The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 484 Failed Swordsman 4K

It's not good to be in a sleepless state.

Although Zhao Wumian is indeed quite strong, and he got Zuo Yanhan's guidance before, and he has corrected a lot of problems, but this can't change too many things.

His inner qi and his body are fixed and cannot be changed. While turning and fighting all day long, while frantically squeezing his own strength, he also keeps covering some Jianghu people he meets by chance. Already very tired.

More importantly, with his actions, those members of the Devil's Cult, who are not fools, naturally became aware.

Although he was a little stunned by the counterattack of the Sheng Jin knights, there are some ordinary believers who participated in Yikui are available in the Devil's Cult, even if they are simply used as meat shields, they can hinder his actions.

What's more, a large number of ronin and ninjas from Yingzhou, even if they are not as powerful as him, they are still troublesome.

In addition, there are tasks - the second prince's requirement is to act "single-handedly", so he has no one with him at all, and even Sheng Jin's soldiers, he has sent them to other places.

But now, after a whole day of fighting and traveling, Zhao Wumian was extremely exhausted, and his internal energy was exhausted. He hid alone beside a small jungle, slowly meditating to recover his internal energy.

For him, the current situation is not good, because of his one-day performance, he has been targeted by the ninja of the Demon Cult, and there is a first-class ninja who is slowly weakening him with a soft knife. .

He had to use as much time as possible to recover, otherwise he would have no chance of winning.

But at this moment, he was in a trance for a while, then immediately got up and drew his sword, and accurately knocked away a few kunai.


At the moment just now, someone used sword intent to sneak attack him, causing him to fall into the conscious world in a short period of time, but he was experienced and quick to react, and he made the correct reaction almost instantly, and quickly flew away attack.

Immediately afterwards, he rolled forward without hesitation, dodging heavy attacks again.


At least four ninjas!

And there is a first-class master!

Zhao Wumian's heart sank.

A big fish like him that enters the enemy's line alone is the favorite target of these assassins. Zhao Wumian's internal energy is empty, and his physical strength is also consumed. There are many bows and arrows, but because his back is facing the enemy, he can't completely Even after confirming the position, it is impossible to use the internal energy to shoot spinning and spinning arrows.

He dodged a few hidden weapons, then hid behind a tree again, and slowly placed the arrow on the bowstring.

At this time, running is useless, it seems that we can only try to change a few more.

Zhao Wumian couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But he didn't feel sad about it, he just felt a little pity.

People are mortal, but it's still a bit useless to die yourself.

"Zhao Wumian, where are you idiot!" At this moment, there was another sound from outside the sky.

ah! ?

Zhao Wumian suddenly became agitated.

It's a white jade plate!

Zhao Wumian hurriedly drew his bow towards the sky, and shot the long arrow that was intended to withstand the hidden weapon into the sky.

The ninja muttered something in a hurry, and then a lot of attacks with inner energy and attacks with inner energy came surging.

Of course—

"The water of the great river comes up from the sky!" A line of poetry suddenly shouted out, and then, like a cloud hanging from the sky, a huge sword aura several feet in width and length shot out vertically and horizontally, cutting all the trees in an area almost instantly Two cuts, together with those attacks against Wumian, were also cut into pieces!

Bai Yupan searched for a long time along the way, and finally caught up!

"Baga! Road!" The ninja hiding aside was startled, and hurriedly dodged the undiminished sword energy, so that he was not completely hacked to death by Bai Yupan's sword, but even so, there was a bad luck Dan directly lost an arm!

This is the horror of Yantao Yunxia Mingming Divine Art!

The ninja leader cursed again.

They have been chasing Zhao Wumian for half a day, slowly consuming and torturing him. They have been preparing for such a long time to catch him, torture him well, and then bring him to Nagato to sacrifice to the stars.

Unexpectedly, there was a mistake at the last time.

"Grass mud horse, Bai Yupan, do you want to hack me to death too!?" Although he repelled the ninja, Zhao Wumian was almost scratched by the sword energy, and he was so scared that he cursed.

"It's not dead, is it!? If you're not dead, get out of here—" Bai Yupan couldn't be more polite to Zhao Wumian, "When are you still on your own?"

Zhao Wumian was cursing, but the excitement of the rest of his life after the catastrophe also made him ignore Bai Yupan's tone at this moment.

The ninja on the other side hesitated a bit.

