The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 456 Playing Tactical 4K

With Roman joining the fray, the balance of victory began to tilt.

The three of Xun Wu didn't need to use any special skills or special tricks, as long as they fought hard and carefully, they would gain the upper hand.

This is actually very normal.

This place is tightly guarded, and there is even a member of the Four Ghosts personally guarding it, but it is precisely because there is a "Heavenly Tribulation", a member of the Four Ghosts wearing the "Mad Slaughter Armor", that this place suddenly becomes so weak!

Normally, a Heavenly Tribulation is enough to guard this place, and a powerful Mad Slaughter Armor is enough!

After all, Ren Pingsheng, even if he lacks internal energy, is relatively depressed because he has been abused for several days, unable to maintain his state, but he is still one of the three strong players in Ryukyu, with extraordinary combat power; at the same time, Roman's decades of internal energy You can't fake it, and you are not a vegetarian with all your external skills and first-class boxing skills, but the two teamed up and faced the catastrophe, but they could only dodge hastily.

Since this Heavenly Tribulation dares to say that the battle armor is "perfect", it is naturally confident. Generally speaking, unless the Shengjin army overwhelms the situation and attacks with evil spirits, forcibly breaking the power of this battle armor, otherwise, the Heavenly Tribulation alone is enough to deal with it. Seven or eight first-class masters!

But here's the problem.

In this world, although the army is strong, it is not invincible. In some small and inconvenient places to fight, it is still the world of warriors!

Just like Shuang Manqiu guarding the narrow main road, unless you directly tear down the road, or even a large group of people, don't even think about passing through it easily.

The people of Xueling Island are familiar with the environment here, so they let Tianjie wear the mad slaughter armor, and cooperate with Zhou Xi, a person with a clear head who has not practiced evil skills, to get stuck in such a narrow and raised place, Sheng Jin's soldiers There is no way for them to form an formation easily.

In addition, this place is already hidden enough, unless someone guides the way, or someone who is good at scouting, it is impossible to find it easily. It must be guided by someone who knows enough about the "Dragon Vein" to find it.

So in theory, this place is unbreakable, as solid as a rock!


Everything is afraid of a "what if".

While theoretically flawless and rock-solid, that's without regard to special circumstances.

First of all, it was Roman, the luckiest person in the world, who happened to meet Ren Pingsheng who was beaten up by Juelong and thrown into a stable to be humiliated.

If it was someone else, it would be useless even if they met, after all, Ren Pingsheng had been blinded by the abuse, and even if his internal energy recovered, there was no way to find the dragon veins.

But Roman was the exception. He was able to cure Ren Pingsheng's temporary blindness in a short time, that is, he was able to rescue Ren Pingsheng from the stable, so that the arrogance of Blood Spirit Island suffered a bitter fruit, and guided Roman Come to the hiding place of the dragon veins!

Of course, even if this is the case, the problem is actually not that big.

After all, Tianjie alone, wearing the Kuangtu battle armor, is enough to suppress the two of Roman, and maybe even easily arrest them.

But when the three of Xun Wu were brought over, there was a big problem.

At first, Du Xin didn't know that Xun Wu and the others were coming, but there was no shelter in this place, so he naturally observed Xun Wu easily. When he saw Xun Wu at first glance, he knew that something was wrong.

The Mad Slaughter Armor is not invincible!

If this thing is really so invincible, will Juelong give this thing to Tianjie?

It is flawed!

Although generally no one can find its flaws, and there is no way to hit the flaws under heavy protection, but Xun Wu and Zhao Wumian are the one-in-a-million masters!

Even without Zhao Wumian's precise destruction, Xun Wu alone is enough to break the game!

This is all right, Roman knocked Tian Jie unconscious, and on his side, a young man from the Zhou family, a second-rate guy, and the other minions are another bunch of trash.

Because of the sudden attack by the people from Heaven, the power of the blood spirit was divided again. At the same time, the Sisu Sect was having a hard time. It seemed that without a leader, they couldn't stand up to Sheng Jin's soldiers at all.

Although he slapped the sky and called for someone, but the ones who can rush over now are probably all young people. It's hard to say if they can help.

That Xun Wu was a very smart man, he kept glancing around since the beginning of the battle, and didn't pay much attention to himself.

Du Xin was very clear, he didn't look down on his combat power, but because Xun Wu wanted to find the "thing" he was related to, once he found out, it would probably be another round of tactical changes.

I am alone, really alone!

Du Xin made another move, and confronted Zhao Wumian, feeling a lot of pressure.

