I'm not just an action star

Chapter 132 The supporting role against the sky again

The two episodes of "Legend of Railway Heroes" every night have not finished, and the Internet has become lively.After tonight's two episodes are finished, there will be posts and voices discussing this drama in many places on the Internet.

Wu Long has many loyal fans, and they all express their opinions on their favorite forums and websites.

If you are just a fan of kung fu, the scope is not so wide.When those fans and game fans join in, the scope of dissemination will be large.

Even a film and television rating website has two ratings for "Legend of Railway Heroes".

The average score of "Railway Hero Legend" is 1.5 points.

"Legend of Railway Heroes" scored an average of 7.5 points after sitting on the stage!

And the second rating is still going up.

And this is just the rating of Sishanhu on the first night of his appearance.

The tricky thing is that most of the high scores are Wu Long's fans, and a new score was specially set up.

"Too beautiful!"

"Before Sitting Tiger came out, this drama was like two different ones!"

"Brother Long brought Sitting Tiger to life!"

"The look in his eyes almost scared the shit out of me!"

"The calm and viciousness with which he fired the gun, and when he saw his men being killed, he forced his calm expression into the wood, as if it was real, and it aroused all my emotions!"

"No mercy in the face of devils! You can kill and never leave!"

Wu Long's home.

"Mom, brother did a great job!"

"Fortunately, he has repented and rehabilitated, otherwise I will beat him when he comes back! How can he become a bandit?"

"Mom, that's in a play!"

"I know it's in the play. But when I watched it, I took it seriously."

"Railway Heroes" director Qian Youli was restless at home.

"Oh, don't walk around in front of my eyes, how can you let me watch TV like this!" My wife was so angry that he talked about Qian Youli again.

I've said it several times, but I just don't listen.

The mobile phone held in Qian Youli's hand finally rang. Qian Youli found that his hands were shaking a little, and he couldn't connect to the phone even after dialing twice.

It is really because the ratings of "Legend of Railway Heroes" were not satisfactory before, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Driving high and walking low is the most heart-wrenching.

At the beginning, it was [-], [-]%, and then it became lower and lower. There was even a rating as low as [-], which made him feel like a cold water pouring in the winter, cooling his heart.

Today is the Internet age. Although the audience rating is less than 1%, it is considered a hit, but if the ratings of anti-Japanese war dramas are above [-], it is considered a pass.

Now the average ratings are hovering around [-], which makes Qian Youli feel bad.

"What? Broken one?"

"Tonight's first episode is one o'clock? The second episode is three o'clock?"

"Yeah, okay, okay!"

After hanging up the phone, Qian Youli felt much better.

You were right when you invited Wu Long to come!

The next day, a film review caught the attention of many people.

This is a big name in the film critic circle, "Shadows and Voices".

"I didn't watch "Legend of Railway Heroes" at first, but Wu Long's fans kept @我, and I watched two episodes tonight. I have to say that Wu Long has added color to the whole drama, and also made the whole drama visibility has been improved.

His appearance as Sitting Tiger was amazing.

The eyes that the camera flashed across at that moment made people subconsciously think that this was a ferocious bandit.He knows martial arts and is called Kung Fu King by his fans.In those shots of jumping on the train, it can be seen that it is easier than others, and the movements are also beautiful.

Most importantly, there are two key scenes.

Sitting Tiger has several key eye changes. The director didn't give close-ups, but we can feel it from the small TV screen.This shows that Wu Long's eye performance is very good and real, and it can be transmitted far.

The conveyance of this kind of eyes is not only based on the eyes, but also the subtle changes in the entire facial expression.

The same two faces, if you don't look carefully, you can't find such subtle changes.But through the eyes, through the lens, through time and space, through the screen and our eye contact, we can feel it.

Fortunately, the director did not give close-ups.If the director gave a close-up, it would instead smear Wu Long's real performance with traces of performance.Because close-ups, too deliberate emphasis and hints, will arouse the subconscious vigilance of the audience.

And without close-ups, with the surrounding scenes, it perfectly interprets Wu Long's expression.

For example, when a train comes, a smoking train can be seen in the corner of the background.Coupled with Zuo Shanhu's fierce eyes, everyone immediately knew that Zuo Shanhu wanted to take the train.It immediately aroused the audience's sense of anticipation.

During the retreat, there was a scene where more than half of Sitting Tiger's subordinates were killed, and he hammered a tree sadly.At this moment, his eyes became more ferocious, but self-blame and regret also poured out.

There are many such shots in war movies.However, in almost all performances, there is only regret.

What was originally a general's style, has lost the general's style.That is to say, those actors regretted the performance and lost the original personality of the character.

Wu Long did not.Sitting Tiger's true colors are still there, and his is more fierce, fully expressing remorse, not just regret.

hate what?

I hate myself for drifting away, being too confident, thinking that devils are nothing more than that.

I also hate devils!

Because, in the final analysis, hating devils is the most correct thing!

If you only hate yourself, you will not be more fierce.

Then to the first key scene, the look in his eyes when he and the captain of the Railway Heroes Liu Hong looked across the mountain.

Compared with the fierceness of the appearance, the remorse after the death of his subordinates has undergone obvious changes.

We can see that when he hammered the tree before, he was more ferocious, which shows that his self-confidence has not been lost, and he thinks that he just missed it for a while.

But after seeing Captain Liu who rescued them from the siege, his confidence was shaken!

The fierceness became weaker, and the eyes became more confused.


Because if Captain Liu hadn't rescued him, his men might have been wiped out, and only himself could escape.

His remorse cooled and he became sober.After waking up, because of thinking, I become unconfident, and naturally I am confused.

Why confused, not confident?

Because the Railway Heroes who rescued them also fought against the devils, but had never suffered such a fiasco like him, and even had a great reputation.

Through this comparison, the bravery of the Railway Heroes is brought out!

It also paved the way for the change of Sishanhu's thinking and finally joining the Railway Heroes.

In the second scene of the key scene, Captain Liu visits the Shanzhai and persuades Zuo Shanhu to join the Railway Heroes.

This scene was absolutely wonderful, Wu Long's performance overwhelmed Captain Liu.If the director is too confined to the rules, he will reshoot, because the protagonist must be highlighted.

It just so happens that the director has retained it, which shows that the director is very good.

Although the supporting role overwhelms the protagonist, it just highlights the transformation of Sitting Tiger.From the perspective of the whole play, this supporting role overwhelms the protagonist, but sublimates the theme of the play.

Unite all forces of unity, guide them on the right path, and fight against the invaders!

After Captain Liu finished persuading, Zuo Shanhu's eyes flickered.

What do blinking eyes mean?Panic, nervousness, concealment, etc., also represent violent inner fluctuations and inner struggles.

Sitting Tiger didn't bow his head, nor did he drink tea and think like those old foxes, but looked outside the house.

Why are you looking outside?

Because this house is like a cage in Zuo Shanhu's heart at the moment, he doesn't know where the way out is, which shows that he has lost confidence.

After being persuaded by Captain Liu, he looked outside the house, implying that his way out is to go out and stop being a bandit in the mountains!

Follow the Railway Heroes, unite and fight devils together!

At this time, Wu Long's eyes were not just looking outside the house, but moved imperceptibly left and right.What are you looking at?

There is an explanation in the camera, the bandits guarding both sides of the door, his subordinates.

Combined with what he said next, it became clear that he was thinking about his subordinates.

He also wanted his men to go out with him, stop being bandits, and be heroes who killed enemies for the country!


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