Today, the first wave of Demon Cult members, samurai, and wanderers who came to Osumi did not perform well. They were basically completely blocked by the knights from the Central Plains. high-spirited.

Originally, if this great swordsman with a bow could be killed here and taken prisoner at this time, it would be a great contribution. For Nagato, it can greatly boost morale, and even let him get the land. Appreciation from His Majesty the Star.

But now, another powerful swordsman has come, and even brought a lot of soldiers, which is not so convenient for assassins like them.

He tried to make his subordinates throw hidden weapons, and he used illusion to attack Zhao Wumian again, but because of the exposed position, he was almost completely enveloped by the sword energy of the white jade plate at once.

"It's a pity, it's a pity!" Seeing that he couldn't control the white jade plate at all, the ninja sighed, and then hurried away with his subordinates.

Then, in this way, Nagato's first wave of offensive basically didn't take much advantage.

Zhao Wumian saved his life, and hurriedly thanked Bai Yupan, and then asked about Xun Wu's situation, and Bai Yupan replied directly that Xun Wu had no interest in participating in this new round of "decisions".

"Ah?" Zhao Wumian turned his head, was stunned, and said with some shock, "Then His Highness will definitely ask him to question him—why are you so confused?!"

"Tsk, do you think Xun Wu is full of partisanship just like you?" Bai Yupan was not worried about such things at all, "Have you forgotten whose subordinate he is?"

"Ah—" Zhao Wumian opened his mouth wide, and was stunned for a while.

"Hmph, go back quickly, do you know how important a capable first-class expert is in Yingzhou now?" Bai Yupan was still not polite to Zhao Wumian.

Zhao Wumian came back to his senses and nodded.

After a period of time, the two returned to the camp and were surprised when they learned what happened afterwards. Even though Bai Yupan guessed a little, they never expected Xun Wu to be so daring.

Anyway, he is also the second prince!It's the prince!

You Xun Wu, no matter how powerful you are, you are still a minister?How dare you talk to the prince like that?Even like a teacher, he taught the prince who was nearly 20 years older than him! ?

Although the second prince's job in finding love afterward was okay, and he knew how to find a way to go down, but there are still enough smart people, let alone the two of them?

After hearing that Xun Wu had finally become the first arrester, Zhao Wumian finally breathed a sigh of relief, but Bai Yupan couldn't help but sneer, joking that Zhao Wumian almost paid for his death after a busy day, which was simply a bloody business.

If Zhao Wumian died outside, how would the Central Plains be thankful? !

This time, Zhao Wumian can only bear it. After all, what Bai Yupan said was right, and he saved his life. He is not a guy who doesn't know what to do. Let Bai Yupan also owe him a favor.

What he was more concerned about was the second prince's subsequent actions.

After all, being scolded in front of so many people in vain, and even leaving in a hurry after being scolded, there must be some psychological changes, right?

He knew that Emperor Shengwu was scolded by Bao Huaiying back then, and now the second prince still has many opportunities to correct himself. If he can get better, he can still do his best to help the second prince.

What is worth looking forward to is that in the next few days, the second prince really stopped messing around, and even apologized to him and Liu Dong, as if he really woke up, and Zhao Wumian was excited again , It feels like power is surging again.

The second prince even told Zhao Wumian not to report to him again, but just follow Xun Wu and the others to busy work!

Even those private soldiers were all sent out!

This made Zhao Wumian very excited.

it is good!All good signs!

Xun Wu didn't think much about it. He met the second prince again later, and got a face-to-face thank you from the second prince, but Xun Wu was not someone else... He could see that the behavior of the second prince was more acting. many.

Changed, but not sure how much has changed.

But Xun Wu doesn't care, as long as you don't bother him, even if it's an act, if you can continue to act in Yingzhou, that's fine.After all, even a hypocrite, as long as he can act for a lifetime, he is indeed a gentleman.

Without the help of the second prince, Xun Wu's performance has been recognized by more knights. Xun Wu cooperated with General Man and finally made the situation more powerful for the Central Plains, and kept as many farmers as possible—— However, correspondingly, the number of people who came to Nagato has become larger and larger.

On the Nagato side, like a group of gamblers who have failed in gambling, but don't want to admit failure, but want to continue gambling and earn more money back, they frantically dispatch strongmen and masters in the territory to try to regain the advantage.

At this time, it has reached a situation that the Shengjin military prefers to see.

Who doesn't like making dumplings! ?

