Bai Yupan was extremely annoyed.

Yue Ruchou understood him too well, Bai Yupan had been deceived by her for nearly ten years, this woman knew how to deceive Bai Yupan too well.

There may not have been any problems between the two of them in terms of relationship, but in other aspects, Yue Ruchou obviously has an absolute advantage.

Fortunately, even though he was overwhelmed by the moon, but Xun Wu reminded him that Bai Yupan was not seriously injured.

Of course, this is also inevitable.

The current white jade plate is much stronger than Yue Rushou.

If they fight in an upright manner, Bai Yupan and Yue Rushou face each other with swords, Bai Yupan has a [-]% chance of winning, while Yue Rushou may not have half a point.

This time, Yue Ruchou grasped the last kindness in Bai Yupan's heart, and relied on the Wuxiang Sword obtained from Cangfeng Island to successfully attack Bai Yupan, but she herself did not dare to use her inner energy, because once she used her inner energy, Qi, the current Bai Yupan will definitely be able to react. At that time, her sword will have no chance at all.

This sword will hurt Bai Yupan at most, but it will definitely not kill Bai Yupan.

Looking at the white jade plate, Xun Wu couldn't help but shook his head, helped him back to the boat, and asked someone to bandage him again.

"Have you found it, Your Highness?" Bai Yupan didn't mention Yue Rusorrow.


"As expected of you, Lao Xun, you are indeed amazing." Bai Yupan breathed a sigh of relief.

The personal grievances with Yue Rushou can be discussed later, the righteousness of this Blood Spirit Island must not be wrong.

"That sword..." Now that it was confirmed that there was no problem, Bai Yupan pondered for himself, "There is absolutely no such power in the clouds..."

"It should be the Phaseless Sword."

"The color of the Wuxiang sword is empty?" Bai Yupan suddenly thought, "The rumored Twelve Swords of the Sword turns out that the Wuxiang sword has no form and no form is true."

"I'm afraid it should be obtained from Zangfeng Island."

Xun Wu remembered that he had seen the sign of Wuxiang Sword in the Tibetan Sword Pavilion on Zangfeng Island, but he didn't go up to touch it at that time.

Now it seems that the "Emperor's New Sword" was given to Yue Bichou by Zhong Xiu.

The combination of a swordsman who can be invisible and a long sword that is naturally invisible is really tricky.

After thinking about this, Bai Yupan closed his eyes and leaned on the bed, feeling a little more relaxed.

At least Yue Sichou didn't master any outrageous martial arts, so there would be no problem.

If he didn't succeed this time, next time, he wouldn't show any sympathy, and just go up with a sword.

"Brother Bai..." Looking at him, Xun Wu couldn't help sighing softly, "Since you've been injured, why don't you let me do it for you?"

He looked at the white jade plate, and said earnestly: "I have seen Yantao Yunxia Mingming Miraculous Art too many times, and I already have a certain method in my heart.


Xun Wu didn't continue, but Bai Yupan knew what Xun Wu was going to say.

Bai Yupan is so irritable that he can't rub the sand in his eyes. Yue Ruichou has been lying to him for so long, maybe he has used him to do some evil things, and because of this, he and Hua Wuji have turned against each other. Bai Yupan Naturally, she will never let Yue Ruchou go.

But it is precisely because of this reason that when a single white jade plate sees Yue Rushou, it will be a certain degree of wisdom.

As a professional policeman, this kind of mentality is absolutely inappropriate.

Although the cooperation with Xun Wu and Zhao Wumian was successful invisibly, if this continues, it is still extremely difficult to kill the moon.

"Let me do it." Xun Wu looked at the white jade plate seriously, "I won't let Yue Ruchou run away again, this time, I will definitely be able to kill her."

Bai Yupan looked at his good brother, remained silent for a moment, and said, "This has nothing to do with you, you don't need to carry it on your shoulders."

"Why doesn't it matter?" Xun Wu narrowed his eyes, showing a murderous look in his eyes, "How many times has she disgusted me? I can't wait to chop her up now!

Although there is no hatred in the past, it is cool! "

"Hahaha——" Bai Yupan couldn't help laughing when he heard Xun Wu's words, and Xun Wu also laughed.

But soon, Bai Yupan calmed down, touched the scar on his chest, and said with a serious face, "Thank you, Lao Xun.

but.This is my thing.I have to do it. "

His eyes seemed to reflect the bright moon.

After Xun Wu heard this, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Old Xun, you will always make the most correct choice. It stands to reason that Zhao Wumian is still trapped on the island, so you should go to rescue him first. came to me first. "

Xun Wu became silent.

