Wu Long, Luo Chang, Tian Feng, and the staff who operated the prop mechanism all gathered around, wanting to watch the performance just now through the playback on the monitor.

Sun Jian said it was perfect, and in this perfection, everyone involved has a share of credit.

"Director, how am I doing?"

Luo Chang's excitement has not yet passed.It walks as if there are springs on the soles of the feet, and the swing of both arms can bring out the wind.

He felt that he had performed exceptionally well, and that it was the strangest and most wonderful experience of his life.Of course, he also knew that this was not his own ability, it was Wu Long who brought him into the play, so that he had such an experience.

Without Wu Long, he would not be able to experience the feeling of being in a play like what Li Siyi, Jiang Shuang'er, and Tian Feng said.

Without Wu Long bringing him into the play, he would not have experienced the feeling of being a centipede.

Granted, Centipede is a villain.However, the centipede has power!Martial arts are high-strength, and he can also spell.Apart from not being able to experience spells, he has already experienced the feeling of powerful martial arts.

I once heard Li Siyi and Jiang Shuang'er talk about how they were Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing after entering the play, and felt that they really knew martial arts and spells.

He finally realized it too.

Moreover, in the performance with Wu Long, it seems that he also exerted this illusion of martial arts strength, making movements that he could not do at ordinary times.

This kind of experience will make him feel that his whole body is...


In a word, Wu Long took him to fly!

Sun Jian nodded in praise.

"Absolutely performed at a super level, and the only word to describe it is amazing. I don't know, I thought you were a star who jumped out of somewhere."

Qi Ke envied Luo often having such opportunities.He was not jealous, after all, Luo Chang was the first Wu Xing to cooperate with Wu Long.In "Drunk Catching", there is a wonderful fight between him and Wu Long.

If they are sorted by entry, Luo Chang must be his senior brother before him.

"Luo Chang, that palm backflip is amazing! This is a real backflip. The dragon and tiger fighters on Hong Kong Island used to shoot such moves, and they didn't do it like this at all. They couldn't do it. Such an action."

A staff member who was new to this trip did not understand, so he asked:

"Brother Qi, how did the dragon and tiger warriors on Hong Kong Island film it?"

Qi Ke has an audience and doesn't mind popular science.

"For example, when the protagonist is fighting an opponent, and there is a glass tea table behind the opponent, he will be kicked by the protagonist, falling nearly two meters in the air, and smashing the glass coffee table heavily."

"This action, if Wu Ti jumps back with his back to the glass coffee table, and then smashes it into the glass coffee table, it will not have the height and strength, and it will not look exciting."

The staff suddenly said:

"Ah, when you said that, I remembered. I wondered why some of the photos were so beautiful, thrilling, and exciting, while others were not only ugly, but also felt a bit fake? It turned out that the height of the drop was wrong."

Chico nodded.

"That's right, not only the height of smashing is wrong, but also the speed of smashing is wrong. If you can't feel the speed, you will have no sense of power. Think about it in reality, the height is not enough, the speed is not enough, can you smash the glass coffee table? It can't be broken."

"And at this speed, it is difficult to do well in the later stage."

"That's why, at the peak of martial arts movies on Hong Kong Island, even Hao Laihu was surprised and admired. The action scenes they filmed are really good. It can be said that our martial arts here are all learned from them. Go to Hong Kong Island There were those who stole from their teachers, and later when Hong Kong Island came to develop, there were also those who followed suit.”

Someone interjected:

"So, the disciples of the church, starve the master to death."

The crowd laughed.

"Brother Qi, how do you shoot this action?"

Chico smiled.

"This has to be compared with the movement of Brother Long hitting Luochang flying and making Luochang backflip. What is the biggest feature of our movement, can anyone tell me?"

Someone answered:

"real Kong Fu!"

"long shoot!"

Chico nodded.

"Yes. But you can't say that others are not real kung fu. Just compare the shots. Ours is a long shot. The fight between Luo Chang and Wu Long is always presented in the shot, and it is coherent. Other people's action movies, such a shot is impossible. Appeared, it was all edited."