Make dumplings!

And at this time, someone finally entered the Nagato Castle Tower again.

This person is Xiao Xuanwu. After asking for help on the first day, he was kicked out on the second day, and he was completely ignored on the third day. Today, he finally successfully entered the Nagato Castle Tower, and saw two people, one old and one young. There are four stars of the four constellations - the earth health star and the earth thief star.

"His Royal Highness Di Jianxing, His Royal Highness Earth Thieves." Xiao Xuanwu hastily bowed in salute.

"Ghost Warrior, what on earth do you have to say, hurry up and say it." Today, Di Jianxing is no longer as energetic as he was a week ago. He looks very haggard and looks very bad.

It caused four nights and one quarrel, and so many people were sent out, but until now, there is not much good news. It just feels like stepping into a quagmire, sinking deeper and deeper...

"Your Highness." Although Xiao Xuanwu was given the surname Xiao, almost no one in the Sisu Sect called him Warrior Xiao, and he didn't care about it. "The current situation has undoubtedly failed. We should call everyone Come back!"

"Failure!?" The thief star on the side was furious, "What is failure!? On the first day, if there were no support, our ninjas had already captured the four famous arresters in the Central Plains!

At that time, why didn't you go with him? It was because of you that he was missing, that's why he asked someone to help later and rescued that guy!

We have had the advantage from the very beginning, now we only need to send more people, the Central Plains is only supported by a group of people from the rivers and lakes, we will not be able to hold on for a long time, when the time comes, we will work together to drive them all out of Dayu! "

Xiao Xuanwu shook his head, but said: "Your Highness, let's think about it differently. Could it be that the four famous arresters were originally a bait, asking me to increase our efforts to keep people leaving, and then take the opportunity to catch them all?"

Xun Wu didn't think so at first, but the current situation is true.

"What do you mean?" Di Jianxing looked at him.

"Your Highness...Admit defeat, surrender, don't be ashamed, don't waste your energy for nothing. Now that it's time to harvest the rice, it's the best policy to find another way after it's over."

"Admit defeat?" Di Jianxing looked at him, his eyes became colder and colder, "Hmph, as expected of a warrior who failed to catch up to the battlefield, besides losing, what else is in your head!?

Be timid before fighting, a taboo for military strategists!Are you trying to mess with my army? ? "

"..." Warrior Xiao shook his head helplessly, "Your Highness, that's not what I meant."

"Get out of here——" Di Jianxing lowered his voice and shouted angrily, "Get out of here! Get out of the city! Get out of Nagato, get out of here!

Don't think that if you get Xingjun's surname, I won't dare to kill you! "

Warrior Xiao sighed, bowed obediently, and said, "Yes!"

Then he turned around immediately and left in a hurry.

"This trash." When he left, the two earth stars were still cursing. "It's really strange that such a person can become a first-class master."

On the other side, Warrior Xiao scratched his stomach with his hands while walking, feeling indescribably decadent.

However, the passers-by were already used to his state, so they were not surprised. Only his little retainer, who noticed his appearance, couldn't help complaining: "My lord, have you been scolded?"

"Yes." Warrior Xiao didn't mind.

"My lord, I've said it a long time ago. No one would accept it if I said it was a failure."

"What's wrong with the failure?" Warrior Xiao scratched his head, put his hand on the head of the little retainer, and said, "Don't they understand?

How can there be so much success in life?

You remember, there is no eternal success in life, no matter who you are, you will encounter setbacks and failures.

I have come from countless failures to the present, from an ordinary farmer to a samurai, not by luck, but by summing up countless experiences.

If you think about it, failure always runs through life, and this is life. "

The little retainer pushed his dirty hands away very unhappy: "False reasoning! Sophistry!"

"Ah... I'm used to going with the wind and the water, and I don't want to listen to people who don't like me." Xiao Xuanwu couldn't help but shook his head.

In this world, there is no one who is born invincible and no one can be him - if there is, then he must have saved the world in his previous life.

Regardless of whether you are an ordinary citizen, or a top aristocrat or royal family, you will always encounter trouble.

Acknowledge mistakes, and then improve, this is the big picture!

It's a pity that his personality is not strong enough, and he is not from the Central Plains, so he is not trusted by the killing stars by nature.

"Why don't I write to His Highness Xuanwu."

He felt that these two were probably hopeless.

As for making small reports and being hated by others——could that be more important than a small life?

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