This Zhao Wumian is alone, and his combat strength is no less than him. Although there are enough people around him, but facing Xun Wu and others is the way to eat away at every step, it will be less and less. In the end, he will definitely become Roman , Ren Pingsheng is behind, Xun Wuzhao Wumian Jiang Tianmu is in front of him and kills him alone.

He himself preliminarily estimated that Zhao Wumian didn't need a bow, and he could barely beat Zhao Wumian. Xun Wu shot at the edge while observing his surroundings, which had already put him under tremendous pressure. If it really happened like this, he might be completely alone. There is no way to fight back!

After all, he is just a normal first-class master, not a special guard like Shuang Manqiu, and he doesn't have the invincible momentum of Zuo Yanhan's first-class state.

What made him even more troublesome was that the signal had already been sent, but there were only a few scattered pawns who rushed over. Let alone helping him, it would be a high incense to not be hacked to death by Jiang Tianmu's sword up.


He suddenly woke up.

This is playing "refueling"!

Is this the mind of the "Four Famous Detectives"?

So dirty!

His heart trembled, his whole body turned cold, and he felt that he had been tricked again.

It's like adding oil to an oil lamp. One time is not enough. After it gets dark, you need to add more oil. If it is not enough, you have to add more, more, and more.

In practice, it is to keep sending small groups of soldiers to attack, but they are constantly defeated, so they can only keep sending again.

This is a tactic that simply consumes troops in vain. Generally speaking, no commander will adopt this tactic at all, unless the enemy's situation is really unknown, they will try it out layer by layer.

In most cases, this is a complete waste.

But now, it's happening right here!

Just like the preparations of the Blood Spirit Island, this hiding place is very narrow and raised, so it is difficult for Sheng Jin's soldiers to rush up in groups. most cases.

But this was true for the soldiers of Sheng Jin, and it was also true for the minions on Blood Spirit Island!

Because it's really difficult to walk here, and it's relatively remote. Most of the minions don't know the secret treasure of Blood Spirit Island, so usually only scattered minions can rush in to view and help.

After all, this is the order of Master "Du Xin", even more noble than the red scarf masters!

Here comes the problem!

Such scattered minions, in Jiang Tianmu's eyes, are military exploits!

Can't bully Du Xin, and can't bully a group of little guys?

Just like the Kuangtu battle armor can bully first-rate masters of the same level, Jiang Tianmu's ability to crush miscellaneous fish is also extremely powerful!

Xun Wu and the others clearly used the design of Blood Spirit Island and applied it to Blood Spirit Island in turn!

And more successful, stronger and more effective!

Through this tactic, not only did his helpers die, but even the people who rushed over were all killed by Jiang Tianmu.

what happened?

What about top players?

Come to the rescue! ?

Du Xin was about to faint.

There are fierce tigers in front of him, but his teammates are all trash, what's the deal?

Bang Bang made a few more sword strikes, Xun Wu exerted all his strength, and suddenly he stopped pretending. There was a roar of dragons and tigers around him, and two giant shadows emerged, striking down towards Du Xin.

Terrified in Du Xin's heart, he quickly changed his palms, lifted the Buddhist beads hanging in his hands, and a dense Buddha's aura rose from his body, dangerously resisting Xun Wu's attack.

"What a terrifying momentum! What a mighty sword!" He exclaimed.

This sword almost shattered the Buddhist beads he had nurtured for many years!

This is what he got when Sisu Sect was at its peak!

He quickly backed away to accumulate Buddha light again.

Xun Wu and Zhao Wumian took a few steps back, but they were not in a hurry, but exchanged a few words quickly in a low voice.

"did you find it?"


"Even you can't find it?" Zhao Wumian just asked Ren Pingsheng, and Ren Pingsheng only had an estimate, saying that it was nearby.

"It's okay, continue." Although Xun Wu didn't find it, he was very calm and didn't panic at all. "He will tell us."

"Oh?" Zhao Wumian touched his chin lightly and nodded, "Okay!"

After saying that, he immediately put the long sword on the ground, picked up the bow behind him directly, and came a "can pull the eagle bow like a full moon", pulling the bow like a ring!

At the same time, Xun Wu was not polite, he held the giant que in one hand, and pulled out Wuyu with the other. When it came to the knife, he exclaimed again and again.

Du Xin gasped, and quickly said "Amitabha, Amitabha, Amitabha..."

As soon as this sword comes out, everyone is not ignorant of the goods. Can you not know that this is at least a peerless sword of the same level as Juque, or even beyond the level of "sword and sword"?

