I'm not just an action star

Chapter 340 He is definitely not an actor

The premiere of "The Silence of the Lambs" was broadcast live. Many people watched the live broadcast and were unknowingly influenced by the bgm music.

The soundtrack of "X-Files" is not long, it is this short melody, which keeps repeating.Unknowingly, it affects the audience's brain and memory.

It's like being brainwashed.

Especially listening to it at night can even make people hear this piece of music in their dreams.

The premiere of "The Silence of the Lambs" is an unprecedented premiere.

No one's premiere ceremony will be done like this, it will directly scare people into hesitation, should they go to the cinema to watch this movie?

Virtually everyone has a curious gene in them.It is precisely because of this curious gene that human beings develop and evolve.

This kind of curious gene also has another name, called dead gene.

The more you hesitate, the more you want to see it.The more this is the case, the stronger the psychological suggestion is.

If you look at it simply, the influence is actually the weakest.And hesitation is actually a kind of self-protection mechanism produced by psychology.

That is to say, the heart is not strong enough, so don’t look at it.

However, if things were like this, humans would not have evolved from primitive man to the civilized society we are today.

In the end, the curiosity of many people will prompt them to go to the cinema and watch "The Silence of the Lambs".

This movie is rated R.This is Rated Rated and under 17s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to watch.

Such restrictions will make more young people and more curious people try their best to watch and express their opinions.

Many of the comments after the live broadcast of the premiere ridiculed those timid people, and then said how brave they were and how dare they watch alone.

In the box of the movie theater, Dylan and his best friend were next to each other, squeezing each other desperately.

You grab me and I grab you.Your nails dig into my flesh, and my nails dig into your flesh.

Every time a frontal shot of Hannibal appears on the big screen, it scares them both.

However, Hannibal, without close-up shots, showed the appearance of a normal person.Even the appearance of a senior elite.

Hannibal, is a doctor!

The status of a doctor is an elite in society, and it is a very important status.

He can draw, listen to music, and has a gentle and polite voice.

Even when he was angry, he showed a completely different side from others.

The only time Hannibal got angry was that Clarice was not intimidated by him, but instead said that since Hannibal is so capable, it is better to analyze himself.Hannibal's anger is not angry, not growling, cursing, or hysterical.Instead, he refused to communicate with Clarice again, and told the last person who wanted to analyze him, he ate broad beans with wine for his liver.

He showed a sinister side.This vicious side is actually a kind of delicious smile when seeing and eating prey.

But the prey he eats are people!

Thinking about it this way, I felt his terror.

When Hannibal beat the guard with his baton, everyone in the theater, including Dylan and her best friend, felt like they were being whipped on their bodies and on their heads.

When the wounded guard sat up in the ambulance and removed his face behind the doctor to reveal Hannibal's face, everyone suddenly realized that it was not Hannibal who died on the top of the elevator, but the real guard!

Hannibal put on the guard's clothes, peeled off the guard's face, stuck it on his own face, and was carried into the ambulance pretending to be the guard!What the other person took off from his own face was the face of the guard!

It's terrifying!

Who has the ability to peel off a person's face and stick it on his own face!

Not only is this scary, it's disgusting!

Thinking about a murderer who puts on other people's face, it is extremely abnormal!

Dylan hugged his girlfriend tightly, and found that she was also hugged tightly by her girlfriend.

"Your teeth are chattering," Dylan said to his girlfriend.

The girlfriend bit Dylan on the shoulder.

There was still the sound of teeth chattering in the box.

"It's not mine, it's yours."

"Damn it, I don't want to watch it!" Dylan said.

Gu Meng, "Don't you want to see the ending? Don't you want to see Clarice kill Hannibal herself?" My best friend trembled and said, "I think maybe after watching the ending, Hannibal is killed, so I can sleep well .”

"Well, I guess so do I."

In the theater, many people were afraid, but they all bit the bullet and watched it.

The screen of "The Silence of the Lambs" does not rely on too many bloody shots to create horror, but mostly builds a sense of horror through psychological hints.

In fact, the most frightening thing in the whole film is Hannibal's eyes.It wasn't until Hannibal lifted his face in the ambulance that the shudder was pushed to the highest level, making people afraid of this murderous monster from the bottom of their hearts.

The film "The Silence of the Lambs" is not the film itself, but the character Hannibal portrayed in the film.

The character itself is what makes this film palpitating.

In the end, Dr. Chilton thought he had fled to safety.Unexpectedly, Hannibal, who finished talking with Clarice on the phone, quietly followed behind him.

The movie ends here.

Clarice just killed "Buffalo Bill", not Hannibal.Instead, Hannibal will launch his revenge.

He says he won't look for Clarice, which means he won't kill Clarice.

Who he goes to shows who he is going to kill.

The theater lights come on and the movie ends.

Dylan found himself and his best friend sweating.

"Damn, why are we still scared when bodyguards are behind us?"

My best friend is wiping away her sweat.

"Because your bodyguards can't beat Wu Long."

"God of War" can't beat Wu Long, and "Quick Gunner" can't do anything about Wu Long.And Hannibal is played by Wu Long.

Wu Long is the king of kung fu, no one can beat him.

What's more, Wu Long hasn't used his kung fu in the movie yet.If he uses kung fu, is he stronger than Hannibal?

I'm afraid that even handcuffs can't tie him down.

"We shouldn't be watching this damn movie!"

"I want to complain! This kind of movie should not be shown! It will hurt everyone's hearts!"

Movie reviews started appearing online.Anyone who has seen the film "The Silence of the Lambs" wants to share it online.

Most of the questions about whether it looks good, whether it’s scary or not are just one answer, so don’t read it if you’re timid.

The film also caused controversy. Did Clarice's lamb stop crying?

When Hannibal called to ask Clarice, Clarice didn't say anything.So the audience is divided.

I think Clarice should not be able to hear the lamb's cry, just look at her state.

But some people say that Clarice's lamb will be called again, because Hannibal said that the world will be more interesting with Clarice.

Hannibal wouldn't kill Clarice because Clarice was his kind.What will become of Clarice when Clarice's lamb screams again?How will we deal with it?

Will he become a murderer like him?

Dylan looked at the comments, none of which she cared about.What she cares about is the comments about Wu Long.

"I feel that Wu Long must have killed someone. His eyes tell me that he must have killed someone!"

"I am a mercenary, and I also watched "The Silence of the Lambs". From Wu Long's eyes, I can be sure that he has killed people, and not just one! Look at the way he kills people for enjoyment, and he treats other people's lives like livestock .”

"I am a killer. Killers can tell each other is a killer, because the eyes of a killer are different from ordinary people. Wu Long's eyes are the eyes of a killer. He usually hides well, and no one finds out that he is actually a killer." I dare to conclude that Wu Long must be a part-time killer!"

"I'm not a mercenary or a killer. I just do some dirty work for my boss. For me, killing people is like killing chickens. I've made videos, and my appearance in the videos is Wu Long's appearance!"

"I suggest that Fubi Ai investigate Wu Long, he must be a perverted killer. Only a perverted killer can act like a perverted killer. Wu Long is not acting, he is acting in his true colors, he is acting when he kills himself scene!"

"It's fake, it's impossible. Because it's impossible to completely peel off a person's face!"

"And there is no special blade, so it is difficult to complete. Not to mention, there is too little time."

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