I'm not just an action star

Chapter 45 This chapter is worth noting!

Jin Linwu got out of the car and walked towards Yida Mall with his assistant.

"Director Jin, are you very optimistic about this Wu Long?" The assistant couldn't figure out why Jin Linwu came to see Wu Long in a hurry.

"You don't know, I received news that Wu Long and Wang Xiwei will have a fight tomorrow. The news will be announced soon. I have to negotiate with Wu Long before the news is announced, so that Wu Long can participate in our singing show."

"I understand. Before Wu Long himself knows, the initiative is in our hands. Director Jin, you have a lot of contacts, so you know about this kind of news."

Fighting competitions belong to the sports circle, and singing field show competitions belong to the entertainment circle.Jin Linwu can know the news of the sports circle, and the assistant marvels at Jin Linwu's supernatural powers.

Jin Linwu smiled smugly.

"It's just a coincidence. Since I know this news by coincidence, it's a pity not to use it."

Wu Long received another call from Jin Linwu and came to meet him outside Yida Mall.After the two parties met, they discussed in a coffee shop in Yida Plaza.

"Wu Long, I know you're busy, so let's get straight to the point."

"I've seen the video of you playing and singing, and I think you have great potential. Our singing show is to discover newcomers in the music scene and train them to become new stars."

"The song show has been held for three years. Every year, many newcomers are introduced to help them become new stars in the music scene. Release records, hold concerts, endorse brands, appear on variety shows, and become stars."

"We know that you also have a live broadcast, and you are an anchor. However, you know that there are many anchors, but very few of them have entered the entertainment industry. The anchors only face netizens, and the entertainment industry faces everyone in the country, even foreign countries. "

Live broadcasting can only gain online attention, and participating in singing shows can gain online and offline attention, Wu Long agrees with this.

"I am very glad that you can invite me to participate in the singing field show, and I personally hope to participate in the singing field show."

Wu Long said that he agreed to participate in the song field show.Jin Linwu's assistant briefly explained the process of the song show to Wu Long, and then showed Wu Long the contract.

Wu Long exchanged the lawyer's eye card and looked at the contract carefully.Gradually, his brows furrowed.Some of the clauses in this contract, without the eyes of a lawyer, he can see that they are wrong.

First of all, after the players sign the contract, they are obliged to obey all the arrangements of the program group.There shall be no objection and no refusal to execute.Otherwise, it is a breach of contract, and all losses suffered by the program must be compensated.

All arrangements, including during the recording period of the program, the announcement of the contestants' external information, the selection of singing songs, the order of appearance, and the temporary decisions made by the program group, etc.

Seeing this, Wu Long muttered in his heart.What the program team says is what they say, and if they sell it badly, they will sell it badly?Let being a green leaf be a green leaf?To create a topic is to create a topic?If you are told to do it according to the script, you can only do it according to the script?

Looking down, another most important clause.

Regarding the copyright of the songs sung.If the song is sung by others, the copyright fee will be paid by the program group and the contestants in half.

If it is a song created by the contestant himself, the copyright belongs to the song field show group.Players can use it by themselves.If you want to authorize others to use it, you need to obtain the consent of the song field show program group.

After reading the contract, Wu Long knew in his heart that he might not be able to participate in this show.

"Director Jin, can this contract be changed?"

Through the eyes of a lawyer, Wu Long first revealed some pitfalls in the contract.If these traps are not pursued by the show group, the contestants will be fine.Once the players are disobedient, the song show program group may use these contract traps to blackmail the players.

When Jin Linwu and his assistant heard Wu Long talk about the traps hidden in the contract, they all showed shocked expressions on their faces.

Wu Long is just a martial artist, right?Even a martial artist who can sing and play the guitar can't possibly be familiar with contract law, right?

The trap in this contract was researched by the company's legal department.Jin Linwu and his assistant wouldn't be able to see it if the lawyer who said the case didn't say it.

However, Wu Long actually found out all these traps after only reading the contract once!

Taking advantage of the shock of the other party, Wu Long said his request again.

"Everything must be subject to the arrangement of the program group. I personally cannot accept this. I will definitely abide by and obey the reasonable requirements of the program. The word 'everything' is too broad. Signing such a contract is equivalent to signing a slave contract."

"Also, when I participated in the song show, I originally wanted to sing my own song. But the copyright of the song belongs to your song show program group, and my own things become yours with a contract. This is really..."

Wu Long shook his head.Going to the singing field show is to sing the songs he copied, but the copyright belongs to the singing field show, and he still sings lonely?

He didn't expect the other party to change the contract, so he couldn't participate in the song show.With this in mind, Wu Long didn't want to talk any more, and prepared to say goodbye to the other party.

Jin Linwu naturally did not admit the greed of the program group, he said:

"Wu Long, things can't be said like this."

"First of all, cooperation is a win-win situation."

"Our song field show helps you increase your popularity and creates opportunities for you to become a star. These are the contributions of our program group to you."

"We provide you with a platform, mentors, costumes and props, soundtrack arrangements, lighting stages... etc., do you know how much money, material and energy will be spent?"

"As both sides of the cooperation, we have paid, and you should also pay, right?"

"I think there is a saying that is very good. Be a man before doing things. Don't think about what you get, but think about whether you have paid, how much you have paid, and what you have given."

"Singing show is the way for you to fight with us. We strive to train you to become a star in the entertainment circle, and one day you will stand on the stage with those superstars and enjoy the shining of the flashlight."

"You haven't thought about how much and what you have paid for the singing show. You only care about your copyright and look at the three-acre land under your feet."

"Why don't you look further and see that after the copyright belongs to the song field show, the song field show will help you promote these songs and let more people know about you? The song field show has such a big platform, no more than your live broadcast spread more widely?"

"You should see that this is the best and most important opportunity."

"This is an opportunity to expand your popularity from online to offline, from the Internet to reality, and from an anchor to the entertainment circle."

"Internet fans will only support you online. Fans in the entertainment circle will surround you in reality. You are their king, you are their god!"

"After participating in a song show, you are no longer an anchor who relies on making gimmicks to get attention. You will release records, hold concerts, face the spotlight, and endorse well-known brands."

"If you don't sign this contract today, you will let this opportunity to make you famous slip away from your hands!"

"Wu Long, you need to become famous as soon as possible!"

Seeing Jin Linwu's eloquent words, Wu Long applauded Jin Linwu in his heart.That's right, that's what those bosses and managers said when he applied for a job in his previous life.

He smiled and said:

"I practice martial arts, and in the heart of a martial artist, I have my own persistence. Some things can't be changed, and if I change it, I won't be myself."

"Unfortunately, we couldn't work together."

Wu Long paid for his coffee and left.

The assistant watched Wu Long walk out of the cafe and whispered:

"This Wu Long is not as forthright as a martial artist at all, he is not willing to pay for coffee, he is stingy."

"Director Jin, it's a pity. Maybe make some concessions, and he will agree."

Jin Linwu shook his head: "It's not a pity. Even if he doesn't participate in the singing show, I can still catch his popularity."

"I understand, I'll write right away. Wu Long wanted to participate in the singing show, but unfortunately, after the interview, he was not selected. I look forward to the next time, he can be admitted." The assistant said.

Jin Linwu shook his head again.

"There's no need to blackmail him. Find someone pretending to be a passer-by, and say that you saw us meeting him in a coffee shop. That's fine. When the news of his match with Wang Xiwei comes out, you can naturally use the wind to stir up a wave of enthusiasm for our singing show." .”

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