I'm not just an action star

Chapter 155 The report should be written to be believed

Seeing the questioning look on the policeman's face, Wu Long spread his hands.

"Everyone here has seen it, are they all lying?"

Asking the people around, even the stall owner confirmed that he threw out with chopsticks, knocked down Luo Tiandiao, and also knocked out Luo Tiandiao's gun.

"Throw two chopsticks at a time?" The police still didn't believe it, thinking that the crew was hyping up.Even the stall owner was bought off. "A thug, a stabbed neck? Do you know that giving false testimony is also a crime!"

Throwing one you said is accurate, throwing two at the same time and hitting the target separately, what is it if it is not making a movie?

The chopsticks that hit Luo Tiandiao have been confiscated as physical evidence.The policeman took the chopsticks out of the chopstick holder and looked at it.He threw the chopsticks vigorously, let alone the head, and hit the bowl without moving it.

"I admit that the strength is not as good as yours, but it's impossible for a chopstick to fly out and knock down the person and the gun, right?"

Wu Long raised his hand in the shape of a mantis fist.

"This is Mantis Boxing, which focuses on acupuncture points."

"You stretch out your hands and carry them back."

The policeman held out the back of his hand.

Wu Long used the mantis to hit the acupoint, and his index finger hit the Yangchi acupoint on the back of the opponent's hand.The policeman suddenly felt numbness in his forearm and palm, and lost consciousness for a few seconds.

"Wow! It's really sharp!" The policeman shook his hand. "It turned out to be true! My hands are numb and I don't feel it. So those martial arts movies in the past are true?"

Wu Long explained.

"The Yangchi point I hit on the back of your hand just now is the same point I hit Luo Tiandiao with chopsticks."

"There are branches of the dorsal wrist vein network and the dorsal branch of the ulnar artery under the Yangchi point. There are also dorsal branches of the ulnar nerve and the distribution of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm. Penetrating force penetrates to block blood flow and nerve transmission, which can instantly induce pain. Numbness, loss of sensation in palms and forearms."

The policeman felt as if he was listening to a bible, and looked at the back of his hand, but couldn't see why.

"What about the neck? It's also acupuncture?"

Wu Long nodded.

"The one on the neck is the Tianding point. This point is on the outer side of the neck, on the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid 4-4 protruding muscles, three fingers apart from the throat, and at the midpoint of the line connecting Futu point and Quepen point."

"Below this Tianding point, there are the ascending carotid artery, the accessory nerve, the transverse cervical nerve, the greater auricular nerve, and the lesser occipital nerve, and the deeper part is the starting point of the phrenic nerve."

"So as long as the shot is accurate, the strength is concentrated at one point, and it is penetrating, it can instantly blind the brain due to ischemia, and the body's balance organs will temporarily fail, and it will not be able to control itself and fall to the ground."

Wu Long reached out to touch the policeman's neck and asked the policeman to try, but the other party quickly raised his hand to stop him.

"No, no, it's easy for you to explain my report like this." The policeman covered his neck.

"I heard that you used throwing knives against guns when filming "Shaolin Bodyguard". So you really know how to throw knives?"

"Yes." Wu Long nodded.

"Hang, I thought it was blown out, but it turned out to be real!"

"Brother Long, please sign your name. I'll give it to my son. You are my idol, and my son will also admire you, saying that you are good at punching."

The next day, the incident hit the front pages of newspapers and magazines.

"Kung Fu King Wu Long, flying knives and shooting gunmen with chopsticks! "

"Chopsticks as flying knives, knock down the shooter!" "

"Shengwang Company's Shuanghuaxiong stick can't afford to lose, and the Kung Fu King was captured with guns in the early morning!" "

"Kung Fu King deserves its name, chopsticks can be used as bullets!" "

Newspapers sold out quickly, and the streets and alleys were talking about it.There is also the story that Wu Long escaped by jumping his right eyelid.

The dragon and tiger martial artist who was bought by Luo Tiandiao and wanted to kill him did it on his own. He cut his own wire and broke his own leg.This is retribution, Wu Long is really blessed by the patriarch, and he also said that Wu Long is the designated successor of Zhang Tianshi Tuomeng.

These news not only heated up "Shaolin Bodyguard" again, but also heated up "One Zhang High".

The publicity stunt of "Shaolin Bodyguard" includes Wu Long's use of throwing knives to deal with gunmen.It is now confirmed that Wu Long can hurt people with chopsticks even without flying knives.

