I'm not just an action star

Chapter 238 Want to make a literary film?

The Golden Wing Award does not have a supporting actor award, Wu Long has no chance to win the award.He was nominated for the TV drama award, and Qian Youli strongly begged him to participate, but he did not refuse.

Throughout the whole process, Wu Long just regarded himself as a companion, accumulating experience.

In the end, "Legend of the Railway Heroes" won the Excellent TV Drama Award, and Qian Youli was so happy that he never closed his mouth.

He treated everyone to a meal.

At the dinner table, I thanked Wu Long many times, and lamented that it would be impossible to win this award without Wu Long for adding color to this drama.

The film crew, male and female protagonists, etc. were all present, and Qian Youli did not shy away from it.Anyway, in everyone's eyes, Qian Youli is kneeling and licking Wu Long hard.

But what can everyone say?

Even the male lead has no complaints.In the last Orchid Awards, Wu Long stood at the c position, and he was more protagonist than him, so he had no objection.This time, of course, Wu Long was still in position c, and no one had any objections.

I do not know how many anti-war dramas are filmed every year.Without Wu Long, it would have been impossible for their "Legend of the Railway Heroes" to win the Outstanding TV Drama Award.Not to mention winning an award, it is impossible to be nominated.

As the hero, he was never mentioned or remembered before.Seeing him now, I actually know that, ah, you are the captain of the Railway Heroes who persuaded Sishanhu to join the team!

Because of Wu Long, he indirectly increased his fame.

Qian Youli wanted to treat Wu Long to a meal alone.But Wu Long was going back to Hong Kong Island for filming, so he could only stay for Wu Long to leave later, and the two drank alone until late.

Naturally, thanks again.

When a person reaches a certain age, he has experienced many things, and there are still unrealized dreams.If you drink too much, you will talk a lot.

Even, the same content, the same sentence, said over and over again.

In the end, I shed tears.

No matter how ordinary people are, no matter how unknown people are, no matter how hard they work and have no free time, they will all have dreams.

Perhaps the dream has been buried by disappointment.

But once a dream arises in one's heart, it never disappears.

The so-called disappearance is just my own heart, forcibly closing and burying my dreams.

Given the chance, the dream will sprout again.

Qian Youli was drunk, Wu Long helped Qian Youli back to the hotel.Worrying about Qian Youli's business, Wu Long didn't go back to his room.Just sit and practice in Qian Youli's room.

You can't train your internal strength, but it can improve your physical condition.

Back to Hong Kong Island to continue filming.Clap and clap, it's almost the end.

In the early morning, Zhang Zhulin was lying on her side beside Wu Long, drawing circles on Wu Long's chest with her fingers.

"Brother Long, do you want to go back after filming?"


"Brother Long, I want to act in a movie with you. There is no fighting, only love. I know I can't expect to marry you and have children with you in reality. I want to be with you in the movie Love each other, lovers will eventually get married, and live a sweet life together."

"You can bring me into the show, I hope you will take me into the play to act in such a movie, and leave me a good memory."

"We make literary and artistic films, which don't need to spend too much money or time. In this way, even if no one invests, we can still shoot. I take out all my savings and ask friends to borrow some. Really No, sell this house..."

"A literary film?" Wu Long looked at Zhang Zhulin's face, and Zhang Zhulin looked at him.

Wu Long's eyes...

The first time I saw Zhang Zhulin when I came to Hong Kong Island to shoot "Shaolin Bodyguard", Wu Long was surprised by Zhang Zhulin.

Sister Zhiling's figure and appearance can tell the appearance of Sister Zuxian, and her temperament has the temperament of Sister Manyu.

"Literary film." Wu Long thought for a while, then said with a smile, "Do you want to film Jinping with me?"

Zhang Zhulin laughed angrily.

"I mean seriously."

"Why do you suddenly have such an idea? Aren't you afraid of arousing my resentment?"

"Walking on the street, I often hear the songs of you and Sister Shibei playing on the street. Sister Shibei often plays at home."

