I'm not just an action star

Chapter 275 Crispy Fried Beef River

Wu Long looked at Bao Dexi quietly on the stage, and Zhao Gangsheng who was next to him didn't dare to face Wu Long, but just lowered his head and held the things.

"Brother Long, do you want to..." The host asked Wu Long if he wanted the security guard to chase him away.

Wu Long shook his head slightly.

"I'm Bao Dexi from Zuixianlou." Bao Dexi looked at Ou Jiafeng and others who came to the side of the stage to cheer. "Boss Ou should recognize me."

"Boss Ou's Jinyulou is too busy now, and I still have time to come here to watch a play. I'm in a good mood."

Baldsea walked to the stage, stepped onto the stage.

Everyone saw that Wu Long didn't stop him, so he didn't stop Bao Dexi from taking the stage.

"Wu Long, it's nothing to know how to cook chop suey noodles. Most people in Hong Kong Island can cook."

"Because there is no culinary art to cook chop suey."

"When it comes to cooking skills, among the ordinary daily food, the most test of cooking skills is dry fried beef!"

"Dry-fried beef is known as the bane of the kitchen. Whether the cooking skill is good or not depends on the chef's control over the heat. The difficulty of dry-fried beef lies in the heat."

"Too much oil will make you greasy, and too little oil will make you burnt."

When Bao Dexi said this, everyone in the audience nodded.

"That's right, fried beef can be found everywhere, and there are very few good ones!"

"No wonder sometimes I feel tired after eating, and sometimes I feel burnt after eating."


"What the hell is fried beef?"

"You can treat it as fried noodles."

"To be precise, it's beef fried noodles."

"To be more precise, it is fried beef hor fun."

"It's not beef and noodles? A typo?"

On the stage, Baldsey continued to speak:

"And each pho must have a uniform color and taste."

"Too much soy sauce will make it heavy."

"There is less soy sauce and it will be too weak."

"The beef should be over oiled and matured. This way the original juice of the beef will remain in the beef."

"Return to the pot and cook until [-]%, it will be fragrant, smooth and refreshing."

"When the Ushikawa is on the table, pick up the Ushikawa, and there should be no excess oil and soy sauce on the plate."

"That's called being dry, and you won't keep your mouth shut."

"Hurry up and bring the things up!" Bao Dexi said to Zhao Gangsheng, who was embarrassed to come up from the audience, with an accentuated tone.

Zhao Gangsheng lowered his head and brought the things up.


"A stir-fried powder is also said to be so tall by him."

"There is no extra oil and soy sauce on the plate when you pick up Niuhe, how can it be possible. I have eaten so many dry fried Niuhe, and it has never happened like this once."

"There will be oil or soy sauce left on the plate more or less."

"The beef is about eight years old, and it's fried in stir-fried noodles, so it's hard to drip."

Ou Jiafeng came to the stage with his eyes squinted.

"Boss Bao, you don't want to compare yourself to Brother Long for fried beef here!"

Baldsea nodded.

"You're right, can't you?"

"That's how you filmed it in your movies. Only by making delicious food that ordinary people often eat can you show your skills. Isn't chop suey noodles your movie for competition?"

"The fried beef steak is the second most eaten on the street. No one else dares to rank first. Even chop suey noodles can only be ranked behind the fried beef."

"As I said, dry fried beef is the killer in the kitchen. It is the most test of the chef's cooking skills and heat. Why can't we compare it?"

"If I compare with Wu Long, it will appear to be bullying him."

"Compared to the most common and most commonly eaten, or even what everyone can make at home, it is not bullying him."

Ou Jiafeng was so angry that he slapped the table, and slapped the console with his palm.

"Boss Bao, who doesn't know that your Bao family was born in fried beef. It's not fair for you to compare your best fried beef with Brother Long!"


The audience who didn't know Baldsey's background suddenly went into an uproar.

Everyone knows Zuixianlou, but not many people know who the owner of Zuixianlou is.Even if they know that the owner of Zuixianlou is Bao Dexi, few people know that the ancestors of the Bao family started out as fried beef.


"That's a little shameless."

"It's clear that I want to slap Brother Long in the face."

"Wrong, I want to step on Brother Long to increase the fame of Zuixianlou!"

"The owner of Xiwei Boxing Gym also thinks so."

"Xiwei Boxing Gym is closed now."

"Those three double-flowered male sticks think so too."

"He was taken to the hospital."

Zhao Gangsheng next to him raised his hand and replied:

"I was an apprentice in Zuixianlou back then, and I had to fry Niuhe for the exam."

The audience in the audience was amused.

"Zhao Gangsheng, where are you from!" Bao Dexi scolded Zhao Gangsheng.

"Master, Brother Long is my idol, I'm really in a dilemma."

The rotten boy of the local company is booing below:

"Damn it! I don't believe that there is really no oil or soy sauce left on the plate of the dry fried beef you fried!"

Bao Dexi said to the bad guy:

"Isn't it, you will know if I fired it?"

"I just said that there will be no excess oil and soy sauce left on the plate, but I didn't say that there will be no oil and soy sauce left on the plate."

He turned his head and said to Wu Long who had been silent all this time:

"Wu Long, do you dare to compare?"

In his opinion, if Wu Long didn't speak, he was guilty of not daring to compare, and he was thinking of countermeasures.

In fact, Wu Long can't be compared at all.

