Los Angeles, like Dylan, watched Gein have been sullen.I can't get interested in doing anything, and the faint sense of anxiety in my heart is getting heavier and heavier.

On this day, he flipped through the newspaper in a restless mood.Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on a piece of news.

Rich woman Lily Dillon jumped to her death due to mental depression!

According to the will made during her lifetime, all assets belonged to Joseph Freeman, the father of her best friend who died during her lifetime.


Gein jumped up from the boss chair in horror, walked back and forth in the office with the newspaper in his hand, and re-read the news in the newspaper.


"It's not true!"

He immediately called his subordinates and asked them to quickly inquire about Lily Dillon's situation.Then, with trembling hands, he poured a glass of red wine and gulped it down.

The day before the screening, his subordinates brought him a message.Very few people knew about this news. If it wasn't for a coincidence, his subordinates really didn't know about such a thing.

There is such a number one person on the road, Joe the Pointed Shoes.

Of course Gein knew Joe, an old acquaintance.The guy likes to wear old pointy shoes because that guy is a freak and likes to kick people with pointy shoes.

Although Joe is famous in the Tao, he can't compare with him.Joe had a good time before he died, because he won a lot of money in the game to buy Rocky.

It is said that at that time, Joe's money had surpassed him, and he was also on the rich list.

However, Joe was too greedy, not only betting all the money on Rocky, but also mortgaged his assets to borrow money from him to pressure Rocky to win.As a result, Rocky lost a game. Joe not only lost all his money, but also owed a buttock of debts and wanted to run away, but he sent his men to kill him.

Because Joe borrowed money from him, Gein also paid attention to the boxing match.That boxing match was relatively famous at the time. Rocky said that his right hand was injured, and the result of the match was not optimistic.The odds offered by the gaming company also said they were not optimistic about Rocky.

Unfortunately, many people think that this is what Rocky said on purpose, so many people buy Rocky to win because of Rocky's high odds.

When Lodge lost, it is said that more people jumped from buildings than when the stock market crashed.

Whether that's true or not, Gein doesn't know.Maybe it was an exaggeration, but he knew that the gaming company made a lot of money that time.

Joe lost money, and so did all his men.Gein promptly sent someone to intercept Joe who was about to run away, and only then did he get Joe's assets.

Many people on the road lamented Joe's death.In hindsight, Joe had already won so much that there was no need to bet heavily.

Gein smiled at this.It can only be said that judging from the results and the process, everyone is very rational and smart.But if you are in it, it's another matter.

Especially when it comes to gambling.

Anyone who has gambled too much cannot use common sense to infer.Because the gambler's brain and thinking have fallen into the paradox of gambling.

It's easy to say, there is no need to place such a heavy bet.But if you win every time, and you know you will win, why don't you bet heavily?

Not to mention gamblers, capitalists, speculators, and businessmen are all like this.

For the bettors, the less they win, the more they lose.

As long as others win more than you, or you should have the opportunity to win more, and you don't make a big bet and win less, it hurts like you have lost a lot.

There is only one thought in my mind, if I put in a little more money, I can win more money.

This kind of thinking keeps repeating hints, if you can't wake up and quit in time, you will only go on the road of no return in the end.

Gein's subordinates inadvertently learned the news that the person who secretly manipulated the match between Wu Long and the former UFC champion was Joe!

Joe thought that former UFC champion Barrett would win, but Barrett lost, and Joe lost a lot of money at that time.Later, when Wu Long was eating in the restaurant, Qiao went to trouble Wu Long.As a result, facing Wu Long, Qiao was so frightened that he fell off his chair.Even though Joe's bodyguard stepped forward to protect him, Joe ran away in fright.

Later, Qiao kept paying attention to Wu Long and found out that Wu Long accepted Rocky as a student.

In other words, before Rocky disclosed that he was Wu Long's student, Joe knew the inside story.That's why Joe dared to bet heavily on Rocky to win.

Putting together the situation on Hong Kong Island, Gein discovered a terrible fact.

Those who have offended Wu Long will end badly!

Even in Wu Long's country, there is a celebrity who conflicts with Wu Long, but he has a mental problem!It is very possible that when Joe faced Wu Long, Wu Long had secretly tampered with him!

Gein didn't experience those things personally, and he didn't pay attention to them, so he didn't need to believe them.

But he was involved in the matter of Lily Dylan, and he was always paying attention to it!

Dylan had a mental problem because he offended Wu Long!

Now, even more dead!

After such a long time, no one can think that Wu Long is the most important person!

