The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 468 But Beautiful Enough 4K

The reason why Zhao Wumian suddenly mentioned this was not because of a sudden whim, but because he really felt that it was time to discuss this.

After all, lying down is lying down, so instead of arguing with Bai Yupan all day, it's better to talk about such things with Xun Wu.

Of course, there is another more important reason - today is different from the past.

Previously, Zhao Wumian wanted to compete with Xun Wu and Bai Yupan to see who would be the first to find the Blood Spirit Island. At that time, he never considered the possibility of Shuang Manqiu.

Secondly, before the Xueling Island incident, Zhao Wumian had never considered such a thing as "four famous arresters" working together.

It was because of these two days of experience, and after cooperating with Xun Wuzhao Wumian, that Zhao Wumian felt that Xun Wu's role was indeed very reliable.

After all, Xun Wu's performance in the past two days is here, whether it is ability or image, it is very good, and this time it can be regarded as a successful killing of a grandmaster. People are convinced, let him be the "boss", and he doesn't have to quarrel with Bai Yupan all day long.

Of course, this title of "No. 1 arrester in the world" can be given to Shuang Manqiu, anyway, he doesn't care about such a title, and hopes that Xun Wu can be the chief arrester.

The second prince told him before that because of old injuries and being besieged during the prince's calamity, Man Jianghong's energy was not as good as before, and it was time to step back. A new "general arrester" is needed.

Although the second prince secretly wanted to appoint him as the chief arrester, he felt that the credit this time was no higher than that of Bai Yupan, and he would have to argue with him all day long. Instead of doing this, it would be more appropriate to recommend Xun Wu .

After all, although Xun Wu is not a direct subordinate of His Highness the Second Highness, the giant que in his hand has inherited His Highness's situation, and his image and experience are also perfect, so he can be the chief arrester.

"Ahem—Old Xun, I think what he said is quite good." After listening to Wumian's analysis for a while, Bai Yupan coughed twice, and said to Xun Wu, "You come to be the first arrester, and everyone will be convinced."

Bai Yupan was attacked by Yue Sichou on the frontal battlefield, and he killed Yue Sichou in a one-on-one situation, but he himself suffered the most serious injuries, but he personally killed this kind of felon who was pursued by the court for many years. The achievements made this time are not inferior to Wumian's rescue and assistance in the enemy's rear. In addition, he also attracted a lot of attention on the frontal battlefield. Generally speaking, he is quite worthy of his name.

However, his injury was the heaviest among the three.

Is this confirmed?

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows, wanting to evade it, but after thinking about it, he found it strange and hypocritical.

What am I here for! ?

promotion!promotion!Still promoted!

If I don't want to get promoted and raise my salary, what kind of job should I do?

"Cough, thank you both very much." Xun Wu didn't make a fuss, he clasped his fists when he came up, but it hurt the wound, and he twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Haha - refreshing!" Bai Yupan laughed.

Zhao Wumian nodded lightly: "In this case, in two days, when Nephew Yang is reporting the results and situation of the battle, I will ask him to send our experience and situation of this battle to the capital by the way."

Although Juelong is dead, and some members of Blood Spirit Island have already fled and surrendered like birds and beasts, Sandu and Sigui still brought their cronies and subordinates to resist, probably looking for a chance to escape, make a comeback or find Xun Wu their trouble.

However, after a day passed, the Sheng Jin Navy had also rushed to this side, and there were many light boats and fast ships blocking the surrounding sea roads one after another. Although it could not be called a net, there were basically no more changes.

Roman said that he would rest in bed for four to five days. He originally wanted to find time to help out, but found that lying in the ward, his professional experience as a policeman and sergeant was increasing, so he didn't worry about it. Listen. Yang Mo's suggestion, no longer think about the matter of Blood Spirit Island, and rest at ease.

It seems that as long as it is in something like "battle" or "strategy", the sergeant can gain experience, and the judgment is much more lenient than the arrest...

The wounded are also soldiers, and the experience they should earn cannot be less.

Taking time out, Xun Wu also studied the characteristic of prestige by the way.

Xun Wu has seen a lot now, and he has a little understanding of his "cheat".

Although each profession has not been clearly stated, it actually has its own "development direction". For example, the characteristics of the Shaoxia profession can mostly enhance Xun Wu's cultivation ability; Can increase Xun Wu's ability to handle cases.

Although he didn't get any more characteristics, the "guard" profession provided him with the characteristic of steel bone, which increased Xun Wu's ability to resist attacks. Obviously, the other characteristics of the guard should be similar.