And he must fry fried beef here once.

Wu Long is no match, he is the one who wins!

Wu Long felt inexplicable emotion, what can I say?

Stir-fried Niuhe, there is such a plot in the "Gold and Jade Mantang" played by my brother!

Are you saying it's a coincidence?

It's no coincidence that a book cannot be made.

"Okay, you go first."

"Don't worry, I'll do a demonstration first. You must have never fried rice noodles before. Pay attention and memorize it carefully. Don't miss any procedure. That would be a joke."

Bao Dexi admired Wu Long's courage and calmness.Although he thought that Wu Long was pretending to be calm, he had to be able to pretend to be calm.

He guessed that when he finished, Wu Long would find an excuse to get away.

Just according to what he said just now, Baudshi performed fried beef on the spot.

A plate of dry fried beef comes out of the oven, steaming hot.

"Please taste." Baldsey made a gesture of invitation.

Wu Long didn't taste it.

"Why don't you invite a few audience members to taste it. The audience is the fairest."

When Bao Dexi saw that Wu Long hadn't tasted his Fried Niuhe, he felt a little unhappy.

"Why don't you finish the frying, and then invite the audience to come up and taste it together."

Wu Long started to do it.

"If you want beef to taste good, everyone knows that it must be fried or grilled. It should be oiled and then fried, which is the last."

"Because, the beef that has been fried in oil does not have the aroma of fried and grilled beef."

"The color, aroma, no matter how you compare it, frying or grilling wins."

"If you don't believe me, ask everyone, which one would you choose, fried steak, roast beef skewers, sizzling beef, or stir-fried beef?"

"No matter which one you choose, most people choose the top three."

Wu Long heated the pan with cold oil, tilted the pan, and the flames jumped up and burned the oil in the pan to catch fire.

Take a colander and heat it in the fire, and then knock the colander against the side of the bowl containing the marinated beef. The bowl is knocked into the air by the colander, tumbles in the air, and buckles on the colander upside down.

With a flick of Wu Long's wrist, the bowl flew up and fell back to the table.The beef in the bowl has fallen into the colander.

The colander is turned over the flames in the oil pan, and the beef is tumbling and grilling in the fire.

In an instant, the unique beef aroma of beef wafted away.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

"It's so fragrant!"

"Beef flavor!"

“Smell of BBQ!”

“It smells like Teppanyaki again!”

Bao Dexi's complexion suddenly changed, this kind of beef is really more dry and fragrant than fried beef!

With a wave of Wu Long's hand, the six-ripe beef flew back into the bowl.

Brush the pot and boil it dry, put the oil in the pot again, and pour out the oil.Then add the right amount of oil into the pot.

He picked up the rice noodles on the plate in advance, and Wu Long picked up the plate and shook it, and all the rice noodles were thrown into the air.

At this moment, a scene that shocked everyone came out.

These rice noodles were shaken in the air!

Arranged one by one and dropped into the frying pan.

The steaming frying pan is turning to catch the falling rice noodles.After the rice noodles fall into the pot, they still keep in rows and turn around the wok.

Wu Long does not use a spoon or long chopsticks, but just turns the pot with one hand, so that the rice noodles are always turned over in the pot evenly.

Seeing that, Bao Dexi's face changed again.

Now I can only pray that Wu Long's taste is not as good as his. It's just that the frying moves beautifully and the taste is so-so.

The real dry fried Niuhe, except that the beef is fried separately in advance, the bean sprouts, chives, and green onions are not fried separately.

Bean sprouts, chives, and scallions are all ingredients that are easy to cook and cannot be fried for a long time, and the heat is difficult to control.

As for dry fried beef, there is no water or broth in the middle, only oil.

Just rely on high temperature to fry bean sprouts and chives in a very short time without losing moisture.Such bean sprouts and chives are delicious.The bean sprouts are crisp and the chives are tender.

This is also one of the reasons why bean sprouts don't need heads and tails.

Bean sprouts are not easy to cook.

If the bean sprouts and chives are fried first, even if they are only fried raw, it will not work.Because, when the bean sprouts and chives are returned to the pot for the second time, they lose their own sweetness.

Stir-fry the rice noodles until they are burnt, add the seasoning and stir-fry evenly.

Put beef, bean sprouts, chives, scallions, and stir fry quickly.

The beef was originally six times mature, and then fried for [-]% of the time, enough to make the bean sprouts, chives, and scallions broken and just cooked.

Part of the water vapor from the bean sprouts and chives is forced out by the high temperature, which makes the taste of the rice noodles blend with the bean sprouts and chives.

Bean sprouts and chives are meant to be eaten for their sweetness, and should not be too heavy.

Wu Long grabbed the wok out of the oven with one hand, and kept shaking the wok with his wrist.

When he poured all the dry fried beef river in the pot into the plate, the rice noodles were neatly arranged in the middle of the plate.

The green scallions surround the outermost, the bean sprouts are arranged in a circle on the pho, the chives are arranged in a circle to cover the inside, the beef is in the center of the pho, and there are green scallions on top.

This arrangement alone is better than Baldsea.What's more, Wu Long didn't need to spend any special time on arranging the dishes, and they came out of the pot directly.

Wu Long took high-quality foreign wine and sprinkled it on it, and lit the foreign wine.

"Try my fried beef with crispy skin." Wu Long gestured to Bao Dexi.

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