When there is no moon like sorrow, Bai Yupan's head is normal.

Xun Wu appeared in this place, he is unreasonable!

With Xun Wu's ability, how could he leave Zhao Wumian alone and look for him first?After all, there is not much pressure on their side. On the contrary, there are only two or three people at most in Zhao Wumian. If they are trapped on the island, it is not like they can kill and injure several people in an instant and forcefully break through, and it is not like Man Qiu's ability to resist blows. Man, encountering a few raids will cause an accident.

Xun Wu would not waste his time at critical moments and put his teammates in danger, must be Xun Wu who felt that something was wrong with him after saving the princess, so he came here.

Xun Wu was silent for a moment without explaining to him.

According to the current situation of Wumian and Shuangmanqiu, it is hard to say, but what he is most worried about is this person in the safe zone, so he rushed here first.

"I can't affect the overall situation because of my personal grievances, and I don't want to owe that grandson of Zhao Wumian." Bai Yupan grinned, hissed his teeth, endured the pain, forced a laugh, and said to Xun Wu, "Hurry up and find them." , is much more important than my affairs..."

"You still want to continue chasing her at this time?"


"You're not badly hurt."

"It doesn't matter."

"Forget it—" Xun Wu sighed.

It was obviously impossible for the white jade plate to listen to his words.

In itself, this Bai Yupan has a stubborn temper, not to mention being cheated by Yue Ruchou for so many years.

Although he was defeated once, he will not be defeated.

What's more, in the current situation, killing Yue Rushou may have become an obsession in Bai Yupan's heart. If he doesn't kill her himself, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

"In this case, how about you listen to some suggestions from me?"

"It's easy to say—" Bai Yupan grinned and nodded his head, "Say it, I will remember every word completely, after you finish speaking, hurry up and find Zhao Wumian."

Xun Wu nodded.

Xun Wu didn't have that much time, so he quickly told him some of his own judgments, inferences, and some things he had observed.

At the same time, Yue Rushou hid in the second stronghold.

Although she was not injured, those two Dongying people from the Demon Sect were almost killed instantly by Bai Yupan.

Even though many disciples of the Devil's Cult tried their best to save them, their current condition is still very ordinary. If they want to recover their combat power, it may take several days.

"What should we do, Tiankui Xingsang?" A demon disciple asked Yue Rushou in a panic.

Yue Ruchou is also panicking now!

How to do how to do? !

As one of the four famous arresters who can be recognized in terms of ability, she is at least cunning enough, treacherous enough, and patient enough.But the current situation is still extremely dangerous for her!

Bai Yupan's power exceeded her expectations, and she even felt that if Bai Yupan hacked her to death at this time, she might become a master!

She felt that the white jade plate was about to reach its peak, but it wasn't this level of prosperity!

Two first-class masters were almost instantly killed, and most of her last fight was dodged. Now she can only rely on herself!

On their own?

She couldn't believe it.

She has nowhere to escape. If she abandons these people this time and leaves alone without the support of Demon Cult and Blood Spirit Island, she will have no way to escape Bai Yupan's pursuit by herself, and now Bai Yupan, Five times, ten times better than her!

She has no chance of defeating Bai Yupan head-on, not at all!

How to do?

She was a little flustered, and her already sad appearance became more delicate, which melted many men's hearts.

But it didn't work.

She wanted to test it before, but Bai Yupan was already hard-hearted, and he didn't care about the relationship between the two of them!

How to do?

She panicked for a long time, and finally calmed down.

Now there is only one chance, only one chance! !

He is already injured, I can't live on anymore, I have to take the initiative, take the initiative to attack while he is seriously injured, and kill him first!

Can no longer hide, can no longer retreat!

Bai Yupan and Yue Rushou are ready.

The next time they meet will be their last moment.

And at this time, a person also met, at a certain moment in fate.

Roman is lost.

Ah, that might be unreasonable.

The dignified Master of Jishi Pavilion, how could he get lost?He wasn't Zhang Bumo, he just took a detour to avoid the crowd, because he frequently took boats, he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north, and west, and he was just a little dizzy. Wait for him to walk for a while, and there will be no problem.

But before he could understand, he fell again and didn't know where he fell.

"It's unlucky..." He sighed, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

It seems... I seem to have found a house?

This surprised him a little bit, but not so much.

He took a few steps forward.


He stopped immediately.

As a person who has absolutely no experience in hiding, if you ask him to hide his body, he really doesn't know how to do it.

"Who's there! Do you want to torture me again! Just break your heart, I won't say it!" An old voice shouted angrily. Although the voice sounded loud, Roman, who was a doctor, could hear it. Come out - this is obviously not physically strong, a little weak.


