photo with the actors at the curtain call, with the signatures of Wu Long and other actors on the back of the photo.

This signature, Wu Long does not force every actor to sign, it is voluntary.With Wu Long taking the lead, who would dare to put on airs for other actors?

People standing in the back row don't have to worry about their faces being blocked by the people in front.Wu Long thoughtfully made a ladder shelf, and everyone was higher than one row, like a graduation photo.

With Wu Long's hand, which martial artist would not want to make his scenes?Which martial art does not admire him?

Such a move also affected movie fans and fans.They all think that Wu Long knows how to behave and know how to do things, and will not look down on or ignore people because of his different occupations.

The premiere opened, and like the first film, the audience first saw Trini's wonderful fight.

Seeing Trini's appearance, the audience's eyes lit up.This time Zhao Liying is even more stunning than the last one.

Zhao Liying was trained by Wu Long to become more and more beautiful, and her figure is getting better and better.The tight-fitting leather jacket and pants wrapped a graceful waist and long legs, and a pair of sunglasses looked glamorous.

In terms of martial arts movements, they are more powerful and imposing, as if giving people the feeling of a heroine who has practiced martial arts since.

Especially leaning back and throwing kicks, the scorpion tail whip kicks down the target in front, which makes people's eyes shine, and they are shocked again.

Chic, beautiful, handsome, cool!

This action not only makes men's blood boil, but even women's eyes are hot when they see it.The flexibility of the body is too good, which is what every girl wants to have.

Comparing the female fitness anchors in the video or live broadcast with Zhao Liying, they were instantly defeated.One is in the sky, and a group is on the ground.

Then, when several captains met in the Matrix virtual world, Matrix agents appeared, and Wu Long defeated the three upgraded agents with one-on-three.

The fighting here is not the same as the original.The original version used slow motion for some actions, and some actions were slower than normal speed due to the actors.

Wu Longlai does not have this problem, and does not need slow motion.In the past, slow motion was used because the actors lacked fighting skills, so editing made up for it.

The fighting scenes are now more visually shocking if they are faster.

Because of this, the fighting in many modern movies will use frame reduction to show the fierceness of the fighting.

Velocity is speed, strength is strength.There is speed but no strength, just fast, no sense of power.

The most attractive thing about Wu Long's action movies is that the fights in his movies have always had both speed and strength, and they can play with a sense of strength and rhythm.

Seeing him punch, ordinary people can feel it, he can break bricks with one punch.

Moreover, he is not the only one who can do it.The actors and Wu Xing who filmed with him can also do it.

This is the reason why Wu Long's movies have a high box office.

The aesthetics of violence was brought into full play by Wu Long.

Murphy's ship enters Zion, and an inconspicuous detail grabs the viewer's attention.The gatekeeper actually controls a large mechanical combat exoskeleton.This large mechanical combat exoskeleton looks rough and cool.

Mechanical exoskeletons are being studied in reality, and some simple ones have begun to be applied.

In science fiction movies, there are also mechanical exoskeletons.However, the mechanical exoskeletons that appeared in previous sci-fi movies are very futuristic and sophisticated.

In "The Matrix 2: Reloaded", it is the opposite. It doesn't look sophisticated and doesn't have much futuristic style.It's a bit like a DIY expert who assembled it by himself.

In fact, this is in line with the setting in the movie.

The humans in Zion in the movie are suppressed by AI. This kind of punk steam-style machinery fits this setting.

Wu Long went to see the Prophet again and learned a lot of inside information.The audience also learned some inside information of the matrix virtual world from Zion and the prophet's words, and understood the context of the "Matrix" movie world.

Next, is the first exciting fight in the film.

Wu Long vs many Shi Yanluos.

The audience saw these fights and immediately understood that the premiere performance was a real version of such a fight.

Someone even exclaimed in a low voice: "This is the same as the premiere show!"

It actually got a response from others.

"Well, well said."

The fighting in the premiere scene is not exactly the same as in the movie. The movie is more exaggerated, but it is also better.Because of the hanging of Wia and the reasonable use of the camera, the momentum is more exciting than the live performance.

This is the charm of movies.

Next, Wu Long and the others went to look for key figures, and it was another wonderful duel.It is also one-to-many, and this showdown is a battle of weapons.Battle of different weapons.