And the characteristics provided by the sergeant profession of prestige are in line with the performance of some sergeants.

And although this prestige is just an ordinary characteristic, it seems that it can have two different effects!

The first is "becoming handsome".

That's right, it means "becoming handsome".

To put it bluntly, Xun Wu himself already thinks he is very handsome, and belongs to the level where men can say "good man" when they see it, but after getting the prestige trait, Zhao Wumian and Bai Yupan even sometimes praise him Good spirited and handsome.

This is the first effect of "prestige".

It looks more handsome - Xun Wu thought about it carefully and thought it was reasonable.

Although the vast majority of military uniforms are not for aesthetics, since he was a child, he has always felt that soldiers and soldiers look very handsome when they wear them.

In fact, this is the so-called "spiritual energy".

The second effect of prestige—or in other words, the essence of the characteristic of prestige is such an effect.

Let Xun Wu be more energetic!

The will is more tenacious!

If it is exposed, the temperament will be sharper and more handsome!

From this point of view, this feature will also increase Xun Wu's ability to perceive "meaning".

It is a pity that there is nothing related to "intelligence" in Xun Wu's division and combination sword technique. For such a long time, Xun Wu's cultivation of sword intent was all comprehended from looking at Cong Yun's painting in Landao. It's still a bit of a trick, so I have to learn something related next.

Under such circumstances, Xun Wu rested in the ward for a long time, and heard Cong Yun's exclamation——

Afterwards, she immediately approached Xun Wu, hoping that Xun Wu would give her some thought and advice.

Even though it was on sick leave, even though Xun Wu didn't want to use his brain, he was really bored, so he and Cong Yun came to the other side of the deck to chat with her alone.

It turned out that after the first two days, Cong Yun found that her skin was gradually "fading", and her rosy skin seemed to gradually return to the previous state. She was worried that she would completely return to the previous pale appearance. After studying the anger of the dragon's veins, I finally confirmed today that my skin has not changed any more. Although it is very white, it is not particularly sick.

This is actually quite normal.

The man in the mirror directly uses the power of the dragon veins to nourish and make up for Cong Yun's shortcomings, but Cong Yun's blood has been deficient for many years, and the skin and other aspects cannot be resolved immediately.

If it was really that powerful, wouldn't the man in the mirror be equivalent to rubbing a "grandmaster" with his bare hands?

After all, Xun Wu has stayed in this world for so long, so he knows that after becoming a master, he can use the energy of heaven and earth to make himself younger.

However, it was definitely not possible for the person in the mirror to act in just two days. After observing for a while, Xun Wu was sure that Cong Yun had just recovered normally, and there was nothing strange about it.

As long as you stop practicing wood-burning kung fu and take good care of your body, sooner or later it will become normal.

"Then what about this... about this?" Cong Yun scratched his hair in a panic, asking for Xun Wu's opinion.

"This is..."

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows, he didn't know what to say.

I haven't seen it——

Cong Yun's hair before, because of wood-burning skills, turned into white hair, that kind of white hair is not the white hair dyed by Bao Yuan, it is real white hair, it looks nothing from a distance, just touch it Can feel, very decayed.

After the man in the mirror repaired Cong Yun's physical condition with the power of dragon veins, his hair did not decay. After all, when Cong Yunzhu hugged Xun Wu before, Xun Wu also felt it and became quite supple.


There's a little "little problem" with this hair.

First of all, things related to hair quality are no problem at all now, but the "color" is extremely weird.

Yep... the color is wrong.

Before, Cong Yun's hair was pale, but now, there is a change.

how to say...

Cong Yun's "hair roots" are still white, but not completely pale, but silvery. Besides, as the length of her hair grows, her hair becomes darker and darker, and eventually the hair ends In the end, it becomes pure blackness...

This is not over, there is a section of hair on Cong Yun's forehead, even red..

Xun Wu didn't know what to say.

This was really uncharted territory for him, and he had absolutely no way of judging it because it looked rather weird.

"The red hair on the forehead, I tried to cut it off, but..."

"It seems that it is the influence of the power of the dragon vein... there is no way to do it." Xun Wu looked at the little red hair on her forehead, thought for a while, and said, "Forget it... If you have something, you must have it." Lost, this is also helpless.

It doesn't matter anyway... After all, in your situation, any kind of hair looks good. "

" it..." Cong Yun blushed, and couldn't help but put the bamboo hat on his head again.

