I'm not just an action star

Chapter 202 The Movie Is Real

After Wu Long's performance ended, everyone was still immersed in his performance just now.

You say it is not Daoist?

Just ask those watching how many people believe your bullshit.

It's not kung fu at all, it's Taoism!

On the Internet, after Wu Long's live broadcast, Shi Lei made short videos of the live broadcast just now and released them one by one.

As soon as each short video is released, the number of hits will increase by tens of thousands.

Anyone who has watched Wu Long's performance at the premiere of "One Foot High" has a sense of anticipation for "One Foot High".

To be honest, when people watch movies nowadays, many people are not very interested in this kind of weird movies.

This lack of interest is not really disinterest, but an aversion to fake special effects and random production.

It's okay to say that martial arts scenes are in slow motion, some fantasy and fairy tales often do unnecessary things.With special effects, it is not as good-looking as those old movies with bad special effects.

Wu Long's play is different.In "Shaolin Bodyguard", it showed the freshness of modern fighting drama.

Not only punch to the flesh, but also knock down the enemy with one punch and never get up again.He also demonstrated his amazing flying knife skills.

Watching the performance of Wu Long's premiere, whether it is "Shaolin Bodyguard" or "The Way Is High", if it is not a live broadcast, anyone will think it is a special effect.

Unfortunately, this is not a special effect!

It's made by real people!

This is much better than those stars who only sell their faces.

All of a sudden, everyone's interest was aroused by Wu Long's performance.

The momentum of online reservations is quickly revealed.

"Damn it! It takes three days to get a ticket after booking online?"

"That's right, mine is the same here, all tickets are sold out within three days!"

"too exaggerated!"

"I planned to take my girlfriend to watch it together, but I immediately snatched up the last ticket in the city on the third day. I will watch it by myself first, and then book couple tickets on the fourth day. Post pictures as proof!"

On Hong Kong Island, Wu Long entered the cinema after taking photos with some fans.

The premiere is about to start, and the theater is full.

Xu Zhi and Cheng Shaodong greeted Wu Long to take his seat.Wu Long has a feeling that the attitude of these two people towards him has changed a lot from the previous filming.

When I was filming before, I was not as enthusiastic as I am now.Wu Long believed that one of the reasons was that he was afraid that he would make his own decisions and not follow their rules.

After coming here this time, his attitude towards him is obviously much warmer.And after his performance just now, there was a little more awe in his enthusiasm.

Huang Lilin saw Wu Long's expression in his eyes. Before the movie started, he pulled Wu Long aside and asked in a low voice:

"Isn't it strange that their attitude towards you has changed?"

Wu Long didn't always use the heresy series of skills. He knew that his expression could fool Xu Zhi and Cheng Shaodong, but not an old Jianghu like Huang Lilin.

Huang Lilin eats this bowl of rice. It can be said that Feng Shui masters are one of the heretics.If he can make a name for himself in this industry and become the president, he must have his own unique vision in observing words and feelings.

"President Huang knows?"

"Actually, Brother Long, you can figure it out too. The screening of "Shaolin Bodyguard" broke the first box office record in the history of Hong Kong Island. Tell me, do they still dare to show embarrassment to you?"

Wu Long nodded.

The success of "Shaolin Bodyguard" has something to do with him defeating the double-flowered male sticks of three local companies, and it also has something to do with his appearance on the "Rarely Invited" program.It also has something to do with him knocking Luo Tiandiao over with chopsticks and capturing Luo Tiandiao.

In addition, a dragon and tiger martial artist who tried to frame him was found out, which shamed the martial arts world on Hong Kong Island.That dragon and tiger warrior is still in prison.It also matters.

It is said that many young people in local companies worship Wu Long.

Some people even said that if Wu Long establishes a leading company in Hong Kong Island, they will immediately transfer to Wu Long as his younger brother.

"So that's the reason." To be honest, Wu Long also thought about this reason.But he didn't think that was the reason.

If it was Liu Jinqiu and Lin Shangxiong, Wu Long thought it was possible.Because Liu Jinqiu and Lin Shangxiong wanted to change in their hearts.And their status is on Hong Kong Island, not comparable to Xu Zhi and Cheng Shaodong.

Xu Zhi and Cheng Shaodong can be said to be big shots in the Hong Kong Island film and television industry.Such a character will change his attitude towards people like Wu Long because of a movie?

If Wu Long is from Hong Kong Island, maybe it is possible.The problem is that Wu Long is not from Hong Kong Island, so Wu Long believes that Xu Zhi and Cheng Shaodong will not lower their identities and change their attitudes towards Wu Long.

Even if Xu Zhi and Cheng Shaodong are in the mainland, in the entire East, their status in the film and television industry is the upper level of the pyramid.

