Hearing that Wu Long wanted to take Shi Lei and the others to play with guns, Tom immediately helped to contact a shooting club.This is an outdoor shooting club that does not accept ordinary tourists, only celebrities and celebrities. It is very suitable for people with status like Wu Long to play.

With Wu Long's current fame and popularity, if the people inside heard Wu Long's arrival in an ordinary shooting range, if someone was too excited and lost their minds, there might be an accident.

In front of their car, a red sports car entered the club first.

Wu Long and the others didn't pay much attention to the sports car in front of them. After getting off the car in the parking lot, Shi Lei and the others lamented that the environment was very good.

“It feels like coming to a park here!”

"If you don't say it's a shooting club, you don't know it's a shooting club, and you think it's a tourist attraction."

After everyone asked if they could take pictures, they all took out their mobile phones to take pictures and shoot videos.

Before coming to Los Angeles, some people have seen some photos of shooting sites in Los Angeles through the Internet, and there is no comparison with this place.

Tom chatted with Wu Long and led everyone slowly inside.

The sports car that entered in front of them opened the door, and a beautiful woman with a hot figure and sunglasses pushed up to the top of her head came out of the car.

Women pay attention to their appearance before getting out of the car, especially the more beautiful women, they want to show their most beautiful side to others.Therefore, you will not get out of the car immediately after parking. You need to take out the vanity mirror or face the rearview mirror to check yourself.

The beauty got out of the car and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

mixed race!

High cheekbones, thick lips, and a big mouth, but combined together, they become the most eye-catching highlights.

Coupled with her height of 1.7 meters and her hot figure, some people even turned their mobile phones to the other party involuntarily.

Tom noticed this and immediately went to cover the phone.

"Pay attention to other people's right to privacy. Don't shoot without consent."

After Tom finished speaking, he said sorry to the woman again.

The woman smiled and said it was okay, but her eyes stayed on Wu Long.

"Hi, are you Kung Fu King Wu Long?"

Wu Long nodded.

"Hello, it's me. Just now my companion was attracted by your beauty. He just acted subconsciously, without malice. I hope you can forgive me."

"Hello, I'm Angelique Voight. I'm really happy to meet you here and feel so lucky!"

"If he wants to take a photo with me, I'd be happy." Angeli smiled slyly. "However, I also hope to take a photo with you."

When Tom heard the other person's name, a person immediately came to mind.

"Are you Jon Voight's daughter?"

"Glad you met my father."

Tom held out his hand.

"I'm Tom, Weiner Films. Your father is very famous in the film and television industry. I think as long as he is in the film and television industry, he will know him."

Angelique shakes hands with Tom.

"you flatter me."

After shaking hands with Tom, Angeli graciously took a photo with Shi Lei's subordinates.Then, she took out her mobile phone and took a photo with Wu Long.

Wu Long enjoyed the heat from Angeli's head resting on her shoulder, and looked at the camera on Angeli's phone with a smile.

If the world is not affected by the system, it is the system that affects him.

This Angeli was very famous in his previous life, many men had posters of her on their bedsides.

Once, because of her bad relationship with her father, she applied to the court to cancel her father's surname and change her surname to Julie.I don't know if she is like this in this world?

After the photos were taken, Angeli joined Wu Long and his party.During the chat, I learned that Angeli is now a model and wants to enter the film and television industry to make TV and movies.

She came to the shooting club to get familiar with guns and practice guns so that she can perform better when she needs to act in the future.

"I practice yoga, dance, and fighting." Angeli winked at Wu Long. "Next time you have a role, you can consider mine."

The club arranged for several coaches to come over.It's not that Wu Long is noble, it's not like that.

People who come here to play with guns include not only celebrities but also politicians or businessmen.Compared with those rich people or politicians, Wu Long's status is nothing.

However, Wu Long has another identity, that is, he knows kung fu!


Guns and fighting are basically inseparable and difficult to separate.

People who like guns also like fighting.People who like to fight also like guns.

Both of these are actually violence.

Wu Long's kung fu is not the kind of kung fu that can only be performed but not actually fought.Just look at Rocky and you will know that the UFC champion trained by Wu Long himself.With only one year of training, Rocky became the UFC champion and secured the gold belt.

These films don't really impress these shooting instructors.

But the other two films won the favorite of the shooting coach.

, the bravery and heroism of the men on the battlefield, the muscles and bloody violence of the men, are photographed so that people can't wait to take a wooden stick to the battlefield.

, and acted a perverted murderer elegantly and politely, but when people saw his eyes, even through the screen, they felt palpitations and fear.

Whether it's a Spartan warrior or a psycho killer, it's all about violence.Guns are also associated with violence.

So, when they heard that Wu Long was coming, they all wanted to serve Wu Long.By the way, let's see if the rumors on the Internet are true or not. Wu Long is so good at martial arts, but what is his marksmanship like?

When meeting idols, the shooting coaches will naturally take photos, take group photos, shoot short videos and sign autographs before starting official work.

Angeli also joined in and followed suit.

When a novice comes to shoot, he must first learn all kinds of conventional firearms knowledge and the regulations that must be followed.

Safety is extremely important.

Even if Wu Long is here, it's the same.

In the beginning, although there will be jokes, once something is wrong, they will immediately point it out seriously, with a very serious demeanor and attitude.

This is not only their professional ethics, but also their life safety.

The package that Wu Long handed over to everyone includes explaining the knowledge of firearms. Dismantling and loading guns are mandatory items.

"Long, have you ever played with a gun before?" a coach asked.

"No." Wu Long said truthfully.

"Haha, then I'm so lucky. If you make a movie in the future, if you have a shot of dismantling or reloading a gun, I can tell people. Hey, Brother Long's skill with guns was taught by me."

The other coaches laughed, and even Tom and Angelie joined in.

Another coach said: "Brother Long, I watched your movies and thought you were omnipotent. You are the god of war in mythology. Now, we finally see your mortal side."

Wu Long, Shi Lei and Shi Lei's men, including Tom and Angeli, each had a pistol on their desk.

After the coach demonstrated it once, he began to instruct them to dismantle the gun.

Wu Long exchanged it in the system.

Well, everything will work.

He knows all the weapons on this planet, including flying fighter jets, tanks, aircraft carriers, and submarines.

Even if it is to launch a missile, he will.

The reason why the weapon specialization incomplete version is incomplete is because there are many weapons, which are not available on this planet.Wu Long doesn't know the weapons that this planet doesn't have.

With the weapon specialization skills, Wu Long didn't let himself stand out too much, he was in control, and disassembled the gun at the speed of an ordinary person.

The same goes for loading a gun.

Seeing Wu Long's speed of dismantling and reloading the gun, several shooting instructors looked at each other and thought about it.

"Long, do you want to compare dismantling and reloading with me? I'm blindfolded, so you don't have to blindfold, how about it?"

"Forget it, it's the first time for Long to play, even if you are blindfolded, he can't be faster than you." Tom helped Wu Long make a rescue.

He didn't want Wu Long to lose face.Wu Long was too embarrassed to refuse, but he could help Wu Long refuse.

Angeli also advised Wu Long not to compare.

"Hey, you guys are bullying people. Compete, fight with Longbi, compete in kung fu!"

"Okay." The coaches gave up.They didn't really want to embarrass Wu Long, they just wanted to win Wu Long, the kung fu king, and save face for Westerners.

Of course, if Wu Long refuses, they cannot force it.Wu Long comes here to consume, they are service providers.

"I'm sorry, Long, we have no other intentions, just want to compete."

"We just thought, if we can win Kung Fu King, we can show it off. I'm sorry, please forgive me."

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