The protagonist in "One Zhang High" is Wu Long, and Wu Long plays Wu Long, a Taoist priest who knows the way.That's why Wu Long's right eyelid jumped and he avoided the disaster.

Many people in Hong Kong Island are very superstitious, and the story of Wu Long's right eyelid twitching became more and more mysterious.Knowing that Wu Long stayed in Hong Kong Island to shoot "The Way Is High" was invited by the Fortune Fate Association, which made some people believe in the theory of fortune.

"Wu Long, are you okay?" Lin Shangxiong, who only knew the news after reading the newspaper, called Wu Long.

"I'm fine, thank you Brother Xiong for your concern." Not only Lin Shangxiong called to inquire, but Liu Jinqiu, Fang Zhuming, and Zhou Renle also called to inquire immediately after reading the newspaper.

"By the way, Brother Xiong, what do you do with those small knives during filming?"

Lin Shangxiong immediately understood what Wu Long meant.Luo Tiandiao is from Shengwang Company, who knows if Luo Tiandiao will take revenge on Wu Long because of Wu Long's arrest.

"You want to wear self-defense? I'll give it to you."

These small knives are not controlled knives, and it is useless to keep them.The two made an appointment and hung up the phone.

There was a knock on the door.Wu Long opened the door and saw Zhang Zhulin.She held a newspaper in her hand and looked nervous.

After letting Zhang Zhulin in, the door was closed, and Zhang Zhulin was hanging on Wu Long.

"I read the newspaper in the morning, and I was so scared that I hurried over here."

"So, you forgot to bring me breakfast?"

"I'm not your breakfast?"

"Breakfast will be automatically unpacked?"

“Breakfast will be more…”


When something like this happened, I stopped work for half a day.

Zhang Zhulin drove Wu Long to meet Lin Shangxiong.

"You brought this suit too?" Wu Long saw that he also had the suit from when he filmed "Shaolin Bodyguard".

"I'm afraid your suit won't hold a knife well, so I might as well bring it with you. You can use it if you need it, and it's not bad as a souvenir if you don't need it."

This suit is custom made.

It looks the same as an ordinary suit on the outside, but there is something different inside.There are small pockets on the left and right sides of the inner surface, and each small pocket can just hold a folded knife.The knife is not fully loaded inside, and a small section is exposed for easy removal.

"Thanks, it looks like I'll be fine in this suit."

Wu Long changed into this suit on the spot, and put the knife into the small pocket inside the suit.

We had lunch together, and Wu Long continued filming in the afternoon.

Luo Tiandiao's incident was exposed, and the people of Shengwang Company felt very embarrassed, and it became a joke on the road.

Especially in Duofa Company and Emerging Company, because they laughed at the people of Shengwang Company face to face, it caused many fights.

Someone in Shengwang Company proposed to solve Wu Long and vent their anger for the company, but they were scolded by sitting in the hall.

Luo Tiandiao's inability to lose is already embarrassing enough, but the entire Shengwang Company is also embarrassing?

He also scolded Luo Tiandiao for being stupid, he would do it himself, even if he asked someone to go, nothing like this would happen.Now the entire Shengwang company is being ridiculed.

Now not only can't do anything, let alone find someone to do it, but also pray that others won't do anything to Wu Long.Otherwise, being watched by the police now, no matter who makes the move, they will be the first to suspect Shengwang Company.

Wu Long's right eyelid will twitch, who can guarantee that Wu Long's right eyelid will not twitch next time?Who can guarantee that Wu Long will be killed?

As for the movies and TV shows, use a sniper to kill Wu Long.

That's an exaggeration.

It's just a gang, no one has the ability to kill with a sniper.Don't think that you can hit every shot with a scope. Without professional training, it is impossible to hit every shot.

Besides, don't you need money to buy a sniper?

It's not worth it for a Luo Tiandiao who has gone mad.

Shengwang Company quickly spread the word that Luo Tiandiao's matter was a personal matter and had nothing to do with Shengwang Company.No one from Shengwang Company is allowed to trouble Wu Long.

"Aaron, the TV station wants to invite you to a program. What do you mean?" When director Xu Zhi and Wu Long talked, they had mixed feelings.

He didn't know what to say when something like this happened in a play he directed.He wasn't there that day, rushing to shoot other scenes.

The twitching of Wu Long's right eyelid made him feel really mysterious.The fact that Wu Long used chopsticks as a hidden weapon made people feel that Wu Long was not easy to mess with.

It is still acceptable to be able to knock down Shuanghua Xionggun with fists.Throwing chopsticks and knocking down the gunman will make people feel like they are standing upright.

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