Dylan is dead, who's next?

Needless to say, he was the one who helped Dylan threaten Wu Long.


That's him, Ed Gein!

Wu Long has already used the movie to explain to the world in a very cryptic way that Lily Dylan was killed by him, and the next person he will kill is Ed Gein.

Damn it, Qianye Huasui is also from the East, he must have seen through some kind of hint, and then led the crowd to kneel down to Wu Long in the street to admit his mistake!

Wu Long's backhand made Chiba Huasui and his kendo gym popular all over the world, which is to imply to people that those who fight against him will die, but those who surrender to him can live.

Gein thought of it, this movie is clearly Wu Long's warning and hint to him!

Here, the serial killer who was killed was "Buffalo Bill".

To kill Bill means to kill "buffalo."And he Gein, nicknamed "Bison"!

Wu Long is declaring that he wants to kill the "bison"!

"Boss!" His men knocked on the door.

Gein's body was trembling slightly, startled by the knock on the door.

"Any news?"

The subordinates came in to report.

"Lily Dylan is indeed dead. It is said that she was frightened crazy because of the sight, and said all day long that Hannibal was coming to kill her and skin her face."

Gein's face gradually became ugly.

"It's a pity. Dylan is dead, so we can't arrest Wu Long and give her money." The subordinate sighed.

Gein picked up the newspaper and beat his men.

"Idiot! Dylan is dead, we are next!"

Hold your head under your hands.

"Boss, what does Di Hua's death have to do with us?"

"What an idiot, why did Qianye Huasui lead the crowd to kneel to Wu Long in the street. Because he knew that if he didn't kneel, he would die!"

"How is this possible?" The men didn't understand.

"It's so stupid! Why did Dylan die? Because he wanted to deal with Wu Long? We help her deal with Wu Long, Wu Long killed Dylan, and it will definitely be our turn next!"

"Boss, Dylan committed suicide, not Wu Long."

"Idiot, Joe in pointed shoes was killed by Wu Long!"

"Boss, are you mistaken? Didn't we kill Pointed Shoes Joe? You ordered it, and my brothers and I did it."

"Then do you know why Joe owes so much debt? It's because Wu Long tricked Joe! In order to trick Joe, Wu Long deliberately taught Rocky to fight and let Rocky fight UFC. Joe, a fool, keeps buying Rocky Win, and in the end, Rocky deliberately lost punches, making Joe lose money and owe a debt!"

"Rocky made a fake punch?" his subordinates exclaimed.

"Idiot, what kind of fake punch. Rocky has already stated clearly that his right hand is injured, and it is those fools like you who insist on buying Rocky to win!"

"Boss, I didn't buy it, I'm not stupid."

Gein felt a sense of powerlessness, and stopped beating his men.

"If you want to live now, you have to admit your mistakes to Wu Long like Qianye Zhuangsui."

"Boss, I won't kneel down to Wu Long in public like those idiots. Never! Our brother will never do that, even if he dies! No matter how good Wu Long can fight, he is only one person. Fools fight Wu Long with knives, they are idiots. We have guns, boss, we don’t have to be afraid of Wu Long at all.”

Gein poured his drink.

"Doesn't Joe have a gun? What will happen to him? Wu Long doesn't need to come face-to-face to kill people. Dylan has so many bodyguards. She is a high-class person. It is very difficult for ordinary people to kill her. Now, isn't she dead? She is dead." Now, the property is cheaper for others, but no one knows that Wu Long killed it. This is the scary thing about Wu Long!"

"I don't believe it!" The men didn't believe it.

"Didn't you see? Wu Long doesn't need to do it himself. Do you have any enemies? Do I have any enemies? He only needs to cultivate our enemies, and our enemies will come to us. Who would have thought that it was Wu Long To kill us?"

"So what? They're charging with katana swords? I'll kill them with a few shots!"

Gein poured another bottle of wine, using it to appease his anger at his foolish men.

"You are an idiot! Didn't you watch Wu Long's video some time ago? His marksmanship is better than those shooting instructors! He disassembles and reloads the gun faster than you!"

"Look at Rocky, he won the UFC championship in just one year. Except for the one he lost, he hasn't lost a fight so far."

"If Wu Long teaches another enemy of ours, will he use a knife? The shooting video is to tell us that the person who comes out next time will use a gun!"

The subordinate finally didn't dare to talk back.He thought for a while and said:

"Boss, I also received a message. Didn't you tell us to pay attention to Wu Long's movements? He entrusted someone from Rocky to buy a house in Los Angeles for an office."

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