I'm not just an action star

Chapter 172 Pushing open a door

After Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing took five steps back, Bai Suzhen supported Xiaoqing.

Seeing Fa Hai jumping towards him, Bai Suzhen hurriedly shouted: "God!"

The two jumped up vigorously.



Later, there will be a shot of them quickly rising into the air with a wire hanger.This scene will be filmed later, and today we will only shoot ground scenes.

Sun Jian applauded.

"Amazing! One go!"

"Siyi, Shuang'er, your movements are really beautiful. The sword stabs powerfully, and your movements meet Long Ge's requirements."

Luo Chang praised: "If I didn't know that you have only practiced for a few days, I really thought that you have practiced martial arts since childhood and are masters."

"Some martial artists are not as good as the two of you. Just relying on this action scene, you can directly throw away all the female stars in China!" Qi Ke also praised the high level of the two women's movements.

Sun Jian praised again:

"It's not just a play, your acting skills are also very good, it makes people feel like Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing."

"Li Siyi's expression fully showed that she hated Fahai for taking her husband Xu Xian abducted, and was angry that Fahai dared not admit to being arrested."

"Jiang Shuang'er's expression clearly makes people feel that she is angry at Fa Hai for destroying her sister's marriage with Xu Xian. There is also contempt for Fa Hai who has passion and desire but refuses to admit it."

Qi Ke thought of Tang Shuang and Pandona who both played Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.

"As far as I am concerned, you are better than Tang Shuang and Pandona, and more like Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing."

Luo Chang laughed and said:

"They are two popular actresses, compared with Sister Yi and Shuang'er? Sister Yi and Shuang'er both have acting skills!"

Let's watch the replay together.

The camera first focused on Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing who were going up the mountain.The two came to the gate of the mountain, the camera circled behind them, and saw Fa Hai leading the monks out of the temple.

During the movement, the camera lowered the height slightly, and used the upward shooting method to look at Fa Hai obliquely. Fa Hai asked why the two demons came to Jinshan Temple.

The shots always include Fa Hai, Bai Suzhen, and Xiaoqing, which proves that this is a long shot without editing.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing asked Fahai to hand over Xu Xian, and the camera turned to behind Fahai.During the movement, the camera rises up, slightly looking down at Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, and we can see their expressions.

As Sun Jian said, there were almost no traces of Li Siyi and Jiang Shuanger's performance, as if they were Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.The anger and hatred of the two of them are so real, showing their true feelings.

The camera moves to the side, and Fa Hai, Bai Suzhen, and Xiao Qing are always in the same frame.

At this time, they are in the camera, all in profile.But even from the side, their emotions and demeanor can still be conveyed to the audience in front of the screen through the side.

Such a performance is really great!

It is no longer a performance, but a real record like the scene!

After everyone watched it together, Wu Long applauded Li Siyi and Jiang Shuang'er.

"You guys performed really well, whether it's acting skills or actions, they all met my expectations!"

Li Siyi and Jiang Shuang'er, who were apprehensive before the filming started, are now considered a complete success.He was praised by everyone again, and he was naturally happy in his heart.

"It was because of Brother Long and the two teachers who taught me patiently that I was able to produce satisfactory results. As for the acting skills, I don't think it's because my acting skills are good, but because Brother Long is good at leading the show. After the director called 'start shooting', I When I saw Brother Long appearing, I immediately fell into the drama."

Li Siyi fell into memory at this moment.

"I feel like I belong to Bai Suzhen. Really, like a dream, I entered the world in the script. What I play is the real Bai Suzhen in the script."

"I even feel like I'm a thousand-year-old snake demon. I know demon skills and my martial arts are very good."

Jiang Shuang'er interjected:

"Sister Yi is right, I feel the same way!"

"I found that with Brother Long's eyes, I seemed to have become Xiaoqing. Everything around me has changed, and this place is in front of the real Jinshan Temple."

