I'm not just an action star

Chapter 252 Shocking One Jump

Tom was very efficient and got in touch with the venue the next morning.He made an appointment with Wu Long to start performing tomorrow, and he began to invite media reporters, extreme sports enthusiasts, celebrities from Feisi social networking site, and also contacted college students, people who are interested in entertainment, and people who like to watch the excitement.

The advertisement is launched, and the leading actors of the film "Shaolin Bodyguard" nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film of this year's Golden Hill Awards will perform the wonderful scenes in the film in reality.

At the Los Angeles Motor Speedway, he will face a direct collision with a sports car with a speed of more than [-] miles per hour.

what will he do

There are walls in the movie that make him step on them and jump up.

There are no walls on the track.


He wants to dodge to the left and right?

No, the rules he made for himself didn't allow it.

He was either killed.

Either lie down and escape from under the car.

Obviously, this is impossible.Because the chassis of the sports car is very low.His arm may be kept, but other parts of his body may be knocked away.

He has only one choice, jump up!

Let the sports car pass under him.

Do you believe he can do it?

Was he smashed into a bloody mess, or was he able to escape?

Everyone can go to the scene to witness together.

We will invite the Gygis World Records to witness together and see if the dragon from the East can surprise us and create miracles!

After the advertisement went out, Zhou Renle became a little nervous.

The next day, the driver drove to pick Wu Long and Zhou Renle to the racing track.

Seeing Tom at the racing track, Tom finally couldn't help but ask Wu Long.

"Long, do you really want to perform such a dangerous performance?"

"You were worried that I would not act in the middle. Now you ask me, aren't you afraid that I won't act?"

Tom shook his head and said nothing more.

People keep coming in.Wu Long saw many Chinese faces, and they saw Wu Long waving to Wu Long:

"Brother Long!"

"Kung Fu King!"

Wu Long also waved to them and took photos with them.

This performance is similar to the motorcycle crashing into Wulong at the premiere of "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long".Just replace the motorcycle with a sports car, the vehicle length is longer than the motorcycle, and the speed is faster than the motorcycle.

The closer the departure time is, the more people will come.

There are many Chinese, and some people who love kung fu came to see Wu Long, the kung fu king who is known as the star of oriental kung fu.

Everyone first check on the straight of the track to see if there is any magic mechanism.After finding out that it was a normal track, I began to look for the best viewing positions on both sides of the track.

To save money, Tom directly served as the host.

"Friends, you are welcome!"

"Today, Wu Long, the Kung Fu King from the East, will give us an exciting performance!"

"Many people must be very curious, what is Wu Long going to perform?"

"I'll tell you now, Wu Long is going to perform the unique lightness kung fu in Chinese kung fu!"

"What is Qinggong?"

"In movies and novels, Chinese Qinggong means jumping very high and running very fast. So, is this true?"

"Today, Wu Long from the East came to show us his lightness kung fu!"

"He will face a sports car with a speed of more than [-] mph rushing towards him. If he can't jump up in time and be higher than the roof of the car, then what we will see today is a..."

"The scene of the car accident!"

"Please invite our protagonist today, the dragon from the East!"

"The leading actor of "Shaolin Bodyguard"—Wu Long!"

Wu Long came out and waved to the surrounding crowd.

Then he stood in the middle of the track, squatted on a four-level horse, and punched a set of punches.

"Our driver and his precious sports car are invited!"

The driver drove over in a sports car, stopped beside Wu Long, and came out to shake hands with Wu Long to say hello.

"Long, it's hard to believe that you dared to do such a challenge without rehearsing beforehand!"

"Because there is no prior rehearsal, it is the real surprise!"

After Tom introduced the driver, the sports car drove away.

"Next, it's a wonderful moment!"

"Our sports car goes around the field first. When the sports car appears at the starting point of the straight line of the track, it will accelerate towards Wu Long!"

"To be honest, this is a test of courage. If it were me, if I saw a car rushing towards me, I would definitely hide aside."

The audience laughed.

Wu Long stood in the middle of the track.

This is the straight section of the entire track, where the starting track starts and the final bus arrives.

The location of Wulong Station is the area where the sports car can accelerate to the highest speed.

Going any further, the sports car can't quite get up to speed yet.There is a curve ahead, and the sports car needs to slow down in advance.

Wu Long faced the direction of the sports car and stood tall like a javelin.It seems to be like a mountain peak inserted into the sky, standing on the same plane as everyone, but it makes people look up.

His stillness draws everyone's attention to him.


The woman felt that Wu Long was standing there, looking more and more handsome.It can make people fall in and be obsessed with him.

At this moment, Wu Long showed his fortitude.


The sound of the engine of the sports car drew everyone's attention.

The sports car turned out of the curve and appeared in front of everyone.

On the straight road, the sports car is accelerating.

The engine is roaring!

The roaring sound of the engine reverberated in everyone's hearts, making people's blood surge along with the roaring sound.Everyone was excited and nervous, looking forward to the wonderful moment.

Wu Long, can you jump up and avoid the sports car?

To be honest, before this, no one believed that Wu Long would dare to do this.

Many people came to see Wu Long's jokes.

Now, everyone hopes Wu Long can succeed!

On the ground on both sides of the track, outside the guardrail of the advertising board, there is a large display screen on each side, showing the speed of the sports car.

Even the staff of the Gyrgis World Records looked nervously at Wu Long and the speeding sports car.

They hope that Wu Long will succeed in the challenge and create a world record.

Speed, 63 miles per hour!

The sports car kept this speed and rushed towards Wu Long in the middle of the track.

A sports car that accelerates from [-] kilometers to [-] kilometers in less than three seconds can only blink a few times when it rushes in front of Wu Long.

Wu Long must not only jump high enough, but also have enough time to react.

Jump late and get bumped, jump too early, and get bumped too.Jumped too early and got bumped when falling.

For Wu Long, who knows Xiao Li's flying knife, there is no doubt about the speed of his eyes.

Flying flies can be stabbed by flying knives. Judging the details of high-speed movements is one of the most basic elements of Xiao Li's flying knives.

Otherwise, how can there be no mistakes?

The roar of the sports car engine grows rapidly.

The audience was so nervous that they forgot to breathe.

Someone shouted to Wu Long in his heart:


"Hurry up!"

"If you don't jump, you will be hit!"

Someone else couldn't help shouting:

"No, run away!"

"Move quickly, you will be killed!"

"My God!"


Some people even covered their eyes, leaving only a gap to watch the sports car rush towards Wu Long.

Seeing Wu Long saw the right moment, he bent his knees and jumped up, and the whole person jumped into the air.

More than two meters high!


At the same time, the sports car roared past under Wu Long's flip with a deafening engine roar!

The sports car slows down before cornering.

Wu Long landed and stood firmly.

The music suddenly started.


The theme song of "Pirates of the Caribbean" exchanged by Wu Long sounded at the right time.

Wu Long had a triumphant smile on his face, ruling like a king under the sun.

Open suit, automatic without wind!



"My God!"

"It's incredible!"


"It's not true!"

"It must be fake!"

"It's magic!"

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