"I heard you two singing, and I feel that you are Guo Jing and she is Huang Rong. If she is not a little older, I think you will definitely let her play Huang Rong!"

"Sometimes listening to your chorus, there is always a feeling that the two of you are husband and wife, lovers who really love each other."

"My heart hurts hearing that."

"I have some time to practice singing. Now I try not to socialize as much as possible, and push as much as I can. I use my time to practice acting and singing. I think I am no worse than Sister Shibei!"

It turned out to be jealous.

Wu Long remembered that there seemed to be such a literary film?

He searched in the system mall and redeemed the film.


There are also songs by Wu Long's favorite singer, Miss Li Jun.

Sister Lijun's song, it is said that wherever there are Chinese in the world, there will be her song.

"Okay, I'll write a script. Shibei will also act together."

"Huh? Sister Shibei is also acting? You really want to film Ximen Qing, which Jinping didn't have?"

"I'm a high-ranking official, do I still need to shoot high-ranking officials? What's the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning?" "Eat breakfast..."

Wu Long wrote the script of "Sweet Honey" and asked Liu Jinqiu to recommend a cheap director.

"Me!" Liu Jinqiu was anxious. "I don't want money, isn't it cheap enough?"

"This is a literary film, it is destined to hit the market."

"Huh? Literary films?"

Liu Jinqiu looked Wu Long up and down.

"Although you are very handsome, you are so good at fighting. Everyone defaults to you as a fighter. If you don't make kung fu movies or art movies, even if you have enough fans, the box office may hit the market."

"However, I still want to shoot. On Hong Kong Island, I'm committed to you."

"If you are familiar with it, don't do it raw. We cooperate with each other tacitly. I am afraid that you will not feel comfortable taking pictures with others."

"Okay, whatever you want. It doesn't need to be free, and it will be given to you at a cheap director's price."

"The heroine is Zhulin, and the other supporting actress is Shibei. Help me find other actors. The most important thing is not acting skills, but..."

"The salary should be low enough, right? I know, it's on me. Three-legged toads are hard to find, and there are many cheap actors who can act."

After the wrap-up banquet, Wu Long, Liu Jinqiu, Zhang Zhulin and others went to participate in the film award held in the mainland - the Golden Phoenix Award.

"Tao Gao Yi Zhang" was also within the time limit, but it was a pity that it was not selected.

"Drunk Catch" is also selected, Guo Hao and the others will go.It's just that Wu Long is only a supporting role in "Drunk Caught", he can only choose one of the two.

There are not many awards for the Golden Phoenix Awards. "Drunk Catch" was nominated for the best cinematography because of the two long action shots that are very eye-catching.

"Drunk Catch" was the box office champion of last year, if not even one was shortlisted, it would make the Golden Phoenix Awards look ridiculous.

Co-authors and audiences are all idiots?

In addition to being nominated for Best Cinematography, it was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor.

To be shortlisted is to be shortlisted, and to give the audience an explanation.Whether it wins or not is another matter.

"Shaolin Bodyguard" was shortlisted for Best Actor, Best Director, and Best Cinematography.

The abbot of Shaolin Temple specifically explained at the beginning that since Wu Long participated in designing the action and lens design of this film, the director and photographer should also bear Wu Long's name.

"Shaolin Bodyguard" will be released overseas, and it will also participate in the Hoska Film Awards.Try to put Wu Long's name on it as much as possible, so that Wu Long has a chance to win the award.

"Shaolin Bodyguard" won the award, driving the movie to become popular again, and it was another wave of publicity for Shaolin Temple.

For such a request from Shaolin Temple, Liu Jinqiu felt a little uncomfortable.At that time, it was forced by the power of Shaolin Temple to agree.If you don't want to, Shaolin Temple will change people.Business is difficult, Liu Jinqiu accepts it with humility.

When "Shaolin Bodyguard" became a hit, Liu Jinqiu's discomfort disappeared.He didn't think about the film awards in the Mainland, he thought about the film awards in Hong Kong Island.

Without Wu Long co-directing, it would be difficult for him to get the best director award or nomination.Now that Wu Long is named, the situation is different.

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