Swords and swords were released at the same time, the bowstring was drawn to the full, and Xun Wu and Zhao Wumian were obviously murderous!

Roman's face was happy, and he punched again and again, knocking the two guards who were not in good condition into the air and knocked them out.

A golden light flashed in Xun Wu's eyes, and immediately he swung his sword and fought with Du Xin who was holding a Buddhist bead.

Du Xin was panicked and terrified, and he kept chanting Buddhist scriptures, but Zhao Wumian, who was pulling the bow by the side, gave him waves of invisible pressure, making him timid, facing Xun Wu, he retreated again and again.

Obviously his internal energy is several times stronger than Xun Wu's!

Suddenly, Xun Wu narrowed his eyes, changed his moves, and slashed at his armpit, but he stared slightly again, and hastily changed his moves!

This is the flaw in his body, and he himself knows it very well!

Fortunately, his internal qi was several times stronger than Xun Wu's, otherwise his arm would have been lost in this slash!

But if he escaped the long knife, what about the sword?

What about arrows!

The huge tower was vertical and horizontal, and the huge force hit Duxin's Buddhist beads, knocking him staggering immediately.

Xun Wu's strength is too great, even if he cooperates with Juque's strength, he can't bear it even if he cooperates with his internal energy!

At the same time, Zhao Wumian at the side also let go of his hand, and the feather arrow shot at his opening precisely from a strange and tricky angle!


An arrow crossed the heart!

His arm was directly shot through, and his figure was completely unable to stand still!

At this moment, Xun Wu's giant tower became extremely slow in his eyes!




But I didn't expect that Zhou Xi didn't lose the chain at this critical moment, but came up desperately. With a second-rate body, he rushed up desperately and blocked the sword!

"Oh?" Xun Wu was also a little surprised. Although he didn't want to kill Du Xin, he didn't expect Zhou Xi to be so desperate.

After all, Zhou Xi is only a second-rate master, and he doesn't have any powerful moves, nor does he have natural strength. He wants to defeat the first-rate with a second-rate body, basically talking in his sleep. Rolled a few times.

"Zhou Xi!" Du Xin was taken aback.

"Pfft——" Zhou Xi spat out a mouthful of blood, and said in a daze, "My Zhou not greedy for life or fear of death—"

After saying that, he fainted immediately.

Du Xin sighed in his heart.

Although Zhou Xi is not Zhou Yun's third-generation blood relative, he is also a descendant of the Zhou family, so he has always taken good care of him. This was originally out of personal feelings, and he didn't think much of Zhou Xi, let alone expect Zhou Xi to repay him. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, a life was saved by Zhou Xi.

He was full of emotions in his heart, thinking that this might be the karma of Buddhism.

But although he sighed in his heart, his movements were quick.

Since he is not dead, he must act!

He still has the last card, a must-kill card that can turn the tables in this situation!

Dragon veins!

At this time, he didn't care about his manners anymore, and rolled around like a standard lazy donkey, dodging the knife in Xun Wu's other hand, and fled towards Tianjie.

"Stop him!" Xun Wu panicked rarely.

This shocked Roman extremely.

He had never seen Xun Wu panic before!

Hearing this, he didn't care about the exhaustion of his old strength, he forcibly mobilized his inner qi, relying on the recovery power of the Nirvana Sutra to the body, forcibly twisted his body, and punched him in the back.

"Shadow Fist!"

Although he has practiced Tianwu Duanhun, he is not proficient, and he can't punch Tianwu Duanhun in the form of fist strength and fist energy.

Do not--

Even Tianwu's broken soul is useless!

Because no matter how hard he twisted his body, he was still entangled tightly by Zhou Xi's dead soldiers, and there was no way to completely twist his body!


There was an arrow stuck in Du Xin's body, but he didn't care anymore, he grabbed something from the ground without hesitation, and stared at Xun Wu and the others.

Xun Wu and Zhao Wumian looked confused, looking a little distressed.

"Amitabha——" Duxin recited the Buddha's name softly, and then the bright red, flame-like inner energy slowly ignited on his body, "I'll let you see the power of our Blood Spirit Island!"

He threw the thing not far away, and then hit a mechanism.

Accompanied by his movements, the entire island began to rumble, as if something terrible was slowly waking up.

A huge, red thing that seems to be flipping out of the ground!

Ren Pingsheng's face changed drastically, and he shouted in shock: "Oh no! It's the dragon vein!"

Zhao Wumian grinned at the corner of his mouth.

Hey - great, it's the dragon's veins!

He gave Xun Wu a thumbs up.

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