Roman froze for a moment.

How... does this seem familiar?

Not Roman kidding.

In the past twenty years, he has met seniors in various forms, and in various ways.

Some are practicing in the mountains, some are lying under the cliffs, some are singing indulgently, and some are going crazy after the death of their spouses... There are all kinds of things, all kinds of strange things.

Moreover, the situations of these seniors are also varied, some good and some miserable.

Roman walked around, walked to the front of the house, looked around, and found that it was a house with no light at all, no windows, and a closed door. The entire door was only under the southeast corner, and there was a narrow square. In the square, the head of an old man was just stuck there, and in front of him was something similar to a manger in a stable, with some stinky fruit shells and rice balls in it.

Roman didn't panic either. He ignored the old man's angry scolding and walked over to have a look, only to find that the rice ball was stained with a lot of filth!

He frowned.

"Get out!" The old man shouted angrily, his internal energy exploded, but he couldn't touch Roman.

At this time, Roman noticed that the old man's neck was still tied with an iron chain, locked like a dog, and his eyes were covered with blood, which was extremely miserable.

He shouldn't be blind yet, and he can still be saved.

Roman made a judgment, regardless of what foul language the old man was yelling, or whether there would be any guards' minions and minions around, turned his medicine box sideways, flipped it up, and started to match it directly.

As for what the old man was scolding, Roman Quan pretended not to hear it.

Over the years, he has practiced medicine all over the world, and he has seen many old seniors who are in a state of madness. He has rich experience and will not panic at all.

After the preparation was completed, he looked at the old man's state and found that the old man was still shouting madly and struggling quite fiercely. He touched his chin, raised his right hand without hesitation, and hit the old man's head directly. .

"Tianwu Severing Soul!"

This is the ultimate boxing technique that Roman started to practice recently. It is a lore move that exceeds the first-class level in theory, and it is a martial art that the boxing master himself does not use very much.

Because Roman felt that his state of mind had broken through recently, he began to review, study, and try some more advanced martial arts. Of course, it was Roman after all. This fierce move that boxing masters seldom use when walking in the rivers and lakes, bluntly called "ominous" moves , directly practiced nondescriptly by him, with one punch, the old man immediately became quiet as if he had taken a sedative, and he was not so manic.

Even though the old man was trapped like this, his internal energy was still quite fierce, he didn't dare to use ordinary anesthesia punches, so he used this unique punching technique.

Seeing that he had calmed down, Roman used the ointment he made to lightly smear the old man's eyes, and waited quietly for a while.

After half an hour passed, the old man tried to blink his eyes, and seemed to come back to his senses, and tried to raise his head dimly, just in time to see Roman who was waiting quietly.

"You are...Roman!?" The old man was surprised.

"Uh...Senior knows me?" Roman asked a silly question.

"Hahaha... I don't want to be in this kind of place, but I am lucky enough to meet you, old man... What a piece of shit luck." He sighed.

"Senior..." Roman scratched his head, looked left and right, and then asked suspiciously, "Senior?"

"Alas—" the old man sighed, "Old man...Ren Pingsheng."

Ren Pingsheng! ?

The village head of Longdao Village?

That Ren Qinan's uncle?

The master who left early to look for Blood Spirit Island?

How come it's only been a few days before he was arrested?It's still so miserable!

Roman stayed for a while, and hurriedly asked several questions like garlic.

"Oh..." the old man sighed, "I'm ashamed... The old man learned that this Blood Spirit Island has dragon veins. After searching for several days, he fell into the trap of the Blood Spirit Island and bumped into the owner of the Blood Spirit Island." .

The old man holds his own magical powers and fights against him, but he doesn't want to be easily defeated by him..."

Ren Pingsheng was very embarrassed.

The three majestic Ryukyu masters were defeated head-on by a little-known villain island master. I am afraid that Ryukyu would not dare to believe it.

What's even worse is that after defeating him, Juelong didn't kill him, but tied him up and asked him about the whereabouts and uses of other dragon veins. If he didn't tell him, Juelong let his subordinates torture him.

The three dignified Ryukyu masters, one of the most senior people in the Ryukyu world, he was bullied like a dog!Not to mention food for hunger, even rice balls, you have to walk around in the latrine before throwing them into his trough. If it wasn't for his deep skill, he could persist without eating for several days, now...

After sighing for a while, he began to answer Roman's question, and at the end, he hurriedly said, "Master Luo Shao, run are not that guy's opponent.

That person...that Juelong...he is a monster! "

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