I'm not just an action star

Chapter 342 Rose Rose I Love You

&n, it doesn't match watermelon roses?

Is it misplaced?

If you offend Wu Long, you won't be able to invite Wu Long next time.

Every time Wu Long is invited, the ratings can rise, becoming the highest ratings in Hong Kong Island that day. <.

She still kept a smile on her face, watching Wu Long holding the watermelon on his head and playing tricks.

But when she saw the watermelon clearly, the smile disappeared from her face.

Fortunately, this watermelon rose was not given to her, otherwise she would definitely not be able to sleep alone tonight.

The audience at the scene saw clearly Wu Long's face with the watermelon white skin mask and the watermelon on one side, and stopped laughing instantly, and some even had a look of horror on their faces.

In the live broadcast room, when the close-up of Wu Long's masked face and watermelon appeared in the same frame, the barrage collectively ended!

The beautifully carved watermelon roses were covered by the green skin of the watermelon that Wu Long had cut out.There are five holes on the green skin of the watermelon, which are the same as the holes of the watermelon white skin mask on Wu Long's face.

Two eye holes, two small holes for nostrils to breathe, and a hole where the mouth is exposed.

In the two eye holes of the watermelon, the red watermelon flesh looks like two blood-red eyes!

The space between the rose petals carved from the watermelon pulp, because the watermelon green skin is covered to block the light, becomes black, like two empty eyeballs!

The nostril hole is also the space between the petals, because the hole is smaller to block the light, it also becomes two black nostrils!

In the hole in the mouth, red and black are intertwined, because of the light, it looks like bloody teeth!

At first glance, Wu Long is not holding a watermelon at all, but a masked human head!

This masked head makes people feel that it coincides with the image of Hannibal in "The Silence of the Lambs"!


Someone gasped!

Looking at Wu Long's face again, where is the mask, Hannibal is wearing a mask!

Reminiscent of the "Silence of the Lambs" movie, Hannibal stripped the guard's face and stuck it on his own face.This coincides with Wu Long at this moment!

Wu Long's gaze exudes a more ferocious and terrifying gaze than Hannibal's!

It seems to remind people again that Wu Long was not peeling watermelon at all just now, but peeling human skin!

He was peeling people's faces live!

Those red watermelon flesh, in the minds of the audience, are like bloody meat! <As soon as the music turned, an old-fashioned record player-like music sounded.

Wu Long first took off the watermelon white skin mask on his face, and flicked it, the watermelon white skin mask flew like a handkerchief and fell on the table behind him.

Everyone saw that Wu Long's face was kind, handsome and sunny, which was totally different from Hannibal.

Wu Long took off the green skin cover on the watermelon again, and with the same flick, the green skin pieces spun and flew to the table behind and fell down.

Sunny Wulong, delicate roses.

It was as if the horror at that moment just now did not exist at all and never happened.

Just listen to Wu Long singing:

"Rose is the most beautiful rose,

Roses are the most beautiful.

Long summer blooms on the branches,

Rose Rose I love you.

Roses are affectionate,

Roses are affectionate.

The long summer blooms among the thorns,

Rose Rose I love you. "

female voice!

And it still has the sound quality of old records!

Wu Long sang and danced, holding a watermelon rose, as if dancing with someone.

Finally, Wu Long jumped in front of Chen Shibei and presented the watermelon rose to Chen Shibei.

"Swords are for heroes, flowers are for beauties."

Chen Shibei hurriedly shook her head and backed away.

"I dare not accept such roses."

Everyone suddenly laughed, and everyone forgot the haze just now.

If it hadn't been for the horror just now, after Wu Long finished carving the rose, under the booing of the audience, he directly offered the watermelon rose to Chen Shibei.Next, someone will gossip again, gossip about her having an affair with Wu Long.

Although Wu Long won't be angry if she doesn't answer, but on the show, if she doesn't answer, there must be a reason for not answering.This reason is really hard to say for a while.

Now Chen Shibei didn't pick up, but it seemed normal instead.

At the end of the show, the watermelon was cut into small pieces by Wu Long and distributed to the audience.Everyone happily took it and ate it, and no one said that they dared not eat it because of the threat just now.