Wu Long fought with the weapon empty-handed and was injured.

After getting the weapon, directly blow up the opponent.

In this fight, the wire rackets were hung, and the jumping range was beyond ordinary people, smashing a classical hall to pieces.

Similarly, the fighting with weapons became sharper and more dangerous under Wu Long's arrangement.There is not too much slow motion, which makes the audience feel nervous and fully integrated into the movie.The mood also followed those weapons, up and down, as if they were the ones who escaped from the danger, not Wu Long.

This is the charm of Wulong Kung Fu.

The appearance of the weird twins made the audience feel that there will be more exciting things in the future.Because the Weird Twins can walk through walls and are stronger than Trinny.In the phantom state, they cannot be harmed.

These two terrifying existences are comparable to agent Shi Yan Luo.

The audience's appetite was immediately whetted.

Sure enough, the most exciting car chase scene in the film occurs.This can be called the most classic car chase and fight scene in movie history. In order to film it well, Wu Long also specially built a highway.

The move itself was a gimmick, and it became one of the commercials to promote the film.The audience is looking forward to such a gimmick.

Seeing this wonderful battle in the cinema at this time, the audience said it was very enjoyable!

This is no ordinary car chase or only car stunts.

This is a car chase scene that combines multiple exciting scenes such as gun battles, action fights, car chases, and motorcycle stunts.

Basically, the wonderful forms that appear in other movies are presented here, and they are done better.

The entire exciting plot lasts 13 minutes, and there are 1 minutes on the highway.

Never has there been such a good car chase, with such a long film time for the audience to enjoy without being bored.

Because those scenes and plots seem familiar, but they are full of new ideas.

For example, Shi Yanluo jumped from one car to the hood of another car, and jumped to Trini's car.

The car in the middle, which was used by Shi Yanluo as a stepping stone, flew up because the front of the car was crushed, causing the subsequent car accident, which is really wonderful.

Let the audience sigh, it turns out that it is still possible to shoot like this.Movies without Wu Long really limit the imagination.With Wu Long, movies really open up unlimited imagination.

The entire car chase scene was tense and breathless.Seeing all the audience, they even forgot to breathe.If breathing is not from instinct, I am afraid that the audience will suffocate.

This is not a two-way car chase, but a four-way car chase.

Cui Ni and the others have to face the pursuit of the twins, Shi Yanluo and the police.Shi Yanluo has betrayed the matrix, no longer a matrix agent, but wants to resist the matrix, and even seize power.

Trinny's car was destroyed, and when the audience was thinking about how to escape, the rhythm was very fast, and Trinny directly pulled the key figure and jumped off the bridge.

And Mo Fei actually took the twins' car with a knife.

Well, the audience wondered if Mo Fei was also awakened like Wu Long at the critical moment, but Mo Fei rolled over and cut the car from the side with a knife.

Then he gracefully raised the knife in one hand and turned around with the gun in the other, turning around and shooting with a more handsome movement than Wu Long.The slow motion of the bullet casings flying down is full of epic violent aesthetics.

In terms of age, Zhang Zikang has the maturity of a man.As the saying goes, mature men are the most attractive.

Mature and handsome, so handsome that even his movements are so invincible, it is more attractive.

Zhang Zikang's fame, at this moment, started a journey of global skyrocketing.

Cui Ni and the key figures jumped onto a truck transporting motorcycles, and one of the scenes saw the blood of countless male audiences bursting.

When Trini stepped on the motorcycle, her figure stood out!

In the movie theater, there was an inexplicable sound of swallowing saliva, or a "hiss", or "tsk tsk".

From this angle and this kind of lens, veteran drivers can only sigh, Brother Long knows cars so well!

Then, there was Trinny riding a motorcycle in retrograde on the highway.A series of wonderful and fancy motorcycles crossed the traffic flow in the opposite direction, which made the audience nervous and excited.In particular, the motorcycle driver is a beautiful woman with such a beautiful figure, which makes both male and female audiences excited.

The operation of Mo Fei standing between two trucks, grabbing key figures and throwing them on the roof of the truck made the audience marvel at Wu Long's imagination as a director and screenwriter.

The fight between Mo Fei and Shi Yanluo on the roof of the truck was also very exciting.What if there is no Wu Long?