"Going back to the action of smashing the coffee table, how did you do it? It was using dislocation. The main character stands in one line, and the Wu Ti who smashed the glass coffee table is in another parallel line. Wu Ti wants to run from behind the main character, so let's do a sidehand first. To do somersault, take advantage of this momentum, and then do a backflip. In this way, you can jump high. However, you can only do half of the backflip, and you can’t continue to turn in the air. You have to face the sky with your hands and feet, and your back hits the center of the glass coffee table.”

"The requirements for this movement are very high. One is to be able to control the body well in the air, and the other is to hit the center of the glass coffee table just right."

"Brother Qi, did the main character kick when Wu Ti jumped up at the end? By using the side-shot visual difference, the audience can't see that the protagonist and Wu Ti are not on the same straight line."

Chico nodded.

"Then how to shoot now? Isn't it like this?" someone asked.

"The current filming method, one is that Wu Ti jumps on the spot and falls backwards. The smashed table and coffee table are like paper, and they will fall when touched."

"There is another way to stay farther away from the coffee table, and then use Weiya to hit it on the coffee table. If the technology is not good enough and the project is not successful, use editing. Weiya pulls the past is a shot, and smashing the coffee table is another shot. The long-distance shot is swish Pull it over, get close to the camera and slap it on the coffee table."

Someone remembered something and asked:

"Brother Qi, some movies and TV shows are always in slow motion. Could it be that Lavia filmed it, and the technology is not good enough to use slow motion?"

Qi Ge shook his head:

"I'm not sure about this. Maybe others use slow motion for artistic effect."

Everyone laughed knowingly.

"Brother Chang is amazing, he can do this kind of action under long shots." Everyone praised Luo Chang.

Luo Chang shook his head.

"You are wrong. I can't do this action by myself. At present, the two-week backflip on the spot is the highest record. Few people can do it, and I can't do it. My action is equivalent to a backflip on the spot. Three weeks, in this world, only Brother Long can do it with his own ability."

"Without the springboard, people's jumping ability is not enough to jump high enough, and there is not enough time to do somersaults in the air continuously. In addition to the height of the jump, the speed of the somersaults is also required to be fast, otherwise there is not enough time to complete them."

"Did Brother Long hit you up with his palms?" Someone asked, "But your palms are parallel to the ground, Brother Long didn't hit you up?"

Luo Chang explained:

"It seems that our palms are parallel. In fact, when I strike the palm, my body jumps up. I have practiced this movement with Brother Long many times. Brother Long reminded me that punching is to throw yourself out. So when I strike out, there is a jumping movement, and the center of gravity is pressed on the palms."

"When my palms touched Longge's palms, I felt a huge force coming from my palms, like being hit by a car. This force was transmitted along my arms to my body, forming an upward support. The force pushes me out. All I do is jump as high as I can, control my balance, and do somersaults as fast as I can."

Some people applauded after listening, which caused others to applaud too.

"Brother Long's kung fu is really good. It's nothing more than a lot of strength. It's unimaginable that you can hit people flying upwards with a straight palm. Brother Long, how did you do it?"

Wu Long is also willing to explain.

"This is the difference between strength and force in our Chinese martial arts. Force has only one direction, that is, the direction of movement and the direction of attack. Strength can change."

"How to practice strength?" You Wuxing couldn't help asking Wu Long.

"To practice strength, you need to practice kung fu, qi, tendons, alignment, concentration, piling, wrestling, fighting strength, etc. Only by practicing with your heart can you develop it. Now few people can practice such strength. "Wu Long said a lot of things.

Even if you talk about something like kung fu, it’s useless if you don’t practice it.Even if the master is willing to teach, if you don't practice it, you won't understand it.

Just like many people practicing martial arts nowadays, they say the same thing, what kind of strength, what kind of strength, what kind of kicking, turning hips and twisting waist.

It's useless not to practice strength, not to practice fighting and fighting, but to compete and talk with apprentices or brothers.

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