On the Internet, more and more people are sharing and disseminating short videos of Wu Long peeling watermelons.

"Come on, come on, who said that skinning is impossible?"

"You can peel off a sheet in less than half a minute. Who says there's not enough time?"

"Who said you need special tools?"

"Brother Long is well-intentioned. In order to avoid blood and discomfort, he did not skin the fish, pig, or chicken, but the watermelon."

"Brother Long also specially prepared a small knife that can be bought anywhere on the street. This is to use this program to slap those doubters in the face!"

One day ago in Los Angeles, my best friend came to Lily Dylan's house.

"Your bodyguard has increased?"

"I don't feel safe."

"How can it be unsafe?"

"I doubt that Wu Long will sneak into my house like Hannibal did, and peel my face."

"God, Lily, you haven't come out of that goddamn movie yet? That goddamn movie, we shouldn't be seeing it!"

When Dylan heard what his best friend said, he angrily smashed the wine glass in his hand against the wall.

"Damn it, I went to complain about "The Silence of the Lambs", but it didn't work! Those idiots took my money and didn't do anything!"

"I also complained, and many people have complained. This video is teaching bad children! It must be banned!"

The best friend took out the Blu-ray disc from the bag.

"The new Spartan Warriors came out, the Nando Valley version. Let's watch it together, and then ask some bodyguards to come in and relax together."

"Lily, after seeing the Spartans in Nando Valley, you won't be afraid anymore."

Dylan was immediately interested when he heard it was Nando Valley's version of the Spartans.

Call a few bodyguards and watch a movie with your girlfriends.

The next day, my girlfriend wanted to leave regretfully.

"It's a pity, if the leading role is Wu Long, it will be strong enough."

"Do you think he's coming?" Dylan asked.

Girlfriend looks back:

"Who knows?"

Dylan's assistant came over.

"Boss, Wu Long was doing a show on Hong Kong Island three hours ago and broadcast it live."

Los Angeles time is [-] hours behind Hong Kong Island.It is already night in Hong Kong Island, but it is morning in Los Angeles.

Dylan had his assistant arrange someone to keep an eye on Wu Long, and report to her whenever there was any new news.So seeing Dylan coming out, the assistant hurried over to report.

My best friend heard it and turned around quickly.

"There is a video of Wu Long, isn't it?"

The assistant nodded.

"Great, open it up and let us see."

"Aren't you leaving?" Dylan asked his girlfriend.

The girlfriend smiled: "Let's go after watching."

The two watched while eating breakfast.The front is fine, Wu Long is very sunny.

"Look, Wu Long is a gentleman. A tall and strong gentleman, he is different from other hunks." My girlfriend picked up a banana, peeled it, dipped it in milk and put it in her mouth.

"That hostess is definitely having an affair with Wu Long!" Dylan clenched the knife and fork tightly.

"Come on, you have a demonic disease. Look at any woman, I feel that I have an affair with Wu Long." The best friend shook her head, eating the food in her mouth.

"I'm not mistaken." Dylan pointed at Chen Shibei on the screen with a dining fork and said, "Pay attention to her eyes. When she looks at Wu Long, her eyes are full of water!"


My best friend squirted out the milk.

"I didn't see it. But you, looking at Wu Long is full of water."

"Haha!" My girlfriend laughed deliberately.

On the screen, Wu Long began to perform.

Dylan saw that Wu Long easily peeled off a piece of green watermelon skin the size of a human face in less than half a minute, and his face immediately changed color.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Wu Long cut out another piece of white watermelon skin the size of a human face, and his face changed color again.

"What is Wu Long doing?" My best friend asked.She looked at Dylan, wanting to hear Dylan's opinion, but found that Dylan's face was very ugly.

"Hi, what's the matter with you?"


"Are you OK?"

Dylan said with difficulty: "Do you think that Wu Long is not peeling watermelons, but deliberately showing me that he can easily peel people's skin?"

My girlfriend was shocked, so I hurried to take a closer look.At this time Wu Long had already started carving roses.

"You're hallucinating, Lily, Wu Long is carving roses. My God, carving roses out of a watermelon? What a genius idea. Wu Long, I love you so much!"

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