As long as it is Wu Long's film, the fight will not be dropped.

When the two trucks collided, the audience wondered how Mo Fei would break the situation and whether Wu Long could arrive in time.

Sure enough, during the explosion, Wu Long finally arrived and rescued the two.

To turn off the electricity, Wu Long didn't let Cui Ni go.Because Wu Long dreamed that Cui Ni would die there, but unfortunately, in the end Cui Ni went to save Wu Long.

Here is also the scene where Trinny fights at the beginning.

Seeing the Creator, he told Wu Long that he created the matrix virtual world.But the Matrix virtual world has flaws, and it always collapses eventually.

Every time the matrix virtual world collapses, a savior is needed to keep the most basic original records and restart.

Wu Long is such a savior.

The Creator gave Wu Long a choice, either save Cui Ni or save all mankind.Either save Zion, or save all mankind.

Another damn dilemma!

All the audience scolded in their hearts when they saw this.

Wu Long has gone too far, playing this old trick again!

In the movie, even though Wu Long flew to rescue Cui Ni at the fastest speed, although he caught Cui Ni, Cui Ni still faced the end of death because of being shot.

Wu Long took out the bullet with his superpower, but Cui Ni was still dead.

So, Wu Long reached into Trini's heart with his hand, and restarted the resurrection of Trini's heart in the virtual world.Is this the real-world equivalent of Trinny being paced by electric shocks?

In short, the audience loves to hear that Trinny has come to life.

Wu Long returned to the real world and told Mo Fei that Zion and the matrix virtual world could only save one.

Save Zion, people in reality will survive, but all humans connected to the matrix virtual world will die.

Saving the matrix virtual world will not allow the people in Zion, the real world who know the truth, to live.

Murphy didn't believe it.

At this time, the mechanical octopus found Mo Fei's boat and launched an attack. Mo Fei and Wu Long escaped from the boat and were chased by the mechanical octopus again.

Wu Long was able to use superpowers in the real world and destroyed the mechanical octopus!

Unfortunately, Wu Long was also unconscious.

The movie ends.

When the audience walked out of the movie theater, it also started a heated discussion about "The Matrix 2: Reloaded" on the Internet.

"Zhao Liying is so beautiful!"

"Zhao Liying is so handsome!"

"It's still my Liyingku."

"Every time Liying starts the game, she plays very handsomely."

"Liying's figure is superb, isn't it?"

Yes, what many people didn't expect is that the first thing fans discussed was not the plot, nor the fighting action, nor Wu Long's performance.

The first one to discuss was Zhao Liying!

Even, with the global popularity of the "Matrix" series, Zhao Liying's domestic popularity and popularity have surpassed that of Jiang Shuang'er.

First-line, top class, Zhao Liying!

Not only Zhao Liying's fans think so, but many people think so too.

Sure enough, what Brother Long picked up was all goddesses!

This is true both at home and abroad.

Movie reviews:

""The Matrix 2: Reloaded" starts to talk about philosophy and reason, if you don't have enough brains, you can't understand it.

As a professional film critic, I can honestly tell you that I am not smart enough to understand.

However, I would still give this film a full score and five stars without hesitation.

Those three action scenes were so cool that they exploded.That alone is worth the price of a movie ticket.

Wu Long vs. Shi Yan Luo's numerous avatars are similar to Wu Long's performance at the premiere, and the only difference is Diao Weiya.However, even if you don't hang Wia, it is still a classic.

I didn't watch the performance live at the premiere, but I saw it from the live broadcast room. If it was put directly into the movie without hanging on to Wia, it would be quite shocking and wonderful.

The battle of one vs multiple weapons and weapons is not easy to see in movies.Wu Long wonderfully showed us the duel of various weapons, which is refreshing.

The most shocking thing is the scene of the highway Wu Long built for this film.

I can't even express how classic this scene is.

Many innovations and expressive techniques are the reason why this scene has become a classic and attracts audiences.

Watching Brother Long's movies, in addition to watching his fighting moves, he also watched his imagination beyond ordinary people.

In particular, Shi Yanluo jumped from one car to another, crushing the front of the car heavily, causing the rear of the whole car to tilt up first, causing a series of subsequent car accidents.This scene is extremely visually shocking and violent.


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