She has been wearing a bamboo hat all the time, not only to hide her identity, but also to prevent others from seeing her appearance.

After all, although she is a killer, she is also a girl, and she still cares about her appearance very much.

But for Xun Wu, this is completely out of consideration.

Just like Cong Yun, with this figure... as long as there are not many lines on the face, any hairstyle is beautiful.

Moreover, this gradient color and red hair are actually pretty good-looking...

"Don't worry, if you really can't stand it, go back and ask Hilda to help you... Her Royal Highness has promised you and me, and will explain the situation here to His Majesty. When the time comes, you will be pardoned and can walk in the Central Plains normally." , you can change any image you want.

Hilda is very experienced in this, and Bao Yuan changes her look every now and then, and she always asks her for help. "

Cong Yun silently remembered and nodded.

After the chat, Xun Wu walked around the deck twice, then went back to the house and lay down.

It has been four or five days since we parted, but we haven't heard anything about Ji Lian'er, and we don't know whether she, Bao Yuan, and Hilda have found the treasure.

Although there may not be wine, but he is also very curious about what kind of treasure is buried in this "Feng Family".

He hasn't recovered yet, if Ji Lian'er and the others haven't come back in another three or four days, then Xun Wu will consider asking Yang Mo for a leave of absence to find them.

He just hoped that nothing would happen to him.

Just when Xun Wu was thinking about Ji Lian'er and the others, Ji Lian'er held a lantern in one hand, while waving the "Shuiyue Sword" in his hand, cutting off all kinds of vines, muttering: "Oh, I don't know if Xun Wu has brought the princess back.

Sister Shuang is usually stupid, what if she loses the chain at this time?

And that white jade plate, when I heard Yue Sichou, I couldn’t walk. If I were from Blood Spirit Island, I would definitely send someone else to pester him, making him upset and irritable, and maybe he would lose the chain.. .”

She explored the way with a sword in the dark underground passage, followed by Hilda and Bao Yuan.

A few days passed, both of them were covered with a lot of dust, and they looked quite embarrassed.

Bao Yuan heard Ji Lian'er's complaints, but she didn't complain at all, folded her arms and hummed softly.

"Probably not—" Hilda herself was a little excited, but she still walked upright and straight. "Mr. Xun Wu is so powerful, it must be fine."

"Oh, I'm not worried about Xun Wu." Ji Lian'er swung her sword twice in the air, as if denying "Xun Wu is my opponent! He will definitely be fine!

I'm worried, if he didn't win the first prize, wouldn't it be in vain? ! "

"Ah?" Hilda was taken aback, and began to wonder if her Sheng Jin dialect was not up to standard, and she didn't understand what Ji Lian'er said. "Will Mr. Xun Wu care about that kind of thing? He doesn't care about credit, does he?"

"Of course!" Ji Lian'er and Bao Yuan said in unison, and then when Bao Yuan was silent, Ji Lian'er chuckled lightly.

The two of them knew Xun Wuke too well.

Xun Wu doesn't care about "results of meritorious service" or "how many rewards for meritorious service", but he cares about "reputation for meritorious service".

Hilda half understood, but soon, her attention was attracted by other things. As the light approached, a huge iron door appeared in front of the three of them!

"Wow!" Hilda exclaimed, "Treasure! Sheng Jin's treasure!"

Ji Lian'er looked at the iron gate, but because of her status as a "leader in the industry", she began to judge nonsense: "Oh, this door is in good condition, the craftsmanship of hundreds of years ago, the best licensed goods, my family has collected several piece.

Hey, I've been around here for days.

Wait a minute, Hilda, let's test it from the outside first to see if there is any poisonous gas inside. "

The three of them worked for a while, finally opened the door and walked into the treasure room.

The treasure room is a huge underground cavity. All around the cavity are filled with all kinds of things. There are porcelain antiques and well-preserved treasure chests. In the center of the cavity is a stone statue. The stone statues are carved lifelike, and they are also wearing dragon robes, which look quite mighty and domineering.

Apart from this, there are some other things, a small treasure room, which need to be explored by the three of them.

"Wow..." Hilda exclaimed, there were so many things she had never seen before.

"Hmm..." Ji Lian'er was a little disappointed, they were all antique utensils.

"What is that..." Bao Yuan was the only one who looked at the object in the hands of the stone statue in the center of the treasure in surprise.

Appears to be a...wonderful thing tattooed with a python?

Why is there such a thing in the treasure room of the "Feng Family"?

"That thing... is glowing?" Ji Lian'er followed closely and noticed the strange thing.

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