"I am a snake demon, and I also know demon skills and martial arts. It is this feeling that makes me confidently perform all the movements I have learned before."

"I feel that Xiaoqing already knows the movements that I have learned. I have become Xiaoqing, so I will naturally, and I am very proficient."

"Sister Yi, I think it's this feeling that made me complete the movements."

Li Siyi nodded.

"Yes, I think so too. It is precisely because I feel that I am a white snake, so these movements are what I know, and I can perform them completely."

What Li Siyi and Jiang Shuang'er said surprised everyone.Then I thought, it should be the two of them praising Wu Long.

"Teacher Tian also said the same." Sun Jian said: "He was acting with Brother Long, and was brought into the play by Brother Long. He seemed to be a spider spirit."

Luo Chang said:

"It's not just Teacher Tian. Several teachers who acted with Brother Long in "Water Margin" all said so. It can only be said that Brother Long's acting skills are already superb. Not only can he enter the play at any time, but he can also bring others into it at any time. play."

Qi Ke really wanted to talk about Tang Shuang's fainting from fright, but he didn't say anything in the end.However, he came up with another idea.

"Actually, not to mention the actors who acted with Brother Long, even the people we watched from the sidelines will be infected by them when they get close."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Qi Ke's words were recognized by others.

Qi Ke laughed and said:

"I just don't know if Brother Long's acting skills can be upgraded."

"Still upgrading? Is this already the ceiling?" Luo Chang really wasn't flattering. "If you upgrade again, what realm can you reach?"

"You kid, the realm has come out, I thought it was an online novel." Sun Jian laughed.

Qi Ke looked serious.

"Upgrade again, so that people who don't have acting skills can be brought out by Brother Long!"

Luo Chang seemed to be remembering.

"No, Brother Long can already do it. When I watched "Water Margin", the acting skills of those swarm actors who played neighbors were no better than first-class actors. If those swarm actors really have that kind of strength, how could they still be swarm actors?"

Sun Jian nodded after recalling.

"If you say that, it's really true."

Luo Chang sighed:

"Brother Long's acting skills were not so strong when he acted in "Drunk Caught"! Otherwise, I would have been able to experience the feeling of being in the drama."

Qi Ke gave Luo Chang a strange look.

"What pity do you have, isn't it you who acted as Centipede?"

Luo Chang slapped his head.

"That's right, I actually forgot, I'm playing the centipede spirit!"

"Ha ha!"

When Wu Long asked Guo Hao to choose an actor for this play, Guo Hao remembered that in "Drunk Catch", when Luo Chang played the Tianhou and was caught by Wu Long and fell down on his shoulder, he performed well and was very realistic, so he decided to give Luo Chang the role of Centipede Jing.

The role of Centipede Jing requires little acting skills, the main thing is fighting. Guo Hao thinks that Luo Chang should be able to play it.The fat and water don't flow into the field of outsiders, let Luo Chang act, and Luo Chang can remember him well.

Wu Long listened silently to their words, his thoughts spread out.

The influence of his non-phase function and the actors he acts in is equivalent to imposing an experiential performance method on the other party.In this way, in fact, even a person without acting skills should perform well under the influence of Wuxiang Gong.

Because they are affected, they take on the role.If he practiced Phaseless Kungfu diligently, even if he couldn't upgrade, he should be able to concentrate the effect of Phaseless Kungfu and increase the influence on the designated actors.

Thinking of this, Wu Long seemed to open a door!

In the future, his plays only need to be good at work, no acting skills are needed!

As long as you have him by your side and use the influence of Wuxiang Gong, the other party will be able to act online!

Because the other party is not acting, but acting in a role!

Even if he is not acting with him, he can still stand by and exert influence!

After thinking this through, he couldn't help feeling an urgent expectation of playing opposite Luo Chang.

The battle between Fa Hai and Centipede Jing will verify whether his idea is feasible.If it works, it will help him a lot in future videos!

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