According to Wu Long's understanding, there is no need for them to change.

Although Wu Long is very popular in the eyes of many people, in the eyes of the film and television bigwigs, he is just rising.

Wu Long doesn't have the status of a boss yet.

Huang Lilin actually guessed Wu Long's thoughts from Wu Long's tone.

"Don't think that they won't change because they are big shots in the film and television industry. You have to think about it, they are already old. So what if they are big shots? How long can they sit still?"

"Liu Jinqiu and Lin Shangxiong of "Shaolin Bodyguard" said that the action scenes are all up to you, and everything depends on you."

"But you didn't participate in the action design of "The Way of the World". Once the box office of "The Way of the World" is not as good as that of "Shaolin Bodyguard", everyone will say that it is because of them. If you let you design the action, it will definitely be different."

Wu Long was a little strange.

"If the box office of "The Way Is High" is not as good as that of "Shaolin Bodyguard", shouldn't you be very anxious?"

Huang Lilin nodded.

"We should be in a hurry. But it's just a movie, not reality. The movie is just propaganda. Shaolin Temple has publicized, and we have to follow the propaganda. The market can't give up on its own initiative."

"But movies are always movies. What Shaolin Temple promotes is martial arts, which is different from what we promote. As long as we promote it, those monks who want to compete with us will not be able to grab it. They are martial arts, and we are the authentic fortune-telling .”

"When it comes to fighting, the first thing that comes to mind is "Shaolin Bodyguard" and Shaolin Kung Fu. But when it comes to Feng Shui luck, the first thing that comes to mind is "Tao Gao Yi Zhang" and us."

"In addition to your performance at the premiere tonight, it is already worth it. You don't know, when Xu Zhi and Cheng Shaodong saw your performance just now, their expressions immediately changed. In the eyes of many people, your performance is not kung fu , is Taoism."

Wu Long suddenly understood.

He remembered the Diaowia incident.He said there was a problem with the wire wire, Cheng Shaodong didn't believe it, and those dragon and tiger warriors didn't believe it either, and something really happened.

Looking at his performance now, Xu Zhi and Cheng Shaodong must have thought that he could pinch and calculate, and then figured out that there was a problem with the wire.

When he said that his right eyelid twitched, everyone believed it.

Now you ask them again, do they still believe it?

That incident at the beginning, after being publicized in newspapers and magazines, became more and more mysterious.It's just that everyone thinks that the plot content of "The Way Is High" is evil, so that's why such a thing happened.

Now, I'm afraid that tomorrow's newspaper will add fuel to the story and spread it even more mysteriously.

Soon after the film started, many people were whispering.

"Look, I said Brother Long really learned Taoism!"

"This movie must have been filmed according to Brother Long's experience. Even the name of the main character is the same, it hasn't been changed!"

"I heard that Zhang Sanfeng was originally from Shaolin Temple, and later he went to Wudang and created Tai Chi. Brother Long must be the same as Zhang Sanfeng. He first practiced martial arts in Shaolin, and then went to Zhou Tiandao to learn Taoism!"

"Yes, yes, the hermit patriarch of the Zhoutian Sect saw that Brother Long was so bone marrow and talented that it would be a pity to learn martial arts, so he passed on the Taoism of Zhoutian to him!"

"Stop arguing, it will affect other people watching the show!"

"What did you say? Do you know where I'm from?"

"I don't know where you are. I know Brother Long is here. Are you a double-flowered hero? Are you brave enough to challenge Brother Long?"


"Forget it, save face for Brother Long and go to the theater!"

In the movie, a taxi takes Wu Long to the destination and stops.

"Sir, we're here." The driver turned around.

I saw Wu Long in the back seat pinching his fingers and counting, with a clear expression on his face.

"You back the car five feet."

"Ah? Isn't this Changle Street NO.18?" The driver was surprised.

Wu Long's face was serious and solemn, with a bit of majesty.

"Retreat quickly, it will be too late if you don't retreat. No more, no less, five feet!"

The driver cursed "crazy" and reversed the car five feet.

Just as the car was backing away, there was a bang, and a small gas tank fell from the sky.If the car does not back up, it will definitely be hit.

The driver stretched out his head with lingering fear and looked up, but he didn't see who was thrown from which floor.


The movie theater suddenly exploded!


"Look, I said that Brother Long knows the way!"

"Brother Long really knows how to tell fortunes. When filming this movie, there was a dragon and tiger martial artist who wanted to kill Brother Long, but Brother Long figured out that there was something wrong with the majestic steel wire!"

"Wow, Brother Long is really amazing!"

"Look, there's more!"

"Stop arguing, there is more!"

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